Parallel Spring Bracket
Instruction Sheet
Included Equipment Part Number
Suspension Bracket
Parallel Hook Bar
Thumbscrews (2 pieces) 617-016
Additional Equipment Recommended
Series/Parallel Spring Set ME-6842
Equal Length Spring Set ME-8970
Hooked Mass Set SE-8759
Large Table Clamp ME-9472
45 cm Rod ME-8736
Meter Stick SE-8695
800-772-8700 www.pasco.com
The Parallel Spring Bracket allows springs to be combined in
series and parallel. Masses can be hung in offset positions to
compensate for springs of different strengths.
The Parallel Spring Bracket is ideal for:
• exploring how spring constants add when springs are
arranged in series or in parallel,
• demonstrating the analogy between combinations of springs
and combinations of capacitors, and
• exploring torque acting on the hook bar by placement of the
mass and springs at different positions.

Parallel Spring Bracket ME-6844
1. Assemble the suspension bracket, a
large table clamp and a rod as illustrated. The table clamp (rather than a
base) and a relatively short rod are
recommended for maximum stability.
2. Hang any combination of springs
from the suspension bracket.
3. Attach the parallel hook bar to the
bottom of the spring combination.
4. Hook a mass onto the notched slot of
the parallel hook bar. The mass should be large enough to
stretch all springs at least slightly.
5. Move the mass left or right along the notched slot to find the
position that makes the hook bar as close to horizontal as
6. Check that all springs are stretched. You should be able to
see between the coils of every spring. If one of the springs is
not stretched, increase the hanging mass.
Three Parallel
Three different springs (40 N/m, 20 N/m,
and 10 N/m) from the Series/Parallel
Spring Set are combined in parallel.
Two springs are linked end-to-end to
form a series combination.
Sample Configurations
Single Spring
Though the hook bar is not necessary to
attach a mass to a single spring, it does
provide a convenient point from which to
measure changing displacement.
Two Parallel
Two springs (10 N/m and 40 N/m) from
the Series/Parallel Spring Set (ME-6842)
are combined in parallel. The hanging
mass is placed off center to make the
hook bar level.
Series and parallel
Two short springs from the Series/Parallel Spring Set are linked in series. That
combination is in parallel with a single
long spring from the Equal Length Spring
Set (ME-8970). When not stretched, the
long spring is twice the length of each of
the short springs.