PennBarry ZCC10 Installation Manual

1401 North Plano Road, Richardson, Texas 75081 Phone: 972-234-3202 Fax: 972-497-0468
Receiving and Handling
PennBarry fans are carefully inspected before leaving the factory. When the unit is received, inspect the carton for any signs of tampering. Inspect the unit for any damage that may have occurred dur­ing transit and check for loose, missing or damaged parts. Mishandled units can void the warranty provisions. PennBarry is not responsible for damages incurred during shipment.
Avoid severe jarring and/or dropping. Handle units with care to prevent damage to components or special finishes.
Long-term storage requires special atten­tion. Units should be stored on a level, solid surface, preferably indoors. If out­side storage is necessary, protect the units against moisture and dirt by encas­ing the cartons in plastic or some similar weatherproof material. Periodically in­spect units and rotate wheels to spread bearing lubricant. Failure to rotate wheels can result in reduced bearing life and may void the manufacturer’s warranty. If the unit will be stored for extended time, remove all belts.
Place carton in an upright position and remove staples or use a sharp (knife edge) tool to CAREFULLY cut or scribe the sealing tape on both sides at the top of the carton. Open carton flaps. Remove any cardboard and wooden filler pieces, as well as loose components or acces­sories shipped with the unit.
Carefully remove the unit from the carton. Inspect the unit for any damage that may have occurred during transit and check for loose, missing or damaged parts.
Position unit to allow a minimum of 30" clearance for the side access panels on the unit. PennBarry ZC fans are supplied with four (4) pre-punched mounting holes which should be utilized as the point of attachment. For installation purposes, use four (4), 3/8" diameter threaded steel
rods, supplied by others (see Figure 1). Attach the rods securely into the ceiling panel or joist system and cut to length so the fan will hang in a level plane. To mount the unit, first put a nut and washer on each rod. Position the fan to hang level, with the rods extending through the mounting rail holes. Place another washer and nut onto the rods from inside the housing. Tighten nuts to lock the unit in place (see Figure 2).
If vibration isolators are required, they should be attached to the hanger rods before the unit is installed.
On dual unit Zephyr cabinet fans (Model ZCC), support channels provide the point of attachment instead of mounting holes (see Figure 3). Model ZCC units are pre­assembled with a joiner angle and two (2) support channels connecting the two units. Use four (4) 3/8" diameter threaded steel rods (supplied by others) for installa­tion purposes. Attach the rods securely to the ceiling panel or joist system and cut to length so the fan will hang in a level plane. Mount the unit in place using the holes provided in the support channels and use nuts and washers, as described above, to lock the unit in place.
Operation & Maintenance Manual
Zephyr Belt Drive Cabinet Fans Models ZC & ZCC
Please read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future reference.
Printed in the USA Jan 2005
PART #59538
PennBarry Zephyr series ZC and ZCC belt drive cabinet fans are general purpose duct blowers. For general ventilating use only. DO NOT USE to exhaust dirt, grease or lint­laden air. These units are sized with space saving in mind and furnished with inlet and outlet connecting flanges and removable access panels on either side of the unit. Complete motor and blower assembly can be removed for full accessibility to all com­ponents for servicing, inspection, etc., using the side access panels. Optional acces­sories include a duct mounted filter assembly, guards and backdraft dampers.
All dimensions are in inches.
Table 1: Hanging Unit Attachment Dimensions
Figure 3: Dual unit Zephyrs
Figure 1: Hanging Unit Attachment Figure 2: Rod Attachment
Model T V
ZCC10 13 3/8 48 1/2 ZCC12 16 1/8 58 ZCC15 19 1/2 71 ZCC18 24 88
Operation & Maintenance Manual
Zephyr Cabinet Fans Models ZC & ZCC
1401 North Plano Road, Richardson, Texas 75081 Phone: 972-234-3202 Fax: 972-497-0468
For floor installation, lag through bottom of cabinet into floor. If rubber vibration isolators (supplied by others) are used they should be located so the cabinet rests on them. Lag isolators to floor and bolt the fan to them using hardware adequate for attachment.
