Whenever belts are
removed or installed,
never force belts over pulleys without
loosening motor first to relieve belt tension. The fan has been checked at the factory prior to shipment for mechanical noises. If mechanical noise should develop, the
following suggestions are offered here as
a guide toward remedying the cause.
1. Check rotating members
for adequate clearance.
2. Check proper belt tension
and pulley alignment.
3. Check installation and anchoring.
4. Check fan bearings.
The inlets and approaches to the
exhauster should be free from obstructions. To assure maximum air movement,
adequate supply air must be available.
Before putting fan into operation, complete the following check list:
a. Turn off and LOCK OUT
power source.
b. Make sure installation
is in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions.
c. Check and tighten all fasteners.
d. Spin wheel
to see if rotation is free.
e. Check all set-screws and keys:
tighten if necessary.
f. Torqued set screws have a colored
Torque Seal mark indicating the correct torque has been applied.
g. Check belt or direct drive coupling
for alignment (use recommended
belt tension gauges).
h. Check belt for proper
sheave selection.
i. Make sure there is no foreign or
loose material in ductwork leading to
and from fan or in the fan itself.
j. Properly secure all safety guards.
k. Secure all access doors to fan
and ductwork.
l. Check line voltage with
motor nameplate.
m. Check wiring.
NOTE: On single phase motors, the terminal block
must be arranged in accordance with the nameplate
instructions and/or wiring diagram. The arrangement
must match the line voltage. If the motor is multispeed or multi-voltage, the winding leads must be
grouped and connected as shown on the wiring
diagram. The line voltage must correspond with
proper grouping of motor leads. The wiring diagram
must be followed explicitly or serious motor or starter
damage will occur.)
Switch on electrical supply and allow fan
to reach full speed. Check carefully for:
1. Correct rotation of the wheel. NOTE:
incorrect rotation results in severely
diminished air flow. Check rotation
label on unit.
To change rotation of 3 phase units,
interchange any 2 of the 3 line
leads. On single phase units,
change the terminal block connections following the wiring diagram
on the motor.
2. Check motor and bearing temperatures so that they are not excessively hot. NOTE: Use care when touching the exterior of an operating
motor. Modern motors normally
run hot. They are designed to operate at higher temperatures. This is
a normal condition, but they may
be hot enough to be painful or
injurious to the touch.
If any problem is indicated, TURN OFF
out the electrical supply, check carefully
for the cause of the trouble and correct as
needed. Even if the fan appears to be
operating satisfactorily, shut down after a
brief period and check all fasteners, setscrews and keys for tightness.
The fan may now be put into operation but
during the first eight (8) hours of running it
should be periodically observed and
checked for excessive vibration or noise.
At this time, checks should also be made
on motor input current and motor bearing
temperatures to insure they do not
exceed manufacturer’s recommendations. After eight hours of satisfactory
operation the fan should be shut down
and the electrical power locked out to
check the following items and adjust if
a. All set-screws, keys and fasteners.
b. Drive coupling alignment.
c. Belt drive alignment.
d. Belt tension.
Do not attempt maintenance on a fan until
the electrical supply has been completely
disconnected. Lubrication is a primary
maintenance responsibility. Check all
bearings periodically. Inspect belts for
tightness. If the fan is installed in a corrosive or dirty atmosphere, periodically
clean the centrifugal wheel, inlet, motor
housing and other moving parts.
Fan shaft bearing pillow blocks are furnished in either the pre-lubricated sealedfor-life type or the greasable type depending on what was ordered. The pre-lubricated type requires no servicing for 7 to
10 years of normal use and the greasable
type are factory greased eliminating the
need for greasing initially. Follow the lubricating schedule recommended by the factory. This practice should not supersede
any safety considerations.
Use low pressure
grease guns only. High
pressure guns tend to blow out or unseat
bearing seals, leaving the bearing open to
collect grime, dust and foreign particles.
Always follow the bearing manufacturer’s
recommended lubrication schedule. If
none is available us the following
general schedule.
a. Under average conditions where
ambient temperatures do not exceed
120°F., lubrication is required 1 to 2
times a year.
b. Under dirt laden atmosphere where
there is a temperature range of
120°F to 150°F, lubrication is
required from 3 to 6 times a year.
c. Under extreme temperature condi-
tions and extremely dirty atmospheres, lubrication should be scheduled at least once or twice a month.
d. Belt driven units maximum tempera-
ture should not exceed 160°F. Direct
driven models have temperature
range stamped on motor.
Operation & Maintenance Manual
Zephyr Cabinet Fans Models ZC & ZCC
1401 North Plano Road, Richardson, Texas 75081
Phone: 972-234-3202 Fax: 972-497-0468