Service manual for D-1 DAC
The D-1 Dac contains 3 separate printed circuit boards in it’s
chassis. They are the motherboard, receiver board and front panel
display and control board.
The motherboard has test points for all the on board power
supply voltages. These points are located by the heat sinks and
labeled on the silk screen. The plus and minus 20 digital are
unregulated and are approximate voltages. There are separate 5-volt
regulators on the motherboard for VCO and PLL circuits. The receiver
board and front panel boards have their own 5-volt regulators.
The receiver-input selection is controlled by the front panel
microprocessor via Mosfets. These switch one of four relays on the
receiver board. The signal is routed to a Crystal 8412 receiver chip.
The output of the Crystal chip is feed to the NPC digital filter and also
to U7 PLL on the motherboard for the PLL reference. The master
clock from the 8412 is feed to the front panel board and used to
determine sampling frequency. The sampling frequency determines
the selection of signals F0 and F1 for proper VCO crystal selection
and digital filter deemphasis selection. F0 and F1 come from the
microprocessor on the front panel to the motherboard and the
receiver board via a ribbon cable. The front panel also sends the
polarity signal to the receiver board.
U7 and U4 along with VCO module U3 form a secondary PLL
circuit to clock the digital filter and DAC’s. U5 and U2 are separate
regulators for the VCO and PLL chips. R5 and R6 along with C13
form the PLL filter. When the system is locked U7 pins 3 and 14 are
at the word clock rate (44.1 for cd).
The receiver boards digital filter feeds buffers U9 and U10 on
the mother. These signals are then routed to the PCM 63’s via
resistors. The left and right channels are identical.
The analog section consists of four matched Mosfets for each
channel. Two for current to voltage conversion and two for output
buffers. The current to voltage converter transistors Q3 and Q6 have
their sources adjusted to 0 volts + or – 50 mV with trim pots.
The drains run at about 17 volts. The output buffers Q2 and Q5 have
their drains at the supply rails of 33 volts. The sources run at about
14 volts. The volume control works by coupling the drains of the
current to voltage converter transistors through fixed resistors and a
switch. This sums opposite phases and cancels some of the signal.
The analog signal is then routed to the buffers gates and out it’s
sources to the output jacks. The signal is muted with two relays in
case of a power failure or when the Crystal receiver has lost lock.
Revision notes
REV1: PC board physical layout changes for better parts fit.
Silk screen now lists component values instead of reference
Mute circuit has delay added on U3 receiver board.