Peavey TLM 5X User Manual

FFrreeqquueennccyy rraannggee ((--1100 ddBB,, hhaallff ssppaaccee))::
58 Hz to 21 kHz
FFrreeqquueennccyy rreessppoonnssee ((±±33 ddBB,, hhaallff ssppaaccee))::
79 Hz to 17 kHz
SSeennssiittiivviittyy ((11WW//11MM))::
98 dB
PPoowweerr rraattiinngg ((pprrooggrraamm))::
PPoowweerr ccaappaacciittyy ((ppeeaakk))::
1000 Watts
MMaaxxiimmuumm SSPPLL::
127 dB
TTrraannssdduucceerr ccoommpplleemmeenntt::
Pro 1500+™15" premium woofer and 14XT™1.4" titanium diaphragm dynamic compression driver on a 90 x 40˚ coverage constant directivity horn
DDrriivveerr pprrootteeccttiioonn::
Sound Guard
IV for the compression driver provides long- and medium-term overload and overdrive protection
NNoommiinnaall ccoovveerraaggee ppaatttteerrnn::
90˚ x 40˚
EElleeccttrroo--aaccoouussttiicc ccrroossssoovveerr ffrreeqquueennccyy::
2.8 kHz
NNoommiinnaall iimmppeeddaannccee::
8 Ohms
IInnppuutt ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss::
Two 1/4" phone jacks in parallel
EEnncclloossuurree mmaatteerriiaallss aanndd ffiinniisshh::
Trapezoidal, black carpet­covered enclosure with dado joined 1/2" MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard), and a full­length, black powder-coated steel grille
DDiimmeennssiioonnss ((HH xx WW xx DD))::
25" x 17.75" x 12.563"
63.5 cm x 45.085 cm x
31.910 cm
43 lbs. (19.54 kg)
MMoouunnttiinngg oorr ssuussppeennssiioonn::
Die-cast aluminum 1-3/8" pole­mount cup for stand-mounting
• Two-way sound reinforcement monitor enclosure
• 30˚ and 45˚ dual angle monitoring
• Peavey exclusive Sheffield Pro 1500+ woofer with 2.5" voice coil
• 1.4" 14XT
titanium diaphragm
compression driver
• Sound Guard IV tweeter protection
• 500 Watt program/1000 Watt peak power handling
• Heavy duty crossover network for driver protection and EQ
• Lightweight trapezoidal enclosure
• 90˚ x 40˚ coverage constant directivity horn for better off­axis tonality
• High quality, heavy duty carpet covering
• Steel handle
• Rugged dado and rabbet construction for lightweight­yet-strong joints
• T-Nut speaker mounting
• Heavy duty, full-length steel grille
• SA-1 die-cast aluminum pole mount
Features and specifications subject to change without notice.
Peavey Electronics Corporation • 711 A Street • Meridian • MS • 39301 (601) 483-5365 • FAX (601) 486-1278 • ©2003 Printed in the U.S.A. 2/03
DDeessccrriippttiioonn The TLM5X is a two-way floor monitor utilizing a Pro 1500+ woofer and a 14XT titanium diaphragm dynamic compression driver mounted on a 90˚ x 40˚ coverage constant-directivity horn. The lightweight, yet rugged, carpet-covered monitor enclosure with stand-mount cup facilitates portable use as a stage monitor or in other sound reinforcement applications. The dual-angle enclosure provides a choice of 30˚
and 45˚ monitoring angles for full monitoring utility. A full-length, black powder-coated steel grille provides driver protection and a professional appearance.
The TLM 5X speaker system is rated at 500 Watts program power handling, and the full crossover network includes high voltage film capacitors and Sound Guard
IV tweeter protection for clear, punchy sound and excellent long­term reliability. Two 1/4" phone
jack input connectors make hook­up and daisy-chaining to other monitors a breeze.
For details, refer to the warranty statement. Copies of this statement may be obtained by contacting Peavey Electronics Corporation, P.O. Box 2898, Meridian, Mississippi 39301-
Amplitude Response (1W 1m On-Axis)
dB SPL (re 20 Pa)
20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k
Figure 1
Frequency (Hz)