Ins-30026 PROXIMITY P200 & P200E metal mount reader
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Wet environments
Mounted on metal surface
Security-sensitive doors
Readers mounted together
500 mm
between readers
P200E metal mount
500 mm
between readers
The P200 is a standard P series reader with a much larger coil to give an increased read range with hands free
tokens. This larger coil makes it unsuitable for mounting the reader directly onto metal surfaces, posts, etc as
the radio eld becomes distorted and so the P200E (External) has been designed with the reader coil spaced
away from the backplate.
The read range of both units is similar to the standard P series reader with passive tokens but is greatly
extended (up to 2.5 metres) when used in conjunction with a hands free interface, tokens and keycards.
Reader covers
The P200 comes supplied with Black and White covers. The P200E is only available in Black.
Cable extensions
Readers can be extended using Belden CR9540 10-core overall screened cable to a maximum of 100 metres.

Connection to a control
unit reader port
WHITE labelled control units provide 5V at the Red terminal. The Red power wire for the
reader should therefore be directly connected to the 12V supply terminal.
Hands free interface
The interface should be positioned as close as practical to the reader. A distance from interface to reader of 10
to 15 meters can be achieved but wireless technology is susceptible to environmental factors and so if problems
are experienced it may be necessary to move the interface closer to the reader.
The hands free interface should not be housed in a metal enclosure as it contains the main receiver aerial.
Sticky feet allow the interface to be stuck to the ACU wiring label in a PSU plastic housing.
Connection modules
Reader junction box (325-020)
This module can be used to provide a
connection point for the reader RJ45 plug.
The terminals on the module are then wired
colour for colour to the controller.
Alternatively, the reader can be wired directly
into the screw terminals of the control unit by
rst cutting off the RJ45 plug and stripping
back the wires in the cable.
Reader port module (325-030)
This module may be purchased separately to speed up
the installation and replacement of readers.
The reader port module is designed to convert the
standard reader ports on Switch2 and Net2 controllers
to accept one or two RJ45 connections. Pull off the
screw terminal block from the reader port and simply
replace it with this module.
Further information on how to purchase Installer Tools is available at: