Partner RP-300, RP- 310 Technical Manual

RP-300 / 310
Thermal Receipt printer
Technical manual
Partner Tech Corp.
TITLE : RP-300/310
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1. General Specifications
1.1 Printing Specifications
1.2 Character Specifications
1.3 Auto Cutter
1.4 Paper Roll Supply Device
1.5 Paper Specification
1.6 Printable Area
1.7 Printing and Cutting Positions
1.8 Internal Buffer
1.9 Electrical Characteristics
1.10 EMI and Safety Standards Applied
1.11 Reliability
1.12 Environmental Conditions
2. Configuration
2.1 Interface
2.1.1 RS-232 serial interface
2.1.2 Specifications
2.1.3 Switching between on-line and off-line
2.1.4 Interface connector terminal assignments and signal functions
2.1.5 Serial interface connection example
2.1.6 Centronics parallel interface
2.1.7 Data Receiving Timing(Compatibility Mode)
2.1.8 USB Interface
2.1.9 Interface Connector
3. Connectors
3.1 Interface Connectors
3.2 Electrical Characteristics
3.3 Drawer kick-out Connector (Modular Connector)
4. Control Command Summary
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1. General Specifications
1.1 Printing Specifications
1) Printing method: Thermal line printing
2) Dot density: 180dpi x 180dpi
203dpi x 180dpi
3) Printing direction: Unidirectional with friction feed
4) Printing width: 72mm(2.83"), 576 dot positions (203dpi)
72.2mm(2.84"), 512 dot positions (180dpi)
80mm(3.15"), 640 dot positions (203dpi)
5) Characters per line(default): Font A: 42
Font B: 56
6) Printing speed: High speed mode:
35.5lines/second maximum
(1/6inch feed) (at 24V, 20℃)
Approximately 150mm/sec maximum
(approximately 5.9inchs/sec maximum)
☞ NOTE: Speeds are switched depending on the applied voltage to the printer and
head temperature conditions automatically.
☞ NOTE: There may be variations in printing after switching the mode of the
printing speed. To prevent this for logo printing with ESC* command,
using a downloaded bit image is recommended. Change in printing
speed does not occur during down loaded bit image printing.
7) Line spacing (default): 1/6 inch (4.23mm)
Programmable by control command.
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1.2 Character Specifications
1) Number of characters: Alphanumeric characters: 95
Extended graphics 128 × 7 pages
(including one space page)
International characters: 32
① English ② Hangul ③ Chinese (GB2312,Big5) ④ Kanji
2) Character structure: Font A: 12 ⅹ 24 Font B: 9 24 Hangul, Chinese: 24 24 Font A is selected as the default
3) Character size:
EPSON Emulation STAR Emulation
Dot density
0.1250.141mm/dots (203*180dpi)
[dpi: dots per 25.4mm{1"}]
3)Printing direction Unidirectional With friction feed
4)Paper width
82.5mm (3.25")
80mm (3.15")
60mm (2.36")
58mm (2.28")
82.5mm (3.25")
80mm (3.15")
60mm (2.36")
58mm (2.28")
5)Maximum printable area
72.2mm (512dots)
72.2mm (512dots)
54.1mm (384dots)
50.8mm (360 dots)
80mm (640dots)
72mm (576 dots)
54.5mm (436 dots)
52.5mm (420 dots)
6)Character / line
Font A (12ⅹ24) 42 42 32 30 53 48 36 35
Font B (9ⅹ24) 56 56 42 40 71 64 48 46
Kanji Font (24ⅹ24) 21 21 16 15 26 24 18 17
1.3 Auto Cutter
Partial cut: Cutting with one point center uncut
NOTE: To prevent dot displacement, after cutting, paper must be fed approximately 1mm(14/360 inches) or more before printing.
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1.4 Paper Roll Supply Device
1) Supply method: Drop-in paper roll
2) Near-end sensor: a) Detection method: Photo Reflector b) Paper roll spool diameter: Inside: 12mm(.47″ ) Outside: 18mm(.71) c) Near-end adjustment: Adjusting screw
d) Remaining amount: Fixed position #1 (approximately
23mm(0.9″ )) #2 (approximately
27mm(1.06″ )) NOTE: You can use a command to stop printing upon detection of a paper near-end.
