PG Music Band in a Box - 2005 Windows Upgrade Manual

Version 2005 for Windows®
Copyright PG Music Inc.1989-2005. All rights reserved.
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Band-in-a-Box is protected under US Patent 5990407. The TC-Helicon Harmony feature in Band-in-a-Box is protected under US Patents 5567901, 5641926, 5986198, 34583,, PI9603819.5, 0368046, 0750776, 6,046,395, and patents pending.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
This documentation covers the new features in Band-in-a-Box Version 2005.
9 Chapter 2 is a summary of the new features. 9 Chapter 3 is a QuickStart Tutorial. 9 Chapters 4-17 and Appendix A describe the new features in detail.
Band-in-a-Box 2005 for Windows® is here with over 50 cool new features!
There’s a new fully featured Piano Roll window, similar to the type found in many sequencer programs. This allows you to edit the Melody or Soloist tracks with greater ease and precision.
The Guitar window is enhanced, and now supports Alternate Guitar tunings, including DADGAD, Drop D, Double Drop D, Open G and 11 others, including Nashville High Strung tunings! Guitar bends now show up in real-time on the guitar fretboard.
New 3, 4, and 5-part Jazz Harmonies are added with voicing in Fourths.
Auto Endings” are added for styles that don’t have endings, such as styles made from MIDI files. Synthesizer patch file lists (.PAT files) can now be made easily by converting PowerTracks or Cakewalk patch lists.
Jazz Chord-Symbol Graphics” (triangles for major, circles for diminished and a circle with a slash for half­diminished) are now supported. A new “Vocal Wizard” displays and transposes to the best song keys for your vocal range.
Editing of the Audio Track is now non-destructive, so changes only become permanent if you save the file. The TC-Helicon Audio Harmonies have been enhanced with Vocal Pitch-Styles (automatic “Vibrato” and “Scooping”) that can be added to the vocal harmony parts. Multiple sound cards are supported – you can now choose which sound card to use. Full Stereo or Mono support has been added for the Audio Track. There are now on-screen VU meters to monitor the Audio Track.
Multiple lines of Lyrics are now supported on the Fake Sheet and Printout. Chords and Lyrics can be displayed on separate lines on the Big Lyrics Window. A new Play-Loop feature allows you to select an area and play it in a
repeated loop.
The SongPicker can display in subfolders, and you can add styles to the StylePicker.
Karaoke files (.KAR) can now be read directly, including lyrics and analysis of chord symbols.
…and much more!
Important Note: People familiar with the previous versions of Band-in-a-Box will be pleased to know that we have kept the same functionality of our previous releases. The new features are optional and don't interfere with familiar methods of using the program. All songs, styles etc. are completely compatible with previous versions, so that you can upgrade without losing any of your existing work.
Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Summary of New Features

New Features in Band-in-a-Box Version 2005...

New Fully-Featured “Piano Roll” Window!

Now you can edit your tracks using the new “Piano Roll” window, similar to the type found in many sequencer programs. Edit the Melody or Soloist tracks with greater ease and precision. There are 2 panes in the window – one for notes and the other for controllers, velocity, and other data. All notes and controllers are displayed as black bars on a grid. You can change note duration and pitch by selecting and dragging with your mouse.

Alternate Guitar Tunings added!

The Guitar window now supports alternate tunings, including DADGAD, Drop D, Double Drop D, Open G and 11 others! You can also select “Nashville High Strung” tunings, which tune certain strings up an octave. The new tunings are supported in Styles, Chord Diagrams, Guitar Tutor, Notation, Tab, and Printout. Learn how to play these tunings by watching the on-screen Guitar Fretboard or Notation/Tab Window. Easily change any style to use the alternate tuning that you want.

New Harmonies added with voicing in 4ths!

Modern Jazz harmonies often voice chords in 4ths. For example, a C chord with C melody might be voiced C, G, D, A, E. Now you can select 4ths voicings easily in Band-in-a-Box to harmonize the Melody, Soloist, or THRU parts using 3, 4, or 5 part voicings in 4ths. We’ve added presets for these harmonies, so you can easily select them. Use these sophisticated 4ths harmonies on your existing melodies to create a new sound.

“Auto Endings” added for Styles without Endings!

