ACCESS CODES AND SERIAL NUMBERS ............................................. 36
A - Access Code Input ..................................................... 37
N - Serial Number and Access Code Support Status................................ 37
INDEX .................................................................... 38
DMXQConnect for CR - User Guide Introduction
This User Guide is intended to familiarize you with the setup and use of the
DMXQConnect routing software, the "human interface" for your new DMX
distribution system. In preparing the User Guide, it has been assumed that
you are reasonably familiar with the Microsoft Windows 95 operating system,
and that Windows 95 is installed on your personal computer. It has been
further assumed that you have some working experience with DMX512 and the
various control systems, dimming systems, lighting instruments and
accessories that utilize this lighting control protocol.
We do encourage you to follow this guide closely as you become familiar with
your new DMX distribution system, so that upon completing the familiarization
you will be able to use the software and hardware with the utmost confidence
and effectiveness. The importance of this will become obvious the first time
something in your lighting system fails to work properly and suspicion tends to
fall upon the DMX distribution system, since it's the "glue" that connects
everything together. Being able to track down and isolate the cause of these
problems and solve them quickly, thereby minimizing loss of valuable
production time, is one of the most sought-after skills in the entertainment
lighting field. You'll find that DMXQConnect is designed to assist you in
developing such skills.
The Users Guide is divided into five chapters:
• About DMXQConnect is an overview of the origins, purpose
and function of the DMXQConnect software package.
• System Requirements and Installation describes what kind
of computer DMXQConnect needs, and how to get the whole
system up and running quickly.
• Getting Familiar with DMXQConnect is an easy to follow
tutorial that leads you through the "basics" of setting up and
changing DMX routing configurations.
• Command Reference is a good place to look whenever a
menu item or function needs a quick explanation.
• Diagnostics and Troubleshooting describes those built-in
features that help you develop your fault-finding skills.
DMXQConnect for CR - User Guide About DMXQConnect
Chapter 1: About DMXQConnect
Like most users of new lighting control equipment, you
probably want to get your system up and running and
performing useful work right away. You may already be
familiar with the basic concepts of DMX signal line patching,
or routing as it commonly known. You may be the person
installing and commissioning a new system, not the end user.
If any of these accurately describes your particular situation,
you may wish to skip this chapter and go immediately to
Chapter 2, install the DMXQConnect software and verify that
your PC and the patch system are "communicating". Go on
to Chapter 3 to learn how to use the software. Return to this
chapter and read through at your leisure when and if you are
interested in background information.
The proliferation of DMX512 controlled equipment in the entertainment lighting
industry, and indeed related industries such as special effects and motorized
scenery control, has resulted in various schemes to interconnect this
equipment with control systems. DMXQConnect, together with the Pathway
DMXPathfinder, represents the first fully electronic, software based method of
routing DMX signals to and from control consoles and receiving equipment.
Previous attempts at creating DMX networks around off-the-shelf hardware
usually involved cumbersome cord and plug patches to provide a data path
between control systems and receiving equipment, via optically isolated
repeater units (DMX opto-splitters). A single data path would require one cord
to connect a source jack to the input of an opto-repeater, and another to
connect the output of the repeater to the send jack. By the time all input and
output connections were made for a given production, the patch rack bore an
unsettling resemblance to the old load patch panels that have been obsolete
for almost twenty years.
DMXQConnect is a software tool enabling the user to construct a virtual DMX
data communications network on a personal computer. It will permit the user
to add descriptive text notes and device address information, and then transmit
the resulting interconnectivity data to an electronic matrix patch system, or
crosspoint router, that physically interconnects all of the control system's
elements in an organized, logical manner. High-speed solid-state crosspoint
DMXQConnect for CR - User Guide About DMXQConnect
matrix devices that are commonly used in digital telephone switching systems
carry out the patching function.
Unlike most common local area networks, a DMX512 network often requires
many separate data paths to handle the number of device addresses and
codes necessary for medium to large-scale installations. Each data path can
accommodate only 512 eight-bit codes. As well, it is common practice to use
more than one control console in larger productions, or to provide more than
one location within a facility to "plug in" control consoles. Yet another
complication arises when equipment using communications protocols other
than DMX512, or even running on entirely different electrical signals, must be
connected to the installed DMX wiring system. These and other factors drove
the development of the Pathway Connectivity DMXPathfinder and
DMXQConnect as a comprehensive solution to the network problems faced by
all DMX system designers and users.
