P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc. reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function, or
design. P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc. does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein.
This software and accompanying documentation are protected by United States Copyright law and also by International Treaty provisions. Any use of this
software in violation of copyright law or the terms of this agreement will be prosecuted.
All the software described in this document is copyrighted by P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc. Copyright notices have been included in the software.
P&E Microcomputer Systems authorizes you to make archival copies of the software and documentation for the sole purpose of back-up and protecting
your investment from loss. Under no circumstances may you copy this software or documentation for the purpose of distribution to others. Under no
conditions may you remove the copyright notices from this software or documentation.
This software may be used by one person on as many computers as that person uses, provided that the software is never used on two computers at the
same time. P&E expects that group programming projects making use of this software will purchase a copy of the software and documentation for each
user in the group. Contact P&E for volume discounts and site licensing agreements.
P&E Microcomputer Systems does not assume any liability for the use of this software beyond the original purchase price of the software. In no event will
P&E Microcomputer Systems be liable for additional damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising
out of the use or inability to use these programs, even if P&E Microcomputer Systems has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
By using this software, you accept the terms of this agreement.
3.5Cyclone System Power ...................................................................................................................................6
3.6RS232 Communication (Serial Port) ...............................................................................................................6
3.13Control Expansion Port ...................................................................................................................................8
3.15Cyclone Time / Real Time Clock .....................................................................................................................8
6.1Create A Stand-Alone Programming (SAP) Image .......................................................................................34
6.2Manage Multiple SAP Images .......................................................................................................................44
7.1Operation Via Start Button ............................................................................................................................46
7.2Operation Via LCD Touchscreen Menu ........................................................................................................47
8.1Overview Of Cyclone Control Suite...............................................................................................................50
8.2Cyclone Control SDK ....................................................................................................................................51
8.3Cyclone Control Console...............................................................................................................................69
8.4Cyclone Control GUI .....................................................................................................................................72
10.4Connecting The Cyclone Device ...................................................................................................................94
10.5Cyclone IP Setup Via LCD Menu ..................................................................................................................95
10.6Configuring Cyclone Network Settings using the Cyclone Control GUI ........................................................96
12.5Using Serial Number File ............................................................................................................................125
12.6Serial Number Handling ..............................................................................................................................125
13.1My Cyclone Is Non-Responsive, Is There A Way I Can Try To Re-Activate It?..........................................127
13.2I Received An Error When Using A Next-Gen Cyclone Saying That My SAP Image Needs To Be Updated,
How Do I Do This? ......................................................................................................................................127
13.3When Trying To Install The CYCLONE Software, A Popup WDREG Error Occurs Telling Me That There Are
Open Devices Using WinDriver...................................................................................................................128
14.1Debug Mode Communication Related Errors..............................................................................................129
14.2SAP Image Handling Related Errors...........................................................................................................129
14.3SAP Algorithm header Operation Handling Related Errors.........................................................................129
14.4SAP Operation Related Errors ....................................................................................................................130
14.5SAP Blank Check Range and Module Related Errors ................................................................................130
14.6SAP Erase Range and Module Related Errors ...........................................................................................130
14.7SAP Program Byte, Word, and Module Related Errors...............................................................................130
14.8SAP Verify Checksum Related Errors.........................................................................................................131
14.9SAP Verify Range and Module Related Errors ...........................................................................................131
14.10SAP User Function Related Errors..............................................................................................................131
14.11SAP Trim Related Errors.............................................................................................................................131
14.13Operation Security Related Errors ..............................................................................................................132
14.15Serial Number Related Errors .....................................................................................................................132
14.16Download Count Related Errors..................................................................................................................133
PEmicro's CYCLONE FX production programmers are powerful, fast, and feature rich in-circuit
programming solutions. PEmicro offers two models which have the same feature set and only vary
by the devices supported.
The CYCLONE_ACP_FX supports a wide variety of ARM Cortex devices.
The CYCLONE_UNIVERSAL_FX supports those ARM Cortex devices as well as the following
NXP device families: Kinetis, LPC, S32, Qorivva (MPC5xxx), MPC5xx/8xx, DSC, S12Z, RS08,
S08, HC08, HC(S)12(X), ColdFire, and STMicroelectronics’ SPC5 & STM8.
