A. The program may only be used on a single machine.
B. You may transfer the program and license to another party if the other party agrees to accept the terms of
this Agreement. If you transfer the program, you must either transfer all copies, whether in printed or
machine readable form, to the same party, or, destroy all copies not transferred. This includes all
modifications and/or portions of the program merged into other programs.
C. You may receive the program in more than one media. Regardless of the type or size of media you receive,
you may install or use the media on a single machine.
D. The program (including any images, “applets,” photographs, animations, video, audio, music, and text
incorporated into the program) is owned by PG Music Inc. or its suppliers, and is protected by international
copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
You may not use, copy, or transfer the program, or any copy, modification or merged portio n of the program, in
whole or in part, except as expressly provided for in this license. If you transfer possession of any copy,
modification or merged portion of the program to another party, your license is automatically terminated.
PG Music Inc.’s entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be:
A. The replacement of any media not meeting PG Music Inc.’s “Limited Warranty,” which are returned to PG
Music Inc., or an authorized PG Music Inc. dealer, with a copy of your receipt.
B. If PG Music Inc. or the authorized dealer is unable to deliver replacement media which is free of defects in
materials or workmanship, you may terminate this agreement, and your money will be refunded.
In no event will PG Music Inc. be liable to you for any damages, including but not limited to lost profits, lost
savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or the inability to use such program,
even if PG Music Inc. or an authorized PG Music Inc. dealer has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or
for any claim by any other party.
Band-in-a-Box®, Band-in-a-Box for Bozos®, CloudTracks™, CopyMe®, GuitarStar®, JazzU®, PG Music®,
PowerTracks Pro®, RealBand®, RealDrums®, RealSolos™, and RealTracks® are either the trademarks or
registered trademarks of PG Music Inc. in the United States, Canada, and other countries. Microsoft® and
Windows® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or
other countries. Apple®, the Apple logo, Leopard®, Macintosh®, Mac®, Panther®, Power Mac®, QuickTime®,
Snow Leopard®, Tiger®, and TrueType® are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other
countries. IBM® is the registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Roland® and
“Roland” Logo, EDIROL® and “EDIROL” Logo, GS® and “GS” Logo, are registered trademarks and “MIDI2”
Logo, EDIROL Virtual Sound Canvas Multi Pack, VSC-MP1™ are trademarks of Roland Corporation. ASIO is a
trademark and software of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media
Technologies GmbH. Other brands and their products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
holders and should be noted as such.
Band-in-a-Box is protected under US Patent 5990407. The TC-Helicon Harmony feature in Band- in-a-Box and
PowerTracks Pro Audio is protected under US Patents 5567901, 5641926, 5986198, 34583,,
PI9603819.5, 0368046, 0750776, 6,046,395, and patents pending.
Printed in Canada
PG Music Inc. License Agreement
Table of Contents
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TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................3
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of Band-in-a-Box 2010.5 for Macintosh!
This documentation covers the new features in Band-in-a-Box Version 2010 and 2010.5 for Macintosh.
- Chapter 2 is a summary of the new features.
- Chapter 3 is a QuickStart Tutorial.
- Chapters 4, 5, and 6 describe major new features.
30 New Features for Band-in-a-Box 2010.5!
The amazing RealTracks features in Band-in-a-Box keep growing more powerful. Many of the new
features in Band-in-a-Box 2010.5 let you make even better use of these exciting live studio tracks features like enhanced pushes, the option to have Jazz chords play as triads or 7ths, half-time and doubletime time base settings, and StylePicker filtering. Plus we’ve released 101 new RealTracks in Sets 83 to
101 featuring more Jazz bass and guitar, Electric bass and guitar, Bluegrass fiddles and mandolins, Jazz
B3 organ, Smooth Jazz guitar, bass, and saxophone, and much more.
There have also been enhancements to audio rendering, entering song settings, and notation.
Plus 50 New Features added in Band-in-a-Box 2010!
