PayPal Mobile Express Checkout Library User Manual

Mobile Express Checkout Library Developer Guide and Reference – iOS Edition
Last updated: January 2011
PayPal Mobile Payments Developer Guide and Reference – iOS Edition
© 2011 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved. PayPal is a registered trademark of PayPal, Inc. The PayPal logo is a trademark of PayPal, Inc. Other trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. The information in this document belongs to PayPal, Inc. It may not be used, reproduced or disclosed without the written approval of PayPal, Inc. Copyright © PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., Société en Commandite par Actions. Registered office: 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449, Luxembourg, R.C.S. Luxembourg B 118 349 Consumer advisory: The PayPal™ payment service is regarded as a stored value facility under Singapore law. As such, it does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. You are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully. Notice of non-liability: PayPal, Inc. is providing the information in this document to you “AS-IS” with all faults. PayPal, Inc. makes no warranties of any kind (whether express, implied or statutory) with respect to the information contained herein. PayPal, Inc. assumes no liability for damages (whether direct or indirect), caused by errors or omissions, or resulting from the use of this document or the information contained in this document or resulting from the application or use of the product or service described herein. PayPal, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to any information herein without further notice.
Preface ............................................................................................................... 5
Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 5
Scope ............................................................................................................................ 5
Revision History ............................................................................................................ 5
Where to Go for More Information ................................................................................ 5
1. PayPal Mobile Express Checkout Library ................................................. 7
Mobile Express Checkout Library API Reference ........................................................ 7
Programming Flow with the PayPal Button in Your Mobile Application ................. 7
Programming Flow with the PayPal Button on Your Mobile Website .................... 8
Methods in the Mobile Express Checkout Library ................................................. 8
Enumerated Values in the Mobile Express Checkout Library.............................. 10
Localization Support in the Mobile Express Checkout Library ................................... 11
How to Set the Language and the Region ........................................................... 11
Locales Supported by the Mobile Express Checkout Library .............................. 12
Library Support for Devices and iOS versions ........................................................... 12
Adding the Mobile Express Checkout Library to Your Xcode Project ........................ 13
Method Sequence with the PayPal Button in Your Mobile App ................................. 14
Method Sequence with the PayPal Button on Your Mobile Webpage ....................... 15
Sample Code .............................................................................................................. 16
Library Header File............................................................................................... 16
Fetching the Device Token .................................................................................. 17
Placing the PayPal Button in Your Mobile Application ......................................... 17
Redirecting Buyers to PayPal .............................................................................. 18
Completing the Payment ............................................................................................ 18
2. The Checkout Experience with the Mobile Express Checkout Library . 19
Express Checkout Experience ................................................................................... 19
3. Submitting Your Application to PayPal ................................................... 21
A. Creating an Ad Hoc Build ......................................................................... 22
Creating a Distribution Certificate ............................................................................... 22
Creating and Approving a Certificate Signing Request ....................................... 22
Creating a Distribution Certificate ........................................................................ 23
Adding Device IDs ...................................................................................................... 23
Locating your Device ID ....................................................................................... 24
Adding Devices to the iPhone Developer Program Portal ................................... 24
PayPal Mobile Express Checkout Library Developer Guide and Reference January 2011 3
Using Updated Provisioning Profiles for New Devices ........................................ 24
Creating the App ID .................................................................................................... 24
Creating a Distribution Provisioning Profile ................................................................ 26
Creating the Build in XCode ....................................................................................... 27
Notes .......................................................................................................................... 29
Saving the Private Key and Transferring It to Other Systems ............................. 29
Verifying a Successful Ad Hoc Distribution Build ................................................. 30
Correcting an Unsuccessful Ad Hoc Distribution Build ........................................ 30
4 January 2011 PayPal Mobile Express Checkout Library Developer Guide and Reference
Date Published
January 2011
Updated to reflect the disabling of „Keep Me Logged In‟ functionality for version
November 2010
Created for version 1.0 of the Mobile Express Checkout Library
The PayPal Mobile Express Checkout Library lets you embed your mobile implementation of Express Checkout in mobile applications for the iPhone® and iPod touch®.
The PayPal Mobile Express Checkout Library lets you embed Express Checkout in iPhone and iPod touch applications. Download the library from and include it in your application. You need only a few lines of code to integrate the library and your Express Checkout implementation in your mobile application.
This document describes how to use the PayPal Mobile Express Checkout Library to embed your mobile implementation of Express Checkout in your mobile application. It also describes how to provide your build to PayPal. We review your application so we can approve it to accept payments through the library.
Revision History
The following table lists revisions made to the Mobile Express Checkout Library Developer Guide and Reference.
Where to Go for More Information
Express Checkout Integration Guide Mobile Payments Library Developer Guide and Reference – iOS Edition Sandbox User Guide Merchant Setup and Administration Guide PayPal X Developer Network (
PayPal Mobile Express Checkout Library Developer Guide and Reference January 2011 5 6 January 2011 PayPal Mobile Express Checkout Library Developer Guide and Reference
1. PayPal Mobile Express Checkout Library
This section provides details about the Mobile Express Checkout Library. It provides instructions and examples for using the library to embed your mobile implementation of Express Checkout in your iPhone or iPod touch application.