If you‘ve made a style, and haven’t included an ending, a 2-bar ending can now be generated automatically, based on the style. This makes it easier to make complete styles using the Style Wizard, which makes a style by analyzing a MIDI file.
Chapter 2: Summary of New Features

Patch List Converter

Make Synthesizer Patch file lists (.PAT files) easily by converting PowerTracks or Cakewalk Patch lists!
Band-in-a-Box can now read a patch file list generated by PowerTracks or Cakewalk, and convert it to a .PAT file for use in Band-in-a-Box. The patch file contains the name and numbers for all patches on a synthesizer, so that you can access your patches easily by name. If you already have a patch list for your synthesizer from one of these other programs, you can now convert it to Band-in-a-Box format easily.
“Jazz Chord Symbol Graphics” (circles, triangles) supported!
Jazz and Pop music often use certain non-alphabetic symbols for chord types. These include a delta (triangle) for major chords, a circle for diminished, and a circle with a slash for half-diminished. Also, tensions like b9 and b13 are stacked vertically and contained in brackets. You can now select this option, and see these symbols for display/printout on the Chord Sheet, Notation, and Lead Sheet windows.
TC-Helicon Audio Harmonies enhanced with Pitch Styles (automatic “Vibrato” and “Scooping”)!
Now, when you generate audio harmonies to your recorded vocal tracks, you can select pitch styles to add vibrato and scooping effects to the vocal harmonies. Choose from presets, including “Ballad,” “Broadway,” “Pop Diva” and more!

StylePicker now Editable!

You can now add your own styles to the StylePicker list by pressing an ADD/EDIT button on the StylePicker. You can see all the information about the style, including memo, genre, feel, tempo, range, etc.
“Vocal Wizard” finds the best song keys for your vocal range!
This feature helps you choose the best song key for your vocal range from your vocal type (baritone, tenor, etc.), or a custom range. The wizard analyzes the song and recommends the best keys for that song. There are options to “include/exclude falsetto range”and “restrict choices to these keys […].”

Non-Destructive Audio Track Editing!

With previous versions of Band-in-a-Box, any changes to the audio track would be permanent, even if you didn’t save the song. Now the changes are non-destructive and only become permanent if you save the file.

Support for Multiple Sound Cards!

For the audio track, you can now choose which sound card to use, if you have more than one.
Chapter 2: Summary of New Features

Multiple lines of Lyrics Supported on Fake Sheet and Printout!

If your song has 1st and 2nd endings or multiple verses of lyrics, multi-line lyrics can be displayed, so you’ll see all verses on the same Fake Sheet.

Full Stereo or Mono support for Audio Track!

You can now choose between mono or stereo for the audio track and the audio plug-ins work for mono or stereo. Tracks can be edited in either format, and converted from stereo to mono or vice versa.

Enhanced Audio Plug-in Effects!

Enhanced audio plug-in effects are included for EQ, Peak-Limit, and Reverb.

Selective Humanize option for the Melody Embellisher!

There is a new option for the Embellisher to only humanize the timing of the music if the timing was “stiff” to begin with. This allows the Embellisher to leave the timing of human input melodies alone, and humanize only the ones that were entered in step-time.

Lead Sheet highlighting is more visible!

During playback, the highlighting of bars on the Lead Sheet and Fake Sheet window is more visible, with red rectangles to highlight the current bar.

Karaoke Files (.KAR) now can be opened, including lyrics!

The Popular Karaoke file format (.KAR) can now be opened directly into Band-in-a-Box, just like MIDI files. Chord symbols are displayed (Band-in-a-Box intelligently analyzes the chords of the song), as well as the lyrics from the Karaoke files.

Import WAV file to Audio Track support!

A Mono or Stereo WAV file can now be imported to the Audio track, optionally merging or replacing any existing audio track.

Pitch Bends are now displayed on the Guitar Fretboard!

Pitch bends now show up on the Guitar Fretboard. As the pitch bend occurs, a blue line moves along the string in real time to show the height of the pitch bend.

Shift-Click support for Selecting Region of Chordsheet, Notation, or Audio Window!

To select a region of Chordsheet, Notation, or Audio Window, you can now Shift-click on the end point to easily select a large area.

Colors editor for Note Colors in the Notation Window!

Note colors for the notation window may be edited to create custom color sets, using a new dialog box.

Entire Song name displayed in Taskbar Hint when Band-in-a-Box is minimized!

This is useful to find the name of a song playing when Band-in-a-Box is playing in the background.

Multi-colors for Event List!

