PennBarry PND Installation Manual

Shallow Well Jet Pumps/ Tank Systems
Systems de pompes enfonte montées sur réservoir pour puisage en eau peu profonde
For further operating, installation, or maintenance assistance:
Call 1-262-728-9181
English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 2-10
Pour plus de renseignements concernant l’utilisation, l’installation ou l’entretien,
Composer le
1 (262) 728-9181
Français . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 11-19
Para mayor información sobre el funcionamiento, instalación o mantenimiento de la bomba:
Llame al 1-262-728-9181
Español . . . . . . . . . . .Paginas 20-28
S745 (Rev. 6/25/09)
293 Wright Street, Delavan, WI 53115
Safety 2
This is the safety alert symbol. When you see this
symbol on your pump or in this manual, look for one of the following signal words and be alert to the potential for personal injury:
warns about hazards that will cause serious
personal injury, death or major property damage if ignored.
warns about hazards that can cause serious
personal injury, death or major property damage if ignored.
warns about hazards that will or can cause
minor personal injury or property damage if ignored. The label NOTICE indicates special instructions which
are important but not related to hazards.
Carefully read and follow all safety instructions in this manual and on pump.
Keep safety labels in good condition. Replace missing or damaged safety labels.
Capacitor voltage may be hazardous. To dis-
charge motor capacitor, hold insulated handle screwdriver BY THE HANDLE and short capacitor terminals together. Do not touch metal screwdriver blade or capacitor termi­nals. If in doubt, consult a qualified electrician.
Do not touch an operating motor. Modern
motors can operate at high temperatures. To avoid burns when servicing pump, allow it to cool for 20 minutes after shut-down before handling.
Do not allow pump or any system component to freeze. To do so will void warranty.
Pump water only with this pump. Periodically inspect pump and system components. Wear safety glasses at all times when working on pumps. Keep work area clean, uncluttered and properly lighted;
store properly all unused tools and equipment. Keep visitors at a safe distance from the work areas.
Pump body may explode if used as a booster pump unless relief valve capable of passing full pump flow at 75 psi is installed.
Hazardous pressure! Install pressure relief valve in discharge pipe.
Release all pressure on system before working on any component.
Hazardous voltage. Can shock, burn, or cause death.
Ground pump before connecting to power supply. Disconnect power before working on pump, motor or tank.
Wire motor for correct
voltage. See “Electrical” section of this manual and motor nameplate.
Ground motor before
connecting to power supply.
Meet National Electri-
cal Code, Canadian Electrical Code, and local codes for all wiring.
Follow wiring instruc-
tions in this manual when connecting motor to power lines.
Table of Contents 3
Thank you for purchasing a top quality, factory tested pump.
General Safety .....................................................................................................2
Installation ........................................................................................................4,5
Connecting Discharge Piping...............................................................................6
Preparing To Start The Pump................................................................................8
Repair Parts .........................................................................................................9
STA-RITE warrants to the original consumer purchaser (“Purchaser” or “You”) of the products listed below, that they will be free from defects in material and workmanship for the Warranty Period shown below.
Product Warranty Period
Water Systems Products — jet pumps,
whichever occurs first:
small centrifugal pumps, submersible pumps 12 months from date of original installation, or and related accessories 18 months from date of manufacture
Composite Tanks 5 years from date of original installation Pro-SourceTMSteel Pressure Tanks 5 years from date of original installation Pro-SourceTMEpoxy-Lined Tanks 3 years from date of original installation Sump/Sewage/Effluent Products 12 months from date of original installation, or
18 months from date of manufacture
Our warranty will not apply to any product that, in our sole judgement, has been subject to negligence, misapplication, improper installation, or improper maintenance. Without limiting the foregoing, operating a three phase motor with single phase power through a phase converter will void the warranty. Note also that three phase motors must be protected by three-leg, ambient compensated, extra-quick trip overload relays of the recommended size or the warranty is void.
Your only remedy, and STA-RITE’s only duty, is that STA-RITE repair or replace defective products (at STA-RITE’s choice). You must pay all labor and shipping charges associated with this warranty and must request warranty service through the installing dealer as soon as a problem is discovered. No request for service will be accepted if received after the Warranty Period has expired.This warranty is not transferable.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or limitations on the duration of an implied warranty, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to You. This warranty gives You specific legal rights and You may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
This warranty supersedes and replaces all previous warranty publications.
293 Wright St., Delavan,WI 53115
Installation 4
Hazardous voltage. Disconnect power to pump before work-
ing on pump or motor.
Step 1. Drain and remove the old pump. Check the old pipe for scale, lime,
rust, etc., and replace it if necessary.
