TITLE : RP-300/310
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correcting the cause of the error and executing DLE ENQ n (1 ≤ n ≤ 2). If an error
due to a circuit failure (e.g. wire break) occurs, it is impossible to recover.
Bit 6: When printing is stopped due to high print head temperature until the print head
temperature drops sufficiently or when the paper roll cover is open during printing,
bit 6 is On.
= 4: Continuous paper sensor status
Bit Off/On Hex Decimal Function
0 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off
1 On 02 2 Not used. Fixed to On
Off 00 0 Paper roll near-end sensor: paper adequate 2,3
On 0C 12 Paper near-end is detected by the paper roll near-end
4 On 10 16 Not used. Fixed to On
Off 00 0 Paper roll sensor: Paper present 5,6
On 60 96 Paper roll end detected by paper roll sensor
7 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off
[Reference] DLE ENQ, GS a, GS r
[Name] Real-time request to printer
[Format] ASCII DLE ENQ n
Hex 10 05 n
Decimal 16 5 n
[Range] 1≤n≤2
[Description] Responds to a request from the host computer.
specifies the requests as follows:
n Request
1 Recover from an error and restart printing from the line where the error occurred
2 Recover from an error aft clearing the receive and print buffers
[Details] ·When the printer is disabled with ESC = (Select peripheral device), this
command is effective.
·This command is effective only when an auto-cutter error occurs.
·The printer starts processing data upon receiving this command.
·This command is executed even when the printer is offline, the receive
buffer is full, or there is an error status with a serial interface model.
·The status is also transmitted whenever the data sequence of
<10>H<05>H< n> (1≤ n≤ 2) is received.
In ESC * ** * m
nL nH dk, d1 = <10>H, d2 = <05>H, d3 = <01>H
·This command should not be contained within another command that
consists of two or more bytes.