PassLabs XONO Owners manual

Pass Laboratories
Xono Owner's Manual
Rev. 2.0 - 03/12/2002
The Xono is a high performance phono preamplifier for use with moving magnet and moving coil cartridges. It features extremely low noise and distortion, very high adjustable gain, very high output swing, variable cartridge loading, and balanced output.
The Xono uses three stages of circuitry. An ultra-low noise non-inverting pre-preamplifier circuit is used to boost the low output of moving coil (MC) cartridges by a selectable 16, 20, 26 or 30 dB without equalization. This drives the primary nonĀ­inverting gain stage, which also amplifies the high output of moving magnet (MM) cartridges, and provides RIAA equalization. Gain for moving magnet cartridges is a fixed 40dB and may not be adjusted. Output of the primary gain stage is also applied to an inverting unity gain stage to provide the negative polarity for the balanced output.
The main gain stage uses low noise matched JFETs for the input circuit and power MOSFETs elsewhere in the gain path. Voltage gain devices are operated cascode mode, and the single-ended circuitry is biased by constant current sources.
The main gain stage uses a combination of active and passive equalization to achieve the RIAA characteristic. The active equalization works in the mid-band of the audio range and the passive equalization determines the characteristic and the highest and lowest frequencies. This stage has a fixed gain value of 40 dB at 1 KHz single-ended and 46 dB balanced.
The pre-preamplifier circuit uses four matched ultra-low noise JFETs operated in parallel to provide an input random noise floor less than 500 picovolts (-186 dBV). The cascoded output of these JFETs drives another JFET to deliver a selectable 16, 20, 26 or 30 dB of un-equalized non-inverting gain. There is no feedback employed.
Cartridge loading of the Xono is very fexible. Moving Magnet cartridges can be loaded with capacitance from 0 to 650 pF in increments of about 100 pF. There is provision for two load positions for any additional value that the user may choose to insert. Moving Coil cartridge loading ranges from 5 to 1000 ohms to 47 Kohms using eight switches with binary weighting and providing 256 different values. The moving magnet loading default is 47K ohms.
The balanced and unbalanced output connections of the preamplifier have an output impedance of 300 ohms, which will drive a 1000 pF cable load flat to about 1 megahertz.
The Xono has a very accurate RIAA equalization characteristic, varying plus or minus 1/10 of a decibel from 20 to 20 KHz. This accuracy does not vary with gain or loading.
The preamplifier has extremely low noise. The Moving Magnet noise floor at more than -100 dB below a 10 millivolt input, which gives it an unweighted total noise of -90 dB. The Moving Coil noise floor is better than -90 dB referenced to 1 millivolt input, giving a -81 dB unweighted audio band noise figure.
and reduce the length of connecting wires. Sonically critical parts have been optimized and upgraded through continued extensive listening tests.
The Xono like the ono design was based on listening and not measurements. Considering this, it is perhaps remarkable that the final product displays such spectacular objective qualities. However, we view the specifications as a secondary source of pride in this product.
The measurements only hint at the listening experience with the Xono. The sound is lush and smooth, with a wide sound stage, fine detail and spectacular layering, and a nice firm bottom. The preamplifier will allow you to renew your acquaintance with your vinyl collection and appreciate the essential character of the finest analog recordings.
Wayne Colburn
The Xono is adjustable to very high gain, 76 dB @ 1 KHz, which makes it capable of delivering .5 V line level output for cartridges with 80 microvolts output. This appears to be the best figure in the audio industry.
The preamplifier has very low distortion and very high output. Maximum harmonic distortion is less than .05% (1 KHz) at outputs of 20 volts RMS. or less. This figure holds for MM operation and highest gain MC.
The power supply for the Xono is contained in a separate chassis and consists of an oversized, shielded toroidal power transformer delivering an unregulated 85 volts peak to peak DC through separate rectifiers and capacitors for each channel which is then passively RC filtered before being sent to the main Xono chassis. A custom manufactured shielded cable carries the DC power from the supply to the main Xono chassis. The main chassis of the Xono has separate stages of active regulation for each channel followed by passive filtering and then feeding the constant current sources which bias the various gain stages. There is a total of 120, 000 mfd of filter capacitance and five stages of filtering and regulation.