Step 2. Install the pump in the system. Make sure that all pipe joints in the
suction pipe are air-tight as well as water tight.
If the suction pipe
can suck air, the pump will not be able to pull water from the well.
Step 3. Adjust the pump mounting height so that the plumbing connections
do not put a strain on the pump body. Support the pipe so that the pump body does not take the weight of piping or fittings.
You have just completed the well plumbing for your new shallow well jet pump. Please go to Page 6 for discharge pipe and tank connections.
Step 1. Drive the well, using “drive couplings” and a “drive cap”. “Drive
fittings” are threaded all the way through and allow the pipe ends to butt against each other so that the driving force of the maul is car­ried by the pipe and
by the threads. The ordinary fittings found in hardware stores are not threaded all the way through the fitting and can collapse under impact. “Drive fittings” are also smoother than standard plumbing fittings, making ground penetration easier.
Step 2. Mount the pump as close to the well as possible. Step 3. Use the fewest possible fittings (especially elbows) when connecting
the pipe from the well point to the pump suction port. The suction pipe should be at least as large as the suction port on the pump (include a check valve if your pump is not equipped with one – see Figure 1). Support the pipe so that there are no dips or sags in the pipe, so it doesn’t strain the pump body, and so that it slopes slight­ly upward from the well to the pump (high spots can cause air pockets which can air lock the pump). Seal the suction pipe joints with teflon tape or a teflon based pipe joint compound. Joints must be air- and water-tight.
If the suction pipe can suck air, the pump
cannot pull water from the well.
If one well point does not supply enough water, consider connecting two or three well points to one suction pipe.
You have just completed the suction piping for your new shallow well jet pump. Please go to Page 6 for discharge pipe and tank connections.
Step 1. Mount the pump as close to the well as possible. Step 2. Assemble the foot valve, strainer, and well pipe (see Figure 2). Make
sure that the foot valve works freely.
Step 3. Lower the pipe into the well until the strainer is five feet above the
bottom of the well. It should also be at least 10 feet below the well’s water level
while the pump is running
in order to prevent the pump
from sucking air. Install a sanitary well seal.
To Household Water System
Pump Priming Tee with Plug or Gauge
Drive Coupling
Drive Point
Priming Tee and Plug
Drive point below water level
Check Val ve
Figure 1: Driven Point Installation
Figure 2: Cased Well Installation
To Household Water System
Pump Priming Tee with Plug or Gauge
Suction Pipe
From Well
Priming Tee and Plug
Sanitary Well Seal
Foot Valve
Check Valve
1862 0205 SWJ
Installation 5
Step 4. Install a priming tee, priming plug, and suction pipe to the pump
(see Figure 2). Connect the pipe from the well to the pump suction port, using the fewest possible fittings – especially elbows – as fit­tings increase friction in the pipe (however, include a foot valve – see Figure 2). The suction pipe should be at least as large as the suction port on the pump. Use teflon tape or a teflon-based pipe joint compound on threaded pipe joints. Support the pipe so that there are no dips or sags in the pipe, so it doesn’t strain the pump body, and so that it slopes slightly upward from the well to the pump (high spots can cause air pockets which can air lock the pump). Seal the suction pipe joints with teflon tape or a teflon based pipe joint compound. Joints must be air- and water-tight.
If the suction pipe can suck air, the pump cannot pull water from the well.
You have just completed the suction piping for your new shallow well jet pump. Please go to Page 6 for discharge pipe and tank connections.
Do not use surface water for drinking. The installation shown
could be used for sprinkler applications. Step 1. The pump should be installed as close to the water as possible,
with the fewest possible fittings (especially elbows) in the suction pipe. The suction pipe should be at least as large as the suction port on the pump.
Step 2. Assemble a foot valve and suction pipe (see Figure 3). Make sure
that the foot valve works freely. Use teflon tape or a teflon-based pipe joint compound on threaded pipe joints. Protect the foot valve assembly from fish, trash, etc, by installing a screen around it (see Figure 3).
Step 3. Lower the pipe into the water until the strainer is five feet above the
bottom. It should also be at least 10 feet below the water level in order to prevent the pump from sucking air.
Step 4. Install a priming tee, priming plug, and suction pipe to the pump
(see Figure 3). Support the pipe so that there are no dips or sags in the pipe, so it doesn’t strain the pump body, and so that it slopes slightly upward from the well to the pump (high spots can cause air pockets which can air lock the pump). Seal the suction pipe joints with teflon tape or a teflon based pipe joint compound. Joints must be air- and water-tight.