Figure 1-1: CYCLONE FX Supported Architectures
CYCLONE FX programmers are designed to withstand the demands of a production environment.
They are Stand-Alone Programmers (SAP) that can be operated manually or used to host
automated programming. In manual SAP mode the Cyclone is operated using the touchscreen
LCD Menu and/or the Start button. Host-controlled SAP mode, for automated programming, is
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers1
Stand-Alone Programming (SAP) is the most common use of the CYCLONE FX. This quick-start
guide illustrates how easy it is to begin using the Cyclone for stand-alone programming.
You are encouraged to read this manual in its entirety for a complete description of all features
specific to your Cyclone, many of which are beyond the scope of this quick-start guide.
Step 1.Install Software
The first step is to install the accompanying software. This will install all of the applications and
drivers that can be used to configure/control the CYCLONE FX.
Once the installation is complete and the PC has been rebooted you may begin to configure the
Cyclone for SAP operation.
Step 2.Hardware Setup
a. Configure the target power management scheme
Power management is configured by setting jumpers that are revealed by opening the
access panel on the Cyclone’s left side. The corresponding settings are conveniently
illustrated on the rear label of Cyclone. No jumpers are installed by default. You may
b. Connect the Cyclone to your PC
Select the appropriate communications interface (Serial, USB or Ethernet) and
connect the Cyclone to your PC. If you wish to use the Ethernet port you will need to
configure the corresponding network settings before use, either through the
touchscreen LCD menu or via the software utility ConfigureIP. The Ethernet port will
not function properly until this configuration is complete. You may wish to refer to
Section 8.5.1 - Hardware Licensing.
c. Power up the Cyclone.
Step 3.Create a SAP Image
A SAP image, or Stand-Alone Programming image, is a self-sufficient data object containing the
Cyclone and target hardware setup information, programming algorithm, programming sequence,
and target data. The Cyclone uses these images to perform SAP operations on target devices.
Follow these steps to create a SAP image:
a. Run the Cyclone Image Creation Utility (CreateImage.exe)
This utility is a GUI designed to help users create architecture/manufacturer-specific
SAP images. To run this utility:
From the “Start” menu of your PC, select All Programs. From there, select “PEmicro
Cyclone Programmer”, then select -> Cyclone Image Creation Utility. The utility is
shown in Figure 2-1. Continue with the steps below to create an image.
b. In the Cyclone Image Creation Utility, select your CPU manufacturer and architecture
from their respective drop-down lists.
c. Click the “Launch Script Wizard” button. Follow the pop-up screens to specify a pro-
gramming algorithm and target object file. The programming algorithm, target object
file, and default programming sequence will then show up in the programming
sequence listbox.
d. Specify the auxiliary setup and hardware setup, such as Communication Mode, Com-
munication Rate, Target Power, and Voltage Settings.
e. Type an Image Description for your SAP image. The default description is a time
f.Click the “Store Image to Cyclone” button.
g. The Cyclone Control GUI will pop up. Use the drop-down box to select the Cyclone to
which the image will be saved, then click the “Connect” button. Finally click "Apply
Changes" and the image information will be stored on the Cyclone you selected. Your
SAP image has now been created.
Step 4.Execute SAP Image
The SAP image stored on your Cyclone can now be programmed to the target with one button
press. Once your target is connected to the Cyclone, press the “Start” button of the Cyclone unit
and wait for programming operations to finish. During this process, the LCD screen will show the
status of operations. Note that the menu option described in Section - Set Progress
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers3
Details will allow you to set the Cyclone to display either more or less detailed information about
the programming process during programming. Eventually the “Success” or “Error” LED will
illuminate, and the LCD screen will display the results.
Note:If programming is unsuccessful when using this quick start setup, the user may instead wish to use
the included PROG software for their device. The PROG software allows the user to manually walk
through the programming procedure step by step, which may help determine which part of setup or
programming function is causing difficulty.
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers4
The following is an overview of the features and interfaces of the CYCLONE FX programmers.
Many of these interfaces are labeled on the underside of the plastic case.
