Notice of non-liability:
PayPal, Inc. is providing the information in this document to you “AS-IS” with all faults. PayPal, Inc. makes no warranties of any kind (whether express,
implied or statutory) with respect to the information contained herein. PayPal, Inc. assumes no liability for damages (whether direct or indirect), caused
by errors or omissions, or resulting from the use of this document or the information contained in this document or resulting from the application or use
of the product or service described herein. PayPal, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to any information herein without further notice.
The Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide describes the PayPal Name-Value Pair API.
Intended Audience
The Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide is written for web developers who are
implementing solutions using the Name-Value Pair API.
Revision History
Revision history for Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide.
TABLE P.1 Revision History
08 April 2009Updated information for 57.0: Express Checkout Callback API.
26 Nov. 2008Updated information for 55.0.
23 Sept. 2008Added information about using billing agreements with SetExpressCheckout.
3 Sept. 2008Added information about payment review to GetTransactionDetails.
June 2008Rearranged material, added error codes, and moved some material to the
Express Checkout Integration Guide.
April 2008Added Fraud Management Filters information. Changed recurring payments
February 2008Added that ther VERSION parameter must be 50.0 in the API call to use
recurring payments.
January 2008
z Added billing agreement fields to SetExpressCheckout for recurring
z Updated CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile for new recurring payments
z Added new recurring payments APIs
z Added DoNonReferencedCredit API
Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide08 April 20099
Revision History
ABLE P.1 Revision History
September 2007z Update eBay auctions for Express Checkout section
August 2007Added recurring payments concepts, modified SetExpressCheckout,
April 2007Added Recurring Payments APIs: SetCustomerBillingAgreement,
February 2007Bug fixes including updating Line Item Details for Direct Payment and Express
December 2006Updates for bug fixes.
October 2006First public release.
z Added fields for the giropay payment method to Express Checkout APIs
z Added Direct Payment error 10571.
DoExpressCheckoutPayment, DoReferenceTransaction, and added
additional DoReferenceTransaction error codes.
GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails, and
Checkout APIs, changing some parameters to optional in DoDirectPayment,
adding SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE, and adding Switch/Solo codes for AVS and
1008 April 2009Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide
PayPal NVP API Overview
This overview describes the PayPal Name-Value Pair (NVP) API at a high level.
z “Introducing the PayPal NVP API” on page 11
z “Basic Steps” on page 12
z “Taking Your Application Live” on page 13
z “Technical Details” on page 14
Introducing the PayPal NVP API
The PayPal NVP API is a simple programmatic interface that allows you, the merchant, to
access PayPal’s business functionality to:
z Accept PayPal in checkout on your website using Express Checkout.
z Charge a credit card using Direct Payment.
z Capture payments previously authorized through Express Checkout, Direct Payment, or
Website Payments Standard.
z Reauthorize or void previous authorizations.
z Pay one or more recipients using Mass Payment.
z Issue full refunds or multiple partial refunds.
z Search transactions using a start date or other criteria.
z View details of a specific transaction.
The PayPal NVP API makes it easy to add PayPal to your web application. You construct an
NVP string and post it to the PayPal server using HTTPS. PayPal posts back a reponse in NVP
Integrating with the PayPal API
You can develop with the PayPal NVP API using two different approaches:
Integrate Directly
You can integrate directly with the PayPal NVP API using the programming language of your
choice. This is the most straightforward and flexible approach. You can download web
samples that show how to integrate directly using Classic ASP, PHP, and ColdFusion.
Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide08 April 200911
PayPal NVP API Overview
Basic Steps
Integrate Using an SDK
You can integrate with the NVP API using a software development kit (SDK). SDKs are
provided for Java and ASP.NET. The SDKs provide simple functions for integrating with the
Basic Steps
This section describes the basic steps for programming with the PayPal NVP API.
During application development, your application communicates with the PayPal Sandbox test
environment. “Taking Your Application Live” on page 13 describes how to move your
application to the live PayPal environment.
Create a Web Application
Your NVP API implementation usually runs in a web application. You can write your own
application or use one of the samples as a starting point.
Get API Credentials
To access the PayPal API, you need API credentials, either an API signature or API certificate,
that identify you.
Use the following sample API signature and password in your sample programs that run in the
PayPal Sandbox test environment.
NOTE: If you are using the samples, this signature is already in the code.
