Pentair VARISTAR SHX 30 Instruction Manual

VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Instruction Manual 60130-716
- Original instruction manual -
Product number: 62139-097
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Produced by
Pentair Equipment Protection Schroff GmbH Langenalber Str. 96 - 100 75334 Straubenhardt, Germany The details in this manual have been carefully compiled and checked - supported by certified Quality Management System to EN ISO 9001/2000 The company cannot accept any liability for errors or misprints. The company reserves the right to amendments of technical specifications due to further development and improvement of products. Copyright © 2013 All rights and technical modifications reserved
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
1 Safety ...............................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 General information regarding safety............................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Warning notices ................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Safety of personnel ........................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Intended use ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.5 Terms of warranty............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.6 Installation site .................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.7 Safety instructions for transport ....................................................................................................................... 9
1.7.1 General information ..................................................................................................................................... 9
1.8 Safety instructions for set-up .......................................................................................................................... 10
1.9 Safety instructions for maintenance ............................................................................................................... 11
1.10 Disclaimer........................................................................................................................................................ 11
2 Description / Overview ...................................................................................................................................12
2.1 General information........................................................................................................................................ 12
2.2 Variants ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Mode of operation .......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4 Air circuit ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.5 Water circuit.................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.6 Control method ............................................................................................................................................... 15
2.7 Alarms ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
2.8 Incorrect use ................................................................................................................................................... 16
3 System Layout ................................................................................................................................................18
3.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2 Connections..................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.3 Electrical box ................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.4 Schematic system diagram.............................................................................................................................. 23
3.5 Function overview........................................................................................................................................... 24
3.6 Symbols / labels on the unit ............................................................................................................................ 25
4 Components ...................................................................................................................................................26
4.1 Control valve ................................................................................................................................................... 26
4.2 Control unit ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.3 Interface board................................................................................................................................................ 28
4.4 Fuse board....................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.5 Basic electronic system ................................................................................................................................... 31
5 Setting Up .......................................................................................................................................................32
5.1 General information........................................................................................................................................ 32
5.2 Transport and packaging material .................................................................................................................. 34
5.3 Start-up ........................................................................................................................................................... 34
5.4 Installation....................................................................................................................................................... 35
5.5 Connections..................................................................................................................................................... 35
5.6 Electrical connection ....................................................................................................................................... 37
5.7 Antifreeze and anti-corrosion agents.............................................................................................................. 39
5.8 Adjustments .................................................................................................................................................... 40
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
5.9 Venting ............................................................................................................................................................ 41
5.10 Removal/installation ....................................................................................................................................... 44
6 Operation .......................................................................................................................................................45
6.1 General information........................................................................................................................................ 45
6.2 Adjustments .................................................................................................................................................... 45
6.3 Switching off the unit ...................................................................................................................................... 46
6.4 Control unit ..................................................................................................................................................... 47
6.4.1 General information ................................................................................................................................... 47
6.4.2 Activating/deactivating functions ............................................................................................................... 48
6.4.3 Selecting and setting values........................................................................................................................ 48
6.4.4 Program overview....................................................................................................................................... 49
6.4.5 Screen contents and descriptions ............................................................................................................... 50
7 Maintenance...................................................................................................................................................51
7.1 General information........................................................................................................................................ 51
7.2 Maintenance plan ........................................................................................................................................... 53
7.3 Replacement ................................................................................................................................................... 54
7.3.1 Fans............................................................................................................................................................. 54
7.3.2 Actuator of the control valve ...................................................................................................................... 55
7.3.3 Temperature sensor.................................................................................................................................... 60
7.3.4 Replacement of other components ............................................................................................................ 60
7.4 Antifreeze and anti-corrosion agents.............................................................................................................. 61
7.5 Cooling module ............................................................................................................................................... 62
7.5.1 Rinsing process ........................................................................................................................................... 62
8 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................................................64
8.1 General information........................................................................................................................................ 64
8.2 Electrical connection ....................................................................................................................................... 65
8.3 Unit-specific .................................................................................................................................................... 65
8.4 Control unit ..................................................................................................................................................... 66
9 Disconnecting the device ................................................................................................................................68
9.1 General information........................................................................................................................................ 68
9.2 Dismantling ..................................................................................................................................................... 68
9.3 Transport and storage..................................................................................................................................... 69
9.4 Recycling.......................................................................................................................................................... 70
10 Technical Data ................................................................................................................................................71
11 Spare Parts .....................................................................................................................................................74
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Safety 5
Pos:1/Überschriften/1 /Sicherheit @1\mod4_18.docx @ 273 95 @ 1 @ 1
1 Safety
Pos:2.1/Überschriften /1.1/Allge meines zur Sic herheit @ 15\m od_110259039 1724_18.d ocx @ 123085 @2@ 1
1.1 General information regarding safety
Pos:2.2/Sicherheit/Al lgemeines/Stan dard - nur Te xt @ 166\m od_1381297657 816_18.d ocx @ 1659344 @@ 1
Personnel in charge of carrying out work on the unit or system must have read and understood this manual and in particular the section on safety.
