Pathport Model 6182 Touring Edition
User Manual
Version 1
May 2009
Product Description
The Pathway Connectivity Pathport® model 6182 Touring Edition is a one-port DMXover-Ethernet node, intended for use in entertainment and architectural lighting systems
employing DMX512 as the control protocol. The TE can either output or input 512
channels of DMX.
The Touring Edition (TE) node may be configured using Pathport Manager software (freely
downloadable from the Pathway Connectivity website) or by using the three-button/LCD
screen interface on its front. Certain signal testing and RDM tools are only available from
the three-button/LCD interface.
This manual describes the three-button/LCD interface. Please refer to the Pathport
Manager manual for instructions on configuring the Touring Edition via software.
Protocols Supported 2
Installation 2
Power 3
Menu Navigation and Parameter Configuration 3
Network Settings 4
Port Settings 5
DMX Port Monitor 5
RDM Tools 6
Test DMX Output 6
Changing the Battery 6
Pathway Connectivity Solutions
#103 – 1439 17 Ave SE Calgary AB T2G 1J9
P: +1 403-243-8110 F: +1 403-287-1281

Protocols Supported
The Touring Edition supports:
Pathport xDMX Protocol
Strand Shownet
ETC Net2 eDMX (output only)
Streaming ACN (E1.31 sACN)/ETC Net3
The Touring Edition also supports RDM (E1.20 Remote Device Management) as a
controller device. The TE can discover RDM-enabled responders and can report and
reconfigure the DMX start address for those devices.
The TE supports the current DMX standard E1.11 DMX512-A and is backwards
compatible to USITT DMX512 (1990).
Features Supported
The Touring Edition has similar functionality to all other Pathport one-port nodes:
- address up to 128 universes
- discover up to 128 RDM devices
- output patch can be customized to merge/prioritize up to eight input sources
- output patch is definable on a channel-by-channel basis
- DMX output speed is user selectable
- signal loss behavior is user-definable
- cross-fade between inputs on loss of signal within a user-defined time
- will operate on any valid IP address/subnet combination
The Touring Edition also supports these testing features:
- reports incoming and outgoing DMX levels
- DMX output test drives user-selected channel levels up and down
- performs discovery and start address editing of RDM-enabled devices
The Touring Edition ships with a rear-mounted hanging bracket which will accept a ½”
(12.5mm) bolt, and is intended to be suspended using a standard C-Clamp or similar pipe
hanger. A separate anchor point is provided for a secondary safety. The hanging bracket
may be rotated in 90 degree increments.
The TE has an IP54 enclosure rating when mounted so that the cable connections
point straight down.
Pathway Connectivity Solutions
#103 – 1439 17 Ave SE Calgary AB T2G 1J9
P: +1 403-243-8110 F: +1 403-287-1281