MMaaiinnss CCiirrccuuiitt BBrreeaakkeerr::
5 amps
MMaaiinnss VVoollttaaggee::
120 VAC 60 Hz
PPoowweerr CCoonnssuummppttiioonn::
600 Watts
HHuumm aanndd NNooiissee::
Typically greater than -80 dB unweighted.
With controls set as follows:
Pad = passive
Bright = Normal (out)
Low Cut = Normal (out)
Pre Gain = 9 o’clock (roughly 2)
Post Gain = 10
Contour = 0
Low = 0
High = 0
Parametric Band 1: cut/boost = 0;
bandwidth = 0; frequency = 0
Parametric Band 2: cut/boost = 0;
bandwidth = 0; frequency = 0
Parametric Band 3: cut/boost = 0;
bandwidth = 0; frequency = 0
Master Volume = 5
Electronic current limit protection circuit
Thermal protection circuit
D.C. crowbar protection circuit
DDT speaker protection circuit with
defeat switch and LED
Variable speed fan‚ thermally controlled
GGeenneerraall IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn::
Minimum Load = 2 Ohms
Input sensitivity: 1.0 VRMS
Two 1/4" speaker jacks and one Neutrik
Speakon®all in parallel
RRaatteedd PPoowweerr OOuuttppuutt::
500 Watts (31.62 VRMS) into 2 Ohms
350 Watts (37.42 VRMS) into 4 Ohms
200 Watts (40.00 VRMS) into 8 Ohms
Typically greater than 102 dB below full
power @ 8 Ohms unweighted
DDDDTT DDyynnaammiicc RRaannggee::
Typically greater than +15 dB
FFrreeqquueennccyy RReessppoonnssee::
+0/-0.61 dB‚ 100mW to 160 w RMS 20 Hz
to 20 kHz (8 Ohm load‚ typically below
0.2% THD+N)
Settings for measurements unless
otherwise noted:
Pad = passive (out)
Bright = Normal (out)
Low Cut = Normal (out)
Pre Gain = 2
Post Gain = 10
Contour = 0
Low = 0
High = 0
Parametric Band 1: cut/boost = 0;
bandwidth = 0; frequency = 12 o’clock
Parametric Band 2: cut/boost = 0;
bandwidth = 0; frequency = 12 o’clock
Parametric Band 3: cut/boost = 0;
bandwidth = 0; frequency = 12 o’clock
Master Volume = 5
Line Out Level = 10 (fully clockwise)
IInnppuutt SSeennssiittiivviittyy
((lleevveell ttoo aacchhiieevvee ffuullll ppoowweerr))
With Pad out:
Nominal input: 100 mV RMS
Minimum input: 5 mV (pre gain @ 10)
Maximum input: 2.0 V (pre gain @ 1)
With Pad -10 dB in:
Nominal input: 316 mV RMS
Minimum input: 16 mV (pre gain and
master fully CW)
Maximum input: 6.3 V (pre gain @ 1)
Bright Boost: +8 dB @ 5.5 kHz
Low Cut: -3 dB @ 125 Hz
Contour: Set @ 10 provides +4 dB @
35 Hz; -30 dB @ 400 Hz; +4 dB @
5.5 kHz
Low: +/-15 dB @ 20 Hz; Shelving type EQ
High: +/-15 dB @ 5 kHz–20 kHz; Shelving
type EQ
Parametric Band 1: cut/boost = +12 dB/
-20 dB; BW (Q) = 0.3–8.5, Frequency =
40 Hz–400 Hz
Parametric Band 2: cut/boost = +12 dB/
-20 dB; BW (Q) = 0.3–8.5, Frequency =
150 Hz
Parametric Band 3: cut/boost = +12 dB/
-20 dB; BW (Q) = 0.3–8.5, Frequency =
800 Hz–8 kHz
TTuunneerr SSeenndd::
Instrument level through a buffer
LLiinnee OOuutt::
-∞ to fx loop level for post setting (for
nominal input)
-∞ to instrument level for pre setting (for
nominal input)
EEffffeeccttss LLoooopp::
Set for -10 dB (0.315 VRMS) with post
gain @ 5; Master @ 10
Controlled via footswitch‚ ground tip to
PPrreeaammpp OOuuttppuutt::
1 VRMS nominal
Width: 19.000" (48.26 cm)
Depth: 12.750" (32.39 cm)
Height: 3.500" (8.89 cm)
Weight: 24.8 lb (11.25 kg)