Pepperl+Fuchs OHV2000-F22-B15 Quick Start Manual

Handheld Reader
With regard to the supply of products, the current issue of the following document is applicable: The
General Terms of Delivery for Products a nd Services of the Electrical Ind ustry, published by the
Central Asso ciation of th e Electrical In dustry (Zentralverba nd Elektrotechnik u nd Elektroindustrie
(ZVEI) e.V.) in its most recent version as well as the sup plementary clause: "Expa nded reservation
1 Purpose of this Quick Start Guide ...................................4
2 Product Description..........................................................5
2.1 Use and Application ............................................................... .......... .......... 5
2.2 Indicators and Operating Elements ....................................................... ..... 8
2.3 Scope of Delivery ............................................... .......... .............................. 9
2.4 Accessories........................................................ ........................................ 9
2.5 Storage and Disposal .............................................. ................................. 10
3 Installation .......................................................................11
3.1 Insert ing an d Removing the Battery ...................................................... ... 11
3.2 Mounting the Charger and Charging the Handheld Reader ..................... 12
4 Operation .........................................................................15
4.1 Switching On the Handheld Reader ............... .......................................... 15
4.2 Reading Codes .................................... .......... .......................................... 15
4.3 Bluetooth Mode....... ......... ................................................................ ........ 16
4.4 Keyboard Layout ....................................... ......... ...................................... 18
4.5 Activating Suffix..................... .......... ......................................................... 22
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Purpose of this Quick Start Guide

1 Purpose of this Quick Start Guide

This qu ick start guide contains bas ic instructions for operating the device. However, the m anual takes priority over the quick start guid e.
2926 77 2016-05
Product Description

2 Product Description

2.1 Use and Application

Irritation caused by optical radiation
The optical unit on the han dheld reader is equipped with very brigh t LEDs that can cause irritation in da rk environments.
Do not point the handheld reader at people. Do not look directly into the optical unit on the h andheld reader.
The OHV2000 handheld is a compact handheld reader for all common 1-D and 2­D codes applied direc tly to the surface of a prod uct. For example, the co de may have been etche d, printed, or laser-e ngraved on the housing .
Special technology to preven t glare allows the device to ac curately read codes on highly reflective surfaces. With its patented dua l lens and a resolution of
1.2 million pixels, it can read bo th sm all and large codes from a wide range of distances . A diffe rent-colored target projection makes it easier to see the relevant code. Feedback comes in the form of a visua l or aud ible signal o r a vibration.
2926 77 2016-05
Product Description
Using the Vision Configurator software, rule sets can be created for formatting read res ults with out the need for extensive programming work. This facilitates integration into ERP systems. Th e read data is transferred via the B luetooth interface or by p lugging the h andheld reader into the ch arger. With its robust housing and IP65 protection, the handhe ld reader is suitable for outdoo r use.
Type des ignations : OH V2000-F221-B15
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Product Description
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The device is only approved for app ropriate and inte nded use. Ignoring these instructions will void any warranty and ab solve the man ufacturer from a ny liability.
Use the device only within the sp ecified ambient and operating conditions.
41 2 4
Product Description
Protection of the perso nnel and the plant is not ensured if the device is not used according to its intended use.

2.2 Indicators and Operating Elements

1 Memory
2 Bluetooth connection
3 Function indicator
4 Trigger buttons
2926 77 2016-05
+ 16 hidden pages