NOTE: Some local codes prohibit the connection of in-line, aluminum fans in kitchen hood exhaust systems. According to present NFPA 96 interpretation, ANY fan used in such duct work must be made of steel, with liquid-tight welds at all seams and connections. If local codes are in accordance with NFPA 96 do not use ANY FAN that is not completely welded closed for such duty. Refer to Penn Fumex Bulletin FMX99 for roof and wall mounted exhausters approved for use on kitchen hood exhaust.
Do not install in the kitchen area.
Before wiring fan, LOCK OUT ALL POWER SOURCES. Normally power lines are brought up to the fan through proper conduit lines.
When performing any electrical wiring, follow all local and national electrical and safety codes, as well as the most recent National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
All wiring should be performed by a qualified electrician.
When power lines are brought to the unit, a generous amount of slack should be provided to allow for motor deflections and to permit movement of motor for belt tension adjustments. Motor must be securely and adequately grounded. Protect power lines from sharp objects. Do not kink power line of permit it to contact hot surfaces, chemical, grease or oil. Use only UL recognized electrical parts - rated for proper voltage, load and environment.
Make sure that the proper line voltage is
supplied to the fan.
Start Up and Operation
Careful inspection should be made before start-up. All fasteners should be securely tightened. Impeller should be rotated by hand to insure free movement. (NOTE: Before placing hand on impeller or belts, lock out primary and secondary power source.) Check all set-screws and keys. Tighten when necessary using proper tools to recommended torque.
The condition of belts and the amount of belt tension should be checked prior to start-up. When it becomes necessary to adjust belt tension, do not overtighten as bearing damage will occur. Recommend­ed belt tension should permit 1/64" per inch of span deflection of the belt on each side of the belt measured half-way between the pulley centerline (See Figure
6). Extreme care must be exercised when adjusting belt as not to misalign the pul­leys. Any misalignment will cause a sharp reduction in belt life and will also produce squeaky, annoying noises. On units equipped with two-groove pulleys, use matching belts and adjust so there is equal tension on both belts.
Single Phase: Disconnect Switch between the motor and the starter
Single Speed (Shaded Pole, Split Phase or P.S.C.)
115 Volts 115 Volts
208 - 230 Volts 208 - 230 Volts
Two Speed - Two Winding
Single Phase: Disconnect Switch between the motor and the starter
Single Speed
Two Speed: Two Winding or One Winding
UL recognized Single Pole Disconnect Switch Rated in HP, Amps & Voltage
Ground Conductor Ground Conductor
Motor Motor
115 V. / 1 / 60 Powerlines
UL recognized Single Pole Disconnect Switch Rated in HP, Amps & Voltage
Starter & Speed Selector
Overload Protection
115 V. / 1 / 60 Powerlines
UL recognized Two Pol e Disconnect Switch Rated in HP, Amps & Voltage
Ground Conductor
Ground Conductor
Ground Conductor
Ground Conductor
208 or 230 V / 1 / 60
UL recognized Two Pol e Disconnect Switch Rated in HP, Amps & Voltage
Starter & Speed Selector
208 or 230 V / 1 / 60
UL recognized Three Pole Disconnect Switch Rated in HP, Amps & Voltage
UL recognized Six Pole Disconnect Switch Rated in HP, Amps & Voltage
Three Phase Starter
Three Phase, Two Speed Starter
1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3
T4 T11
Figure 4: Do Not Install In A Cooking Area
Figure 6: Pulley Alignment & Tension
Figure 5: Wiring Diagram for Single Phase Models
Cooking Area
Do Not Install Above Or Inside This Area
45º 45º
Cooking Equipment
Whenever belts are
removed or installed, never force belts over pulleys without loosening motor first to relieve belt ten­sion. The fan has been checked at the fac­tory prior to shipment for mechanical nois­es. If mechanical noise should develop, the following suggestions are offered here as a guide toward remedying the cause.
1. Check rotating members for adequate clearance.
2. Check proper belt tension and pulley alignment.
3. Check installation and anchoring.
4. Check fan bearings.
The inlets and approaches to the exhauster should be free from obstruc­tions. To assure maximum air movement, adequate supply air must be available.