We designed DMXQConnect to be a simple to learn and use utility. Its main
function is to facilitate the creation of "patch" files on a personal computer, then
to allow the user to send these files to the DMXPathfinder electronics rack
where they are implemented as actual patch configurations. Of course,
QConnect also supports file editing, disk archiving and hardcopy printing
functions. Additional features include the ability to add text notes to each
connection record, and a useful device address calculator that displays (and
prints) the DMX port number and absolute DMX device address for receiving
equipment being operated by control system numbers greater than 512.
DMXQConnect for CR - User Guide About DMXQConnect
Launching DMXQConnect, the user is presented with a combination status
screen and work area made up of several window “panes”. It is here that the
main work of creating a patch file is done. An old file can be retrieved from the
archive, edited, and saved as a different one, or a new patch can be started
from scratch. The basic connectivity information needed by the system can be
described simply: where do we get the signal from to control a given piece of
All DMX input (source) locations in the installation are shown, ready for
immediate use, in the Source pane (these names can be edited at any time in
a separate Configure Sources window). Similarly, all DMX output stations are
shown in either the Non-Connected Stations or Connected Stations panes
(these names can be edited at any time in a separate Configure Stations
window). Both Sources and Stations include a description field to allow
optional text notes to be added to each connection record.
Clicking on any station (connected or unconnected) will provide you with
additional information in a station detail pane at the top of the screen. Here
you will find (and be able to change) the optional device type and icon for the
station, as well as provide a detailed description or note. The Device # cell
allows you to enter the control console's idea of how to find the color scroller
(or other receiving equipment) that you are connecting via a given record -typically a value ranging from one to several thousand. DMXQConnect
automatically computes the "real" address for the scroller which of course can
be no higher than 512, and pops it into an Address cell for all to see, especially
whoever is in charge of hanging lights and setting thumbwheel address
DMXQConnect also allows the user to specify which stations will be handling
bi-directional communications; that is, where the connected equipment is
capable of both sending and receiving data on separate wire pairs. The
DMXPathfinder will, incidentally, handle any manufacturer's native protocol
provided that it meets the basic requirements of EIA (Electronic Industries
Association) RS-422 or RS-485, and its baud rate doesn't exceed 2 megabits
per second.
What about using the network for signals that don't meet RS422/485 specs?
That's where the DMXPathfinder’s cable isolation feature comes in. If you
don't select a given input or output path in the workspace, the actual installed
DMX wiring for that node remains physically and electrically isolated from the
Pathfinder’s transceiver electronics. This means that you can use the wiring to
handle almost any low voltage, low power application you can think of, for
example: headsets, contact closures, or analog control signals.
DMXQConnect for CR - User Guide System Requirements and Installation
Chapter 2: System Requirements and Installation
This Chapter describes:
• What kind of PC you need to run DMXQConnect
• How to install the DMXQConnect software
• How to get the system communicating properly
DMXQConnect runs under Windows 95 and Windows NT.
DMXQConnect works best with SVGA displays at a resolution of 800x600 or
Standard VGA monitors (640x480) or notebook computer displays can be
used, but more screen scrolling will be required.
DMXQConnect will run on any 486 or higher PC with at least 8 megabytes of
RAM (real physical memory). However, it is recommended to use at least a
Pentium level CPU with 16 megabytes of RAM to minimize the time
DMXQConnect requires to perform certain operations such as data sorting.
DMXQConnect will occupy approximately 2.5 megabytes of hard disk space
plus space for your patch files.
DMXQConnect works best with a pointing device (mouse). Any mouse that
works with Windows will work properly with DMXQConnect. Two-button
operations are supported. If no mouse is available, DMXQConnect makes use
of certain keyboard keys. Most functions are accessible this way.
The DMXQConnect program utilizes one asynchronous communications port
(COM port) for file data transfer and control between the PC and the
DMXQConnect for CR - User Guide System Requirements and Installation
DMXPathfinder rack. Any COM port in the range of 1 to 4 will work.