3.1Touchscreen LCD
The LCD Touchscreen displays information about the Cyclone’s configuration and the
programming process, and also allows the user to navigate the Cyclone’s menus. The location of
the Touchscreen LCD is shown in Figure 3-1.
3.2LED Indicators
The LED indicators for Error or Success will illuminate depending on the results of the
programming process and provide a clear visual indication of the results. The location of the LED
Indicators is shown in Figure 3-1.
3.3Start Button
The Start Button can be used to begin the programming process manually, provided that the
Cyclone is properly configured. The location of the Start Button is shown in Figure 3-1.
3.4Access Panel
The Access Panel can easily be opened to allow the user to connect/disconnect ribbon cables
from the headers, or to configure the Cyclone’s Power Jumpers to select one of the available
Power Management setups. The location of the Access Panel is shown in Figure 3-1; a layout of
the headers and jumpers beneath the Access Panel is shown in Figure 3-5.
Figure 3-1: CYCLONE FX Top View
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers5
Figure 3-2: CYCLONE FX Right Side View
3.5Cyclone System Power
The CYCLONE FX programmer requires a regulated 6V DC Center Positive power supply with
2.5/5.5mm female plug. Cyclones derive power from the Power Jack located on the right end of the
unit. The location of Cyclone System Power is shown in Figure 3-2.
3.6RS232 Communication (Serial Port)
The CYCLONE FX provides a DB9 Female connector to communicate with a host computer
through the RS232 communication (115200 Baud, 8 Data bits, No parity, 1 Stop bit). The location
of the Serial Port is shown in Figure 3-2.
3.7Ethernet Communication
The CYCLONE FX provides a standard RJ45 socket to communicate with a host computer
through the Ethernet Port (10/100 BaseT). The location of the Ethernet Port is shown in Figure 3-
3.8USB Communications
The CYCLONE FX provides a USB connector for Universal Serial Bus communications between
the Cyclone and the host computer. The CYCLONE FX is a USB 2.0 Full-Speed compliant device.
The location of the USB Port is shown in Figure 3-2.
3.9Electromechanical Relays
Inside the CYCLONE FX programmer, two electromechanical relays are used to cycle target
power. The specifications of the relays are as following:
Maximum switched power: 30W or 125 VA
Maximum switched current: 1A
Maximum switched voltage: 150VDC or 300VAC
UL Rating: 1A at 30 VDC
1A at 125 VAC
PEmicro only recommends switching DC voltages up to 24 Volts.
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers6
3.10Power Connectors
The CYCLONE FX programmers provide a Target Power Supply Input Jack and a Target Power
Supply Output Jack with 2.5/5.5 mm Pin Diameter. The power jacks are connected or
disconnected by two electromechanical relays. When connected, the Center Pin of the Target
Power Supply Input Jack is connected to the Center Pin of the Target Power Supply Output Jack.
When disconnected, both terminals of the Target Power Supply Output Jack are connected to
GND via a 1W, 100 Ohm resistor. The location of Target Power In is shown in Figure 3-3, and the
location of Target Power Out is shown in Figure 3-3.
3.11Reset Button
The Reset Button performs a hard reset of the Cyclone system. The location of the Reset Button is
shown in Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3: CYCLONE FX Front Side View
Figure 3-4: CYCLONE FX Rear Side View
3.12SDHC Port
Note:The SDHC port is activated on all CYCLONE FX programmers, and may be activated on
CYCLONE programmers via purchase of the SDHC Activation License.
The SDHC port allows the user to store programming images that are, individually or collectively,
larger than the Cyclone’s internal memory. It also makes it quicker and more convenient to swap
programming images. PEmicro offers certified SDHC cards on our website at pemicro.com.
Cyclone programmers support up to a 4GB SDHC card, at minimum. The location of the SDHC
Port is shown in Figure 3-3.
Programming images are managed on the SD card in exactly the same way as they are in the
Cyclone’s internal memory. Please see Section 6.2 - Manage Multiple SAP Images for more
information about using the Manage Images utility.