Vice President, Design
The Xono is based on the design pioneered in the Aleph Ono. The basic Ono design has not changed but been extended and refined. The separate power supply combined with the additional filtering and dual mono power supply design contribute to the lower noise floor and sonic improvements. The main circuit board layout has been completely revised to reduce noise, shorten the signal path
The Xono consists of two chassis; powersupply and
preamplifier, linked by a power umbilical.
The preamplifier has two sets of input connections, and two sets of output connections, and power conection through a DB-25, D-Sub connector.
The output impedance of the single ended output connection is 300 ohms. The output impedance of the balanced output connection is 300/300 ohms. This value is low enough to drive ten thousand picoFarads (10000 pF) of cable capacitance flat to 100 KHz.
Selection of input, adjustments for gain and cartridge loading are accomplished via switches on the interior of the Xono.
The powersupply chassis has an AC line power connection, fuseholder and two Sub-D connectors. The amplifier's voltage and current rating are indicated on the rear. It will be either 240 volts, 220 volts 120 volts, or 100 volts. A 0.5 amp 3AG slow blow fuse is provided with 100-120 volt units, and a 0.25 amp slow blow fuse is provided with 220-240 volt units. The frequency rating of the power supply is 50 to 60 Hz. The preamplifier typically draws 20 watts during operation. The powersupply has twin DB-25 connectors that povide power and control functions to the preamplifier. This cable must be
installed before the unit is powered up.
The shielded DB-25 cable may be installed into either outlet, but we suggest the outemost (right side, viewed from the rear) as it was optimised specifically for the Xono. These cables are designed to be a snug fit, but must never be forced.
We have provided a standard AC power cord which fits into the IEC line receptacle at the rear of the powersupply. The preamplifier is equipped for operation with an earth ground provided by the AC outlet. Do not defeat this ground. The chassis and circuit ground of the preamplifier is connected to earth through a power thermistor, which gives a ground connection but helps avoid ground loops.
The preamplifier has two sets of input connections on the rear, which are pairs of RCA connectors with right and left channels indicated. If your signal source is a low output moving coil cartridge, you will use the moving coil input. If your signal source is a high output moving magnet cartridge, you will use the moving magnet input. A ground post is provided for grounding the turntable.
The two sets of output connections on the rear are a pair of RCA connectors with right and left channels indicated. These connections provide a single ended output of the preamplifier. A pair of XLR connectors provides a balanced output connection. On these connectors, pin 1 is grounded, pin 2 is the positive signal output, and pin 3 is the negative signal output.
The output signal of the balanced connector is twice the level of the unbalanced circuitry, by the virtue of having the same amplitude signal plus its inverse.
To change these settings, it is necessary to take the top off
the preamp using a 5/32 hex wrench, which we supply.
It is very important that you always disconnect the AC
line power before opening the preamp.
If you do not feel capable of safely adjusting the settings
internally, please contact your dealer or the factory.
On the main board you will see a set of DIP switches which
are used to alter the input connections.
Two switches, S1 and S1A, are used to select moving coil and moving magnet inputs. Positions 7 and 8 are labeled MC and MM. Select one only by depressing the switch toward the silk screened label, which is the ON position of the switch.
On these same switches, positions 1 through 3 are used to select the capacitive loading of the moving magnet cartridge input. You may select 100 pF, 220 pF, and 330 pF, or any combination of these values, which are additive, for a maximum of 650 pF, or no capacitance by simply leaving the switches in the off position. Two additional blank positions 4/CX and 5/RX are available for you to solder your own loading values onto the main board. Position 6 allows 1000 ohm loading of the moving magnet stage for use with some cartridges.
Switches S2 and S2A are used to adjust the resistive loading of the inputs for low output moving coil cartridges. Switch positions 1 through 8 will load the input from 10 ohms up to 1000 ohms in roughly binary steps. The switches and resistors are in parallel, so placing more than one switch in the "on" position loads the cartridge with the two resistor values in parallel. Placing all resistors "on" will give approximately 5 ohms loading.
The preamplifier is shipped with the moving coil stage enabled, with the higher gain setting (69 dB single ended, 75 dB balanced) and a 100 ohm input load. To obtain 4 dB lower gain, locate the jumper connectors for each channel next to the two large capacitors. Please study the annotated photograph before you attempt this. As an added reference, they are midway between the two loading switches, but several inches nearer the front. With the jumpers in place, the
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