Paxar 6035 User Manual

Ultra System
TC6035CMUM Rev. AB 12/01 ©2001 Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Each product and program carries a respective written warranty, the only warranty on which the customer can rely. Monarch reserves the right to make changes in the product and the programs and their availability at any time and without notice. Although Monarch has made every effort to provide complete and accurate information in this manual, Monarch shall not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies. Any update will be incorporated in a later edition of this manual.
©2001 Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means, without the written permission of Monarch Marking Systems, Inc.
MONARCH®, PATHFINDER®, Ultra® and PATHFINDER Ultra® are registered trademarks of Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. 6035 is a trademark of Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. Paxar is a registered trademark of Paxar Corporation. Microsoft, MS-DOS and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. TrueType is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Hewlett-Packard is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. CG Triumvirate and CG Triumvirate Bold are trademarks of AGFA Monotype Corporation.
Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. 170 Monarch Lane Miamisburg, OH 45342
Features ...........................................................................................1-1
Terms to Know .................................................................................. 1-2
Label Sizes .......................................................................................1-3
How this Manual is Organized ............................................................1-4
Getting Started..................................................................................... 2-1
Using the Keypad and the Display....................................................... 2-2
Using the Function Keys.................................................................. 2-3
Using the Most Common Keys ............................................................ 2-4
Reading the Display........................................................................... 2-4
Entering a Sample Format.................................................................. 2-5
Printing the Sample Format ................................................................ 2-8
Using the Operator Data Entry Form ...................................................2-9
Sample Operator Data Entry Form ................................................. 2-10
Operator Data Entry Form Page 1 .................................................. 2-11
Operator Data Entry Form Page 2 .................................................. 2-12
Configuring the Printer.......................................................................... 3-1
General Options ................................................................................ 3-2
Toggle Backlight............................................................................. 3-2
Set Print Method............................................................................. 3-3
Set Date ........................................................................................3-3
Set Time ........................................................................................3-3
Set I2 of 5 Scan Lengths ................................................................. 3-4
Reset/Clear Formats ....................................................................... 3-4
Select Currency.............................................................................. 3-4
Set Supply Type ............................................................................. 3-5
Suppress Warnings......................................................................... 3-5
Format Header Options ...................................................................... 3-5
Generate Fmt Name........................................................................ 3-6
Table of Contents i
Format Text Options .......................................................................... 3-6
Use Default Gap ............................................................................. 3-6
Use Default Color ........................................................................... 3-7
Set Default Color ............................................................................ 3-7
Use Default Character Rotation .......................................................3-7
Format Bar Code Options................................................................... 3-8
Use Default UPC Appearance .......................................................... 3-8
Set Default UPC Appearance........................................................... 3-8
Use Default Alignment.....................................................................3-8
Designing a Format .............................................................................. 4-1
Design Overview ...............................................................................4-1
Determining Format Data ...................................................................4-1
Determining the Print Area ................................................................. 4-2
Drawing Rough Sketches ................................................................... 4-2
Using Supply Layout Grids ................................................................. 4-3
Considering Field Types..................................................................... 4-4
Starting the Design Process ............................................................... 4-6
Placing Fields on a Format................................................................. 4-7
Defining Text Fields.............................................................................. 5-1
About Text Fields .............................................................................. 5-1
Entering a Sample Text Field.............................................................. 5-6
Printing the Sample Text Format......................................................... 5-9
Using a Combo Text Field ................................................................ 5-10
Entering a Sample Combo Text Field ................................................ 5-12
Printing the Sample Combo Format................................................... 5-17
Defining Bar Code Fields ......................................................................6-1
About Bar Code Fields ....................................................................... 6-1
Setting the Appearance ................................................................... 6-5
Setting the Density .........................................................................6-6
Entering Simple Bar Code Fields ........................................................ 6-6
Sample 1: Simple Fixed Bar Code .................................................... 6-7
Printing the Simple Fixed Bar Code Format ......................................... 6-9
Sample 2: Simple Variable Bar Code.............................................. 6-10
Printing the Simple Variable Bar Code Format ................................... 6-13
ii Table of Contents
About Combo Bar Code Fields.......................................................... 6-14
Entering a Sample Combo Bar Code Field ......................................... 6-15
Printing the Sample Combo Bar Code Format .................................... 6-22
Bar Code Specifications ................................................................... 6-24
UPC Bar Codes ............................................................................ 6-24
EAN Bar Codes ............................................................................ 6-25
Code 128 Bar Codes..................................................................... 6-25
MSI ............................................................................................. 6-26
Interleaved 2 of 5 Bar Codes ......................................................... 6-26
