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012-07137BPrecision Interferometer
The OS-9255A Precision Interferometer provides both a
theoretical and a practical introduction to interferometry.
Precise measurements can be made in three modes:
The Michelson Interferometer is historically important, and
also provides a simple interferometric configuration for
introducing basic principles. Students can measure the
wavelength of light and the indices of refraction of air and
other substances.
The Twyman-Green Interferometer is an important
contemporary tool for testing optical components. It has
made it possible to create optical systems that are accurate
to within a fraction of a wavelength.
NOTE: The PASCO Precision Interferometer is not
designed for actual component testing in the
Twyman-Green mode. It is intended only to provide
a simple introduction to this important application of
The Fabry-Perot Interferometer is also an important
contemporary tool, used most often for high resolution
spectrometry. The fringes are sharper, thinner, and more
widely spaced than the Michelson fringes, so small differences in wavelength can be accurately resolved. The
Fabry-Perot interferometer is also important in laser
theory, as it provides the resonant cavity in which light
amplification takes place.
Switching between these three modes of operation and
aligning components is relatively simple, since all mirrors
mount to the base in fixed positions, using captive panel
screws. Lenses, viewing screens, and other components
mount magnetically to the base using the included component holders.
Measurements are precise in all three modes of operation.
A 5 kg machined aluminum base provides a stable surface
for experiments and measurements. All mirrors are flat to
1/4 wavelength, and the built-in micrometer resolves mirror
movement to within one micron.
Precision Interferometer012-07137B
The OS-9255A Precision Interferometer includes the
following equipment:
• 5 kg Base with built-in micrometer
• Adjustable Mirror
• Movable Mirror
• Beam Splitter
• Compensator Plate
• (2) Component Holder
• Viewing Screen
• Lens, 18 mm Focal Length
• Diffuser
• Fitted Storage Case
Additional Equipment Required –
• Laser (OS-9171)
• Laser Bench (OS-9172)
The preceding equipment includes everything needed
for basic Michelson interferometry. You can produce clear fringes and make precise measurements
of the wavelength of your source. However, to
perform the experiments in this manual, you will
need additional components, such as the OS-9256A
Interferometer Accessories or a comparable set of
your own components.
The Precision Interferometer is available as a
complete system. Please refer to your current
PASCO catalog for details.
Additional Equipment Recommended –
The OS-9256A Interferometer Accessories includes:
• Rotating Pointer
• Vacuum Cell
• Component Holder
• Lens, 18 mm Focal Length
• Lens, 48 mm Focal Length
• Glass Plate
• (2) Polarizer
• Vacuum Pump with Gauge
The OS-9255A Fitted Case also provides storage for
these accessory components.
About Your Light Source
We strongly recommend a laser for most introductory
applications. A spectral light source can be used (see the
Appendix), but that really comprises an experiment in and
of itself for beginning students. A laser source is easy to
use and produces bright, sharp fringes.
The OS-9171 Laser and OS-9172 Laser Alignment Bench
are available from PASCO. However, any low power laser
that operates in the visible range will work well. If you
want to demonstrate the importance of polarization in
interferometry, a non-polarized laser should be used. For
easy alignment, the beam should be approximately 4 cm
above the level of the bench top.
OS-9171 Laser
Laser Alignment
012-07137BPrecision Interferometer
(2) Component
Fitted Case
18 mm
(2) Polarizer
48 mm
Precision Interferometer
18 mm
Vacuum Pump
with Gauge
Vacuum Cell
Precision Interferometer012-07137B
Theory of Operation
Interference Theory
A beam of light can be modeled as a wave of oscillating
electric and magnetic fields. When two or more beams of
light meet in space, these fields add according to the
principle of superposition. That is, at each point in space,
the electric and magnetic fields are determined as the
vector sum of the fields of the separate beams.
If each beam of light originates from a separate source,
there is generally no fixed relationship between the electromagnetic oscillations in the beams. At any instant in time
there will be points in space where the fields add to
produce a maximum field strength. However, the oscillations of visible light are far faster than the human eye can
apprehend. Since there is no fixed relationship between
the oscillations, a point at which there is a maximum at one
instant may have a minimum at the next instant. The
human eye averages these results and perceives a uniform
intensity of light.
If the beams of light originate from the same source, there
is generally some degree of correlation between the
frequency and phase of the oscillations. At one point in
space the light from the beams may be continually in
phase. In this case, the combined field will always be a
maximum and a bright spot will be seen. At another point
the light from the beams may be continually out of phase
and a minima, or dark spot, will be seen.
The Michelson Interferometer
In 1881, 78 years after Young introduced his two-slit
experiment, A.A. Michelson designed and built an interferometer using a similar principle. Originally Michelson
designed his interferometer as a means to test for the
existence of the ether, a hypothesized medium in which
light propagated. Due in part to his efforts, the ether is no
longer considered a viable hypothesis. But beyond this,
Michelson’s interferometer has become a widely used
instrument for measuring the wavelength of light, for using
the wavelength of a known light source to measure
extremely small distances, and for investigating optical
Figure 1 shows a diagram of a Michelson interferometer.
The beam of light from the laser strikes the beam-splitter,
which reflects 50% of the incident light and transmits the
other 50%. The incident beam is therefore split into two
beams; one beam is transmitted toward the movable mirror
), the other is reflected toward the fixed mirror (M2).
Both mirrors reflect the light directly back toward the
beam-splitter. Half the light from M1 is reflected from the
beam-splitter to the viewing screen and half the light from
M2 is transmitted through the beam-splitter to the viewing
Thomas Young was one of the first to design a method for
producing such an interference pattern. He allowed a
single, narrow beam of light to fall on two narrow, closely
spaced slits. Opposite the slits he placed a viewing screen.
