1000 was designed to accommodate just about anything you feed it with.
Peavey has also incorporated the pre EQ patch on this amp, which is basically used for patching the
volume pedal in. Although not many use this feature, it is the recommended way for patching your
volume pedal and makes for a more responsive guitar-amplifier signal.
The Nashville 1000 has been designed with a highly responsive active EQ circuit, very much like
that used in some previous Peavey steel guitar amplifiers, such as the Nashville 400 & the Session
500. Typically, when the EQ controls are set at 0, they have no affect on the sound.
For those who would like more specific details, Mike Brown of Peavey Electronics and Jeff
Newman of Jeffran Music have produced a video covering all the features of the Nashville 1000, as
well as the soon to be released Session 2000. This video was produced for the novice as well as the
pro, and there is something in there for everybody with regards to setting up the new Nashville
1000 and Session 2000 amplifiers. You can obtain this video direct from Jeffran College by calling
1 (800) 373-3418. Or you can write to Jeff at: Jeff Newman - 5320 Poplar Hill Road, Watertown,
TN 37184. The video sells for $15.00 plus shipping and handling.
Also included in the new Nashville 1000 are the post EQ Patch points for connecting effects units,
such as the Profex, Profex II, Tubefex, Transtubefex, or stomp boxes.
With the all new design of the Nashville 1000 there is absolutely no need for after-market circuitry
modifications. This isn't to say that modifications were needed on previous amplifiers; however, for
those of you who believed it was a necessity, (however arguable that may be) the Peavey tone
enhancement is designed into the circuitry of this amp.
The back of the Nashville 1000 has three 1/4" jacks. The REMOTE SWITCH jack is for plugging
in a two-button foot switch (included) that controls the spring reverb and for turning on or off the
effects loop. The POWER AMP IN jack was designed for plugging in effects units in cases where
you'd prefer to bypass the EQ section of the amplifier so you could use the EQ settings from your
effects processor. Plugging into this jack makes the amp work like a slave unit, using only the
power amp and speaker and bypassing the amps EQ section.
The pre amp out jack is an output from the pre amp only.
The LINE OUT jack, which is an XLR type, is made for going direct out the amp to a mixing
console and/or direct to tape, as with concert performances or studio applications.
For those of you who already have the new Nashville 1000, here's a few settings you might want to
experiment with that were used by some of the pros during the May 99 Jam session in Nashville,
Tennessee. The Nashville 1000 was being used exclusively at this show.
Paul Franklin Amp #1 - Low +9, Mid -6, Shift 500Hz., High +3, Presence -3.
Amp #2 - Low +6, Mid -9, Shift 500Hz., High 0, Presence +3.