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or editorial errors or omissions contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection
with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. The information is provided “as is” without
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Systems is an Enviro Water Solutions, Inc. company.
Pelican WF4/WF8 Premium Whole House Iron and Manganese
Filtration System
Product Operation and Specifications
Specification DescriptionWF4WF8
Max Flow Rate*10 GPM 15 GPM
Minimum Working Pressure25 PSI
Maximum Working Pressure80 PSI
Maximum Vacuum5 inch/127 mm Hg
Operating Temperatures36°F – 120°F
pH Range7 - 11
*Minimum Rated Service Flow must be at least 6 GPM.
Important Information
Read these instructions carefully and determine the location of all system components before
beginning installation.
Check all applicable plumbing, building, and electrical codes for installation compliance.
Install the system on the main water supply.
Systems that contain electronic components cannot be installed outside in uncovered areas.
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If this or any other system is installed in a metal (co nductive) plumbing system, i.e. copper or
galvanized metal, the plastic components of the system will interrupt the continuity of the
plumbing system. As a result any errant electricity from improperly grounded appliances
downstream or potential galvanic activity in the plumbing system can no longer ground
through contiguous metal plumbing. Some homes may have been built in accordance with
building codes, which actually encouraged the grounding of electrical appliances through the
plumbing system. Consequently, the installation of a bypass consisting of the same material
as the existing plumbing, or a grounded "jumper wire" bridging the equipment and reestablishing the contiguous conductive nature of the plumbing system must be installed prior
to your systems use.
When adding a filtration/softening system to homes/buildings supplied by well water, the syst em should be
installed following the pressure tank. DO NOT USE this system for pneumatic or hydro pneumatic
applications. If you are using a booster pump, then install this system following the booster
pump. If you have questions, please call customer service.
Pelican WF4/WF8 Premium Whole House Iron and Manganese
Connect Nut
Red Arrow
Water Filter
Whole House
Iron & Manganese Filter
Whole House
Water Filter
Front View
Filtration System
Installation Ov erview
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Pump Tubing
Solution Tank
Figure 1
Bypass Valve Installation
Chemical Injector
Whole House
Iron & Manganese Filter
Water to
Whole House
Water Filter
Figure 2
Whole House Water Filter - The Bypass Valve comes pre-assembled and ready to install with the
O-Rings, Split Rings, and Quick Connect Nuts. Push the Bypass Valve into the head of the Pelican Whole
House Water Filter with the unthreaded ends orientated towards the tank and hand-tighten the Quick
Connect Nuts.
Pelican WF4/WF8 Premium Whole House Iron and Manganese
Filtration System
Whole House Iron & Manganese Filter - If the Red Clips are in the slots (female opening of Electronic
Head) remove them. Push the male O-Ring side of the Bypass Valve into the female opening of the
Electronic Head. Push the Red Clips back into the slots to tighten.
The Bypass Valve on the Electr onic Head can be set to Bypass or Service by turning the knobs on the side
of the valve. If the holes are up and down then the tank is in the Bypass Mode. If the holes are side to side
then the tank is in the Service Mode. Do not remove the red clips from the Bypass Valve after connecting
to main water supply.
Note: The Whole House W ater Filter flows in a differ ent direction than the Iron Manganese Filter. The Red
Arrows on the Whole House FilterBypass may be pointing in a diff erent direction then shown in Figure 2. If
this is the case, remove the Red Arrows by pulling them straight up. Turn them around and reposition
correctly onto the Bypass Valve so they are positioned as shown in Figure 2.