Details of the Sample API Signature
API signatureA-IzJhZZjhg29XQ2qnhapuwxIDzyAZQ92FRP5dqBzVesOkzbdUONzmOU
Create and Post the Request
Create an NVP request string and post it to PayPal sandbox server. Add code to your web
application to do the following tasks:
1. URL-encode the name and value parameters in the request to ensure correct transmission
of all characters. This is described in “URL-Encoding” on page 14.
2. Construct the NVP API request string as described in “Request Format” on page 15. The
NVP format is described in “NVP Format” on page 14.
1208 April 2009Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide
3. Post the NVP request to the PayPal Sandbox as described in “Posting Using HTTPS” on
page 18.
Interpret the Response
PayPal processes your request and posts back a reponse in NVP format. Add code to your web
application to do the following tasks:
1. Receive the HTTP post response, and extract the NVP string.
2. URL-decode the parameter values as described in “URL-Encoding” on page 14.
3. Take appropriate action for successful and failed reponses.
Taking Your Application Live
After you have finished coding and testing your application, deploy your application to the
live PayPal server using your PayPal business account and API credentials for that account.
PayPal NVP API Overview
Taking Your Application Live
Set Up a PayPal Business Account
When you are ready to deploy your application to the live PayPal server, create a PayPal
business account on
Set Up API Credentials
To use the APIs, you need a set of credentials to identify yourself to PayPal. Create an API
signature for your business account.
For instructions on setting up API credentials for the business account, go to
IMPORTANT:If you are using API signature, you must protect the API signature values in
your implementation. Consider storing these values in a secure location other
than your web server document root and setting the file permissions so that
only the system user that executes your ecommerce application can access it.
The sample code does not store these values securely. The sample code should
never be used in production.
NOTE: While API signature is recommended, you can also use API certificate.
Modify Your Code
In your application, change the following items from the PayPal Sandbox values to the live
PayPal server values:
Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide08 April 200913
PayPal NVP API Overview
Technical Details
z The server address in the URL. (See “Posting Using HTTPS” on page 18.)
z API credentials you set up in “Set Up API Credentials” on page 13.
Technical Details
This section describes details of the technologies used by the PayPal NVP API.
Request-Response Model
When you use the PayPal NVP API, you post an NVP request to PayPal, and PayPal posts
back an NVP response.
URL Format
The request and response are in URL-encoded format, which is defined by the Worldwide Web
Consortium (W3C). URL is defined as part of the URI specification. Find out more about URI
NVP Format
NVP is a way of specifying names and values in a string. NVP is the informal name for the
query in the URI specification. The NVP string is appended to the URL.
An NVP string conforms to the following guidelines:
z The name is separated from the value by an equal sign (=). For example:
z Name-value pairs are separated by an ampersand (&). For example:
z The values for each field in an NVP string are URL-encoded.
The request and response are URL-encoded. URL-encoding ensures that you can transmit
special characters, characters that are not allowed in a URL, and characters that have special
meaning in a URL, such as the equal sign and ampersand. For example, the following NVP
NAME=Robert Moore&COMPANY=R. H. Moore & Associates
Each NVP request consists of required and optional parameters and their values. Parameter
names are not case sensitive. The examples in this document use UPPERCASE for parameter
names and divide the parameters into required security parameters and body parameters.
General Format of a Request
Required Security
DecodeURLDecodeurlEncodedString[, charset])
The following parameters are always required:
The examples show the required security parameters like this:
Body Parameters&METHOD=methodName
Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide08 April 200915
PayPal NVP API Overview
Technical Details
In practice, you need to concatenate all parameters and values into a single URL-encoded
string. After the METHOD parameter, you can specify the parameters in any order.
Security Parameters
The security parameters are described below. These are your PayPal API credentials.
Required Security Parameters: API Credentials
USER(Required) Your PayPal API Username.
PWD(Required) Your PayPal API Password.
SIGNATURE(Optional) Your PayPal API signature string.
SUBJECT(Optional) Email address of a PayPal account that has granted you
IMPORTANT:You must protect the values for USER, PWD, and SIGNATURE in your
<current version>(Required) Version number of the NVP API service, such as 56.0.
If you use an API certificate, do not include this parameter.
permission to make this call.
Set this parameter only if you are calling an API on a different user’s
implementation. Consider storing these values in a secure location other than
your web server document root and setting the file permissions so that only
the system user that executes your ecommerce application can access it.