Different colors are used for different event types in the event list, to visually distinguish notes, patch changes etc.

Song Picker Enhanced – subfolder support!

The SongPicker has been enhanced and now can optionally display songs from sub-folders. For example, if you get a song list of c:\bb, it can include songs in subfolders of c:\bb like c:\bb\styles34. You can also lock the SongPicker to always open in the same folder (EG: C:\bb), so that you can use the same list to keep track of all songs on your disk. Other enhancements like “change folder,” and “go up one folder” are included.

Notation supports time signature changes!

Time signature changes are now printed on the Notation/Lead Sheet!
Chapter 2: Summary of New Features

“Favorite Folder-Open Song” button!

By opening a song using the “Favorite Folder-Open Song,” you first select the folder from a list of recently used folders, and then you can directly open the song from that folder. This allows you to quickly find a song in another folder.

Lyric breaks hidden in Lead Sheet window!

For Lyrics, line break and paragraph marks (‘/’ and ‘\’) are no longer shown on the Lead Sheet window.

Auto MIDI and Karaoke lyrics display!

Lyric Window now auto-opens for MIDI files and Karaoke files!

Guitar TAB visibility is improved!

For the guitar tab, the numbers are now more visible, as a portion of the black guitar line is “whited out” when a tab fret number is drawn.

Notation display improved!

The first note in every bar is drawn farther away from the bar line.

Big Lyrics Window Enhancements!

Chords can now be displayed on a row above the lyrics on the Big Lyrics Window. Separate chord colors are used for the Chords and Lyrics, allowing these elements to be visually separated.

MIDI file text markers for part markers!

MIDI files are now written with descriptive Text Markers for part markers! Text markers are also read in from MIDI files, and displayed as Section Markers on the Notation.

Decibel (dB) scale now present in the Audio Edit Window!

New rest insert key!

In editable notation mode, you can now insert a rest by holding the back-quote key (tilde key without pressing shift) then clicking on the notation window. This is a way to avoid having to check the Rest checkbox first.

Reset to factory settings improved!

Reset to factory settings also offers to nuke the drum kit and MIDI Driver choice, making the return to factory settings complete.

“Transpose” Chordsheet option added!

This is useful for non-concert pitch instruments like Tenor Saxophone. This option is also available on the Notation window.

“Play Selected Area as a Loop” function!

Shift-click on the Play button, or press F10 (Play Selected Area as Loop) and the program will play a selected region as a loop. For example, you can select bars 10 and 11, and then press F10, and bars 10 and 11 will play looped.

StyleMaker Enhancements!

If you don’t save the style, the previous style will load in, instead of reverting to “ZZJAZZ.STY.”

Guitar Tutor Enhancements!

The Guitar Chord Tutor now has an “Anticipate” mode which plays the next chord X beats in advance, allowing time for the user to prepare the chord for playing along. 11 new tutors have been added for the Alternate tunings like DADGAD, Open G, etc.

No more drum crash cymbals on Bar 1 of the song!

The very first bar of the song is (optionally) no longer considered to be following a fill, so a drum crash cymbal won’t be played. Most drummers wouldn’t play a crash cymbal on bar 1 of the song.

New Hot keys added for Prefs tab dialog!

This allows navigation of the Preferences tabs by single keystrokes.
Chapter 2: Summary of New Features

Auto “Staves per Page” Option!

Notation | Options now has an option to allow “Staves per Page” setting to be automatic or not!

Print to much larger BMP files!

Notation | Print to Graphics command can now print to high resolution BMP’s like 2400 x 3000! This feature is only limited by available memory.

Guitar TAB lines easier to see!

Guitar TAB lines now print in black, instead of grey, so tab is easier to read.

Larger Harmony display boxes!

Harmony display boxes are wider by 64 pixels on the main screen and Melodist/Soloist dialogs!

VU meters added for Audio!

These show the Record and Playback levels for audio, allowing adjustment of microphone and speaker levels.

Mouse wheel support!

Mouse wheel support added to the Chordsheet screen and other windows.
… and many more!
Chapter 2: Summary of New Features

Chapter 3: QuickStart Tutorial

QuickStart Tutorial for the Version 2005 Upgrade.

The full descriptions of the new features in Version 2005 of Band-in-a-Box are provided elsewhere. This tutorial is a QuickStart tour of the new features in Band-in-a-Box 2005.
Note: It is assumed that you are somewhat familiar with the previous release of Band-in-a-Box.