If necessary, in-house instruction should be provided, taking into account the technical qualifications of the personnel concerned.
Certain components have additional warning plates or labels to enable safer operation. Plates or labels must not be covered or removed.
Observe all safety instructions. Observation of these instructions is in the interest of personal safety.
The relevant accident prevention regulations as well as other generally recognised regulations concerning workplace health and safety must be observed.
Pos:2.3/Sicherheit/Al lgemeines/I nfos zur Aufbew ahrung der Dok u @ 201 \mod_1402910704 cx @ 1984090 @@ 1
The manual must be stored so that it is easily available at any time. It must be complete, kept close to the machine and must be available to all authorized persons.
Pos:2.4/-- leer --/=== ===== @ 1\ cx @ 27188 @ @1
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Safety 6
Pos:2.5/Überschriften /1.1/Warnhi nweise @ 159\ mod_1375190 689535_18. docx @ 1617 560 @ 2 @ 1
1.2 Warning notices
Pos:2.6/Sicherheit/Al lgemeines/Dar stellung ANSI -Warnhinweise @166\mod_138129 cx @ 1659377 @@ 1
Explanation of warning notices used in this manual:
Short description of danger
The signal word DANGER identified an immediately threatening danger. Any non-adherence will result in most serious injuries or death.
Short description of danger
The signal word WARNING identified a potential danger. Any non-adherence may result in most serious injuries or death.
Short description of danger
The signal word CAUTION identified a potential danger. The non-adherence may result in minor to medium injuries.
Short description
The signal word Attention identifies a potential risk of property damages. The non-adherence may cause damages at the unit or at the plant.
The signal word Note identifies further information on the unit or about its use.
Pos:3/-- leer --/===== === @ 1\m od26_18.docx @ 27188@ @1
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Safety 7
Pos:4.1/Überschriften /1.1/Sicherh eitshinweise fürdasBe dienpersonal @15\mod_1102592264 898_18.doc x @ 123478 @ 2@1
1.3 Safety of personnel
Pos:4.2/Sicherheit/B edienpersonal/Ter motek - inkl. Beispielfür Sicherheit seinrichtung @165\mod_138114077 0414_18.d ocx @ 16573 43 @ @1
Avoid any working practice that:
endangers the health and safety of the user or third parties,
presents a danger to the unit or system or other property,
impairs the safety or functionality of the unit or system,
does not comply with the safety instructions.
Maintenance and service should be performed only by suitably qualified persons who are familiar with the unit and who have been informed concerning the potential hazards.
Danger for persons!
There is an increased risk of injury if the safety devices (e.g. fuses) are rendered inoperative. Do not remove or deactivate any safety devices.
Check the safety devices daily for correct operation.
Malfunctions and defects concerning the safety devices must be reported immediately to the after-sales service.
The housing must be closed during the operation and may be opened only to rectify malfunctions or to perform maintenance tasks.
Repairs to pipe systems and tanks may only be carried out when the system is depressurised.
When handling chemicals, observe the applicable safety data sheets and disposal instructions that are provided by the suppliers, as well as any relevant local safety regulations. Wear protective clothing!
Any safety devices that have been removed for set-up, maintenance, or repair purposes must be reinstalled and checked for correct operation immediately upon the completion of the maintenance and repair work.