To view detailed information about the status of the SDHC card/port, tap the icon bar at the top of
the touchscreen menu. This status can provide you with relevant information if you are
encountering any difficulty while trying to use an SDHC card.USB Expansion Port
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers7
The location of the USB Expansion Port is shown in Figure 3-3. The USB Expansion Port supports
use of a bar code scanner, which can provide the user with helpful features during the
programming process. For detailed information on how to use the barcode scanner with a Cyclone
3.13Control Expansion Port
Note:The Control Expansion Port is intended for future use and is not currently enabled. The location of
the Control Expansion Port is shown in Figure 3-3.
3.14Optional Oscillator (MON08 Only)
CYCLONE FX programmers with MON08 support (PEmicro Part# CYCLONE_UNIVERSAL_FX
only) provide a software configurable 9.8304MHz or 4.9152 MHz oscillator clock signal to Pin 13 of
the MON08 Connector. The user may use this clock signal to overdrive the target RC or crystal
circuitry. If this signal is not used, just leave Pin 13 of the target MON08 header unconnected.
Please note that if the target already uses an oscillator as its clock, the Cyclone will NOT be able to
overdrive it. The clock should have sufficient drive to be used with a target system even if the
target system has an RC circuit or crystal connected.
3.15Cyclone Time / Real Time Clock
CYCLONE FX programmers are equipped with a Real Time Clock (RTC) module designed to
keep accurate timing even when the Cyclone is turned off.
The Date & Time are displayed on the home screen. Date/Time settings can be configured by
navigating to the following menu using the touchscreen display:
Main Menu / Configure Cyclone Settings / Configure Time Settings
For more information on the available configuration options, see Section - Configure
Time Settings (Cyclone Time / Real Time Clock).
3.16Power Jumper Settings
The Power Jumpers must be set differently for various power management options that the
CYCLONE FX offers. If the target is being powered independently of the CYCLONE FX, all pins in
the Power Jumpers header must instead be left unpopulated. To reveal the Power Jumpers
header, lift the access panel on the left end of the CYCLONE FX. The location is indicated as
Power Jumpers in Figure 3-5. Please see CHAPTER 4 - TARGET POWER MANAGEMENT for
the correct jumper settings for the Cyclone’s power management options. A quick guide to these
settings is also located on the underside label of the CYCLONE FX.
3.17Debug Connectors
When purchasing a CYCLONE FX programmer, the user is able to choose between two part
numbers, each corresponding to a different level of device support. See the sticker on the
underside of the Cyclone to determine the PEmicro part# for your specific CYCLONE FX
PEmicro Part# CYCLONE_ACP_FX supports ARM Cortex devices only, so this programmer
provides one shrouded, un-keyed, 0.100-inch pitch dual row 0.025-inch square header, and two
shrouded, keyed 0.050-inch pitch dual row mini headers.
PEmicro Part# CYCLONE_UNIVERSAL_FX supports ARM Cortex devices and additionally
supports target connections to many 8-/16-/32-bit NXP architectures, so this programmer provides
six shrouded, un-keyed, 0.100-inch pitch dual row 0.025-inch square headers, and two shrouded,
keyed 0.050-inch pitch dual row mini headers.
To reveal the headers and connect/disconnect ribbon cables, lift the access panel on the left end
of the Cyclone. Each header is designated for one or more specific target architectures, as
indicated in Figure 3-5.
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers8
Figure 3-5: Target Headers & Power Jumpers (CYCLONE_UNIVERSAL_FX vs.CYCLONE_ACP_FX)
Mechanical drawings are shown below whose dimensions are representative of the pin size and
spacing of these headers.
Note:The number of pins depicted in the mechanical drawings may differ from the Cyclone headers; the
drawings are provided simply to demonstrate pin size and spacing.
Figure 3-6: 20-Pin Un-Keyed Header Dimensions
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers9
Figure 3-7: Mini 10-Pin and Mini 20-Pin Keyed Header Dimensions
3.18Target Headers For Part# CYCLONE_ACP_FX
PEmicro Part# CYCLONE_ACP_FX features 3 ports labeled A-C.
3.18.1PORT A: 10-Pin Keyed Mini Connector (Kinetis, S32 (ARM), other PEmicro-Supported ARM
devices) JTAG Pin Assignments
The Cyclone provides a keyed 10-pin 0.050-inch pitch double row connector for ARM targets. The
location of the this header is indicated as PORT A in Figure 3-5. The 10-pin keyed mini connector
pin definitions for JTAG mode are as follows:
10-Pin Keyed Mini Connector JTAG Mode Pin Assignments
Note:*The pin is reserved for internal use within the PEmicro interface.