Code 39 Bar Codes....................................................................... 6-26
Codabar Bar Codes ...................................................................... 6-27
Code 93 ....................................................................................... 6-27
Defining Constant Text Fields................................................................ 7-1
About Constant Text Fields ................................................................ 7-1
Entering a Sample Constant Text Field................................................7-5
Printing the Sample Constant Text Format........................................... 7-8
Defining Line Fields.............................................................................. 8-1
About Line Fields ..............................................................................8-1
Entering a Sample Line Field (Segments) ............................................ 8-3
Printing the Sample Line (Segment) Format......................................... 8-5
Entering a Sample Line Field (Vectors) ............................................... 8-5
Entering a Sample Line Field (Vectors) ............................................... 8-6
Printing the Sample Line (Vector) Format ............................................8-8
Defining Special Fields ......................................................................... 9-1
About Price and System Date/Time Fields ........................................... 9-1
Entering a Sample Price Field ............................................................9-7
Printing the Sample Price Format........................................................9-9
Entering a Sample Date/Time Field ................................................... 9-11
Printing the Sample Date/Time Format .............................................. 9-14
Applying Data Edits ............................................................................ 10-1
Using Data Edits ............................................................................. 10-2
Printing the Format ....................................................................... 10-5
Padding Data ............................................................................... 10-6
Printing the Format ....................................................................... 10-9
Table of Contents iii
Extracting Characters ................................................................. 10-10
Printing the Format ..................................................................... 10-13
Stripping Characters ................................................................... 10-14
Printing the Format ..................................................................... 10-17
Extracting Characters from the Middle.......................................... 10-18
Printing the Format ..................................................................... 10-21
Inserting Characters ................................................................... 10-21
Inserting Characters ................................................................... 10-22
Printing the Format ..................................................................... 10-25
Make Into Price .......................................................................... 10-26
Printing the Format ..................................................................... 10-27
Make Into Shoe Size ................................................................... 10-27
Printing the Format ..................................................................... 10-31
Editing a Format................................................................................. 11-1
Copying a Format ............................................................................ 11-1
Editing a Field................................................................................. 11-2
Adding a Field .............................................................................. 11-2
Printing the Format ....................................................................... 11-4
Deleting a Field ............................................................................ 11-4
Printing the Format ....................................................................... 11-6
Modifying an Existing Field............................................................ 11-6
Printing the Format ....................................................................... 11-9
Changing Header Information ........................................................ 11-9
Printing the Format ..................................................................... 11-12
Deleting a Format.......................................................................... 11-13
Troubleshooting ................................................................................. 12-1
Troubleshooting Information ............................................................. 12-2
If You Receive an Error Message................................................... 12-2
Calling Technical Support.............................................................. 12-2
iv Table of Contents
Data Errors ..................................................................................... 12-3
Format Errors (1 - 99) ................................................................... 12-3
Batch Errors (100 - 199)................................................................ 12-5
Option Errors (200 - 249) .............................................................. 12-5
Online Configuration Errors (250 - 299) .......................................... 12-6
Check Digit Errors (300 - 324) ....................................................... 12-7
General Packet Errors (400 - 435).................................................. 12-8
Data Formatting Failures.................................................................. 12-9
Machine Faults.............................................................................. 12-10
Sample Formats ...................................................................................A-1
Item Pricing ......................................................................................A-1
Item Identification............................................................................A-12
Receiving/Inventory .........................................................................A-19
Using Fonts .........................................................................................A-1
Monospaced Font Magnification..........................................................B-2
Height Magnification .......................................................................B-2
Proportional Font Magnification ..........................................................B-3
Height Magnification .......................................................................B-3
Height Magnification .......................................................................B-4
Height Magnification .......................................................................B-4
Height Magnification .......................................................................B-5
Height Magnification .......................................................................B-5
Height Magnification .......................................................................B-6
Height Magnification .......................................................................B-7
Height Magnification .......................................................................B-7
Height Magnification .......................................................................B-8
Height Magnification .......................................................................B-8
Height Magnification .......................................................................B-9
Height Magnification .....................................................................B-10
Table of Contents v
vi Table of Contents
The Monarch DOS-based Pathfinder Ultra Configurable printer lets you design custom labels to fit your needs. You can use the printer for a variety of applications.