If you are upgrading from Band-in-a-Box 2009 or earlier, you are also adding more than 50 cool new
features that were included in Band-in-a-Box 2010.
Highlights of Band-in-a-Box 2010 Features
We’ve added a new “Plug-in” mode, allowing you to simply Drag-and-drop tracks between Band-in-aBox and your favorite sequencer (GarageBand, ProTools, Logic, Nuendo, Reaper and more).
RealTracks are better than ever!
RealTracks generate much faster now, typically 3X faster. RealTracks now support Shots, Holds, and
Pushes. Endings are improved, and RealTracks endings are now 4 bars long, giving time for the natural
decay of the instruments. Individual MIDI or RealTracks can be frozen now, so the arrangements can be
saved and fixed, and will replay quickly without need for regeneration. Soloist RealTracks are now saved
with the song.
And much more…
We’ve added Multiple Undo support, up to 999 levels of Undo. There are new Reverb and Bass/Treble
controls for each track, allowing you to add these to individual RealTracks. All settings are now saved
with each song.
Please read on!
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Summary of New Features
Welcome to Band-in-a-Box 2010.5
There were over 50 cool new features added in Band-in-a-Box 2010, and now version 2010.5 adds 30 more! These
include user wish list requests and enhancements to existing features, plus some wish list requests of our own.
30 New Features!
- The StylePicker now has a filter to show/hide Real or MIDI styles. So if you only want to see MIDI styles, or if
you only want to see styles that use some/all RealTracks, you can set this.
- If you like the current mix (of volumes, panning, reverb), and you want this applied as a default for all songs, you
can now set this by right-clicking on the Combo radio control. Choose "Make Current Mix the Default," "Load
Default Mix," or "Reset Mix (to factory defaults)."
- RealTracks naturally occurring pushes are enhanced in many styles. This requires updating the ST2/XT2 files,
and these are included in the 2010.5 update.
- When rendering, you can now add a dB amount to the whole mix, so that the mix will be louder or softer. There is
automatic peak-limiting added, so that the music will not distort if you set it too high.
- Styles can now be made that are set to use Half-Time and Double-Time RealTracks. For example, you can make a
Jazz Ballad style (tempo 65) that uses a Sax Soloist at tempo 140 (playing double time).
- If Band-in-a-Box canno t find your RealTracks folder or your Drums folder, a yellow hint message appears at
bootup to alert you to that, and tells you how to fix it, "Note: You have RealTracks installed, but none are found in
your RealTracks folder. You should point to your correct RealTracks folder in the RealTracks Settings."
- RealTracks pushes are now played a little quieter (2 dB quieter), so that they don’t stand out as much.
- For RealTracks, many Jazz comping styles now play triads (instead of 7ths) when simple triads are entered,
instead of “jazzing them up” to 7ths chords (e.g. Guitar: Freddie, Wes. Piano: some Jazz, all Stride, Rehearsal). If
you prefer this “the old way,” where triads are automatically “jazzed up” when comping using Jazz RealTracks,
then you can set the RealTracks Settings option to force 7ths for triads .
- Enhancements for entering songs quickly: Typing special words, instead of chord names, will make these settings:
begin <Enter> - sets the beginning of the chorus to the current bar
end <Enter> - sets the end of the song to the current bar
chorusend <Enter> - sets the end of the chorus to the current bar
tkc <Enter> - sets key signature to C, tkbb would set it to Bb
trc <Enter> - transposes song to key of C
t125 <Enter> - sets tempo to 125
- Enhancements for playing songs from the chordsheet
- <spacebar> or double click on ending bar (or a bar in the tag), and it will play from the ending (or tag). This only
applies to the Chordsheet, since notation windows always play from the ending or tag already.
Right-click on Chordsheet (or notation) to quickly set Chorus Begin, Chorus End, or Song Ending
- RealDrums button now has a menu (like RealTr acks picker button) to choose RealDrums Preferences or the
RealDrums Picker dialog. Ctrl+click to choose the Preferences or Shift+click to choose the Picker directly.