1.5 Paper Specification
1) Paper type: Specified thermal paper
2) Form: Paper roll
3) Paper width: (82.5mm paper width model) 82 ±0.5mm (3.23" ±0.02")
(80mm paper width model)
79.5 ±0.5mm (3.13" ±0.02")
(60mm paper width model)
59.5 ±0.5mm (2.34" ±0.02") (58mm paper width model)
57.5 ±0.5mm (2.26" ±0.02")
4) Paper roll size: Roll diameter : Maximum 83mm Take-up paper roll width: 80 ± 0.5, 1.0mm(3.15"±0.020", 0.04")
5) Paper roll spool diameter: Inside: 12mm(.47")
Outside: 18mm(.71") NOTE: Paper must not be pasted to the paper roll spool.
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1.6 Printable Area
<EPSON Emulation>
<82.5mm {3.25"} paper width model>
512 dots
72.2mm(dot #1-#512)
<80 mm {3.15"} paper width model>
512 dots
72.2mm(dot #1-#512)
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<60mm {2.36"} paper width model>
384 dots
54.1mm(dot #1-#384)
360 dots
<58mm {2.28"} paper width model>
50.8mm(dot #1-#360)
Figure 1.6.1 Printable Area for EPSON Emulation
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<STAR Emulation default setting>
<58mm {2.28"} paper width model>
420 dots
52.5mm(dot #1-#420)
Figure 1.6.2 Printable Area for STAR Emulation (for Default Setting)
<STAR Emulation when the paper width is changed>
<82.5 mm {3.25"} paper width model>
640 dots
80mm(dot #1-#640)
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<80mm {3.15"} paper width model>
576 dots
72mm(dot #1-#576)
<60mm {2.36"} paper width model>
420 dots
54.5mm(dot #1-#436)
Figure 1.6.3 Printable Area for STAR Emulation (When the Paper Width Is Changed) NOTE : The numeric values used here are center values to be used in designing. The printable area may be out of alignment by 2 mm maximum to the left or right, due to the paper position or tolerance of parts.
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1.7 Printing and Cutting Positions
nter of the print dotline
o-cutter blade position
Manual-cutter position
[Units: mm(Al the numeric values are typical.)]
Appro *12.6
Paper feed direction
Appro *
Figure 1.7.1 Printing and Cutting Positions
NOTE: Numeric values used here are center values to be used in designing. The values may vary slightly as a result of paper slack or variations in the paper. Take this into account when setting the cutting position of the auto cutter.
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1.8 Internal Buffer
1) Receive buffer: 4kbyte
1.9 Electrical Characteristics
1) Supply voltage: +24 VDC ± 7%
2) Current consumption (at 24V): Operating: Approx. 1.5A(at ASCII Printing) Peak:Approx. 10A(at print duty 100%, For 10 seconds or less) Stand-by: Approx. 0.15A
1.10 EMI and Safety Standards Applied
1) Europe: EMI – EN55022 CLASS A
EMS – EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3, EN50082-1
Safety Standard: EN60950
2) North America: EMI - FCC Part#15 Class A Safety Standards- UL(1950), c-UL(No.950)
1.11 Reliability
1) MCBF: 50 million lines
(based on an average printing rate of 12.5% with paper thickness in the range 65 ㎛ to 75 ㎛).
35 million lines
(based on an average printing rate of 12.5% with paper thickness in the range 76 ㎛ to 150 ㎛)
2) Cutter Life: 1.0 million cuttings
(if the paper thickness is between 65 and 100㎛)
1.12 Environmental Conditions
1) Temperature: Operating: 5° to 45°C
Storage: -20° to 60°C
(except for paper)
2) Humidity: Operating: 10 to 90%RH Storage: 10 to 90%RH (except for paper)
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2. Configuration
2.1 Interface
2.1.1 RS-232 serial interface
2.1.2 Specifications
Data transmission: Serial Synchronization: Asynchronous Handshaking: DTR/DSR or XON/XOFF control Signal levels: MARK= -3 to – 15V: Logic “ 1”
SPACE= +3 to +15V: Logic “ 0” Baud rage: 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 bps Data word length: 7 or 8 bits Parity Settings: None, even, odd Stop bits: 1 or more Connector (printer side): Female DSUB-25 pin connector
NOTE: The data word length, baud rate, and parity depend on the
DIP switch settings.
2.1.3 Switching between on-line and off-line
The printer does not have an on-line/off-line switch. The printer goes off-line:
• Between when the power is turned on (including reset using the interface) and when the printer is ready to receive data.