Mobile Express Checkout Library API Reference
The library supports 2 programming flows. They differ in where you place the PayPal button that buyers click to begin checking out with PayPal.
Programming Flow with the PayPal Button in Your Mobile Application
Place the PayPal button in your mobile application if your checkout process begins and ends with screens in your mobile application. In this programming flow, you embed only the mobile Express Checkout payment pages in a web view.
1. Fetch a device token from the library, just before you display the mobile application screen
where you show a PayPal button. Include a pointer to your delegate method that receives the device token.
2. Get a PayPal button from the library, and place it on your mobile application screen.
Include a pointer to your delegate method that handles the button-click event.
3. When buyers select the PayPal button, your delegate method is called: a. Call a routine on your mobile web server, passing the payment information. b. On your mobile web server, send a SetExpressCheckout request with the payment
information to PayPal.
c. Pass the checkout token returned in the SetExpressCheckout response from your
mobile web server to your mobile application.
d. Open a web view, and redirect the browser to PayPal with the mobile command, the
device token, and the checkout token as URL parameters.­mobile
&drt=valueFromMobileExpressCheckoutLibrary&token=valueFromSetExpr essCheckoutResponse
4. Monitor the web view for a redirect from PayPal to your return or cancel URL.
5. If PayPal redirects the web view to your return URL, call surrogate routines on your mobile web server that send GetExpressCheckoutDetails and DoExpressCheckoutPayment requests to PayPal to complete the payment.
IMPORTANT: Never send Express Checkout requests from your mobile application directly to
PayPal. The requests require your PayPal API credentials. Placing your credentials on mobile
PayPal Mobile Express Checkout Library Developer Guide and Reference January 2011 7
devices exposes you and PayPal to unacceptable security risks. Send Express Checkout requests only from secure servers.
Programming Flow with the PayPal Button on Your Mobile Website
Place the PayPal button on your mobile website if your checkout process begins and ends with pages on your mobile website. In this programming flow, you embed your entire mobile Express Checkout implementation in a web view.
1. Fetch a device token from the library, just before you open a web view of your mobile Express Checkout implementation.
Include a pointer to your delegate method that receives device tokens.
2. Open a web view of a page or routine on your mobile web server that begins your checkout process.
Include the device token as a URL parameter when you open the web view, along with the item details in the shopping cart.
3. Monitor the web view for a redirect from your web server to a well-known URL that signals the checkout process on your mobile website is complete.
Methods in the Mobile Express Checkout Library
fetchDeviceReferenceTokenWithAppID Method
The fetchDeviceReferenceTokenWithAppID method returns a device token. Use the del parameter to specify your own delegate function of that receives device tokens. Include the device token as the &drt parameter in the URL when your redirect the buyer‟s mobile browser to PayPal. Device tokens expire after 45 minutes.
By default, the library uses PayPal‟s production servers for fetching device tokens. To test your application, use the optional env parameter so the library fetches device tokens from PayPal‟s Sandbox servers, instead.
In your programming flow, fetch the device token just before you get the PayPal button.
8 January 2011 PayPal Mobile Express Checkout Library Developer Guide and Reference
- (void)fetchDeviceReferenceTokenWithAppID:(NSString const *)inAppID
(Required) PayPal Application ID from For the Sandbox environment, use APP-80W284485P519543T.
(Optional) Which PayPal servers the library uses Allowable values are:
NOTE: The ENV_LIVE environment does not support simulators.
(Required) Your delegate function that receives device tokens
(Required) The UIViewController that is the delegate for callbacks
(Required) Your method that responds to the PayPal button click
(Required) Size and appearance of the PayPal button Allowable values are:
BUTTON_152x33 BUTTON_194x37 BUTTON_278x43 BUTTON_294x43
forEnvironment:(PayPalEnvironment)env withDelegate:(id<DeviceReferenceTokenDelegate>)del;
getPayButtonWithTarget Method
If you place the PayPal button in your mobile application, get an instance from the Mobile Express Checkout Library. This method returns a UIButton that you place on your mobile application screen. If you need to move the button, because your application supports rotation for example, change the button frame. The target parameter sets which UIViewController receives delegate callbacks. If data is invalid, you receive an alert from the UIAlertViews.
- (UIButton *)getPayButtonWithTarget:(NSObject const *)target
andAction:(SEL)action andButtonType:(PayPalButtonType)inButtonType;
getInstance Method
The library provides a singleton instance of the PayPal object. Use the getInstance method to set and access runtime properties of the library. For example, use the value of the
paymentsEnabled property to determine whether your attempt to fetch a device token was
PayPal Mobile Express Checkout Library Developer Guide and Reference January 2011 9
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