Where the light from the two slits struck the screen, a
regular pattern of dark and bright bands appeared. When
first performed, Young’s experiment offered important
evidence for the wave nature of light.
Young’s slits can be used as a simple interferometer. If
the spacing between the slits is known, the spacing of the
maxima and minima can be used to determine the wavelength of the light. Conversely, if the wavelength of the
light is known, the spacing of the slits could be determined
from the interference patterns.
Viewing Screen
Figure 1. Michelson Interferometer
Adjustable Mirror
Movable Mirror
012-07137BPrecision Interferometer
In this way the original
beam of light is split, and
NOTE: Using the Compensator
portions of the resulting
beams are brought back
together. Since the
beams are from the same
source, their phases are
highly correlated. When
a lens is placed between
the laser source and the
beam-splitter, the light ray
Figure 2. Fringes
spreads out, and an
interference pattern of dark and bright rings, or fringes, is
In Figure 1, notice that one beam passes through the
glass of the beam-splitter only once, while the other
beam passes through it three times. If a highly coherent and monochromatic light source is used,
such as a laser, this is no problem. With other light
sources this is a problem.
The difference in the effective path length of the
separated beams is increased, thereby decreasing
the coherence of the beams at the viewing
screen. This will obscure the interference pattern.
seen on the viewing screen (Figure 2).
A compensator is identical to the beam-splitter, but
Since the two interfering beams of light were split from the
same initial beam, they were initially in phase. Their
relative phase when they meet at any point on the viewing
screen, therefore, depends on the difference in the length
without the reflective coating. By inserting it in the
beam path, as shown in Figure 1, both beams pass
through the same thickness of glass, eliminating this
of their optical paths in reaching that point.
By moving M
, the path length of one of the beams can be
varied. Since the beam traverses the path between M1 and
the beam-splitter twice, moving M1 1/4 wavelength nearer
the beam-splitter will reduce the optical path of that beam
by 1/2 wavelength. The interference pattern will change;
the radii of the maxima will be reduced so they now
occupy the position of the former minima. If M1 is moved
an additional 1/4 wavelength closer to the beam-splitter,
the radii of the maxima will again be reduced so maxima
and minima trade positions, but this new arrangement will
be indistinguishable from the original pattern.
By slowly moving the mirror a measured distance d
, and
counting m, the number of times the fringe pattern is
restored to its original state, the wavelength of the light (
can be calculated as:
If the wavelength of the light is known, the same procedure can be used to measure dm.
The Twyman-Green Interferometer
The Twyman-Green Interferometer is a variation of the
Michelson Interferometer that is used to test optical
components. A lens can be tested by placing it in the beam
path, so that only one of the interfering beams passes
through the test lens (see Figure 3). Any irregularities in the
lens can be detected in the resulting interference pattern. In
particular, spherical aberration, coma, and astigmatism
show up as specific variations in the fringe pattern.
Figure 3. Twyman-Green Interferometer
Precision Interferometer012-07137B
The Fabry-Perot Interferometer
In the Fabry-Perot Interferometer, two partial mirrors are
aligned parallel to one another, forming a reflective cavity.
Figure 4 shows two rays of light entering such a cavity and
reflecting back and forth inside. At each reflection, part of
the beam is transmitted, splitting each incident ray into a
series of rays. Since the transmitted rays are all split from a
single incident ray, they have a constant phase relationship
(assuming a sufficiently coherent light source is used).
The phase relationship between the transmitted rays
depends on the angle at which each ray enters the cavity
and on the distance between the two mirrors. The result is
a circular fringe pattern, similar to the Michelson pattern,
but with fringes that are thinner, brighter, and more widely
spaced. The sharpness of the Fabry-Perot fringes makes it
a valuable tool in high-resolution spectrometry.
As with the Michelson Interferometer, as the movable
mirror is moved toward or away from the fixed mirror, the
fringe pattern shifts. When the mirror movement is equal
to 1/2 of the wavelength of the light source, the new fringe
pattern is identical to the original.
Partial Mirrors
Figure 4. Fabry-Perot Interferometer
Setup and Operation
Laser Alignment
• If you are using a PASCO Laser and Laser Alignment
Bench, the setup and alignment procedure is as follows.
• If you are using a different laser, the alignment procedure is similar. Adjust your laser so that the beam is
approximately 4 cm above the table top. Then align
the beam as in steps 4 and 5, below.
• If you are using a spectral light source instead of a
laser, see Suggestions for Additional Experiments,
near the end of the manual.
To set up and align your PASCO Laser:
1. Set the interferometer base on a lab table with the mi-
crometer knob pointing toward you.
2. Position the laser alignment bench to the left of the
base approximately perpendicular to the interferometer
base and place the laser on the bench.
3. Secure the movable mirror in the recessed hole in the
interferometer base.
4. Turn the laser on. Using the leveling screws on the la-
ser bench, adjust its height until the laser beam is approximately parallel with the top of the interferometer
base and strikes the movable mirror in the center. (To
check that the beam is parallel with the base, place a
piece of paper in the beam path, with the edge of the
paper flush against the base. Mark the height of the
beam on the paper. Using the piece of paper, check that
the beam height is the same at both ends of the bench.)
5. Adjust the X-Y position of the laser until the beam is
reflected from the movable mirror right back into the
laser aperture. This is most easily done by gently sliding the rear end of the laser transverse to the axis of the
alignment bench, as shown in Figure 5.
You are now ready to set up the interferometer in any of
its three modes of operation.
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