Paxton Superchargers Mustang Novi 1000 User Manual

DP/N: 4809630 - V2.0 04/01/03
Owner’s Installation Guide for the
Novi 1000 Supercharging Kit
for the
1986-1993 5.0L Ford Mustang
Paxton Automotive . 1300 Beacon Place . Oxnard CA 93033
805 604-1336 . FAX (805) 604-1337
P/N: 4809630 ©2003 Paxton Automotive All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured 01APR03 v2.0 86-93Mus(4809630 v2.0)


This manual provides information on the installation, maintenance and serv­ice of the Paxton supercharger kit expressly designed for the 1986-93 5.0 Ford Mustang Contact Paxton Automotive Corporation for any additional information regarding this kit and any of these modifications at (805) 604­1336 7:00am-3:45pm PST.
An understanding of the information contained herein will help novices, as well as experienced technicians, to correctly install and receive the greatest possible benefit from their Paxton supercharger. When reference is made in this manual to a brand name, number, specific tool or technique, an equiva­lent product may be used in place of the item mentioned. All information, illustrations and specifications contained herein are based on the latest prod­uct information available at the time of this publication. All rights reserved to make changes at any time without notice.
All rights recerved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcrived, or translated into
another language in any form, by any means without written permission of Paxton Automotive.
P/N: 4809630
©2003 Paxton Automotive
All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured
01APR03 v2.0 86-93Mus(4809630 v2.0)


FOREWORD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
IMPORTANT NOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
1.1 INITIAL PREPARATION AND REMOVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
2.1 SUPERCHARGER INSTALLATION & ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
3.1 PRE-START CHECKS, INSPECTIONS, INITIAL START-UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
P/N: 4809630 ©2003 Paxton Automotive All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured 01APR03 v2.0 86-93Mus(4809630 v2.0)