Print in-store merchandise marking labels to mark every item in your
store with scannable bar codes for increased data accuracy.
Print shelf labels with the product bar code number, description, and
Print labels for restocking of merchandise. Just scan a bar-coded
product and the printer duplicates the bar code.
Print warehouse carton labels for easy carton sorting.
The flexibility of this printer also provides you with the ability to:
Print a variety of tags ranging from .55 to 4.0 inches in length. Print numeric, alphanumeric, or special characters. You can print 14
fonts: monospaced or proportionally spaced fonts.
Use 24 different bar codes. Print horizontally or vertically on the label. Design data entry prompts for the Operator. Scan bar codes. Select different currency symbols for International use. Print combination fields. This feature allows the Operator to enter data
once, and use it in multiple fields.
Introduction 1-1
Terms to Know
Barrier bar
Baseline Bottom of the font.
Check digit
Fixed length bar code
Font The print style of text.
Horizontal bar code or text
Human Readable characters
Intercharacter gap Default spacing between characters in monospaced fonts.
Monospaced font Font with fixed character spacing such as Letter Gothic.
Number system code
The horizontal bars above and below I2of5 bar codes used to ensure a clean scan and avoid partial scans.
A number added to a bar code ensuring that the bar code data is read accurately.
A bar code with a fixed character length: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, and EAN-13.
The layout of data on a label. The format determines where and how data appears on a label.
Data that prints across the width of a label.
The characters that are visible such as a text field. Bar codes embed characters.
A number added to a bar code ensuring that the bar code data is read accurately.
Pad Characters
1-2 Introduction
The placement of one field over another such as a line on top of a price signifying a price reduction.
Characters that are added to the left or right of a field allowing you to fill in empty spaces when the entered data does not fill an entire field. For example, the Operator enters “23” and the format automatically adds zeros: 2300.
A message on the printer’s screen that tells you to enter/scan data.
Proportionally spaced font
Quiet Zone
Segment line type A line type with a starting point and an end point.
Start/stop character
Variable length bar code
Vector line type A line type with a starting point, angle, and length of line.
Vertical bar code or text
Void Light area on a label in a bar code or text.
Font with variable character spacing – all characters have different widths. For example, an “i” versus a “w.” Proportionally spaced fonts include CG Triumvirate, CG Triumvirate Condensed, and CG Triumvirate Bold.
An area of white space required at the beginning and end of a bar code to allow scanning. Also at the beginning/end and edges of a label. Also know as non-print zone.
Distinct characters used at the beginning and end of each bar code symbol that provides initial timing references and indicates the direction of scanning.
A bar code of variable character length: I2 of 5, Code 39, Codabar, Code 128, MSI, PostNet, and Code 93.
Data that is rotated and prints down the length of a label.