- The auto-generated song memo now says if RealDrums come from the song or style
- A message now appears if a frozen track is loaded, but the required RealTracks or RealDrums folders do not exist.
- Frozen tracks now start playing faster if played again.
- In the RealTracks picker, the sort feature for the Set # and Holds # columns is improved.
- Important change: The default for the tempo swapping feature for RealTracks is now true. It used to be false.
Tempo-swapping is a nice feature that will automatically substitute a similar RealTracks that is recorded at a
tempo closer to the current tempo. For example, if you load a ballad style with a RealTracks piano at a tempo of
60, and then speed the song up to 200, BB’s tempo-swapping feature will choose a RealTracks piano that is closer
to 200, likely one that is 190. Go to the RealTracks Settings (RealTracks Preferences) to disable this feature.
- Band-in-a-Box will keep on generating RealTracks even if some wav files are missing.
- Changed: File-New gets volumes o f 127, instead of 90.
Chapter 2: Summary of New Features
New Features in Band-in-a-Box 2010
Band-in-a-Box 2010 added over 50 cool new features!
These exciting new features were added in Band-in-a-Box 2010. There’s a new "Plug-in" mode, allowing you to
simply drag and drop tracks between Band-in-a-Box and your favorite sequencer (GarageBand, ProTools, Logic,
Nuendo, Reaper and more). RealTracks generate much faster now, typically 3X faster. RealTracks now support
Shots, Holds, and Pushes. Time for generating MIDI arrangement is much faster - now “instantaneous ” (less than 1
second). Endings are improved, and RealTracks endings are now 4 bars long, giving time for the natural decay of
the instruments. Individual tracks (MIDI or Real) can be frozen now, so the arrangements can be saved and fixed,
and will replay quickly without need for regeneration. Soloist RealTracks are now saved with the song. We’ve
added Multiple Undo support, up to 999 levels of Undo. There are new Reverb and Bass/Treble controls for each
track, allowing you to add these to individual RealTracks. All settings are now saved with each song. And many
The New Features in Band-in-a-Box 2010 for Macintosh are...
There is now a "Plug-in" mode for your favo rite sequencer (GarageBand, ProTools, Logic, Nuendo, Reaper and
more). With the new plug-in mode, Band-in-a-Box is open as a small window, and acts as a plug-in for your favorite DAW/sequencer, so that you can Drag-n-Drop MIDI and audio (AIFF) tracks from Band -in-a-Box to
your favorite sequencer. Work in your favorite sequencer, type a progression in Band-in-a-Box, and then simply
drag the track from Band-in-a-Box to your sequencer's track at the desired track and bar location.
No more long waits for RealTracks to generate! RealTracks generate much faster, 4X faster on average. A
typical song with RealTracks that took 20 seconds to generate will now generate in about 5 seconds. And if you
freeze some or all tracks in the song (see below), playback of RealTracks is almost instantaneous.
Time for generating MIDI arrangement is much faster - now “instantaneous” (less than 1 second)!
Freezing (locking) MIDI tracks or RealTracks/RealDrums. Any track (MIDI or Real) can now be frozen. When
frozen, it won't get changed or re-generated. This saves time when replaying previous songs, and allows you to
freeze an arrangement that you like. If you freeze the whole song, you don't have to wait at all for the song to
regenerate. Next time you play, it is ready to go.
All Tracks can be Edited and Saved. MIDI tracks for bass, drums, piano, guitar and strings can now be edited,
and saved with the file. If you freeze a track, edits can be still made to it, because it is only frozen from Band-in-aBox making changes to it (you can still edit it), so that the MIDI track will be saved to the file. So you can
customize the bass part to match a certain song, and save it with a frozen bass part, so Band-in-a-Box won’t
overwrite your edits. This includes RealCharts – if you wanted to edit the notation of a RealTracks solo for
Soloist generated RealTracks are now saved with the song, so you will hear the RealTracks play the same solo
when you reload the song.