• During the self-test.
• When the cover is open.
• During paper feeding using the paper feed button.
• When the printer stops printing due to a paper-end (in cases when an empty paper supply is detected by either paper roll end detector or the paper roll near-end detector with a printing halt feature by ESC c4).
• During macro executing stand by status.
• When a temporary abnormality occurs in the power supply voltage.
• When an error has occurred.
2.1.4 Interface connector terminal assignments and signal functions
2 TXD - Printer transmit data line RS-232C level 3 RXD - Printer receive data line RS-232C level
4, 20 DTR Output Printer handshake to host line RS-232C level
6 DSR Input Data Send Ready
1,7 GND - System Ground
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2.1.5 Serial interface connection example
Host side Printer side
TXD ………………………………… RXD DSR ………………………………… DTR RXD ………………………………… TXD DTR ………………………………… DSR FG ………………………………… FG SG ………………………………… SG
DETAILS: ◦ Set the handshaking so that the transmit data can be
received. ◦ Transmit data to the printer after turning on the power and initializing the printer.
< Figure 2.1 Serial transmission bit frame >
< Figure 2.2 Line transmission with protocol >
7 or 8 Bi
one or
1 Bi
1 or 2 Bit
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2.1.6 Centronics parallel interface
1) Specifications Data transmission: 8-bit parallel Synchronization: STROBE pulse supplied by host computer. Handshaking: ACK and BUSY Connector: D-SUB 36(female) or equivalent
DATA Data n Data n+1
tSetup tSTB
Busy Peripheral Busy
tReady tBUSY
nAck tReply tACK tnBUSY
1 STROBE- Input Synchronize signal Data received
2-9 DATA0-7 Input Data bit Transmitted 0-7
10 ACK- Output Data receiving competed
11 BUSY Output Impossible to printer data receiving
12 PE Output Paper empty
13 SELECT Output Printer’ s status for ON/OFF line
14 AUTO FEED- Input ND
15 GROUND - System Ground
16 GROUND - System Ground
17 NC -
18 LOGIC-H - +5V
19-30 GROUND - System Ground
31 INIT- Input Initialize
32 ERROR- Output Printer Error
33 GROUND - System Ground
34 NC -
35 +5V - +5V
36 SELECT IN- Input ND
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2.1.7 Data Receiving Timing (Compatibility Mode)
Characteristics Symbol
Min [ns] Max [ns]
Data Hold Time (host) tHold 750 --
Data Setup Time tSetup 750 --
STROBE Pulse Width tSTB 750 --
READY Cycle Idle Time tReady 0 --
BUSY Output Delay Time tBUSY 0 500
Data Processing Time tReply 0
ACKNLG Pulse Width tACK 500 10us
BUSY Release Time tnBUSY 0
ACK Cycle Idle Time tNEXT 0 --
The printer latches data at a nStrobe ↓ timing
2.1.8 USB Interface
1 +5V - +5V
2 DATA- - Printer transmit data line
3 DATA+ - Printer transmit data line
4 GND - System Ground
1) Specifications Data transmission: USB 2.0 Connector: USB “ B” type connector
2) USB interface connection example Host side Printer side
VCC ………………………………… VCC DATA+ ……………………………… DATA+ DATA- ……………………………… DATA-
GND ………………………………… GND
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2.1.9 Interface Connector
<D-SUB 25 Female Serial Port> <D-SUB Centronics Parallel Port>
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3. Connectors
3.1 Interface Connectors Refer to Section 2.1, Interface
3.2 Electrical Characteristics
1) Input Voltage: DC 24V ± 10%
2) Current Consumption: Operating: Approx. 1.5 A (at ASC∥ printing) Peak: Approx. 10 A (at print duty 100%, For 10 seconds or
Stand-by: Approx. 0.15 A
3) Power Connector
3.3 Drawer Kick-out Connector (Modular Connector)
The pulse specified by ESC p or DLE DC4 is output to this connector. The host can confirm the status of the input signal by using the DLE EOT, GS a, or GS r commands.
