Partner P4050SD BIO Instruction Manual

DÔLEŽITÉ UPOZORNENIE: Než začnete prístroj používať,
pozorne si prečítajte túto príručku. Príručku si pone­chajte, neskôr ju môžete znovu potrebovať
POMEMBNA NAVODILA: Pozorno preberite navodila.
This manual has been prepared for use with different models of lawn mowers having different shapes and equipment..
Questo manuale è stato redatto per essere utilizzato con diversi modelli di rasaerba con forme ed equi­paggiamenti differenti.
Diese Bedienungsanleitung wurde für verschiedene Rasenmäher geschrieben.
Ce manuel a été préparé pour usage avec modèle différent de formes de la tondeuse et matériel
Deze handleiding is samengesteld voor het gebruik van ver­schillende modellen grasmaaimachines van verschillende afmetingen en met verschillende accessoires
Denne instruksjonsboken er utformet for å dekke fle­re gressklippere med forskjellig utseende og utstyrr.
Tätä opasta on muutettu, jotta sitä voidaan käyttää eri ruohonleikkurimallien kanssa, joiden muodot ja varusteet eroavat toisistaan.
Denna bruksanvisning är skriven för olika modeller av elektriska gräsklippare med olika utseende och utrustning.
Ez a kézikönyv, azért lett létrehozva, hogy segítsé­gre legyen a különböző formájú és felszerelésű elektromos fűnyíró gépeknél.
Obsah této příručky lze použít pro různé typy sekaček na trávu, lišících se tvarem i vyba­vením.
Na základe programu neustáleho zlepšovania pro­duktov si výrobný závod vyhradzuje bez predchád-
zajúceho upozornenia právo na zmenu technických parametrov uvedených v tejto príručke. Táto príručka slúži pre rôzne modely kosačiek na trávu rozličných tvarov a s rôznym príslušenstvom.
Książeczka ta została opracowana do wykorzy­stania dla różnych modeli kosiarek do trawy o różnych formach i wyposażeniu.
Данное руководство было подготовлено для использования с различными моделями газонокосилок, имеющими разные формы и оборудование.
Denne Brugsanvisning omhandler flere forskellige modeller af plæneklippere, med forskellige former og udstyr.
Este manual ha sido hecho para el utilizo de todas las tipologias de cortadora de hierba con caracterí­sticas distintas
Este manual foi redigido para ser utilizado em diversos modelos de corta relvas com forma e equipamento diferentes
See kasutusjuhend on koostatud kasutamiseks muruniidukite eri mudelitega, millel võib olla erinev kuju ja varustus
Instrukcija buvo paruošta įvairių vejapjovės modelių vartojimui, kurios tūri įvairias forma ir įrengimus.
Proizvajalec si pridržuje pravico do spremembe ka-
rakteristik in podatkov v tem priročniku v katerem koli trenutku brez predhodnega obvestila.
Ta priročnik je namenjen za uporabo različnih mo­delov motorne kosilnice različnih oblik in opreme
We wish to thank you for choosing our la wn mow er. We are confident that the high quality of our machine will meet with your satisfaction and appreciation and that your lawn mower will give you long-lasting service.Before starting to use your machine, make sure to read with care this manual, which has been purposely drawn up to pro vide y ou with all the necessary information for proper use, in compliance with basic safety requirements.
Caution! Read the instruction manual before use.
Keep other people well away from the danger area!
Warning: Risk of hand and feet injury.
Risk of breathing in toxic gases! Do not use the appliance
in closed or poorly ventilated environments. Risk of explosion! Do not top up with fuel with engine
Caution! Hot surface Caution! Switch off the engine and disconnect the spark
plug before undertaking any maintenance work. Keep the power supply cable w ell a w a y from the cutting
tool. Caution! Shelter from rain and humidity.
Before carrying out any operations on the cutting tool,
disconnect the plug
1 Manufacturer 2 Model 3 Product number 4 Maintenance lever 5 Serial number
6 Type 7 Engine info
8 Weight 9 Sound power level
a)Anyone who is not aware of the instructions for use
shall not use the lawn mower. Do not allow children or anyone who has not understood these instructions to use the lawn mower . A minimum age for using the machine can be fixed by local regulations.
b)The operator is responsible for the safety of other
people in the working area. Keep children and do­mestic animals at a safe distance when the lawn mower is in use.
c)This machine is to be used exclusively for cutting
natural grass. Never use the mo wer for other purposes (e.g., for flattening out bumps in the ground, such as
mole-hills or ant- hills). d)Work only when there is sufficient light. e)Before mowing, remove all foreign objects from the
lawn which may be thrown by the machine. While
mowing, stay alert for any foreign objects which may
have been missed.