In the above case, particular attention must be paid to the general accident prevention and safety regulations.
Pos:5/-- leer --/===== === @ 1\m od26_18.docx @ 27188@ @1
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Safety 8
Pos:6.1/Überschriften /1.1/Besti mmungsgemäße Ver wendung @15\mod_1102594725 256_18.d ocx @ 123524 @2@ 1
1.4 Intended use
Pos:6.2/Sicherheit/B estim. Verwen dung/Standard @15\mod_1102586 cx @ 123039 @ @1
The unit or the system is intended solely for the application outlined in the “Description/Overview” section and only with the components supplied and approved.
Using the unit for purposes other than those mentioned above is considered contrary to the intended use. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from such use. The risk of such misuse lies entirely with the user.
Pos:7/Überschriften/1 .1/Gewährlei stungsbesti mmungen @ 15 \mod_110258 7459161_1 8.docx @ 123 231 @ 2 @ 1
1.5 Terms of warranty
Pos:8/Sicherheit/Gewä hrleistungSt andard @ 166 \mod_13812 98980681_ 18.docx @ 165951 4 @ @1
The manufacturer is not liable for damage resulting from improper use, the failure to observe this manual, the employment of insufficiently qualified personnel, or unauthorised modifications. In these cases the manufacturer’s warranty is rendered void.
Unit function is affected when using incorrect spare parts!
When using components which have not been approved, correct operation can no longer be guaranteed. Only use spare parts approved by the after-sales service.
Pos:9/Sicherheit/Gewä hrleistung/Vorsi chthinwei s -V erwe ndung von unter schiedlichen M edien - ne utral, ohne Beis piele @ 242\m od_142295884 3671_18.d ocx @ 223548 6 @ @1
Caution - Loss of warranty!
The use of media that are not approved may result in damage to the unit or to the system. The warranty will be rendered void. The same shall apply if different media are mixed.
Use only media that have been approved by the manufacturer.
Pos:10/Sicherheit/Gewä hrleistungHi nweis Typen schild @ 1 66\mod_13812986 75590_18. docx @ 16594 79 @ @1
Removing type plates will make the warranty claim expire.
Pos:11/Sicherheit/Gewä hrleistungHi nweis - eige nmächtige Zerst örung, Verl ust Gewährl eitungsanspru ch @ 166\m od_1381298546 638_18.doc x @ 1659445 @@ 1
The warranty will be rendered void if seals are broken without authorisation.
Pos:12/-- leer --/=== ===== @ 1\m cx @ 27188 @ @1
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Safety 9
Pos:13/Überschriften/ 1.1/Standort wahl @ 15\m od_110259117 9197_18.d ocx @ 123412 @2@ 1
1.6 Installation site
Pos:14/Sicherheit/St andort/Term otek - Schrof f-Kühler @ 158\ mod_137361 cx @ 1605212 @@ 1
When selecting an installation site, observe the following instructions:
Keep the specified escape routes clear.
Ensure firm support and a horizontal position of the unit.
Comply with the data stated in the “Technical Data” section concerning the ambient temperature for operation, transport, and storage when the unit is completely empty.
Ensure sufficient space for operating, maintaining, and cleaning the unit.
Keep the air inlets and outlets free.
Comply with the relevant technical and building regulations. Lay the hoses and electrical cables so that there is no danger of tripping and that they are
protected from damage. When selecting an installation site, the applicable safety regulations and manufacturer
instructions concerning any substances that are used for, or located near, the machine must be observed.
Pos:15.1/Überschrifte n/1.1/Sicher heitshinweise zu m Transport @15\mod_110623522 9266_18.doc x @ 13328 4 @ 2 @ 1
1.7 Safety instructions for transport
Pos:15.2/Überschrifte n/1.1.1/Allg emein @ 15\m od_1105356965 484_18.d ocx @ 128601 @3@ 1
1.7.1 General information
Pos:15.3/Sicherheit/Tran sport/War nung - Verletzu ngsgefahr dur ch unsa chgemäßen Trans port @ 222\m od_141353945 3644_18.d ocx @ 209963 1 @ @1
Danger for persons!
Increased risk of injuries through improper transport. The transport of the unit should be carried out only by suitably qualified persons who are
familiar with the unit and who have been informed as to potential hazards.