SWD Mode is selected from the “Communication Mode” drop-down box in the Cyclone Image
Creation Utility:
Figure 3-8: Communications Mode Selection
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers10 High-Performance Communications
If high-performance options are available for the selected device they will appear in the “Shift
Frequency in MHz” drop-down. CYCLONE FX programmers are capable of high-performance
communications when using certain ARM Cortex targets in SWD mode.
Figure 3-9: High-Performance Options
3.18.2PORT B: 20-Pin Keyed Mini Connector (Kinetis, S32 (ARM), other PEmicro-Supported ARM
devices) JTAG Mode Pin Assignments
The Cyclone provides a keyed 20-pin 0.050-inch pitch double row connector for ARM targets. The
location of the this header is indicated as PORT B in Figure 3-5. The 20-pin keyed mini connector
pin definitions for JTAG mode are as follows:
20-Pin Keyed Mini Connector JTAG Mode Pin Assignments
Note:*The pin is reserved for internal use within the PEmicro interface.
SWD Mode is selected from the “Communication Mode” drop-down box in the Cyclone Image
Creation Utility:
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers11
Figure 3-10: Communications Mode Selection High-Performance Communications
If high-performance options are available for the selected device they will appear in the “Shift
Frequency in M Hz” drop-down. CYCLONE FX programmers are capable of high-performance
communications when using certain ARM Cortex targets in SWD mode.
Figure 3-11: High-Performance Options
3.18.3PORT C: 20-Pin Debug Connector (Kinetis, S32 (ARM), other PEmicro-Supported ARM
devices) JTAG Mode Pin Assignments
The Cyclone provides a 20-pin 0.100-inch pitch double row connector for ARM targets. The
location of the this header is indicated as PORT Cunder Part# CYCLONE_ACP_FX in Figure 3-5.
The 20-pin standard connector pin definitions for JTAG mode are as follows:
20-Pin Standard Connector JTAG Mode Pin Assignments
Note:*The pin is reserved for internal use within the PEmicro interface.
SWD Mode is selected from the “Communication Mode” drop-down box in the Cyclone Image
Creation Utility:
Figure 3-12: Communications Mode Selection High-Performance Communications
If high-performance options are available for the selected device they will appear in the “Shift
Frequency in MHz” drop-down. CYCLONE FX programmers are capable of high-performance
communications when using certain ARM Cortex targets in SWD mode.
Figure 3-13: High-Performance Options
3.19Target Headers For Part# CYCLONE_UNIVERSAL_FX
PEmicro Part# CYCLONE_UNIVERSAL_FX features 6 ports labeled A-H.
3.19.1PORT A: 10-Pin Keyed Mini Connector (Kinetis, S32 (ARM), other PEmicro-Supported ARM
devices) JTAG Mode Pin Assignments
The Cyclone provides a keyed 10-pin 0.050-inch pitch double row connector for ARM targets. The
location of the this header is indicated as PORT A in Figure 3-5. The 10-pin keyed mini connector
pin definitions for JTAG mode are as follows:
10-Pin Keyed Mini Connector JTAG Mode Pin Assignments
*The pin is reserved for internal use within the PEmicro interface.
SWD Mode is selected from the “Communication Mode” drop-down box in the Cyclone Image
Creation Utility:
Figure 3-14: Communications Mode Selection High-Performance Communications
If high-performance options are available for the selected device they will appear in the “Shift
Frequency in MHz” drop-down. CYCLONE FX programmers are capable of high-performance
communications when using certain ARM Cortex targets in SWD mode.
Figure 3-15: High-Performance Options
3.19.2PORT B: 20-Pin Keyed Mini Connector (Kinetis, S32 (ARM), other PEmicro-Supported ARM
devices) JTAG Mode Pin Assignments
The Cyclone provides a keyed 20-pin 0.050-inch pitch double row connector for ARM targets. The
location of the this header is indicated as PORT B in Figure 3-5. The 20-pin keyed mini connector
pin definitions for JTAG mode are as follows:
20-Pin Keyed Mini Connector JTAG Mode Pin Assignments
*The pin is reserved for internal use within the PEmicro interface.