1) Pin assignments: Refer to Table 2.2.2
2) Connector model: Printer side: DAEEUN DEK-623PCB-6-B or Equivalent
User side: 6-position 6-contact (RJ12telephone jack)
< Drawer Kick-out Connector Pin Assignments >
Pin Number Signal Name Direction
1 Frame GND -
2 Drawer kick-out drive signal 1 Output
3 Drawer open/close signal Input
4 +24V -
5 Drawer kick-out drive signal 2 Output
6 Signal GND -
+24V is output through pin 4 when the power is turned on. However, pin 4 must by used only for the drawer.
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< Figure 3.1 Drawer Kick-out Connector >
3) Drawer kick-out drive signal Output signal: Output voltage: Approximately 24V Output current: 1A or less
CAUTION: To avoid an overcurrent, the resistance of the drawer kick-out solenoid
must be 24 Ω or more.
Output waveform: Outputs the waveforms in Figure 3.2 to the points A and B
in Figure 3.3
1 (ON time) and t2 (OFF time) are specified by ESC p or
< Figure 3.2 Drawer Kick-out Drive Signal Output Waveform >
4) Drawer open/close signal Input signal level (connector pin 3): L= 0 to 0.8VH= 3 to 5V
< Figure 3.3 Drawer Circuitry >
NOTE: 1. Use a shielded cable for the drawer connector cable.
2. Two driver transistors cannot be energized simultaneously.
3. The drawer drive duty must by as shown below.
ON time
≤ 0.2
(ON time + OFF time)
4. Be sure to use the printer power supply (connector pin 4) for the drawer power source.
5. The resistance of the drawer kick-out solenoid must not be less than the specified. Otherwise, an overcurrent could damage the solenoid.
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6. Do not connect telecommunication network to the drawer kick-out connector.
4 Controle Command summary
No. Command Function
1 HT Horizontal tab 2 LF Print and line feed 3 CR Print and carriage return 4 FF Print end position label to start printing 5 CAN Cancel print data in page mode 6 DLE EOT Real-time status transmission 7 DLE ENQ Real-time request to printer 8 DLE DC4 Generate pulse at real-time
9 ESC FF Print data in page mode 10 ESC SP Set character right-side spacing 11 ESC ! Set print mode 12 ESC $ Select/cancel user-defined character set 13 ESC % Define user-defined characters 14 ESC & Turn underline mode on/off 15 ESC * Set bit image mode 16 ESC - Turn underline mode on/off 17 ESC 2 Set 1/6 inch line spacing 18 ESC 3 Set line spacing using minimum units 19 ESC = Select peripheral device 20 ESC ? Cancel user-defined characters 21 ESC @ Initialize printer 22 ESC D Set horizontal tab positions 23 ESC E Select emphasized mode 24 ESC G Select double-strike mode 25 ESC J Print end feed paper using minimum units 26 ESC L Select page mode 27 ESC M Select character font 28 ESC R Select international character set 29 ESC S Select standard mode 30 ESC T Select print direction in page mode 31 ESC V Set/cancel 90° cw rotated character 32 ESC W Set printing area in page mode 33 ESC \ Set relative position 34 ESC a Align position 35 ESC c 3 Select paper sensor(s) to output paper-end signals 36 ESC c 4 Select paper sensor(s) to stop printing 37 ESC c 5 Enable/disable panel buttons 38 ESC d Print and feed paper n lines 39 ESC p General pulse 40 ESC t Select character code table 41 ESC { Set/cancel upside-down character printing 42 FS p Print NV bit image 43 FS q Define NV bit image 44 GS ! Select character size
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45 GS $ Set absolute vertical print position in page mode 46 GS * Define downloaded bit image 47 GS / Print down-loaded bit image 48 GS : Start/end macro definition Not
avalible 49 GS B Turn white/black reverse printing mode on/off 50 GS H Select printing position of HRI characters 51 GS I Transmit printer ID 52 GS L Set left margin 53 GS P Set horizontal and vertical motion units 54 GS V Cut paper 55 GS W Set printing area width 56 GS \ Set relative vertical print position in page mode 57
GS ^
Execute macro Not
avalible 58 GS a Enable/disable Automatic Status Back(ASB) 59
GS b Turn smooting mode on/off
avalible 60 GS f Select font for HRI characters 61 GS h Set bar code height 62 GS k Print bar code 63 GS r Transmit status 64 GS v 0 Print raster bit image 65 GS w Set bar code width
< Add > 1 ESC i Full cut 2 ESC m Partial cut
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Command Descriptions
Command Notation
[Name] The name of the control command.
[Format] The code sequence.