DMXQConnect supports baud rates of 300 to 19,200.
Patch files created by DMXQConnect can be printed out as hard copies. Any
printer supported by Windows will work well.
1. To begin, start Windows 95. Close all open applications and disable any
virus-detection software.
2. Insert the CD-ROM (or the 3½” diskette labeled Disk 1) for DMXQConnect
in your drive. (Depending on your computer, the Setup program may start
automatically. If it does, skip steps 3 through 6, and follow the instructions
on the screen.)
3. Use your left mouse button and click Start on the Task Bar.
4. Select Settings and then choose Control Panel.
5. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
6. Click the Install button.
7. Follow the on-screen instructions to carry out the installation.
1. Clicking on the DMXQConnect icon will start DMXQConnect. A
DMXQConnect graphic will appear briefly. Verify that the user name shown
is correct. Then after a few seconds, a combination status and work area
screen will appear.
2. A small window will appear, prompting you to enter an initial show name.
You can use any number of characters for this, then click on OK.
3. The user name should appear at the top of the screen, along with the new
show name.
4. Three separate areas (panes) should now fill most of the screen. The
largest, at left, is identified as “Non-Connected Stations”. Point your mouse
at the top left-most header in this pane and click and drag the right side of
this header to the right until you can read “Station Name” in the header and
the full default station names in the column below. Do the same for the top
right pane, identified as “Source”, and the lower right “Connected Stations”
pane. Default station and source names should appear only in the NonConnected Stations and Source panes.
5. Try clicking once on one of the default station names. This name should
now appear in the Station Detail pane directly above the Non-Connected
Station pane.
The test is finished! Your PC has now been verified to run DMXQConnect
DMXQConnect for CR - User Guide System Requirements and Installation
1. Determine which COM port your computer will utilize for PC comm data
communications with the DMXPathfinder rack (COM1, 2, 3 or 4). Don't
attempt to use one that's already in use for an internal fax/modem or other
device. If your mouse uses COM1, you shouldn't use COM3 for the comm
link to the Pathfinder since it shares the same IRQ number as COM1.
Choose COM2 instead. If no devices are currently assigned any COM
ports, you can use any port you like.
2. If your PC will be connected to the 9-pin female RS232 jack on the face of
the Master Control Module in the rack, use the appropriate serial data cable.
Usually this will be 9-pin male to 9-pin female. The cable must be wired pinto-pin (no swapping); null modem cables will not work.
3. If the PC will be communicating with the DMXPathfinder via a permanently
installed data line, determine whether you will be using an RS232 or RS485
interface for the physical link. Both types of interfaces are provided at
terminal blocks in the rear wiring bay of the Pathfinder rack. A good rule of
thumb for making this decision is whether the line will be longer than 15
meters (50 feet). Longer runs should use RS485 (up to 500 meters / 1600
feet). The advantage of using RS232 is that no special hardware is needed;
you can connect your PC's COM port directly to the Pathfinder. For RS485,
a 232-485 or 232-422 converter, or an RS422/485 serial adapter card is
required; this must be near or inside the PC. It is acceptable to connect two
or even three PCs to the Pathfinder at the same time; one at the front panel
and one each to the RS232 and RS485 terminal blocks.
4. Pay particular attention to possible ground loop problems when connecting
the PC comm data line, since signal common at the DMXPathfinder is
connected to electrical ground. This should not be a problem when using
RS232 since the PC and the Pathfinder will never be far apart, hence there
will be little or no difference in voltage between ground at the PC and ground
at the Pathfinder. However, RS485 lines can be very long and differences in
ground potential may be significant in some installations. In this case we
suggest that you disconnect the data cable shield at one end of the wire run,
or use an optical isolator to create an electrical barrier in the data link
between the PC and the Pathfinder.
5. To establish that the PC comm function is working properly, for conveience,
you could use a laptop or notebook computer plugged into the front panel
RS232 jack. This will allow you to see the face of the DMXPathfinder, so
that you can view the front panel LED displays.