Pos:15.4/Hinweise/Vorsi cht / Ac htung - GerätA chtung - Bes chädigung dur ch unsachge mäßen Transport 4Pkt.@ 16 6\mod_13813 00412030_ 18.docx @ 1 659717 @ @1
Damaging of unit!
Damage due to improper transport.
Make sure to follow signs (if attached) at unit when transporting unit.
Transport units with suitable lifting gear only.
Transport the unit only when it is empty.
Transport on suitable and secured transporting pallet.
Pos:16/Hinweise/Warn ung Person enWarnung -Kippgefahr (schmales Gerät ) @ 190\m od_1396607317 081_18.d ocx @ 190473 9 @ @1
Danger of overturning!
Due to the slim set-up of the unit, there is a higher risk of injury when the unit tips over. Ensure that the unit is sufficiently secured during the transport.
Pos:17/-- leer --/=== ===== @ 1\m cx @ 27188 @ @1
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Safety 10
Pos:18.1/Überschrifte n/1.1/Sicher heitshinweise zur Inbetriebnahme@ 1 5\mod_11062 36513563_ 18.docx @ 1 33452 @ 2 @ 1
1.8 Safety instructions for set-up
Pos:18.2/Sicherheit/I nbetriebnah me/Standard (inkl . Warnung /Achtung/Hi nweis) @ 166\ mod_138130 cx @ 1660042 @@ 1
Danger through faulty commissioning!
There is an increased risk of injury to persons who perform tasks for which they are not suitably qualified or trained.
The commissioning of the system shall only be carried out by persons familiar with the system and instructed with respect to dangers and risks involved, also having the required qualifications.
Fulfil all safety-relevant conditions before commissioning.
The location of the unit or of the system must correspond to the regulations according to Chapter "Safety, Choice of Location".
Damage to components!
Danger of damage due to improper operation. Observe the description of additional components, if included.
Check all hoses and hose connections for leaks when commissioning the unit.
Pos:19/-- leer --/=== ===== @ 1\m cx @ 27188 @ @1
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Safety 11
Pos:20.1/Überschrifte n/1.1/Sicher heitshinweise zur Wartung@ 15\ mod_110623676 6737_18.doc x@ 1 33521 @ 2 @1
1.9 Safety instructions for maintenance
Pos:20.2/Sicherheit/ Wartung/Standar d @ 166\ mod_138130274 4553_18.d ocx @ 16601 54 @ @1
Carry out instructed maintenance works only!
There is an increased risk of injury to persons who perform tasks for which they are not suitably qualified or trained.
Maintenance works should be carried out only by suitably qualified personnel who are familiar with the unit and who have been informed as to potential hazards.
Repairs to pipe systems and tanks may only be carried out when the system is depressurised.
Connections alive!
Negligence can lead to electric shock. Observe the following points when carrying out maintenance work on the electrical system:
1. Disconnect the unit from the power supply in order to deenergise it.
2. Secure the unit so that it cannot be switched on again accidentally.
3. Check whether the unit is properly disconnected from power and absolutely voltage-free
4. Earth and short-circuit the unit.
5. Cover any adjacent live parts and secure the danger area.
Damage to electronic components!
Take suitable measures (ESD protection measures) to prevent the electronic components from being damaged due to electrostatic discharge.
Pos:21/Sicherheit/Haft ungsauss chluss/Fa. Schrof f @ 156\ mod_137208054857 cx @ 1587750 @ 2 @1
1.10 Disclaimer
Schroff shall not be held liable for any errors that may be included in this documentation. Liability for direct and indirect damage that occurs in connection with the supply or use of this documentation is excluded to the extent permitted by law.
Schroff reserves the right to change this document, including the disclaimer of liability, at any time and Schroff shall not be liable for the potential consequences of these changes.