In this description, < > H denotes hexadecimal numbers, < >denotes decimal numbers and < > B denotes binary numbers. [ ] k indicates the contents of the [ ] should be repeated k times.
[Range] The allowable range for the arguments.
[Description] Description of the command function.
[Details] If necessary provides important information on setting and using the
printer command.
[Default] The default values for the commands.
[Reference] List related commands.
[Example] Example of using the commands.
The numbers denoted by <>H is hexadecimal. The numbers denoted by <>B is binary.
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Print Commands
The WTP series supports the following commands for printing characters and advancing paper.
[Name] Horizontal tab
[Format] ASCII HT Hex 09 Decimal 9
[Description] Moves the print position to the next tab position.
[Details] ·This command is ignored unless the next tab position has been set.
·If the next horizontal tab position exceeds the printing area, the printer sets the printing position to [Printing area width + 1].
·Horizontal tab positions are set using “ ESC D” .
·If this command is received when the printing position is at [printing area width +1], the printer executes print buffer-full printing of the current line and horizontal tab processing from the beginning of the next line.
·The default setting of the horizontal tab position for the paper roll is font A (12 x 24) every 8th character (9th, 17th, 25th, … column).
[Reference] ESC D
[Name] Print and line feed
[Format] ASCII LF Hex 0A Decimal 10
[Description] ·Prints the data in the print buffer and feeds one line based on the current
line spacing.
[Details] ·This command sets the print position to the beginning of the line.
[Reference] ESC 2, ESC 3
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[Name] Print and carriage return.
[Format] ASCII CR Hex 0D Decimal 13
[Description] When automatic line feed is enabled, this command functions the same
as LF; when automatic line feed is disabled, this command is ignored.
[Details] ·Sets the print starting position to the beginning of the line.
·The automatic line feed is ignored.
[Reference] LF
[Name] Print and return to standard mode in page mode.
[Format] ASCII FF Hex 0C Decimal 12
[Description] Prints the data in the print buffer and returns to standard mode.
[Details] ·The buffer data is deleted after being printed.
·The printing area set by ESC W is reset to the default setting.
·The printer does not execute paper cutting.
·This command sets the print position to the beginning of the line.
·This command is enabled only in page mode.
[Reference] ESC FF, ESC L, ESC S
[Name] Cancel print data in page mode
[Format] ASCII CAN Hex 18 Decimal 24
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[Description] In page mode, delete all the print data in the current printable area.
[Details] ·This command is enabled only in page mode.
·If data that existed in the previously specified printable area also exists in the currently specified printable area, it is deleted.
[Reference] ESC L, ESC W
[Name] Real-time status transmission.
Hex 10 04
Decimal 16 4
[Range] 1≤n≤4
[Description] Transmits the selected printer status specified by n in real-time,
according to the following parameters:
=1 : Transmit printer status
=2 : Transmit off-line status
=3 : Transmit error status
=4 : Transmit paper roll sensor status
[Details] ·The printer transmits the current status. Each status is represented by
one-byte data.
·The printer transmits the status without confirming whether the host
computer can receive data.
·The printer executes this command upon receiving it.
·This command is executed even when the printer is offline, the receive
buffer is full, or there is an error status.
·When Auto Status Back (ASB) is enabled using the GS a command, the
status transmitted by the DLE EOT command and the ASB status must be differentiated.
·Even though the printer is not selected using ESC = (select peripheral device), this command is effective.
[Notes] ·The status is transmitted whenever the data sequence of
<10>H<04>H<n> (1≤ n≤ 4) is received.
Example : In ESC *
m nL nH d1…dk
d1=<10>H, d2=<04>H, d3=<01>H
·This command should not be used within the data sequence of another command that consists of 2 or more bytes.
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Example : If you attempt to transmit ESC 3
to the printer, but DTR (DSR for
the host computer) goes to MARK before
is transmitted and then
DLE EOT 3 interrupts before
is received, the code <10> H for DLE
EOT 3 is processed as the code for ESC 3 <10>H.
= 1: Printer status
Bit Off/On Hex Decimal Function 0 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off 1 On 02 2 Not used. Fixed to On
Off 00 0 Drawer open/close signal is LOW (connector pin 3). 2 On 04 4 Drawer open/close signal is HIGH (connector pin 3). Off 00 0 On-line 3
On 08 8 Off-line. 4 On 10 16 Not used. Fixed to On 5,6 - - - Undefined. 7 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.