6. Energize the DMXPathfinder rack, and check that the RUN LEDs on all of
the plug-in modules are illuminated. No ERR LEDs should be lit up. Also
DMXQConnect for CR - User Guide System Requirements and Installation
ensure that the BACK/NORM switch on the Master Control Module is set to
7. Launch DMXQConnect. First click on View, DMX Pathfinder Options.
Choose the DMXPathfinder Hardware Configuration tab. If you know how
many input and output modules your system was supplied with, assign
those values in the # of Input Cards / # of Output Cards fields. Click OK.
Now choose View, DMX QConnect Options from the top menu bar, then
select the Comm Port tab. Select the COM port your PC is using for router
communications, then the speed (the factory default baud rate is 9600 -- if
you want to use a different speed, refer to the DMXPathfinder - Operation & Maintenance Manual and change the DIP switch settings on the Master
Control Module). The other port settings should be Parity: none, Data Bits:
8, Stop Bits: 1, Handshaking: No. Click OK.
8. Now choose View, DMXPathfinder Control from the menu bar. The
Terminal tab will automatically be selected. A blank terminal
communications window should occupy the center of the screen. Click on
the Connect button at the lower left. At this point the COM LEDs on each
DMXPathfinder module should illuminate for about two seconds, and three
or four lines of text should appear in the terminal window. This text has
been sent back to your PC from the Pathfinder, and it indicates that the
communications function is working properly.
9. If you get no response from the DMXPathfinder and instead get a COMM
FAILURE message, this means that DMXQConnect has “timed out” waiting
for the expected reply. The most common causes for this are incorrectly
wired cables and incorrect PC hardware configuration. Check once again
for COM LED activity at the Pathfinder. If present, the transmitted-data
wiring to the Pathfinder is OK but not the received-data wiring. Another
cause might be a defective PC COM port. If the terminal window contains
unrecognizable characters, you probably have a baud rate mismatch
between your PC and the Pathfinder. Select a different speed from the
View, DMX QConnect Options -Comm Port tab (try 19,200 first). Some
PCs can also experience communication problems due to hardware
conflicts. In this case you may get a “Runtime Error” message and
immediate exit from QConnect. In this case it is necessary to review the
hardware setup of your PC. Check the Port settings by clicking on the
Windows 95 Start button, then Settings, Control Panel, System, Device
Manager, Ports. Also check in the PC’s CMOS setup to ensure that the
COM ports are set at their default addresses and IRQs. Consult the Factory
if you are unsuccessful at getting the PC comm function working properly.
DMXQConnect for CR - User Guide System Requirements and Installation
10. Once the PC-to-Pathfinder communications function is working correctly as
described previously in item 8, you should verify that all of the
DMXPathfinder module frames are responding to commands from the PC.
Click on View, DMXPathfinder Control, then choose the Patch Rack tab.
This screen contains sixteen graphical red LEDs, each corresponding to a
module frame in the largest possible DMXPathfinder system. Click on the
Retrieve Patch Rack Info button, and one or more of the LEDs should turn
green according to the actual installed configuration of your system. Any
LEDs that remain red when they should be green points to hardware
configuration or installation errors – refer to the DMXPathfinder Operation &
Maintenance Manual or consult with the Factory for assistance. The most
likely causes, however, will be incorrectly addressed modules or internal
cabling problems.
11. Click on the Close button to exit from the DMXPathfinder Control window.
12. The last thing to do is enable DMXQConnect to send patch files to the
DMXPathfinder rack. At the top right of the main screen you will see the
Patch Mode pane. Change the mode from Offline to Batch, then click on
the “send” icon below. A “DMXQConnect Serialization” window will appear if
the software has not been previously enabled. (If QConnect has already
been enabled, a moving bar graph will appear under the send button -- skip
the remaining steps). You should see a 15-digit Activation Serial Number;
record this on a piece of paper and contact the Factory at (403) 243-8110 or
fax (403) 287-1281 to obtain an authorization number. When you receive
the 8-digit number, enter it into the Activation Key window and click OK.
DMXQConnect for CR - User Guide System Requirements and Installation
The window should now close and a moving bar graph will appear briefly
under the send button. If it’s not convenient to call for the number at this
time, click on Cancel and go on to Chapter 3. You can repeat this process
when you have your authorization number, and all other functions except
patch file transfers will work fine in the meantime.
Software and hardware setup is now complete! You can now proceed to
Chapter 3 and learn to use DMXQConnect.
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