RealTracks now support new features, including Shots, Holds, and Pushes. Simply type in the chords as you
normally would, adding periods (…) for shots and holds, and the RealTracks will play them. Note for this, you need
the installer that creates a LibraryM/Holds folder in your RealTracks folder.
RealTracks endings have been enhanced, and are now4-bar endings instead of 2-bar, allowing time for a
natural decay of the instruments.
Multiple Undo support. Up to 999 levels of undo (configurable).
Always save all song settings. Now all settings are saved with songs, including patches, reverbs, volume, etc., so
that the song will play the same way each time, without having to set this in the Save With Patches dialog.
Reverb control added for individual tracks with RealTracks or RealDrums, so you can easily add reverb (0 to
127) for any RealTrack. Reverb type is also settable, and saved with the song.
Bass/Treble Tone Control added for individual tracks with RealTracks or RealDrums, so you can easily adjust
the bass/treble EQ for any RealTrack. Settings save with the song.
Band-in-a-Box window is now sizable, when size changes, chord sheet, notation, and other windows redraw in
proportion to the new size. This allows you to have Band-in-a-Box open as a small window on screen with other
programs, and you still see a full chord sheet. The screen size is remembered between sessions.
New favorite songs/styles dialog, with separate lists of “recently played”and favorite songs or styles. The previous
“favorite” songs/styles dialog was a list of recently used songs/styles. Now there are 2 tabs in this dialog, showing
Chapter 2: Summary of New Features
you both recently used songs/styles, and a new list of “favorites” that you select as a favorite songs or styles. You
can add an unlimited number of favorites.
Double-time and half-time support for RealTracks added. Now you can play any RealTracks at half-time or
double-time. This allows you, for example, in a ballad at a tempo of 70, to add a RealTracks Sax solo with tempo of
140, and play it as a double-time, which will match the ballad tempo of 70. So now all of your existing RealTracks
can be used at 3 different tempos (normal, half-time, double-time).
Tempo swapping of similar RealTracks. You can use this feature either automatically or manually. If you set
“Auto RealTracks substitution based on tempo” to true in RealTracks Settings dialog or Additional Song Settings
dialog, Band-in-a-Box will automatically choose the best one to use. For example, if you have a ballad loaded , with
an Acoustic Bass RealTracks at a tempo of 60, and you speed up the tempo to 140, and press [Play] button, Band-ina-Box will automatically choose an Acoustic Bass RealTracks closer to the tempo of 140, if it is the same genre and
feel. This means you can use a simple Jazz style, and play it at various tempos, without having to set the best
RealTracks based on tempos. If you don’t want this feature to work automatically, then set “Auto RealTracks
substitution based on tempo” to false. The RealTracks that support the Tempo Swapping are listed in the next to last
column of the Assign RealTracks to Track dialog.
RealTracks Picker dialog enhanced:
- Opens up faster.
- New columns are added (tempo swappable, holds type).
RealDrums Picker dialog has been enhanced, with information about Artist name, Artist bio, and RealDrums
Set number.
Rendering now has a Normalize option, to normalize individual tracks or the complete arrangement. Normalizing
boosts the volume to a maximum level without distortion. Most professional music tracks are normalized.
Songs that are “Saved-As” a different name now have the new name added to the Recently Played Song dialog.
Support enhanced for non-concert instruments (Bb/Eb sax, trumpet etc.). Now when the chord sheet is
transposed, you can type in chords in the transposed key, and they will show up as you have entered them, instead
of requiring you to enter the chords in the concert key.
More Soloists are now available, up to 2000.
Many messages changed to “yellow alerts” at top right of screen, so you don’t have to respond to the message,
interrupting work flow.
Looped playback of any selected region. On the chord sheet window (not the notation window), select a region of
bars, and press the [Loop] playback button on the toolbar. The selected region will loop. You can change the
looped section during playback. Pressing [Loop] button again will turn off looping.
Mouse scroll wheel support added to the main window, notation window, and many dialogs.
