Z-Wave Range Extender Repeater
The Range Extender Repeater is a Z-Wave™ enabled device (interoperable, twoway RF mesh networking technology) and is fully compatible with any Z-Wave™
enabled network. Every main powered Z-Wave enabled device acts as a signal
repeater and multiple devices result in more possible transmission routes which
helps eliminate “RF dead-sports” Z-Wave™ enabled devices displaying the ZWave™ logo can also be used with it regardless of the manufacturer, and ours can
also be used in other manufacturer’s Z-Wave™ enabled networks.
The product supports Over The Air(OTA) feature for the products firmware upgrade.
Adding to Z-WaveTM Network
This product can be operated in any Z-Wave network with other Z-Wave certified devices from other manufacturers. All non-battery operated nodes within the network
will act as repeaters regardless of vendor to increase reliability of the network.
The table below lists an operation summary of basic Z-Wave functions. Please refer
to the instructions for your Z-WaveTM Certificated Primary Controller to access the
Setup function, and to Add/Remove/associate devices
Function Description Annotation
No node ID The Z-Wave Controller does not allocate
a node ID to the Switch.
LED 2-second on, 2-second off
(Blue LED)
Add (Inclusion)
Reset 1. Pressing Include button of PAU05
SmartStart 1.Product has a DSK string, you can key
1. Put your Z-Wave controller into
inclusion mode by following the
instructions provided by the
controller manufacturer.
2. Pressing Include button of PAU05
three times within 2 seconds will
enter inclusion mode.
1. Put your Z-Wave controller into
exclusion mode by following the
instructions provided by the
controller manufacturer.
2. Pressing Include button of PAU05
three times within 2 seconds will
enter exclusion mode.
3. Node ID has been excluded. LED 2-second on, 2-second off
three times within 2 seconds will
enter inclusion mode.
2. Within 1 second, press Include
button of PAU05 again for 5
3. IDs are excluded.
in first five digit to increment smart
start process, or you can scan QR
2.SmartStart enabled products can be
added into a Z-Wave network by
scanning the Z-Wave QR Code
present on the product with a
controller providing SmartStart
inclusion. No further action is
required and the SmartStart product
will be added automatically within 10
minutes of being switched on in the
network vicinity.
(Blue LED)
Use this procedure only in
the event that the primary
controller is lost or
otherwise inoperable.
Adding a node ID allocated by Z-Wave Controller means inclusion. Removing a node
ID allocated by Z-Wave Controller means exclusion.
Failed or success in including/excluding the node ID can be viewed from the Z-Wave
1. The PAU05 is an always listening
Z-Wave device, so associations may
be added or removed by a controller
at any time. Or If your controller requires to have the PAU05 send a
'node information frame' or NIF for
associations, then pressing the
On/Off button three times within 2
seconds will cause the PAU05 to
send its NIF.
LED Indication
To distinguish what mode the switch is in, view from the blue LED for identification.
State Type LED Indication
Normal When the power is turned on, its LED is always on. (Blue LED)
No node ID Under normal operation, when the Switch has not been allocated a node ID,
the blue LED flashes on and off alternately at 2-second intervals. By pressing
On/Off button, it will stop flashing temporarily.
Learning When PAU05 is in learning mode, blue LED flashes on and off alternately and
repeatedly at 2 second intervals.
Parameter (Byte)
LED mode
(Blue LED)
1 0-1 0 0: LED on
1: LED off
2 LED mode (Blue LED):
Whenever the AC power return from lost, PAU05 will restore the LED mode which
could be LED off、LED on. The default setting is LED on.
3. Firmware update over the air (OTA)
PAU05 is based on 500 series SoC and supports Firmware Update Command
Class, it can receives the updated firmware image sent by controller via the Zwave RF media. It is a helpful and convenient way to improve some function if
Command Classes
The Repeater supports Command Classes including…
Command Class Version Required Security Class
Z-Wave Plus Info
Manufacturer Specific
2 None
3 Highest granted Security Class
2 Highest granted Security Class
1.Network health
Press the button once to enter the network health test. According to the test results,
the LED light will flash three times. LED color meaning is as follows:
LED color Description
Green Network health is good.
Yellow Network health is acceptable but latency can be observed occasionally.
Red Network health is insufficient because frames are dropped.
2. Z-Wave’s Configuration
Configuration Function Size Value Unit Default Description
Security 2
Device Reset Locally
Association Group Information
Firmware Update Meta Data
1 None
1 Highest granted Security Class
2 Highest granted Security Class
1 Highest granted Security Class
1 Highest granted Security Class
1 Highest granted Security Class
4 Highest granted Security Class
1 None