Explore Band-in-a-Box Version 2005

First, we’ll take a quick tour of the new features in Band-in-a-Box 2005. Then we’ll do an in-depth tutorial for the new Piano Roll window. The other chapters in the manual are also tutorial style presentations of the new features.
Load in any song with a melody...
Now launch the Piano Roll window, by pressing the piano roll button on the toolbar, or choosing Window | Piano Roll Window. You’ll then see the Piano Roll window.
Drag the notes to change pitch, duration, or timing.
Insert notes by mouse click (while holding down Ctrl+Shift).
We’ll explore the piano roll in detail later in the tutorial.
Now let’s close the Piano Roll window, and open the Notation window. You can do this by pressing the notation button.
Let’s hear the fourths harmonies…
Load in c:\bb\Tutorial - BB 2005\ 4 Trumpets in 4ths - Harmony 219 demo. This will play the melody in 4 part harmony, using 4ths harmonies.
Let’s display “Jazz chord symbol graphics” to this song.
Use the Opt. | Preferences menu option and click on "Notation" to open the Notations Options dialogue box. In the Notation Options dialog:
Press the [Jazz Fonts] button to select the Jazz music font.
Select the “Jazz Symbols” checkbox.
Exit the Options dialog, and you’ll now see Jazz chord symbols.
Chapter 3: QuickStart Tutorial
Let’s examine the improvements in the SongPicker.
Open the SongPicker. (The program may rebuild the song list prior to opening the dialog.)
Look at the folder name displayed at the bottom of the dialog.
Select the checkboxes “Always open in this folder” and “Include Subfolders.”
If the folder name isn’t already c:\bb, press the [Change] button near the bottom of the dialog, to change
the folder to c:\bb.
If the program doesn’t rebuild the list automatically, then force a rebuild by pressing the
[Rebuild List] button.
The Song list will then be rebuilt, displaying ALL of the songs in your c:\bb folders and subfolders. If you have the MegaPAK, this will be over 2,000 songs, riffs, and style demos!
Use the FILTER to manage this list. Set the Filter to “any column.” For example, type the word Bluegrass in the filter, and press [Apply Filter]. You’ll now see a list of 29 songs, all with the word Bluegrass somewhere in the title, filename, genre, or other field.
Let’s explore the new “Vocal Wizard.”
This determines the best keys for any song in your vocal range.
Load in the song c:\bb\ Tutorial - BB 2005\Old Folks at Home.MGU. This is in the key of F. We’ll assume that you are a male with a baritone range. If so, F is not a good key for this song, it is too high.
Choose Window | Vocal Wizard or press the Vocal Wizard button on the toolbar.
The Vocal Wizard will open. It displays color coded scores for each possible key, and has determined that they key of D is the best key for that song in your vocal range, which you can set in the same dialog.
When you call out to your piano player “We can do this song in D,” he replies “I don’t play much in D, I’m a Jazz player.”
Chapter 3: QuickStart Tutorial
So you use the “Allowable Keys” preset in this dialog, and set it to “Jazz keys,” and then the Vocal Wizard revises its recommendation to the key of C.
If you select “Auto-transpose to best key when a song is loaded,” every song will automatically be transposed to the best key for your vocal range when loaded.
For now, let’s de-select that option, since we don’t want songs to be transposed when loaded.
Note that the Vocal Wizard can also be used for instruments like “Tenor Sax,” “Trombone,” etc. to determine the best keys for playing the melody on those instruments.
Let’s check out the new PLAY LOOP feature.
On the Chordsheet, select the 2 bars from 9 to 10 by dragging the mouse to make the bars black.
Now, press the [Loop] button on the toolbar, or press F10, or choose the Play | Play (loop) Highlited Section menu item. The 2 bars from 9 to 10 will play in a loop.
We can use the new Favorite Folders feature to quickly OPEN or SAVE a song from/to a different folder than we are in now.
Hold the Shift key as you click the [Open] button. This will launch the Favorite Folder dialog, allowing you to pick the folder to load from, and then the typical dialog will open up. This saves you the
time needed to navigate through the Explorer style folder choice – which can be time consuming if you’re hopping back and forth between folders.
Similarly, Shift-clicking on the [Save As] button will allow you to choose a favorite folder prior to seeing the Save As dialog.
The TC-Helicon Harmonies are improved. Let’s load in the Tutorial Demo from 2004, called c:\bb\Tutorial – Audio Harmonies\Listen.MGU. We’ll now add audio harmonies, and the audio harmonies will now have vibrato!
After loading in Listen, launch the TC-Helicon dialog. Choose Harmonize to the MIDI Melody, and harmony #172, and click OK.
Now, in the TC-Helicon Harmony dialog, notice the new combo boxes at the bottom of the screen for Pitch Style presets (vibrato and scooping).
Chapter 3: QuickStart Tutorial
Set the 4 harmonies to the first vibrato setting “1 BNatural Vibrato,” and press the PREVIEW button. You’ll now hear these harmonies,
generated from MIDI notes in the BB harmony, but with various types of vibrato and scooping pitch effects. On held notes, the vibrato is essential for a natural vocal sound.
Now let’s move on to the Piano Roll Tutorial.
Chapter 3: QuickStart Tutorial