SWD Mode is selected from the “Communication Mode” drop-down box in the Cyclone Image
Creation Utility:
Figure 3-16: Communications Mode Selection High-Performance Communications
If high-performance options are available for the selected device they will appear in the “Shift
Frequency in MHz” drop-down. CYCLONE FX programmers are capable of high-performance
communications when using certain ARM Cortex targets in SWD mode.
The Cyclone provides a standard 14-pin 0.100-inch pitch dual row 0.025-inch square header for
MPC55xx-57xx, DSC (MC56F8xxx), S32R, or STMicroelectronics’ SPC5 targets. The location of
the this header is indicated as PORT C in Figure 3-5.
MPC55xx-57xx, SPC5, or S32 (Power) Pinout
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers15
DSC Pinout
*The pin is reserved for internal use within the PEmicro interface. BERG14-to-MICTOR38 Optional Connector
PEmicro offers a 14-pin BERG to 38-pin MICTOR adapter, sold separately, that may be used on
Port C of the CYCLONE FX. The PEmicro part number is BERG14-TO-MICTOR38.
The Cyclone provides a standard 26-pin 0.100-inch pitch dual row 0.025-inch square header for
ColdFire MCF52xx/53xx/54xx family of microprocessors. This port connects to the target hardware
using either the ColdFire extension cable for synchronous ColdFire targets such as MCF5272 &
MCF5206E (PEmicro part# CABLE-CF-ADAPTER, sold separately), or a standard 26-pin ribbon
cable for asynchronous ColdFire targets (included). Please refer to each processor’s user manual
to identify whether it is a synchronous or asynchronous interface. The location of the this header is
indicated as PORT D in Figure 3-5.
ColdFire V2/3/4 Pinout
*The pin is reserved for internal use within the PEmicro interface.
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers16
The ColdFire adapter for Synchronous targets and ribbon cable for Asynchronous targets is
pictured below:
Figure 3-20: ColdFire Ribbon Cable (for asynchronous ColdFire targets, included with Cyclone)
3.19.5PORT E: 16-Pin Debug Connector (MON08)
The Cyclone provides a 16-pin 0.100-inch pitch double row connector for MON08 targets. The
location of the this header is indicated as PORT E in Figure 3-5. The MON08 header adopts the
standard pin-out from MON08 debugging with some modifications. The general pin-out is as
The Cyclone provides a standard 6-pin 0.100-inch pitch dual row 0.025-inch square header for
ColdFire V1, S12Z, 68(S)12(X), 68HCS08, RS08, and STMicroelectronics’ STM8 targets. The
location of the this header is indicated as PORT F in Figure 3-5. The header uses the NXP
standard pin configuration, listed here for reference:
ColdFire V1, 68(S)12(X), 68HCS08, and RS08 Signals
*The pin is reserved for internal use within the PEmicro interface.
** All the signals are direct connect except the SWIM line which requires a 680 Ohm pull-up
PEmicro also offers a separate STM8 adapter (part# CU-CUFX-STM8-ADPT) that can be plugged
into the 6-pin header of the Cyclone (see Figure 3-21). The adapter offers 4 pins signals from an
ERNI connector.
4-Pin STM8 Signals
(Requires STM8 Adapter, sold separately)
Figure 3-21: STM8 Adapter: 1) Bottom, 2) Top, 3) Connected To 6-Pin Header of
The Cyclone provides a standard 10-pin 0.100-inch pitch dual row 0.025-inch square header for
Power MPC5xx/8xx BDM targets. The location of the this header is indicated as PORT G in Figure
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers18
Power MPC5xx/8xx BDM Pinout
*The pin is reserved for internal use within the PEmicro interface.
3.19.8PORT H: 20-Pin Debug Connector (Kinetis, S32 (ARM), other PEmicro-Supported ARM
devices) JTAG Mode Pin Assignments
The Cyclone provides a 20-pin 0.100-inch pitch double row connector for ARM targets. The
location of the this header is indicated as PORT Hunder Part# CYCLONE_UNIVERSAL_FX in
Figure 3-5. The 20-pin standard connector pin definitions for JTAG mode are as follows:
20-Pin Standard Connector JTAG Mode Pin Assignments
*The pin is reserved for internal use within the PEmicro interface.