Ability to have endings use a “held chord,” (like C...). (RealTracks and MIDI)
For songs with no ending, the last chord of the song can be a held chord (like C...). (RealTracks and MIDI)
Chapter 2: Summary of New Features
Chapter 3: QuickStart Tutorial
Using the New Features in Band-in-a-Box 2010 and 2010.5
Quick Song Settings
These are enhancements for entering songs quickly. Typing special words, instead of chord names, will make the
following settings:
begin <Enter> - sets the beginning of the chorus to the current bar
chorusend <Enter> - sets the end of the chorus to the current bar
end <Enter> - sets the end of the song to the current bar
tkc <Enter> - sets key signature to C, tkbb would set it to Bb
trc <Enter> - transposes song to key of C
t125 <Enter> - sets tempo to 125
Save Default Mix
If you like the current mix (of volumes, panning, reverb), and you want this applied as a default for all songs, you
can now set this by right-clicking on the Combo radio control and choosing Save Current Mix as Default.
Load Default Mix restores the default mix you have saved, and
Reset Mix sets the mix back to “factory defaults.”
New Chordsheet Controls
In the Chordsheet window, press the <spacebar> or double click on the ending bar (or a bar in the tag), and the song
will play from the ending (or tag). This only applies to the Chordsheet, since notation windows always play from
the ending or tag already.
You can right-click on a bar in the Chordsheet to set it as the beginning or end of the chorus or the end of the song
from the settings in the context menu.
For example, these settings are available with
a right-click on bar 16.
Improved Audio Rendering
When you click on the Audio button to render your song to audio files, there is now an optio n to boost
all files by a certain number of dB. “Boost All Render Files by” adds a dB amount to the whole mix, so
that the mix will be louder or softer. There is automatic peak-limiting added, so that the music will not
distort if you set it too high.
Chapter 3: QuickStart Tutorial
DAW Plug-in Mode
There is a "Plug-in" mode for your favorite sequencer (GarageBand, ProTools, Logic, Nuendo, Reaper and
more). With the new plug-in mode, Band-in-a-Box is open as a small window, and acts as a plug-in for your favorite DAW sequencer, so you can Drag-n-Drop MIDI and audio (AIFF, M4A) tracks from Band-in-a-Box to
your favorite sequencer. Work in your favorite sequencer, type a chord progression in Band-in-a-Box, drag the
track button to the drop station (blue rectangle) at top left of the screen, and then drag that to your sequencer's track
at the desired track and the bar location.
The DAW Plug-in mode is a mode within the regular Band-in-a-Box program. This mode allows you to transfer
tracks or parts of tracks, to other DAW sequencers or Finder.
You can enter and exit the DAW plug-in mode easily.
Press the [DAW Mode] button on the Toolbar, then choose the menu item “Start DAW Plug -in mode” (or go to Windows menu and choose Plug-in Mode for Sequencer-DAW).
When you do this:
1. Window size of Band-in-a-Box changes to a small size (you can resize it to the size/position that you want, and it
will remember that).
You can now easily drag tracks from Band-in-a-Box to your DAW in 2-steps. First, drag the track button to the
drop station (blue rectangle), and then when it turns green, drag that to your DAW’s track.
You can also drag files to other programs, besides DAW’s, if they accept a drop of audio files (AIFF, M4A) or
MIDI files. For example, Finder allows this.
Please see the DAW Plug-In Mode chapter for a full tutorial.
Freeze Tracks
Freezing (locking) MIDI or RealTracks/RealDrums
Any track (MIDI or RealTrack) can now be frozen. When frozen, it won’t get changed or re-generated. This saves
time when replaying previous songs, and allows you to freeze an arrangement that you like. If you freeze the whole
song, you don’t have to wait at all for the song to regenerate. Next time you play, it is ready to go.
You can make tracks Frozen by pressing the Freeze button (snowflake) on the toolbar, and then choosing which
tracks that you want to freeze or unfreeze.
There are a number of reasons that you would freeze a track.
Reasons to Freeze a RealTracks track (audio):
- Frozen tracks will play back instantly, not requiring tim e to generate.
Chapter 3: QuickStart Tutorial
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