Piano Roll Tutorial

The Piano Roll window enables precise graphic editing of note timing and duration. You can also graphically edit Note Velocity, Controllers, Program Changes, Channel Aftertouch, or Pitch Bend.
The Piano Roll may be opened as a movable window (which floats above the Band-in-a-Box main window), or it may be opened embedded, which occupies the same position as the Chordsheet/Notation panel in the Band-in-a-Box main window.
Let’s load the song “PianoRollDemoSong.MGU.” This is a medium Bossa Nova with some horn noodling to demonstrate Piano Roll features. The song contains example use of several MIDI data types with which to experiment.
To open the Piano Roll, in the Band-in-a-Box Window menu, select the item Piano Roll Window.

Playback Control

In addition to other Band-in-a-Box methods, you can start playback by double-clicking the Chords Ruler above the Note Time Ruler. When polishing edits, it can be convenient to double-click the Chords Ruler to hear a couple of bars, and then click the Ruler or tap the Space Bar to stop playback and continue editing. When you click or drag in the Chords Ruler, it sets the Insertion Point. The Insertion Point determines the location that pasted events would be added to the track. It also determines the Playback Start bar if you use the Ctrl+G "Play from here" keyboard shortcut.
Chapter 3: QuickStart Tutorial
Splitter Bar
A vertical Splitter Bar sits between the Note Editing and Graphic Event panels. To maximize the Note Editing panel, drag the Splitter down. To maximize the Graphic Event panel for more accurate Event editing, drag the Splitter up.
Note Selection
You can click on individual notes, and also Shift-click or Ctrl-click to select multiple notes.
You can make a “box selection” by clicking on white space and drawing a rectangle around notes.
Note Editing
Move the mouse cursor over the left side of a Note, then click-drag horizontally to edit the note's start time. To drag a group of selected notes, hold Shift while dragging the head of one of the notes, and all of the selection will follow!
Move the mouse cursor over the right side of a note, then click-drag horizontally to edit the note's duration. To drag a group of selected notes, hold Shift while dragging the tail of one of the Notes.
Move the mouse cursor over the center of a note, then click-drag vertically to edit the note's pitch. To transpose a group of selected notes, hold Shift while dragging the center of one of the Notes.
Insert a Note
Hold Shift+Ctrl, and then click where you want a new note.
Delete a Note
Select one or more notes, and then tap the computer's Delete key. You Can also Right-Click and choose the "Delete Selected Events" item in the popup menu.
Undo Mistakes
You can use Edit | Undo (or Ctrl+Z) to recover from edits gone horribly wrong. You can also Right-Click and choose the "Undo" item in the popup menu.
If you make a mistake when inserting an event, it is often easy to fix by re-editing the event. For instance, if you intended to insert a C note, but accidentally inserted a B note, it is trivial to drag the new B note up to C.
After inserting events, the new events are selected (highlighted red). Therefore, you can also tap the Delete key to remove accidentally inserted events.
Graphic Event Editing
You can edit the value or time of individual graphic data items. To edit the value, move the mouse cursor over the top half of an event, and click-drag vertically. To edit the time of the event, move the cursor over the bottom half of an event, and click-drag horizontally. There are two tools for inserting graphic events, the Line Tool and the Pencil Tool.
Line Tool
Move the mouse cursor over white space in the Graphic Event panel. The cursor becomes a Line Tool. Click and then drag a line. When the mouse button is released, events are inserted or modified to fit the line. This illustrates the effect of the Line Tool for editing the Velocity of the first 6 notes:
Chapter 3: QuickStart Tutorial
Pencil Tool
Hold Shift+Ctrl, and move the mouse cursor over white space in the Graphic Event panel. The cursor becomes a Pencil Tool. Click and then drag a free-form shape. When the mouse button is released, events are inserted or modified to fit the free-form shape. This illustrates the effect of the Pencil Tool for free-form drawing the Velocity of the first 6 notes:
Program Changes
The Piano Roll demo song contains some embedded program change events as a demo of this new method. Set the “View/Edit” control to “Program,” and the few program changes are displayed in the Graphic Event panel.
Program changes are zero-based. For example, General MIDI piano is zero rather than one. The demo song intro has a flute program change. Then the first chorus is trumpet, the second chorus is flute, and the third chorus is soprano sax.
Expression Controller
Set the View/Edit combo box to “Control” (controller MIDI events). Then select “11 Expression MSB” in the controller type combo box.
The Expression controller is recognized by most modern synthesizers (including most General MIDI synths). However, some older synths do not recognize this controller. Expression is an alternative to “7 Main Volume MSB.” Use the Expression controller for individual tracks, and reserve the main Volume controller for overall track loudness. That way, you can use the Band-in-a-Box main window Volume controls without affecting individual notes in the track.
Chapter 3: QuickStart Tutorial
In the example shown, the intro flute ostinato pattern fades in, and then fades back out, via the expression controllers. These events were entered with the Line Tool. Notice that before the trumpet comes in, there is a single expression event of value 127, to kick the loudness up to “normal.”
Single controllers are inserted by moving the mouse cursor to the desired position and then clicking the mouse button.
Play the demo song, and watch how Expression controls have been added for soft attack on some notes, and loudness reduction at the end of some notes.
Modulation Controller
Set the View/Edit combo box to “Control” (Controller MIDI Events). Then select “1 Mod Wheel MSB” in the controller type combo box.
The Modulation controller is not firmly defined, but it is usually a Vibrato or Tremolo effect (especially in General MIDI synths).
Play the Demo Song, and watch how Modulation has been added to some notes to add Vibrato. It is usually best to use tasteful amounts of Controllers. With graphic edits, too much is almost always too much!
Pitch Bend
Set the View/Edit combo box to “Pitch Bend.” Play the demo song, and watch how a few pitch bends have been inserted to “scoop” some note attacks, “sting” the middle of a note, or “fall off” some note releases.
More Details
Please read the Piano Roll chapter for more detailed descriptions.
This is the end of the tutorial. Thanks for taking the time to read this section. The next sections examine the new features in detail.
Chapter 3: QuickStart Tutorial