Label Sizes
The printer allows you to print the following label sizes.
Supported Supply Widths:
1.20 Inches
1.50 Inches
2.00 Inches
NOTE: Most of the sample formats in this manual use 2” X 2” labels unless
indicated otherwise.
Call 1-800-543-6650 for more information about the various label sizes and label types available with this printer.
Supported Supply Lengths: .55 inches .785 inches
1.1 inches
1.5 inches
2.0 inches
3.0 inches
4.0 inches
Introduction 1-3
How this Manual is Organized
Chapter 1 Introduction
Provides an overview of the printer and terms to know.
Chapter 2 Getting Started
Chapter 3 Configuring the Printer
Chapter 4 Designing a Format
Chapter 5 Defining Text Fields Tells you how to design a text field.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Defining Line Fields
Chapter 9 Defining Special Fields
Chapter 10 Applying Data Edits
Defining Bar Code Fields
Defining Constant Text Fields
Provides a checklist to get you started, keypad tips, and a sample format.
Tells you how set defaults for your printer and select print methods.
Provides instructions on how to determine the kind of data you want on a label and where to place the data.
Tells you how to design a bar code field.
Tells you how to design a constant text field.
Tells you how to design lines and borders.
Tells you how to design time, date, and price fields.
Tells you how to pad data, extract data, and insert it into another field.
Chapter 11 Editing a Format Tells you how to change a format.
Chapter 12 Troubleshooting
Appendix A Sample Formats
Appendix B Using Fonts Provides information about fonts.
Provides solutions to the most common errors and provides a list of all error codes.
Provides sample formats of various applications.
1-4 Introduction
This chapter tells you how to start using the printer and provides a sample format to show you how easy it is to create your labels.
NOTE: Before you begin, read the Equipment Manual that came with your
Use this checklist when creating a format.
Load labels into the printer. Charge the battery handle. Configure the printer. Refer to Chapter 3, “Configuring the Printer.”
Print and test your label.
Create a format, which is the layout of your data on a label. Refer to Chapter 4, “Designing a Format.”
Prepare an Operator Data Entry form for the Operator. Refer to “Using the Operator Data Entry Form” at the end of this chapter.
Getting Started 2-1
Using the Keypad and the Display
Your printer has an 8-line display and a 48-key keypad. This section provides tips on
Navigating through the screens on the display Using the most commonly used keys.
2-2 Getting Started
Using the Function Keys
The key combinations on the list below make scrolling and navigating easier.
Key Combination Description
f 1 Turns the backlight on the display on or off.
f 2 Sets the print method.
f 3 Select the currency symbol.
f 4 Battery Level Status
f 5 Exit
f 6 Set the supply type.
f <Home>
f <End>
f <PgUp>
f <PgDn>
Takes you to the beginning of a list. NOTE: If you have 11 formats, pressing f <Home> takes you to format 1.
Takes you to the end of a list. NOTE: If you have 11 formats, pressing f <End> takes you to format 11.
Takes you to the beginning of a list on the display. Pressing f <PgUp> again moves one full screen length up. NOTE: If you see options 3 through 10 on the display, pressing f <PgUp> takes you to option 3.
Takes you to the end of a list on the display. Pressing f <PgDn> again moves one full screen length down. NOTE: If you see options 3 through 10 on the display, pressing f <PgDn> takes you to option 10.
NOTE: See the Equipment Manual for information about using special
Getting Started 2-3
Using the Most Common Keys
The keys listed below are the most commonly used.
Key Description
b Returns you to the previous screen.
g Moves the cursor the left and deletes the character on the left.
e Accepts your selection.
s Toggles between upper case and lower case/numeric.
fs Enters Caps lock.
f Ins
Scrolls left, right, up, or down through the options on the display. When your selection is highlighted, press e.
Left and right move the cursor inside an entry. When inside an entry, f data) and f data).