ongratulations! You have purchased the finest street supercharger available for the
5.0L Mustang. The centerpiece of this kit is the High Efficiency PAXTON Supercharger, a mechanically driven centrifugal blower.
This kit comes with all the parts you will need to install the supercharger. The instruction manual has been edited in order of sequence, and photographs and drawings have been included to illustrate the text. This will allow you quick part identification and orientation.
The installation will require metric and SAE sock­ets and wrenches, a hand drill and bits, an Air Hammer (and compressor), a 3/8” x 18 NPT tap, screwdrivers, and a supply of buckets for the reserve of coolant and oils.
We suggest that you obtain a copy of a Mustang shop manual for your model of car. This may be obtained from your dealer, or may be ordered by mail from Helm Publications at (800) 782-4356. Become familiar with the details of your car’s sys-
tem. If it is not operating within normal parame­ters, we do not recommend the installation or use of the supercharger.
For the quickest installation time, we suggest that you read this manual thoroughly before beginning. Make sure that you understand the process, have identified the areas of the car that you will be working on, and have the tools that you will need on hand. The average installation time is 8 to 10 hours, but your time will depend on your working conditions, experience installing superchargers, personal skill level, and preparedness for the job. This estimate does not include time for the initial vehicle inspection, cleaning, fine tuning, or trou­ble-shooting. Once again, we recommend reading the manual before beginning the process. We are available for tech support at (805) 604-1336, Monday through Friday, 8:00 - 4:30 PM PST.
After reading the manual, verify that all major assembly groups are present in the main kit box. As you remove a box or bag, note the identification label and compare it to the parts list.
PAXTON AUTOMOTIVE makes every effort to insure
that all parts are included in the box. If you
discover that you are missing any part,
or that a part was damaged in shipping, call PAXTON
immediately. DO NOT begin installation if a part
is missing. Failure to contact PAXTON prior to
beginning installation will result in a charge for
the missing part.
We suggest that the engine compartment be cleaned before the installation. You can clean the engine with a pressure washer that is found at self-
serve car washes. Use a safe-for-aluminum clean­er/degreaser, and cover the distributor and any electronics with a plastic bag to prevent water from entering.
P/N: 4809630
©2003 Paxton Automotive
All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured
01APR03 v2.0 86-93Mus(4809630 v2.0)
ou are undoubtedly eager to get started, but please take a little more time to insure that
your safety is not in jeopardy. A moment’s lack of attention may cause a serious injury to you, or to someone else who happens to be standing around. By following some simple safety precau-
PAXTON Automotive thanks you for your pur­chase. We welcome your comments and sugges­tions to help us improve our product.
tions, you can avoid many potential dangers. The following list is not meant to be a comprehensive list, but rather it is meant to make you aware of some of the risks, and encourage you to take a safety minded approach to your work area.
Never rely solely on a floor jack when working under-
neath a vehicle. Always use jack stands that are rated for the weight of your vehicle, use them at the recom­mended lift points, and place your vehicle in ‘PARK’ or ‘FIRST’ gear with the parking brake set.
Always use eye protection when using power tools, such
as drills, saws, and grinders, or when working under­neath a vehicle.
Never smoke, use an open flame, or have spark produc-
ing items around gasoline or flammable objects. Always have a fire extinguisher that is rated for chemical and electrical fires handy when working on motor vehicles. Also, make sure that the extinguisher is fully charged.
Operate engines only in a well ventilated area. Carbon
Monoxide, gasoline, and solvent vapors are colorless and sometimes odorless, and may asphyxiate and explode without warning.
Always disconnect the battery from your engine before
doing work on the electrical or fuel systems, or doing underdash work.
The chemicals used in the vehicle systems, such as oils
and coolants, are poisonous. Clean up any spills imme­diately, and dispose of waste materials properly. Pets, wild animals, and children may die if they ingest the liq­uid.
P/N: 4809630 ©2003 Paxton Automotive All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured 01APR03 v2.0 86-93Mus(4809630 v2.0)
Part No. Description Qty.
IMPORTANT: Before beginning installation, verify that all parts are included in the kit. Report any shortages or damaged
parts immediately.
1986-1993 5.0L Mustang
Part No. 1001830
1001830 KIT, 86-93 STD. 5.0L MUSTANG 1
1016417 S/C ASSY, 86-93 5.0 NOVI 1000 CURV 1 1016709 CRANK PULLEY ASSY, 8-RIB NON-UND 1 1016622 ASSY, MTG BRKT, NOVI 1000 1 1016912 S/C TENSIONER, ASSY, 5.0 NOVI 1000 1 1017009 ASSY, AIR DISCHARGE, 5.0 NOVI 1000 1 1017111 ASSY, AIR INTAKE, 5.0 NOVI 1000 1 1019312 ASSY, OIL SUPPLY 1 4FA130-036 ASSY, OIL DRAIN 1 4FA114-023 ASSY, RADIATOR HOSE 1 1017300 ASSY, SMOG PUMP MODIFICATION 1 1017700 KIT, FUEL CONTROL 1 7T640-011 PUNCH, OIL PAN FITTING 1 4809630 INSTRUCTION MANUAL, 86-93 5.0 MUSTANG 1 7U100-055 TIE-WRAPS, 6" NYLON 20 0088575 S/C STRT INFO PKG ASSY PAXT 1 3863515 DECAL, PAXTON COLOR 9" x 3" 1
P/N: 4809630
©2003 Paxton Automotive All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured 01APR03 v2.0 86-93Mus(4809630 v2.0)
Section 1
A. Begin the initial preparation and disassem-
bly process by first disconnecting the nega­tive side of the battery, and draining one gal­lon of coolant from the coolant reservoir. To do this, disconnect the hose from the bottom of the coolant reservoir and allow to drain into a suitable container. DO NOT allow coolant to drain onto floor, and be sure to mop up any coolant splatter immediately. Animals like the taste of coolant, and if they drink it, it will kill them.
B. Loosen the petcock at the bottom of the
radiator and drain approximately one gallon of radiator fluid into a drain pan. (Save the
fluid for re-use)
Fig. 1-b
Fig. 1-c
Fig. 1-a
C. Using a 8mm socket & ratchet or screw
driver, loosen the clamps and remove the upper radiator hose from the vehicle (save for re-use). (See Fig. 1-a.)
D. Using a nut driver or screwdriver, remove
the clamps securing the rubber inlet tube to the throttle body and mass air flow sensor and remove the inlet tube.
water pump. With an18mm combination wrench release the tension on the belt ten­sioner and remove the factory drive belt. Now remove the four bolts that are securing the fan to the water pump, remove the fan and clutch assembly out of the vehicle. (See Figs. 1-b, 1-c.)
E. Disconnect the overflow hose from the neck
of the radiator and unplug the electrical con­nector from the coolant bottle.
F. Using a 7/16” wrench or socket, remove the
two sheet metal screws securing the fan shroud to the radiator core support
G. Using a 7/16” combination wrench, loosen
the four bolts that are securing the fan to the
P/N: 4809630 ©2003 Paxton Automotive All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured 01APR03 v2.0 86-93Mus(4809630 v2.0)
H Loosen the clamp securing the mass air flow
sensor to the rubber sleeve at the air filter assembly. Unplug the sensor and un-bolt it from the strut tower with a 7/16" socket.
I Using a 7/16" deep socket, loosen the nuts
securing the air filter assembly to its rubber mounts and remove the filter from the vehi­cle. Unscrew the rubber mounts from the inner fender. (See Fig. 1-d.)
J. Using a 19mm wrench, loosen the bolt
securing the accessory drive belt tensioner to the factory bracket and remove the ten­sioner from the bracket. (See Fig. 1-e.)
Fig. 1-d
Fig. 1-e
K. Unplug the electrical connection at the alter-
nator, and using a 9/16” and a 1/2” socket, remove the alternator from the factory bracket. (See Fig. 1-f.)
Fig. 1-f
L. Using a 5/16” nut driver, loosen the clamps
and remove the air injection hose from the smog pump and diverter valve up next to the valve cover. Disconnect the vacuum line behind the smog pump and remove the hose from the vehicle. Set aside for re-use
M. Remove the bolt at the rear of the smog
pump using a 9/16” socket and the two at the front of the pump, remove the smog pump from the vehicle.
N. Using a 9/16” socket and extension, remove
the remaining bolts securing the factory bracket to the engine. Set the bracket aside, this bracket will not be re-used, but save it in a safe place.
O. Using a 9/16” deep socket and extension,
remove the fuel line bracket from the front head retaining stud and un-clip it from the factory fuel lines.
P. On the frame rail, there is an evaporator
canister. From underneath the vehicle, use a 1/2” socket and remove the two bolts secur­ing the canister bracket to the frame rail. Reposition the canister forward, towards the front of the vehicle, using one of the stock bolts. Re-attach the canister to the frame rail using the forward hole in the frame rail and the rear hole in the bracket.
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©2003 Paxton Automotive All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured 01APR03 v2.0 86-93Mus(4809630 v2.0)
Q. Remove the four factory crank pulley
bolts with a 9/16" socket and extension and remove the pulley from the vehicle.
(See Fig. 1-g.)
Fig. 1-g
R. With the 4 supplied (bolts 3/8 x 1-3/4 in
length) install the new crank pulley and torque the bolts to 25-28ft pounds.
Fig. 1-h.)
Fig 1-h
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