Pos:22/-- leer --/=== ===== @ 1\m cx @ 27188 @ @1
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Description / Overview 12
Pos:23.1/Überschrifte n/1/Beschreib ung/Überbli ck @ 1\mod5_1 8.docx @ 280 16 @ 1 @ 1
2 Description / Overview
Pos:23.2/Beschreib ung/Kühlgerät/Ter motek/G erätespezifis ch/LHX 30 @ 242 \mod_14229 57055816_ 18.docx @ 223502 6 @ 2222222 @1
2.1 General information
The cooling modules that are described in this instruction manual are part of a cooling unit for the Schroff VARISTAR cabinet platform. In combination with the corresponding VARISTAR cabinets, the cooling units are used to set up an enclosure.
For the start-up of the cooling system, the cooling module must be connected to an external re-cooling system (e.g. water chiller).
The unit is suitable for the use of water-glycol mixtures (33% glycol max.). The power supply is ensured via a power supply unit. The power supply unit transforms
the mains voltage (AC, alternating voltage) into a direct voltage (DC) and it supplies various components with power, including the control system and fans.
Since the fans are intended for a supply voltage of 48 V (DC), the cooling module can also be used in telecommunications environments.
See the circuit diagram.
2.2 Variants
The cooling modules are supplied as part of a Schroff VARISTAR cooling unit. The variants and dimensions of the cooling units are configured based on the customer requirements and VARISTAR cabinets that are used.
The following variants of the cooling modules are available:
60714-067: Cooling module, water connection at the bottom
60714-068: Cooling module, water connection at the bottom, redundant power supply
60714-077: Cooling module, water connection at the top
60714-078: Cooling module, water connection at the top, redundant power supply
Cooling modules with a redundant power supply are equipped with two power supply units and mains power inputs. They can be supplied with power via two independent mains power sources.
In the case of cooling modules with a water connection at the top, the condensate outlet is also located at the top. These cooling modules are equipped with an integrated condensate pump.
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Description / Overview 13
2.3 Mode of operation
Fig. 1: Mode of operation of the cooling module (principle)
1 Cooling module 2 External recooler *)
3 Pump *) 4 Enclosure *) (not included in the scope of supply)
The cooling units are positioned between the VARISTAR cabinets in an enclosure. The fans of the cooling unit suck the warm air in at the back and guide it through an
air/water heat exchanger. The air will be cooled and blown out at the front. The cooling system comprises an air circuit and a water circuit. In the air/water heat
exchanger, the thermal energy of the warm air is transferred to the water. The air/water heat exchanger is connected to an external recooler (not included in the
scope of supply) that cools the heated water.
1 2
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Description / Overview 14
2.4 Air circuit
Example "cold aisle containment":
The fans of the cooling unit withdraw the heated air from the room and guide it through an air/water heat exchanger. During this process, the thermal energy is transferred to the water circuit. The cool air then fed into the cold aisle. A demister removes any condensate that may have formed.
The condensate is collected in a condensate tray and discharged via the condensate pipe at the top or bottom of the cooling module.
The fans that are distributed vertically over the entire cabinet height ensure a homogeneous temperature stratification. As a result, the temperature difference can be reduced and the efficiency of the cooling system can be increased.
Components of the air circuit:
Air/water heat exchanger
Temperature sensor (air)
2.5 Water circuit
The chilling medium of the external recooler (not included in the scope of supply) flows through the air/water heat exchanger of the cooling modules and heats up. Then, it flows back into the recooler. The temperature is controlled via an electric powered control valve that controls the chilling medium flow based on the required cooling power.
Components of the water circuit:
Control valve
Air/water heat exchanger
Water temperature sensor
The control valve in the water circuit of the cooling module is a straight-way valve (2-way valve). The advantage of this solution is that only the quantity of water that is required for cooling flows through the air/water heat exchanger. The circulation pump can be operated with constant pressure and a variable quantity of water.
For cooling systems that required three-way functionality, the cooling module can also be supplied with a 3-way valve upon request.
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Description / Overview 15
2.6 Control method
The fans and the control valve of the water circuit are actuated by a closed loop and open loop control unit. A closed loop control circuit controls the flow of water through the air/water heat exchanger as a function of the air outlet temperature of the cooling module.
The cooling module has four temperature sensors; two in the air outlet at the top and at the bottom as well as two temperature sensors in the air inlet at the top and at the bottom. In addition, an external temperature sensor (option) can be connected. The output signal of these sensors is used as the reference value for the control system. The reference sensor can be selected in the settings menu.