The sample code does not store these values securely. The sample code should
never be used in production.
You may see sample code where these values are stored in an HTML form.
The following is an example of what you should NOT do in production:
<form method=post action=>
<input type=hidden name=USER>
<input type=hidden name=PWD value=abcdefg>
<input type=hidden name=SIGNATURE value=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
API Parameters
The request body must contain the name of the API method in the METHOD parameter. In
addition, each method has required and optional parameters:
1608 April 2009Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide
Response Format
A response from the PayPal servers is a URL-encoded name-value pair string, just like the
request, except it has the following general format.
API Response Fields&NAME1=value1&NAME2=value2&NAME3=value3&...
Each response includes the ACK field. If the ACK field’s value is Success or
SuccessWithWarning, you should process the API response fields. In a successful response,
you can ignore all fields up to and including the BUILD field. The important fields begin after
the BUILD field.
Error Responses
If the ACK value is Error or Warning, API response fields are not returned. An error response
has the following general format.
PayPal NVP API Overview
Technical Details
Format of an Error Response
Response Fields on
For possible causes of errors and how to correct them, see the explanation of the specific error
code, short message, and long message in “API Error Codes” on page 159.
ACK Parameter Values
The following table lists values for the ACK parameter.
ACK Parameter Values
Type of ResponseValue
Successful responseSuccess
Error responseFailure
Multiple errors can be
returned. Each set of
errors has a different
numeric suffix, starting
with 0 and incremented
by one for each error.
Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide08 April 200917
PayPal NVP API Overview
Posting Using HTTPS
Posting Using HTTPS
Your web application posts the URL-encoded NVP string over an HTTPS connection to one of
the PayPal API servers. PayPal provides a live server and a Sandbox server that allows you to
process transactions in a test environment.
API Servers for API Signature Security
If you use an API signature, post the request to one of these servers:
API Servers for API Certificate Security
If you use an API certificate, post the request to one of these servers:
1808 April 2009Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide
Authorization and Capture API
Operation Reference
This chapter describes the PayPal API operations related to delayed payment settlement:
z “DoCapture API” on page 19
z “DoAuthorization API” on page 23
z “DoReauthorization API” on page 24
z “DoVoid API” on page 25
DoCapture API
Capture an authorized payment.
z “DoCapture Request” on page 20
z “DoCapture Response” on page 21
Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide08 April 200919
Authorization and Capture API Operation Reference
DoCapture API
DoCapture Request
DoCapture Request Fields
METHOD(Required) Must be DoCapture.
AUTHORIZATIONID(Required) The authorization identification number of the payment you want to
capture. This is the transaction id returned from DoExpressCheckoutPayment or
Character length and limits: 19 single-byte characters maximum.
AMT(Required) Amount to capture.
Limitations: Value is a positive number which cannot exceed $10,000 USD in any
currency. No currency symbol. Must have two decimal places, decimal separator
must be a period (.), and the optional thousands separator must be a comma (,).
CURRENCYCODE(Optional) A three-character currency code. Default: USD.
COMPLETETYPE(Required) The value Complete indicates that this the last capture you intend to
The value NotComplete indicates that you intend to make additional captures.
NOTE: If Complete, any remaining amount of the original authorized transaction is
automatically voided and all remaining open authorizations are voided.
Character length and limits: 12 single-byte alphanumeric characters.
INVNUM(Optional) Your invoice number or other identification number that is displayed to the
merchant and customer in his transaction history.
NOTE: This value on DoCapture will overwrite a value previously set on
NOTE: The value is recorded only if the authorization you are capturing is an order
authorization, not a basic authorization.
Character length and limits: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters.
NOTE(Optional) An informational note about this settlement that is displayed to the payer
in email and in his transaction history.
Character length and limits: 255 single-byte characters.
2008 April 2009Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide
Authorization and Capture API Operation Reference
DoCapture API
SOFTDESCRIPTOR(Optional) The soft descriptor is a per transaction description of the payment that is
passed to the consumer’s credit card statement.
If a value for the soft descriptor field is provided, the full descriptor displayed on the
customer’s statement has the following format:
<PP * | PAYPAL *><Merchant descriptor as set in the Payment
Receiving Preferences><1 space><soft descriptor>
The soft descriptor can contain only the following characters:
z Alphanumeric characters
z - (dash)
z * (asterisk)
z . (period)
z {space}
If you use any other characters (such as “,”), an error code is returned.
