Mega-Performance Technologies
A Higher Definition of Security
Megapixel technology ushered in a new era for the video security industry,
providing clear, detailed and expansive images. Now Pelco has advanced
this technology by developing an innovative platform that denes the
next generation of imaging performance. Created to overcome the
limitations security professionals previously experienced with megapixel
cameras, Sarix technology sets a new standard for performance.
3.1 MP
Megapixel Technology Delivers a Wide Range of Resolution Choices
2.1 MP
1.3 MP
0.5 SVGA
Sarix Mega-Performance Technologies
With Sarix technology, best-in-class imaging science delivers high-denition (HD) resolution
images, advanced lowlight capabilities, consistent color science, and unmatched processing
power. Built upon the three pillars of innovative imaging science, sophisticated industrial design
and advanced process power, Sarix is a truly revolutionary new approach to video security.
Imaging Science
Sarix sets the standard for low-light performance by multiplying and averaging
available light per pixel in order to provide the highest degree of sensitivit y. Sarix
technology also produces consistent detailed color across all products for accurate
subject tracking.
• High-Definition (HD) Resolution
• Standard-Definition (SD) Resolution
• Advanced Low Light Capability
• Consistent Color Science
Advanc ed imaging sc ience deliv ers
consis tent color an d high sensit ivity.
Industrial Design
Sarix-based cameras are designed to reduce installation time. Exceptionally easy
to-install and easy-to-focus, these systems also feature sleek, modern designs to
complement building architecture.
• Auto Back Focus (ABF)
• Advanced Network Camera Setup
• Mini SD Card Slot for Local Storage
• Auto Accessories via USB Ports
• Local Service Jacks for Easy Installation
• PoE and 24VAC
• Sleek Modern Design
Processing Power
Sarix features High-Profile H.264 compression for optimized image quality and
minimized bandw idth, along with base-line H.264, MJPEG and MPEG4 compression
for the flexibility to meet various system requirements. Sarix also enables users to
run both Pelco and third-party analy tics.
• H.264, MJPEG and MPEG4 Compression
• Extended Platform (EP) for 30ips @ 1080p
• Real-Time, High-Frame Rate Images
• Built-In Pelco Analytics and Third Party Analytics
Sarix IX S eries Cam eras feature a m odern,
sophis ticated des ign.
Sarix Techn ology Powe rs IX,
ID and IE S eries Cam eras
Advanc ed Remote Con guration