Toggles between overwrite mode and normal mode. In overwrite mode, when you type, it replaces characters.
ç moves the cursor to the extreme left (beginning of
è moves the cursor to the extreme right (end of
NOTE: See the Equipment Manual for more information.
Reading the Display
The icons listed below tell you what data entry mode you are in.
If you see You are in
F Function Key Mode.
é Upper-case Alpha Mode.
X Delete Mode. Pressing g deletes the current character.
L Caps Lock Mode.
NOTE: See the Equipment Manual for more information.
2-4 Getting Started
Entering a Sample Format
Turn on the printer. You will see the Main Menu.
- = Main Menu = -
1. Design Formats
2. Print Labels
3. Configuration
- = Design Menu = -
1. Create New Format
2. Edit Old Format
3. Copy Format
4. Delete Format Enter Format Name
> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L
Enter Length of supply (55 – 400) (eg. 400 = 4 inches) > _ _ _
Select Supply Width
1. 1.20 Inches
2. 1.50 Inches
3. 2.00 Inches Select Type: Fld #1
1. Text Field
2. Bar Code Field
3. Constant Text
4. Line
5. Finished
1. Press 1 to design your formats.
2. Press 1 to create a new format.
3. Type SIZE. Press e.
4. Type 200 for a 2-inch long label. Press
5. Press 3 for the supply width.
6. Press 1 to define a text field.
Select Field Class
1. Simple Field
2. Price Field
3. System Date/Time
4. Complex (Merged) Numeric or
Alpha-Numeric Data? A/N > _
L Enter Max. Length
> _ _ _
7. Press 1 to define a simple field.
8. Press A (alpha-numeric).
9. Type 10 as the maximum number of characters
in the field. Press e.
Getting Started 2-5
Enter Min. Length > _ _ _
10. Type 1 as the minimum number of characters in the field. Press e.
Enter Field Prompt > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
L Enter Fixed Data
Press ENTER if none > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
L Add fixed data
Before or After entry chars? B/A > _
L Enter Row #
> _ _ _ Enter Col. #
> _ _ _
- = Select Font = -
1. CG Trium 6.5 1000
2. CG Trium 8 pt 1001
3. CG Trium 10p 1002
4. CG Trium 12p 1003
5. CG Trium 18 p 1004
6. CG Trium 22p 1005
7. CG TrCon 6.5 1006
11. Type ENTER SIZE. Press e.
12. Type /TL for the fixed data. Press e.
13. Press A to print the fixed data after the entry
14. Type 100 for the row location. Press e.
15. Type 10 for the column location. Press
8. CG TrCon 8 pt 1007
9. CG TrCon 10p 1008
10. CG TrCon 12p 1009
11. CG TrCon 18p 1010
12. CG TrCon 22p 1011
13. LetGoth 6.5 1012
14. LetGoth 9pt 1013 Enter Height Mag for
this font (1-7) > _ Enter Width Mag for
this font (1-7) > _
2-6 Getting Started
16. Select CG Trium 8 pt 1001. Press e.
17. Press 1 for the height magnification.
18. Press 1 for the width magnification.
Set Justification
1. Left (L)
2. Right (E)
3. Center (B) Top of Field at:
1. Top of Supply
2. Left of Supply
3. Bottom of Supply
4. Right of Supply Select Edit #1
1. None
2. Make into Price
3. Pad Data Field
4. Extract Chars
5. Strip Chars
6. Extract from Mid
7. Insert Chars
8. Make Shoe Size
Select Type:Fld#2
1. Text Field
2. Bar Code Field
3. Constant Text
4. Line
5. Finished Save current
format? Y/N > _
19. Press 1 for the alignment of characters in the field.
20. Press 1 for the field rotation.
21. Press 1 for no data edits. See Chapter 10,
“Applying Data Edits,” for more information.
22. Press 5.
23. Press Y to save the format. You return to the
Design Menu.