= 2: Off-line status
Bit Off/On Hex Decimal Function 0 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off 1 On 02 2 Not used. Fixed to On
Off 00 0 Cover is closed 2 On 04 4 Cover is open Off 00 0 Paper is not being fed by using the FEED button 3 On 08 8 Paper is being fed by the FEED button
4 On 10 16 Not used. Fixed to On
Off 00 0 No paper-end stop 5 On 20 32 Printing is being stopped Off 00 0 No error 6 On 40 64 Error occurs
7 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off
Bit 5: Becomes on when the paper end sensor detects paper end and printing stops.
= 3: Error status
Bit Off/On Hex Decimal Function
0 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off 1 On 02 2 Not used. Fixed to On 2 - - - Undefined
Off 00 0 No auto-cutter error 3 On 08 8 Auto-cutter error occurs
4 On 10 16 Not used. Fixed to On
Off 00 0 No unrecoverable error 5 On 20 32 Unrecoverable error occurs Off 00 0 No auto-recoverable error 6 On 40 64 Auto recoverable error occurs
7 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off
Bit 3: If these errors occur due to paper jams or the like, it is possible to recover by
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correcting the cause of the error and executing DLE ENQ n (1 ≤ n ≤ 2). If an error due to a circuit failure (e.g. wire break) occurs, it is impossible to recover.
Bit 6: When printing is stopped due to high print head temperature until the print head
temperature drops sufficiently or when the paper roll cover is open during printing, bit 6 is On.
= 4: Continuous paper sensor status
Bit Off/On Hex Decimal Function 0 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off 1 On 02 2 Not used. Fixed to On
Off 00 0 Paper roll near-end sensor: paper adequate 2,3 On 0C 12 Paper near-end is detected by the paper roll near-end
4 On 10 16 Not used. Fixed to On
Off 00 0 Paper roll sensor: Paper present 5,6 On 60 96 Paper roll end detected by paper roll sensor
7 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off
[Reference] DLE ENQ, GS a, GS r
[Name] Real-time request to printer
[Format] ASCII DLE ENQ n Hex 10 05 n Decimal 16 5 n [Range] 1≤n≤2
[Description] Responds to a request from the host computer.
specifies the requests as follows:
n Request 1 Recover from an error and restart printing from the line where the error occurred 2 Recover from an error aft clearing the receive and print buffers
[Details] ·When the printer is disabled with ESC = (Select peripheral device), this
command is effective.
·This command is effective only when an auto-cutter error occurs.
·The printer starts processing data upon receiving this command.
·This command is executed even when the printer is offline, the receive buffer is full, or there is an error status with a serial interface model.
·The status is also transmitted whenever the data sequence of <10>H<05>H< n> (1≤ n≤ 2) is received.
In ESC * ** * m
nL nH dk, d1 = <10>H, d2 = <05>H, d3 = <01>H
·This command should not be contained within another command that consists of two or more bytes.
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If you attempt to transmit ESC 3 n to the printer, but DTR (DSR for the host computer) goes to MARK before n is transmitted, and DLE ENQ 2 interrupts before n is received, the code <10>H for DLE ENQ 2 is processed as the code for ESC 3 <10>H.
[Reference] DLE EOT
n m t
[Name] Generate pulse at real-time
[Format] ASCII DLE DC4 n m t Hex 10 14 n m t Decimal 16 20 n m t
[Range] n=1
m=0,1 1≤ t≤ 8
[Description] Outputs the pulse specified by t to connector pin m as follows:
m Connector pin 0 Drawer kick-out connector pin 2. 1 Drawer kick-out connector pin 5.
The pulse ON time is [ t x 100 ms] and the OFF time is [ t x 100 ms].
[Details] ·When the printer is in an error status when this command is processed,
this command is ignored.
·When the pulse is output to the connector pin specified while ESC p or DEL DC4 is executed while this command is processed, this command is ignored.
·The printer executes this command upon receiving it.
·This command is executed even when the printer is off-line, the receive buffer is full, or there is an error status.
·If print data includes the same character strings as this command, the printer performs the same operation specified by this command. The user must consider this.
·This command should not be used within the data sequence of another command that consists of 2 or more bytes.
·This command is effective even when the printer is disabled with ESC = (Select peripheral device).
[Reference] ESC p
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