The soft descriptor does not include the phone number, which can be toggled between
the merchant’s customer service number and PayPal’s customer service number.
The maximum length of the total soft descriptor is 22 characters. Of this, either 4 or 8
characters are used by the PayPal prefix shown in the data format. Thus, the
maximum length of the soft descriptor passed in the API request is:
22 - len(<PP * | PAYPAL *>) - len(<Descriptor set in Payment
Receiving Preferences> + 1)
For example, assume the following conditions:
z The PayPal prefix toggle is set to PAYPAL * in PayPal’s admin tools.
z The merchant descriptor set in the Payment Receiving Preferences is set to EBAY.
z The soft descriptor is passed in as JanesFlowerGifts LLC.
The resulting descriptor string on the credit card would be:
DoCapture Response
z DoCapture Response Fields
z Payer Information Fields
z Ship To Address Fields
z Payer Name Fields
Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide08 April 200921
Authorization and Capture API Operation Reference
DoCapture API
Do Capture Response Fields
AUTHORIZATIONIDThe authorization identification number you specified in the request.
Character length and limits: 19 single-byte characters maximum.
PayerInfo Type Fields
EMAILEmail address of payer.
Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte characters.
Character length and limitations:13 single-byte alphanumeric characters.
PAYERSTATUSStatus of payer. Valid values are:
z verified
z unverified
Character length and limitations: 10 single-byte alphabetic characters.
COUNTRYCODEPayer’s country of residence in the form of ISO standard 3166 two-character country
Character length and limitations: Two single-byte characters.
BUSINESSPayer’s business name.
Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte characters.
Ship To Address Type Fields
ADDRESSSTATUSStatus of street address on file with PayPal.
Valid values are:
z none
z Confirmed
z Unconfirmed
SHIPTONAMEPerson’s name associated with this address.
Character length and limitations: 32 single-byte characters.
SHIPTOSTREETFirst street address.
Character length and limitations: 100 single-byte characters.
SHIPTOSTREET2Second street address.
Character length and limitations: 100 single-byte characters.
SHIPTOCITYName of city.
Character length and limitations: 40 single-byte characters.
2208 April 2009Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide
Authorization and Capture API Operation Reference
SHIPTOSTATEState or province.
Character length and limitations: 40 single-byte characters.
Required for U.S. addresses only.
SHIPTOZIPU.S. ZIP code or other country-specific postal code.
Character length and limitations: 20 single-byte characters.
SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODECountry code. Character limit: Two single-byte characters.
Payer Name Fields
SALUTATIONPayer’s salutation.
Character length and limitations: 20 single-byte characters.
FIRSTNAMEPayer’s first name.
Character length and limitations: 25 single-byte characters.
MIDDLENAMEPayer’s middle name.
Character length and limitations: 25 single-byte characters.
DoAuthorization API
LASTNAMEPayer’s last name
Character length and limitations: 25 single-byte characters.
SUFFIXPayer’s suffix
Character length and limitations: 12 single-byte characters.
DoAuthorization API
Authorize a payment.
z DoAuthorization Request
z DoAuthorization Response
Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide08 April 200923
Authorization and Capture API Operation Reference
DoReauthorization API
DoAuthorization Request
DoAuthorization Request Fields
METHOD(Required) Must be DoAuthorization.
TRANSACTIONID(Required) The value of the order’s transaction identification number returned by
Character length and limits: 19 single-byte characters maximum.
AMT(Required) Amount to authorize.
Limitations: Value is a positive number which cannot exceed $10,000 USD in any
currency. No currency symbol. Must have two decimal places, decimal separator
must be a period (.), and the optional thousands separator must be a comma (,).
TRANSACTIONENTITY(Optional) Type of transaction to authorize. The only allowable value is Order,
which means that the transaction represents a customer order that can be fulfilled over
29 days.
CURRENCYCODE(Optional) A three-character currency code. See “Currency Codes” on page 239.
z DoReauthorization Request
z DoReauthorization Response
2408 April 2009Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide
Authorization and Capture API Operation Reference
DoVoid API
DoReauthorization Request
DoReauthorization Request Fields
METHOD(Required) Must be DoReauthorization.
AUTHORIZATIONID(Required) The value of a previously authorized transaction identification number
returned by PayPal.