Getting Started 2-7
Printing the Sample Format
After designing your format, print it to see how it looks.
- = Design Menu = -
1. Create New Format
2. Edit Old Format
3. Copy Format
4. Delete Format
- = Main Menu = -
1. Design Formats
2. Print Labels
3. Configuration Select Format
to Print
- = Format Menu - = 01 SIZE
ENTER SIZE _ _ _ _ _ _
Printed: 1
1. Press b to exit the Design Menu.
2. Press 2 to print your format.
3. Select SIZE and press e.
4. Type XLarge. Press e. The label prints.
5. Press the trigger to print another label or press
b to return to the prompt and print a different label.
2-8 Getting Started
Using the Operator Data Entry Form
After you create a format, fill out the operator data entry form. This form can be used as an instruction sheet for your operators to follow while they print labels. Record the data entry prompts that the operator will see when using the printer.
Follow these steps to record the data entry procedures.
1. Format Name
2. Supply Type
3. Supply Size
4. Purpose
5. Print Sample
6. Prompt
7. Response
8. Special Instructions
Enter the Format Name in the upper right corner of the form.
Enter information about the supply type the Operator must use.
Enter the supply size to use.
Enter the purpose of the label on the next line. For example, you can write standard label or 25% markdowns.
Apply a sample of the label.
Enter the first data entry prompt in the empty box at left.
Enter the response for the prompt. Continue entering prompts and responses until you reach the end of the format.
In the "Special Instructions" section at the bottom of the form, record any special instructions to the Operator. For example, you can tell them to load the labels for peel mode.
Blank forms are provided at the end of the chapter for you to copy.
Getting Started 2-9
Sample Operator Data Entry Form
2-10 Getting Started
Operator Data Entry Form Page 1
Getting Started 2-11
Operator Data Entry Form Page 2
2-12 Getting Started
The printer’s configuration sets both hardware and software options. For example, you can set defaults for the printer to use during format design and printing. This chapter describes the configurable options.
To get started, go to the Main Menu. When you see:
-=Main Menu=-
1. Design Formats
2. Print Labels
3. Configuration
-Config. Main Menu-
1.General Options
2.Fmt Header Optns
3.Fmt Text Options
4.Fmt Barcode Optns
1. Press 3. The Configuration Main Menu.
2. Select the option you want to configure.
Selections on the Configuration Main Menu are:
General Options Sets up the printer’s backlight, print method, date,
time, scan lengths for I2 of 5 bar codes, currency symbol, and supply type. It also deletes formats and turns off warning messages.
Format Header Options Sets up how you can identify the format you are
printing or editing.
Format Text Options Sets up the default settings for text fields during
Format Design.
Format Barcode Options Sets up the default settings for bar code fields
during Format Design.
NOTE: When you finish configuring the printer, press b until you return to
the Main Menu.
Configuring the Printer 3-1
General Options
To set miscellaneous options, go to the General Options Menu. When you see:
-=General Options=-
1. Toggle Backlight
2. Set Print Method
3. Set Date
4. Set Time
5. Set I2of5 ScanLen
6. Reset/Clear Fmts
7. Select Currency
Select an option (1-9).
8. Set Supply Type
9. Suppress Warnings
Toggle Backlight
Turn the backlight on or off. The General Options Menu remains on the screen.
3-2 Configuring the Printer
Set Print Method
Select Print Method
Auto Print 1 Label
Print Strips
Print Loop –Trigger
On-Demand Printing
On-Demand w/Limit
Full Auto
Auto Print 1 Label Prints one label.
Print Strips Prints a strip of labels, prompting the operator for a
Print Loop – Trigger Prints one label at a time, printing another at the press
On-Demand Printing Peel Mode Only. Prints labels one at a time,
On-Demand w/Limit Peel Mode Only. Prints labels one at a time,
Full Auto Prints a strip of labels at one time. Press b to end.
