Peavey UMA 352 User Manual

UMA™352 MIXER/AMPLIFIERSpecifications
RRaatteedd oouuttppuutt ppoowweerr::
35 Watts
OOuuttppuutt rreegguullaattiioonn::
Direct out: <0.5 dB Transformer out: <1.0 dB
FFrreeqquueennccyy rreessppoonnssee::
Power Amplifier: ±0.5 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz,
direct out ±1.0 dB, 50 Hz to 20 kHz, transformer out
Preamplifier: ±1.0 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Power Amplifier: 0.05% (1 kHz) Preamplifier: 0.10% with nominal gain
PPoowweerr bbaannddwwiiddtthh::
Direct out: <10 Hz to 70 kHz Transformer out: 30 Hz to 40 kHz
(22 Hz — 22 kHz) typical All controls CCW: -100 dB All controls nominal (5): -90 dB Level controls CCW and master level CW:
-80 dB
Direct out: 4 Ohms XFMR: Balanced 8 Ohms,
70 V, 100 V
Ch. 4 out: 1 V nom.; +21 dBu max.
at 100 Ohms
Pre out: 1 V nom.; +21 dBu max.
at 100 Ohms
Channel 1: Mic 1 mV at 1.8 k Ohms
(XLR or screw terminals) Tel 100 mV at 20 k Ohms (Screw terminals)
Channel 2: Mic 1 mV at 1.8 k Ohms
(Screw terminals) Line 100 mV at 20 k Ohms (Screw terminals)
Channel 3: Line 100 mV
at 20 k Ohms (Screw terminals)
Channel 4: Line 100 mV
at 20 k Ohms (Screw terminals) Stereo 316 mV (-10 dBV) at
4.0 k Ohms (RCA jacks)
Power in: 1 Volt at 20 k Ohms
TToonnee ccoonnttrroollss::
Bass: ±10 dB at 100 Hz Treble: ±10 dB at 10 kHz
FFrroonntt ppaanneell ccoonnttrroollss aanndd iinnddiiccaattoorrss::
Channel 1 level control Channel 2 level control Channel 3 level control Channel 4 level control
UMA™352 MIXER/AMPLIFIERSpecifications
Bass control Treble control Master level control Input channel signal level indicators:
(signal presence = green; signal peak
= red) Input channel mute status indicators Power amplifier signal presence indicator SPS
Power on indicator
RReeaarr ppaanneell ccoonnttrroollss::
Module input level control (Use with MMA
input modules only) Channel 1 sensitivity switch Channel 1 mute bus assign switch Mute 2 threshold control Channel 2 sensitivity switch Channel 2 mute bus assign switch Channel 4 output level control Loop switch Power switch
Mute 1: MMA input module overrides Ch 1 through 4 Mute 2: Ch 1 overrides Ch 2 through 4 with adjustable threshold control range from OFF to 100 mV (TEL) or 1 mV (MIC)
OOtthheerr ffeeaattuurreess::
Remote volume control (RVC) via screw terminals
• 10 k Ohms approximately 30 dB attenuation
• 100 k Ohms approximately 60 dB
attenuation Mute 1 and mute 2 bus activation with switch contact closure via screw terminals 24 V DC phantom power on MIC inputs
PPoowweerr rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss::
100 Watts, 120 V AC, 60 Hz
19" x 13.25" x 3.45" with rack ears (483 mm x 337 mm x 88 mm)
17" x 13.25" x 3.45" without rack ears (432 mm x 337 mm x 88 mm)
20.0 lbs. (9 kg)
• Up to five input channels
• One electronically balanced Mic/Tel input – telephone input with 600 Ohm transformer balanced for paging
• One electronically balanced Mic/Line input
• Two electronically balanced Line inputs
• One plug-in module port allows for any single-space MMA
• Rear-panel input level control for optional MMA input module
• Priority/Muting system with internal signal override, external switch closure capability, threshold control, and front panel indicators
• Mute Bus Active/Defeat switches on two channels
• Remote volume control capability
• Bass and treble equalization controls
• Preamp output and power amp input loop for external processing equipment or auxiliary output
• Channel 4 electronically balanced output provides non-mutable output for MOH
• Front panel channel input signal level indicators
• Amplifier signal indicator
(Speaker Protection System)
circuitry with indicator
• Power indicator
• 4 Ohm direct output
• 8 Ohm, 70 Volt, and 100 Volt transformer-balanced power outputs
• AC convenience outlet (120 V units only)
• Optional rack mounting with included rack ears
• Presentation rooms
• Board rooms
• Courtrooms
• Auditoriums
• Lecture halls
• Meeting rooms
• Convention centers
• Paging systems
• Background music
• Retail spaces
• Restaurants
The UMA 352 is a high quality, commercial grade analog audio mixer/amplifier. Designed for flexibility in application, this mixer/amp represents the latest, state-of-the-art technology in analog circuit design.
Powerful, yet easy to use, the new UMA 352 delivers amazing sonic performance. Low-noise design and features applicable to “real-world” situations makes this unit ideal for audio applications where a compact, powered mixer with multiple input and output capabilities are required.
AArrcchhiitteeccttuurraall aanndd EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss
The mixer/amplifier shall have 4-inputs and an accessory module port for use with present and future Peavey MMA modules. The front panel shall include four input level controls, bass and treble controls, and a master output control. Front panel indicators shall include power, signal presence at the amplifier, channel signal and mute condition, and SPS
. The mixer amplifier shall have a hierarchical muting function where the input module has the highest priority followed by Channel 1. Outputs shall include one direct and three transformer-balanced. The power switch shall be on the rear panel along with the detachable IEC cord, fuse holder, and accessory power outlet (120 V only).
There shall be four inputs with Euro-type connectors on the rear panel and level controls on the front panel. Channel 1 shall also include an XLR connector and have a bridging transformer input with switchable input sensitivity between telephone paging and microphone. When in the microphone mode, 24 Volt phantom power shall be applied to the Input 1. Channel 2 shall be electronically balanced with a switchable input sensitivity between mic and line levels. When in the microphone mode, 24 Volt phantom power shall be applied to the Input 2. Channels 3 and 4 shall be electronically balanced line-level inputs with Channel 4 including stereo RCA jacks. Additionally, the output from Channel 4 input shall be made available via an electronically balanced output with a Euro­type connector and a separate level control. The module port shall be capable of controlling both mute buses. Depending upon the module chosen, it can be set up for master configuration. When the input signal to an input module commands a mute function, Channels 1-4 shall be muted.
Only Channel 1 shall have a continuously variable mute threshold control on the rear panel. Setting this control fully clockwise shall defeat the Channel 1 mute function. The mute level threshold for Channel 1 shall be increased as the control is turned clockwise. When the signal level in Channel 1 exceeds the mute threshold, Channels 2-4 shall be muted. Channels 1 and 2 shall include a switch to defeat its muting function. When the switch is out, the channel shall be muted. When the switch is in, the channel cannot be muted.
The master section shall include front panel bass and treble EQ controls, each with a ±10 dB range of operation. A front panel master level control shall control the output signal level of the preamp/mixer.
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