Character length and limits: 19 single-byte characters maximum.
AMT(Required) Amount to reauthorize.
Limitations: Value is a positive number which cannot exceed $10,000 USD in any
currency. No currency symbol. Must have two decimal places, decimal separator
must be a period (.), and the optional thousands separator must be a comma (,).
CURRENCYCODEA three-character currency code. See “Currency Codes” on page 239.
DoReauthorization Response
DoReauthorization Response Fields
AUTHORIZATIONIDA new authorization identification number.
Character length and limits:19 single-byte characters maximum.
DoVoid API
Void an order or an authorization.
z DoVoid Request
z DoVoid Response
Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide08 April 200925
Authorization and Capture API Operation Reference
DoVoid API
DoVoid Request
DoVoid Request Fields
METHOD(Required) Must be DoVoid.
AUTHORIZATIONID(Required) The value of the original authorization identification number returned by a
PayPal product.
IMPORTANT: If you are voiding a transaction that has been reauthorized, use the ID
from the original authorization, and not the reauthorization.
Character length and limits: 19 single-byte characters.
NOTE(Optional) An informational note about this void that is displayed to the payer in
email and in his transaction history.
Character length and limits: 255 single-byte characters
DoVoid Response
DoVoid Response Fields
AUTHORIZATIONIDThe authorization identification number you specified in the request.
Character length and limits: 19 single-byte characters.
2608 April 2009Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide
DoDirectPayment API
Process a credit card payment.
z DoDirectPayment Request
z DoDirectPayment Response
DoDirectPayment Request
z DoDirectPayment Request Fields
z Credit Card Fields
z Payer Information Fields
z Payer Name Fields
z Billing Address Fields
z Payment Details Type Fields
z Payment Details Item Type Fields
z eBay Item Payment Details Item Type Fields
z Ship To Address Fields
Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide08 April 200927
DoDirectPayment API
DoDirectPayment Request
DoDirectPayment Request Fields
METHOD(Required) Must be DoDirectPayment.
PAYMENTACTION(Optional) How you want to obtain payment:
z Authorization indicates that this payment is a basic authorization subject to
settlement with PayPal Authorization & Capture.
z Sale indicates that this is a final sale for which you are requesting payment.
Character length and limit: Up to 13 single-byte alphabetic characters.
Default: Sale
NOTE: Order is not allowed for Direct Payment.
IPADDRESS(Required) IP address of the payer’s browser.
NOTE: PayPal records this IP addresses as a means to detect possible fraud.
Character length and limitations: 15 single-byte characters, including periods, for
RETURNFMFDETAILS(Optional) Flag to indicate whether you want the results returned by Fraud
Management Filters. By default, you do not receive this information.
z 0 - do not receive FMF details (default)
z 1 - receive FMF details
Credit Card Details Fields
CREDITCARDTYPE(Required) Type of credit card.
Character length and limitations: Up to ten single-byte alphabetic characters.
Allowable values:
z Visa
z MasterCard
z Discover
z Amex
z Maestro: See note.
z Solo: See note.
For Canada, only MasterCard and Visa are allowable; Interac debit cards are not
NOTE: If the credit card type is Maestro or Solo, the CURRENCYCODE must be
GBP. In addition, either STARTDATE or ISSUENUMBER must be specified.
ACCT(Required) Credit card number.
Character length and limitations: numeric characters only. No spaces or punctutation.
Must conform with modulo and length required by each credit card type.
2808 April 2009Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide
DoDirectPayment API
DoDirectPayment Request
EXPDATECredit card expiration date.
This field is required if you are using recurring payments with direct payments.
Format: MMYYYY
Character length and limitations: Six single-byte alphanumeric characters, including
leading zero.
CVV2Card Verification Value, version 2. Your Merchant Account settings determine
whether this field is required. Character length for Visa, MasterCard, and Discover:
exactly three digits.Character length for American Express: exactly four digits.To
comply with credit card processing regulations, you must not store this value after a
transaction has been completed.
STARTDATE(Optional) Month and year that Maestro or Solo card was issued, the MMYYYY
Character length: Must be six digits, including leading zero.
ISSUENUMBER(Optional) Issue number of Maestro or Solo card.Character length: two numeric
digits maximum.
Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide08 April 200929
DoDirectPayment API
DoDirectPayment Request
PayerInfo Type Fields
EMAILEmail address of payer.
Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte characters.