If the suction pipe can suck air, the pump
cannot pull water from the well.
You have just completed the plumbing for your new shallow well jet pump. Please go to Page 6 for discharge pipe and tank connections.
Suction Pipe From Well
Foot Valve
To Household Water System
Pump Priming Tee with Plug or Gauge
Figure 3: Surface Water Installation
Discharge Pipe and Pressure Tank Connections 6
Step 1. Install two tees in the pump discharge port (see Figure 4). The pipe
size must be at least as large as the discharge port.
Step 2. Run a pipe or reinforced hose from one arm of the first tee to the
port on the pre-charged tank.
Step 3. Connect the other end of the discharge tee to your plumbing system.
Cap the tee with a threaded plug or a pressure gauge.
Step 4. Check the pre-charge of air in the tank with an ordinary tire gauge.
The pre-charge should be 2 PSI less than the cut-in setting of the pump’s pressure switch. The pre-charge is measured
when there is
no water pressure in the tank.
Your new pump has a 30/50 PSI
switch, so adjust the tank pre-charge pressure to 28 PSI.
Congratulations! You have just completed the tank connection for your jet pump.
Please go to Page 7 for electrical hookup.
Step 1. Install one tee in the pump discharge port (see Figure 5). Step 2. Run a pipe from the pump discharge port to the inlet port of your
tank. The pipe size must be at least as large as the discharge port.
Step 3. Install a tee in the suction pipe near the pump. Install a reducer
bushing down to 1/8” NPT in the tee. Run tubing from the tee to the port on the AVC mounted on the tank. Seal all joints with teflon tape. See instructions provided with the tank and the AVC for details.
Congratulations! You have just completed the tank connection for your jet pump.
Please go to Page 7 for electrical hookup.
From Well
To Household Water System
Pump Priming Tee with Plug or Gauge
Pressure Switch
Figure 4: Pre-charged Tank Connections
Figure 5: Standard Tank Connections
Sealing Pipe Joints
Use only Teflon tape or Teflon based joint compounds for making all threaded connections to the pump itself. Do not use pipe joint compounds on plastic pumps: they can react with the plastic in pump components. Make sure that all pipe joints in the suction pipe are air tight as well as water tight.
If the suction pipe can suck air, the pump will not be able to pull water from the well.
To Household Water System
Air Volume Control
Pump Priming
Pressure Switch
Tee and Plug or Gauge
Air Volume Control Tube
From Well
Electrical 7
Disconnect power before working on pump, motor, pressure switch, or wiring.
Dial Type Voltage Selector
Voltage is factory set to 230 volts. To change to 115 volts:
1. Make sure power is off.
2. Turn the dial counter-clockwise until 115 shows in the dial window as shown in Figure 7.
3. Attach the incoming power leads to the two outer screws on the pressure switch as shown in Figure 6.
4. Attach the ground wire to the grounding connections as shown in Figure 6.
5. If there are other wires, they should be capped.
6. Reinstall the Motor end cover.
Hazardous voltage. Can shock, burn, or kill. Connect ground wire before connecting power supply wires. Use the wire size (including the ground wire) speci­fied in the wiring chart. If possible, connect the pump to a
separate branch circuit with no other appliances on it.
Explosion hazard. Do not ground to a gas supply line.
Fire hazard. Incorrect voltage can cause a
fire or seriously damage the motor and voids the warran­ty. The supply voltage must be within ±10% of the motor nameplate voltage.
NOTICE: Dual-voltage motors are factory wired for 230 volts. If necessary, reconnect the motor for 115 volts, as shown. Do not alter the wiring in single voltage motors.
Install, ground, wire, and maintain your pump in compli­ance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) or the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), as applicable, and with all local codes and ordinances that apply. Consult your local building inspector for code information.
Connection Procedure:
Step 1. Connect the ground wire first as shown in Figure
6. The ground wire must be a solid copper wire at least as large as the power supply wires.
Step 2. There must be a solid metal connection between
the pressure switch and the motor for motor grounding protection. If the pressure switch is not connected to the motor, connect the green ground screw in the switch to the green ground screw under the motor end cover. Use a solid copper wire at least as large as the power supply wires.
Step 3. Connect the ground wire to a grounded lead in a
service panel, to a metal underground water pipe, to a metal well casing at least ten feet (3M) long, or to a ground electrode provided by the power company or the hydro authority.
Step 4. Connect the power supply wires to the pressure
switch as shown in Figure 6.
You have just completed the wiring for your pump. Please go to Page 8 for startup preparations.
NOTE: 1/2 HP motors are wired for 115 volts only, and have no motor wiring to change.