Scroll to select a print method (described below) and press e. The General Options Menu appears. Default: Print Loop - Trigger.
of any key or the trigger. Press b to end.
continuing only after you remove the previous one. Press b to end.
continuing only after you remove the previous one. The software prompts the operator for a quantity.
Set Date
Current date is Thu 2-08-2001 Enter new date (mm-d d-yy):
Enter the date (with a four-digit year), and press e. If the date is correct, press e. The General Options Menu appears.
Set Time
Current time is 03:0 0:34.65p Enter new time:
Configuring the Printer 3-3
Enter the time (including a colon to separate the hour and minute). To indicate a.m. or p.m., include an a or p at the end. For example, 5:00p. 24-hour mode also works. When finished, press
e. If the time is already correct, press e. The General Options Menu appears.
Set I2 of 5 Scan Lengths
I2 of 5 bar codes are used in industrial environments and contain only numeric data. This menu option specifies the two valid data lengths (number of digits) when you scan this bar code. See Chapter 6, “Defining Bar Code Fields,” for more information about I2 of 5 bar codes.
Enter I2of5 Scan Length #1 >_ _
Enter I2of5 Scan Length #2 >_ _
1. Enter the first length and press e.
2. Enter the second length and press e.
The General Options Menu appears.
NOTE: Both lengths must be an even number.
Reset/Clear Formats
Delete All Formats? Are you sure? Y/N
CAUTION: You cannot undo a deletion.
Press Y to delete all formats in the printer. Press N to keep the formats. The General Options Menu appears.
Select Currency
-Select Currency­US Dollars
French Francs
Spanish Pesetas
Belgian Francs German Marks
British Pounds
Swedish Krona
Danish Marks
Austrian Schilling
Japanese Yen
Scroll to select the currency symbol to use with price fields and press e. The General Options Menu appears. Default: US Dollars.
3-4 Configuring the Printer
Set Supply Type
Select Supply Type
1. Paper Label/Tag
2. Fax Paper
3. Synthetic Label
Suppress Warnings
Suppress Warnings: Disabled Change? Y/N:
Select the type of supplies (1-3) you are using. The General Options Menu appears. Default: Paper Label/Tag.
Specify whether to display warning messages. Default: Disabled.
Press Y to enable or disable the option. Then, press e to return to the General Options Menu.
Setting Description
Warning messages will not appear on the display.
Warnings messages will appear on the display. This value is the default.
Press N to cancel and return to the General Options Menu.
See Chapter 4, “Designing a Format,” to learn about a case where you might want to suppress warnings.
Format Header Options
Format Header Options allow operators to select the format label they want to print and allow you to edit a format you have created. When you see:
Format Header Optns
1. Generate MPCL Num
2. Generate Fmt Name
3. Skip Desc. Prompt
NOTE: Generate MPCL Num and Skip Desc. Prompt are for future use.
Configuring the Printer 3-5
Press 2 to select Generate Fmt Name.
Generate Fmt Name
Auto-Assign Format
Name for Menu? N
(Default = N)
Press Y for the software to automatically assign format names, or press N to prompt the operator for a name. The Format Header Options Menu appears. Default: N. When you assign a name, we recommend that you use a meaningful name that the operator can easily identify, such as “20% Sale.”
Format Text Options
To set options for text fields, you must go to the Format Text Options Menu. When you see:
-Format Text Optns-
1. Use Default Gap
2. Use Default Color
3. Set Default Color
4. Use Dflt Char Rot
NOTE: See Chapter 5, “Defining Text Fields”, for more information on these
Use Default Gap
Use Default Gap
Value (0) in Text
Fields? Y
(Default = Y)
Select an option (1-4).
The gap is the number of dots (basic units of print) between characters. Press Y to use the default gap value of 0 in the formats, or press N to prompt the operator for a value. The Format Text Options Menu appears. Default: Y.
3-6 Configuring the Printer
+ 180 hidden pages