Paxton PROXIMITY encoding system User Manual

Ins-30072 PROXIMITY encoding system
Contents in box
PROXIMITY USB encoder USB cable Software on CD Enrolment card + Programming cards x 2
The PROXIMITY encoding system allows users of Paxton PROXIMITY systems to generate user cards quickly and easily. The card details for each user are held on the PC in a database and are managed by the encoding system software. The system is ideal for sites of 50 people or more where it is more practical and economical to use than to purchase pre-encoded packs of cards.
In the event that a user’s PROXIMITY token needs to be barred from having access to a door, the encoding system software has the facility to produce a shadow token for that user. This token is then presented to the door(s) reader and the lost or stolen user card is then made invalid.
As well as shadow cards and user cards, the encoding system software can program a variety of other function cards for use at the reader.
System installation
The encoder must rst be connected to the PC using the USB lead provided.
Insert the CDROM into the PC. If the machine does not Autorun, double-click Setup.exe in the root drive of the
When the set up process is complete, you will nd a new program group in the start menu called “Proximity encoding system”. You can start the program by selecting the “Proximity encoding system” icon in this program
Software installation
Once the desktop encoder and program are installed, the system must be initialised before it can be used. Start
the program by clicking on the Proximity encoding system icon.
On start-up the program will display the site creation window. A site must be created before any cards can be
encoded. Simply enter the name of the site and click Add.
If the red icon and “No encoder is present” appears in the bottom left hand corner of the window, there is a problem with the communications to the USB desktop encoder.
Technical Support
Technical help is available: Monday - Friday from 07:00 - 19:00 (GMT)
Saturday from 09:00 - 13:00 (GMT)
01273 811011
Documentation on all Paxton products can be found on our website -
Each enrolment card+ which has a unique number sequence and therefore each new site will require its own separate enrolment card+.
Once a valid enrolment card+ is presented to the USB
desktop encoder, its number will appear in the bottom left hand corner of the window. Click the Login button, which will have become active.
The PROXIMITY encoding system is now ready to use.
Initialising the door locks
The Enrolment card+ provided with the Desktop encoder must also be presented to each of the door readers
when they are rst installed. This process ‘enrols’ the door with the same unique set of codes that have already
been set up in the PC.
If an existing card pack is being used on the site, the original Enrolment card should be presented to the reader, followed immediately by the Enrolment card+ to add the new code set. Two beeps from the reader at the door indicate that the enrolment process was successful.
Once a door lock has been enrolled, it is ready to use. All of the user cards that are produced by the Desktop encoder system will be automatically valid - there is no need to enrol each new card at the door to make it work.
Please note that the Enrolment card+ is an important part of the system. It should be kept in a safe place and should not be given to unauthorised people. If it is lost or stolen, the security of the site will have been
compromised. To recover from this situation, see the Security section of this document.
Adding a user
1. Click the Users icon from the encoding menu.
2. Double click on New user.
3. Select Yes if you wish to encode a token as you enter each set of user details (In this mode the software will not allow a user to be entered unless a blank card is presented to the desktop encoder). Select No if you wish to
enter users details and encode their tokens later.
4. Fill in the details of the user, present a token to the desktop encoder (if this option was selected) and click Add user. The window will remain open to allow further users to be added. If you are programming a card, select its zone colour (see the explanation of zones in the function card section, or just choose green if you are not sure).
5. To return to the main screen click Close.
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