Chapter 4: Piano Roll window

New Fully-Featured “Piano Roll” Window!
Now you can edit your tracks using the new “Piano Roll” window, similar to the type found in many sequencer programs. Edit the Melody or Soloist tracks with greater ease and precision. There are 2 panes in the window – one for notes and the other for controllers, velocity, and other data. All notes and controllers are displayed as black/gray bars on a grid. You can change note duration and pitch by selecting and dragging with your mouse.

Piano Roll window

The Piano Roll window enables precise graphic editing of note timing and duration. You can also graphically edit Note Velocity, Controllers, Program Changes, Channel Aftertouch, or Pitch Bend.
The Piano Roll may be opened as a movable window, which floats above the Band-in-a-Box main window, or it may be opened embedded, in the same position as the Chordsheet/Notation panels in the Band-in-a-Box main window.

Track Selection

Select the Track - Bass, Drums, Piano, Guitar, Strings, Melody, or Solo.
It is most practical to edit the Melody and Solo tracks. The other tracks for the accompaniment are rewritten every time Band-in-a-Box rebuilds the song (every time you click the Play button). So if you edit a “backing track,” be sure to save as a MIDI file before rebuilding the song, or your edits will be lost.

Cursor Location Info Panel

The Info Panel shows the cursor's Bar:Beat:Tick and MIDI note or controller value (depending on the cursor location). In cursor locations where a value would be nonsensical, the status text values are blank.
For instance, in the Note panel, Bar:Beat:Tick and Pitch are displayed. In the Ruler panels, only Bar:Beat:Tick is displayed. In the left Piano panel, only Pitch is displayed. In the Graphic Event panel, Bar:Beat:Tick and Event Value are displayed.
Chapter 4: Piano Roll window
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