Before putting fan into operation, com­plete the following check list:
a. Turn off and LOCK OUT
power source.
b. Make sure installation
is in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
c. Check and tighten all fasteners.
d. Spin wheel
to see if rotation is free.
e. Check all set-screws and keys:
tighten if necessary.
f. Torqued set screws have a colored
Torque Seal mark indicating the cor­rect torque has been applied.
g. Check belt or direct drive coupling
for alignment (use recommended belt tension gauges).
h. Check belt for proper
sheave selection.
i. Make sure there is no foreign or
loose material in ductwork leading to and from fan or in the fan itself.
j. Properly secure all safety guards.
k. Secure all access doors to fan
and ductwork.
l. Check line voltage with
motor nameplate.
m. Check wiring.
NOTE: On single phase motors, the terminal block must be arranged in accordance with the nameplate instructions and/or wiring diagram. The arrangement must match the line voltage. If the motor is multi­speed or multi-voltage, the winding leads must be grouped and connected as shown on the wiring diagram. The line voltage must correspond with proper grouping of motor leads. The wiring diagram must be followed explicitly or serious motor or starter damage will occur.)
Switch on electrical supply and allow fan to reach full speed. Check carefully for:
1. Correct rotation of the wheel. NOTE: incorrect rotation results in severely diminished air flow. Check rotation label on unit. To change rotation of 3 phase units, interchange any 2 of the 3 line leads. On single phase units, change the terminal block connec­tions following the wiring diagram on the motor.
2. Check motor and bearing tempera­tures so that they are not excessive­ly hot. NOTE: Use care when touch­ing the exterior of an operating motor. Modern motors normally
run hot. They are designed to oper­ate at higher temperatures. This is a normal condition, but they may be hot enough to be painful or injurious to the touch.
If any problem is indicated, TURN OFF POWER TO UNIT IMMEDIATELY. Lock out the electrical supply, check carefully for the cause of the trouble and correct as needed. Even if the fan appears to be operating satisfactorily, shut down after a brief period and check all fasteners, set­screws and keys for tightness.
The fan may now be put into operation but during the first eight (8) hours of running it should be periodically observed and checked for excessive vibration or noise. At this time, checks should also be made on motor input current and motor bearing temperatures to insure they do not exceed manufacturer’s recommenda­tions. After eight hours of satisfactory operation the fan should be shut down and the electrical power locked out to check the following items and adjust if necessary:
a. All set-screws, keys and fasteners.
b. Drive coupling alignment.
c. Belt drive alignment.
d. Belt tension.
Do not attempt maintenance on a fan until the electrical supply has been completely disconnected. Lubrication is a primary maintenance responsibility. Check all bearings periodically. Inspect belts for tightness. If the fan is installed in a corro­sive or dirty atmosphere, periodically clean the centrifugal wheel, inlet, motor housing and other moving parts.
Fan shaft bearing pillow blocks are fur­nished in either the pre-lubricated sealed­for-life type or the greasable type depend­ing on what was ordered. The pre-lubri­cated type requires no servicing for 7 to 10 years of normal use and the greasable type are factory greased eliminating the need for greasing initially. Follow the lubri­cating schedule recommended by the fac­tory. This practice should not supersede any safety considerations.
Use low pressure
grease guns only. High pressure guns tend to blow out or unseat bearing seals, leaving the bearing open to collect grime, dust and foreign particles.
Always follow the bearing manufacturer’s recommended lubrication schedule. If none is available us the following general schedule.
a. Under average conditions where
ambient temperatures do not exceed 120°F., lubrication is required 1 to 2 times a year.
b. Under dirt laden atmosphere where
there is a temperature range of 120°F to 150°F, lubrication is required from 3 to 6 times a year.
c. Under extreme temperature condi-
tions and extremely dirty atmos­pheres, lubrication should be sched­uled at least once or twice a month.
d. Belt driven units maximum tempera-
ture should not exceed 160°F. Direct driven models have temperature range stamped on motor.
Operation & Maintenance Manual
Zephyr Cabinet Fans Models ZC & ZCC
1401 North Plano Road, Richardson, Texas 75081 Phone: 972-234-3202 Fax: 972-497-0468
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