SWD Mode is selected from the “Communication Mode” drop-down box in the Cyclone Image
Creation Utility:
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers19 High-Performance Communications
If high-performance options are available for the selected device they will appear in the “Shift
Frequency in MHz” drop-down. CYCLONE FX programmers are capable of high-performance
communications when using certain ARM Cortex targets in SWD mode.
3.20Ribbon Cable
CYCLONE FX programmers communicate with the target through ribbon cables. The ribbon
cables for standard debug connectors have a 0.100-inch centerline dual row socket IDC assembly
(not keyed). The ribbon cables for 10- and 20-pin mini debug connectors have a 0.050-inch
centerline dual row socket IDC assembly (keyed). The ribbon cables are designed such that the
Cyclone’s Debug Connector has the same pinout as the Target Header, i.e., Pin 1 of the Cyclone’s
Debug Connector is connected to Pin 1 of the Target Header. As an example, Figure 3-24
sketches the connection mechanism (looking down into the sockets) for a 14-pin ribbon cable.
Ribbon cables for other supported architectures use a similar scheme, but may have more or
fewer pins.
Figure 3-22: Communications Mode Selection
Figure 3-23: High-Performance Options
Figure 3-24: Ribbon Cable Example Diagram, When Looking Into IDC Socket
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers20
Different target devices may require different power schemes which depend on the design of the
target board, target voltages, and even the device architecture. PEmicro has designed the
CYCLONE FX to be capable of powering a target before, during, and after programming. Power
can be sourced at many voltage levels from the Cyclone itself, or sourced by an external power
supply and switched by the Cyclone.
Figure 4-1: Five different paths to power a target
The versatility of the Cyclone power scheme gives the user the utmost flexibility, and includes the
following features:
•Provides power through a power jack or through the debug connector
•Provides internally generated voltage from 1.6v-5.5v at up to 500mA
•Switches an external power supply voltage, up to 24V at 1amp
•Selectively powers the target before, during, and after programming
•Powers down the target connections between programming operations
•Uses power switching to aid entry into debug mode for certain targets
•Provides target voltage and current measurement capabilities
If target power is required, each target board may vary where the power is sourced from, externally
or internally, and how it is channeled to the target: through the debug header or to a separate
connector to the board. Power that is passed through and managed by the Cyclone goes through
power relays so it can be power cycled. This is extremely useful because it also allows the power
to be off during setup and automatically powered on by the Cyclone for programming. For some
devices, the process of entering debug mode requires that the device be powered down and
powered back up. Power can also be left in a desired power state, either on or off.
4.1Cyclone Configuration
There are two different places Power Management is configured and they should be matched:
first, by the jumpers on the CYCLONE FX, and second, in the setup of the programming image.
The Cyclone jumpers are the most important because they are the physical connection to the
target. The Cyclone has an easy access panel that reveals debug header connections for a variety
of different architectures, and a 2x4 jumper block for configuring power management of the target.
The specific location of the jumpers is indicated by the label POWER JUMPERS in Figure 4-3.
This set of 4 jumpers can be used to set 5 different power management schemes for the target.
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers21
Note:If these jumpers are not set correctly, the Cyclone will not function as intended.
1Target is powered independently
Power provided externally (center +) and
managed by Cyclone, power out to debug
ribbon cable.
Power provided externally (center +) and
managed by Cyclone, power out to 2.5 mm
output jack (center +)
Power provided by Cyclone, power out to
debug ribbon cable
Power provided by Cyclone, power out to
2.5 mm output jack (center +)
Figure 4-2: Cyclone Power Schemes & Corresponding Jumper Settings
The bottom edge of the CYCLONE FX has a Power In jack for externally provided power, and the
top edge of the Cyclone has Power Out jack, for when power schemes including these are used
(see Figure 4-3). One of the provided ribbon cables is connected to the appropriate debug header
based on the specific target architecture.
Figure 4-3: Cyclone Hardware Features: Power Jumpers and Target Headers
The power settings that are set by the jumpers are a physical connection and take precedence.