In order to compensate for temperature stratifications, the air outlet temperature is measured by two temperature sensor on different levels. The average value of these temperature sensors is the control variable for the opening characteristics of the control valve.
Under normal operating conditions, the fans run at constant speed. In order to ensure sufficient air circulation in the cabinet, the factory setting is 80% of the
nominal speed. The operator can set this value within a range of 30% to 100% via the settings menu.
If the set temperature is exceeded by 4°C (factory setting), the system will switch to maximum cooling power, i.e. the control valve will open by 100% and the fan speed will be increased to 100% of the nominal speed.
If the actual value falls below the set temperature by 3°C, the normal mode will be resumed.
The control characteristic is defined at the factory. However, it can be changed and adapted by the service department of Schroff or by a licensed service partner.
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Description / Overview 16
2.7 Alarms
The electronic control system can detect various malfunctions (e.g. cable break of a temperature sensor, temperatures exceeding the limit values) and indicate them via the display or interface.
In order to issue a visual alarm, there is an LED (red) above the control unit on the cooling module.
The following error messages will be signalled:
The actual fan speed is below the minimum speed.
Failure of a fan.
Cable break of a temperature sensor.
Supply voltage of the electronic control system: undervoltage.
Faulty Modbus communication.
Failure of power supply unit 1 or 2.
The actual cooling water temperature is above the limit value.
Malfunction of the condensate pump (option).
Door opened (option)
In the event of a malfunction, refer to the "Troubleshooting" section.
Pos:23.3.1/Überschri ften/1.1/Ni cht bestim mungsgemäße Ver wendung @ 1 29\mod_133 7086719004_18. docx @ 1332 999 @ 2 @ 1
2.8 Incorrect use
Pos:23.3.2/Beschreib ung/Besti mmungswidrig e Verwendung /01-!! Grundsätzliches@ 129\m od_1337086111 550_18.d ocx @ 1332898 @@ 1
In general:
any incorrect use is classed as 'not for the intended purpose'. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from such use. The risk of such misuse lies entirely with the user. Moreover, intended use of the unit also involves use in accordance with the applicable international and national safety instructions as well as the safety instructions in the manual.
Pos:23.4/Beschreib ung/Bestimmu ngswidrige Ver wendung /02 -DasGerä t ist unter and erem für folg ende Verw endungen NICH T vorgesehen: @ 129\ cx @ 1332932 @ @1
Amongst others, the unit is NOT intended for the following applications:
Pos:23.5/Beschreib ung/Bestimmu ngswidrige Ver wendung /Betr ieb im Fr eien @ 154\ mod_13693179 83819_18.docx @ 1571962@ @1
Outdoor use.
Pos:23.6/Beschreib ung/Bestimmu ngswidrige Ver wendung Betriebbeiei nem Überschreit en der zulä ssigen te chnischen Daten. Sieh e Kapitel "Te chnische Dat en". @ 18 8\mod_13951 27649326_18.d ocx @ 188429 3 @ @1
Non-compliance with the permissible technical data. See the "Technical data" section.
Pos:24/-- leer --/=== ===== @ 1\m cx @ 27188 @ @1
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Description / Overview 17
Pos:25/-- leer --/Sym bol -Weiterblät tern- @ 15\ mod_110303 cx @ 125116 @ @1
Pos:26/-- leer --/=== ===== @ 1\m cx @ 27188 @ @1
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
System Layout 18
Pos:27.1/Überschrifte n/1/Gerätea ufbau @ 1\m od6_18.docx @ 28614@ 1 @ 1
3 System Layout
Pos:27.2/Überschrifte n/1.1/Darstel lung @ 14\ mod5193_18. docx @ 28729 @2@ 1
3.1 Overview
Pos:27.3/Gerateaufba u/Termotek/ Kühler SHX 30/DarstellungIM/SM @ 2 43\mod_142 296224166 4_18.docx @ 2236 200 @ @1
Fig. 2: Heat exchanger
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
System Layout 19
1 Control valve with actuator 2 Power supply unit 3 Heat exchanger (air/water) 4 Switch box 5 Condensate pump with float switch (option) 6 Condensate tray 7 Demister 8 Fan 9 Control unit (display and operating unit) 10 LED (red)
- flashing: malfunction *)
A Front view B Back view
Temperature sensor
R1 Chilling medium inlet R2 Air inlet (top) R3 Air inlet (bottom) R4 Air outlet (top) R5 Air outlet (bottom)
*) In the event of a malfunction, refer to the "Troubleshooting" section.