3/4 HP or 1 HP motor terminal boards (located under the motor end cover) should look like one of those below. If the motor can operate at either 115 or 230 volts, it is set at the factory to 230 volts. Do not change motor wiring if line voltage is 230 volts, or if you have a single voltage motor.
Never wire a 115 volt motor to a 230 volt line.
Figure 6:Voltage set to 230 volts, Dial Type
Ground Wire Connection
Power Supply Connections
Voltage Change Dial
Pressure Switch
Figure 7:Voltage set to 115 volts, Dial Type
Preparing to Start the Pump
Follow winterizing instructions.
Pump and piping will be damaged if frozen and not drained.
Electrical 8
Never run pump against closed discharge. To do so can boil water inside pump, causing hazardous pressure in unit, risk of explosion and possibly scalding persons handling pump.
Never run pump dry. Running pump without water may cause
pump to overheat, damaging seal and possibly causing burns to persons handling pump. Fill pump with water before starting.
Step 1. Remove the priming plug from the pump and fill the pump, fill all pip-
ing between the pump and the well, and make sure that all piping in the well is full. If you have also installed a priming tee in the suction piping, remove the plug from the tee and fill the suction piping.
Step 2. Replace all fill plugs. Step 3. Power on! Start the pump. If you don’t have water after 2 or 3 min-
utes, stop the pump and remove the fill plugs. Refill the pump and piping. You may have to repeat this several times in order to get all the trapped air out of the piping. A pump lifting water 25’ may take as long as 15 minutes to prime.
Step 4. After the pump has built up pressure in the system and shut off,
check the pressure switch operation by opening a faucet or two and running enough water out to bleed off pressure until the pump starts. The pump should start when pressure drops to 30 PSI and stop when pressure reaches 50 PSI. Run the pump through one or two complete cycles to verify correct operation. This will also help clean the system of dirt and scale dislodged during installation.
To prepare the pump for freezing temperatures: Step 1. Shut off power to the pump. Step 2. Relieve system pressure. Open a faucet and let it drain until water
stops flowing.
Step 3. Drain the pump. Your pump may have a separate drain plug.
Remove this plug and let it drain. Your pump may only have a plug or connection on the side of the pump. Remove this and let the pump drain. Some water will remain in the pump. A small amount of water left in the pump will not harm it if it freezes.
0 - 100 101 - 200 201 - 300 301 - 400 401 - 500
Max. Load Branch Fuse
(0 - 30) (31 - 61) (62 - 91) (92 - 122) (123 - 152)
Motor HP Volts Amp Rating Amp AWG WIRE SIZE (mm2)
1/2 115/230 9.9/4.95 15/15 14/14 (2/2) 10/14 (5.5/2) 10/14 (5.5/2) 6/14 (14/2) 6/12 (14/3) 3/4 115/230 12.4/6.2 20/15 12/14 (3/2) 10/14 (5.5/2) 8/14 (8.4/2) 6/12 (14/3) 6/12 (14/3)
1 115/230 14.8/7.4 20/15 12/14 (3/2) 8/14 (8.4/2) 6/14 (14/2) 6/12 (4/3) 4/10 (21/5.5)
Wiring Chart – Recommended Wire and Fuse Sizes
Figure 8: Prime the Pump
Repair Parts 9
4793 0105
Ref. PNC PND PNE No. Description Qty. 1/2 HP 3/4 HP 1 HP
1 Motor 1 J218-582APKG J218-590PKG J218-596PKG 2 Seal Plate 1 N3-15P N3-15P N3-15P 3 O-Ring 1 U9-390 U9-390 U9-390 4 Shaft Seal 1 U109-6A U109-6A U109-6A 5 Impeller 1 J105-40PNB J105-42PNB J105-22PB
5A Floating Wear Ring 1 N23-12SS N23-12SS N23-11SS
6 Priming Baffle 1 U97-153P U97-153P U97-153P 7 Nozzle / Venturi / Diffuser Assembly 1 N101-30PA N101-30P N101-29P 8 Nozzle O-Ring 1 U9-449 U9-449 U9-449
9 Pump Body 1 N76-46P N76-46P N76-46P 10 1/4" Plug 2 § § § 11 Barbed Fitting 2 U111-212T U111-212T U111-212T 12 Base 1 J104-9F J104-9F J104-9F 13 Rubber Pad 1 C35-5 C35-5 C35-5 14 3/8" x 2" Capcrews 4 § § § 15 Pressure Switch 1 U217-1202 U217-1202 U217-1202
§ Common hardware, purchase locally.
Repair Parts
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