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers22
After the basic hardware setup, target power and voltage settings are also set in the creation of a
SAP (stand-alone programming) image. At a minimum the SAP image contains all the commands
to Erase, Program, and Verify a programming image. More sophisticated power selections in the
SAP image can control the relays, target voltage, delays, and power down after SAP operations,
as shown in the selection dialog.
Target voltages (with appropriate jumper settings) in the range of 1.6 to 5.5 volts may be provided.
There is also the option to select the internal Cyclone relays to power cycle the Cyclone during
programming, and set the length of delays during power up and down. This is extremely useful to
make sure the power is off when hooking up the target. Power cycling is especially important for
architectures that require it to enter debug mode. The SAP image settings may even be used to
turn off the target power once programming is completed, to ensure that the microcontroller is left
in a halted state and not running.
4.2Cyclone Setup
Below is a tutorial that demonstrates how to set up the CYCLONE FX in each of the 5 power
configurations. A very common configuration is the independently powered target. In this power
scenario, the Cyclone will detect and use the power on the target for the appropriate debug
communication voltages.
Figure 4-4: Target Power & Voltage Settings
4.2.1Independently Powered Target
In the simplest and most common scenario, no jumpers are set, so the target is powered
independently from the Cyclone. No power is passed through the debug header, just the standard
debug signals. The Cyclone automatically detects the target power and sets the debug signals to
Figure 4-5: Independently Powered Target
4.2.2Power provided by the Cyclone to the debug cable
It is also possible for the Cyclone to generate power through an internal regulator in the range of
1.6 to 5.5 Volts. In the jumper configuration below, the Cyclone generates the power through a
voltage regulator, and passes it through the power relays and out through the debug ribbon cable,
which is set up during the SAP image creation. There is only one connection to the target
processor which will handle both the communication and the power. In this scenario, external
power must not be connected to the Power In jack since it is already being provided.
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers23
Figure 4-6: Power Provided by the Cyclone to the Debug Cable
4.2.3External Power passed through the Cyclone and out 2.5 mm barrel port
It is also possible to provide external power, passed through the Cyclone power relays, and back
out to be available to power the target board externally. This is useful when the user wants to
control the power to the target and the target board has an external power connector. Setting a
single jumper will connect the barrel port input connector on the bottom edge of the Cyclone,
through the relays, to a matched 2.5 mm barrel port output connector on the top edge of the
Cyclone, so that the power can be routed into and back out of the Cyclone.
Figure 4-7: External Power Passed Through the Cyclone and Out 2.5 mm Barrel Port
4.2.4External Power passed through the Cyclone to the debug cable
In a slightly different scenario, the user may wish to provide power to the target through the debug
cable. On the bottom edge of the Cyclone is a 2.5 mm Power In port barrel which will pass power
through target relays which lets the Cyclone take control of the power cycling during programming.
This simple setup requires only an input to the Cyclone and a single ribbon cable connection to the
target board that handles both communication and power. The external power provided must be
between 1.6 to 5.5 volts.
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers24
Figure 4-8: External Power Passed Through the Cyclone to the Debug Cable
4.2.5Power provided by the Cyclone and out 2.5 mm barrel port
In a slightly different scenario, the user may wish to have the Cyclone provide power, but power
the target via an external connector on the target. The voltage supplied to the target is determined
by the settings in the SAP image. When generating the SAP image the Cyclone relays must be
selected as well as the correct voltage level for the target.
Figure 4-9: Power Provided by the Cyclone and Out 2.5 mm Barrel Port
4.3Setup Reminders
The most important step when providing power out to a target is to check the Cyclone's jumper
settings to make sure they match the intended power setup. The jumpers control the power
settings which determine how power is supplied, regardless of the SAP image settings. If the
jumpers are set for power to be provided through the Cyclone, and the target is externally
powered, this is a conflict and may cause damage to the board.
In the case where power is being supplied through the Cyclone and the target is not being
powered on, the user should first check the jumper settings to make sure they match the
intended power setup. Second, the user should check to make sure the SAP image has the ‘Use
Cyclone Relays’ box checked with the appropriate voltage level selected.
User Manual For CYCLONE FX Programmers25
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