Pos:27.4/-- leer --/= ======= @ 1\ cx @ 27188 @ @1
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
System Layout 20
Pos:27.5/Überschrifte n/1.1/Ans chlüsse @ 15\m od_110378697 9042_18.d ocx @ 126968 @2@ 1
3.2 Connections
Pos:27.6/Gerateaufba u/Termotek/ Kühler SHX 30/Anschlüsse@ 243\m od_14229624388 cx @ 2236274 @@ 1
Fig. 3: Connections
1 2 3
1 2 3
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
System Layout 21
1 Condensate outlet 2 Chilling medium outlet 3 Chilling medium inlet 4 Venting point 5 Protective earth 6 Power supply connector (redundant power
X Connectors (top) Y Connectors (bottom)
The chilling medium connectors are located at the top and bottom of the unit (back). Connectors that are not required must be sealed with a blind plug.
In the case of cooling modules with a water connection at the top, the condensate outlet is also located at the top. These cooling modules are equipped with an integrated condensate pump.
Connect the condensate outlet with a sufficient gradient to the wastewater system.
Cooling modules with a redundant power supply are equipped with two power supply units and mains power inputs. They can be supplied with power via two independent mains power sources.
Pos:27.7/-- leer --/= ======= @ 1\ cx @ 27188 @ @1
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
System Layout 22
Pos:27.8/Überschrifte n/1.1/Schaltka sten @ 156\ mod_137223 0752978_1 8.docx @ 1589287 @2@ 1
3.3 Electrical box
Pos:27.9/Gerateaufba u/Termotek/ Kühler SHX 30/Schaltkasten@ 242\ mod_14229563 80558_18.d ocx @ 22348 54 @ @1
Fig. 4: Electrical box
1 Fuse board (circuit board with miniature fuses) 2 Basic electronic system, type TIOM 112 (I/O unit) 3 Power supply connector (optionally with a
second power supply unit)
4 Interlock-interface (DI/DO, 10 pin)
5 Data interface (RS232, SUB-D, 6 pin) 6 Data interface (RS485, 2x RJ45) 7 Connector for connecting the external
temperature sensor
8 Interface board
Pos:27.10/Hinweise/All gemeinHi nweis - Stro mlaufplan beac hten @ 174\ mod_13855439 96932_18.doc x@ 1767106@ @1
Follow the instructions given in the circuit diagram.
Pos:27.11/-- leer --/== ====== @ 1\ mod26_18.d ocx @ 27188 @@ 1
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
System Layout 23
Pos:27.12/Überschrifte n/1.1/Syst emschema @14\mod5130_18.docx @ 2 8752 @ 2 @ 1
3.4 Schematic system diagram
Pos:27.13/Gerateauf bau/Termotek/ Kühler SHX 30/S ystemsche ma @ 152\m od_136618942 1554_18.d ocx @ 153772 8 @ @1
Fig. 5: Schematic system diagram
1 Heat exchanger (air/water) 2 Demister 3 Fan 4 Condensate pump with float switch (option) 5 Condensate tray 6 Control valve (two-way valve) with actuator 7 Control valve (three-way valve) with actuator
(option) 8 Orifice plate (option) 9 External temperature sensor (option.
Connection: customer-specific)
A Air flow (inlet, outlet)
B Condensate outlet C Chilling medium outlet D Chilling medium inlet
Temperature sensors
R1 Chilling medium inlet R2 Air inlet (top) R3 Air inlet (bottom) R4 Air outlet (top) R5 Air outlet (bottom)
Pos:27.14/Hinweise/All gemeinHi nweis - Stro mlaufplan beac hten @ 174\ mod_13855439 96932_18.doc x@ 1767106@ @1
Follow the instructions given in the circuit diagram.
Pos:27.15/-- leer --/== ====== @ 1\ mod26_18.d ocx @ 27188 @@ 1
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