Setting up and operating the lawn mower
a)When mowing, wear strong footwear (boots or heavy
shoes) and long trousers. b)Before you start mowing, make sure that the blade
and blade fixing screw are securely fastened. If the blade is damaged, it must be replaced. c)Turn off the engine, wait until the blade has stopped
and remove the spark plug cap before: transporting, lifting or moving the machine away from
the working area; carrying out maintenance or cleaning, or when car-
rying out any operation on the blade;
adjusting the cutting height;eaving the machine unattended.
Caution! The blade starts turning as soon as the engine is started
d)Caution! The fuel is highly inflammable: Store fuel in containers specifically designed for this
purpose. Refuel outdoors only and do not smoke while re-
fuelling. Fill up the fuel tank before starting the engine. Under
no circumstances open the fuel tank cap or add petrol
when the engine is running or when it is still hot. If the petrol has overflowed, do not under any circu-
mstances start up the engine.Move the mower away
from the area where fuel has bean spilt and avoid
any source of possible ignition until the petrol fumes
have dissipated. Replace the fuel tank cap and tighten it down firmly. e)Do not operate the engine in a confined space where
dangerous carbon monoxide fumes can collect.. f) When mowing, never run; you must always walk. g)Exercise extreme caution when turning or when
pulling the lawn mower towards you. h)Particular precautions must be taken when mowing
on slopes or downhill stretches:
Use appropriate antislip footwear.Always be sure of your footing.Mow across the face of slopes, never up or down. Take great care when changing direction.Do not mow on excessively steep slopes.
i)Never use the lawn mow er unless the guards and sa-
fety devices (e.g. deflector , grass catcher) are securely in position and in good condition.
j)Ensure that the grass catcher and deflector are cor-
rectly located. failure to do so may result in foreign objects being ejected by the blade.
k)For reasons of safety, the engine must ne ver exceed
the speed. (r.p.m.) indicated on the label.
l) Take care when starting the engine and be sure to
follow the user instructions. Never place y our hands or feet undern11eath the deck or into the rear discharge chute while the engine is running.
m) Never lift the rear of the mower while starting the
engine or during normal operation.
n) If the blade happens to hit any obstacle, stop the
engine at once and remove the spark plug cap. Then get an expert to examine the blade.
Maintenance and storage
a)Make sure that all nuts, bolts, and screws are kept
well tightened to keep the mower in a safe operating condition.
b)Never leave the machine with fuel in the tank within
an enclosed area where the fuel vapours could reach naked flames or sparks.
c)Allow the engine to cool before storing in any en-
d)Keep the engine, silencer, battery compartment and
petrol tank free from grass, leaves and excess lubri­cant, in order to reduce the danger of fire.
e)Frequently check the grass catcher for wear or
f)For safety reasons, be sure to replace worn-out or
damaged parts in due time.
g)If the fuel tank has to be drained, it is essential that
this be done outdoor.
h)Assemble the blades following the corresponding
instructions and use only blades bearing the maker’s name or the trademark of the manufacturer or supplier and marked with the reference number.
i)To protect hands during disassembly or assembly of
the blades, it is absolutely essential to wear suitable protective gloves.
j) Unload the Touch-N-Mow system and remove the
safety key bef ore making any cleaning or maintenance operation.
k)Make sure that the Touch-N-Mo w system is unloaded
and the key is in lock position before transporting the machine.
l) In case of failure of the Touch-N-Mow start up system,
do not try and repair it but request the intervention of an authorized Assistance Centre.
m) Remove the safety key to avoid any accidental
start up.
n) Always remove the safety key when the machine
is not used.
o) Always store the key in a safe place available to
adults only.
p) Before removing the safety key, make sure that it is
in LOCK & REMOVE position.
1 Upper handles 2 Lower handles 3 Fastening knobs for upper handles 4 Grass catcher 5 Oil filler cap 6 Oil drain plug 7 Deck 8 Adjusting levers for cutting height 9 Spark plug 10 Fuel cap 11 Engine start-grip 12 Rear deflector 13 Throttle lever
14 Engine stop lever 15 Reduction gear 16 Console 17 Ignition key 18 Clutch lever 19 Blade engagement lever 20 Handle advance speed 21 Touch-N-Mow key 22 Touch-N-Mow handle 23 Fuel-enrichment pump 24 Auto throttle 25 Push button
ASSEMBLY DEFLECTOR (if not already assembly)
Assembly deflector ,only for the models with this equipment (Fig.CVII)
ASSEMBLY WHEEL (if not already assembly)
ADJUSTMENT OF HANDLES (for the models where it is included only)
To cut the grass with the mulching system (no grass collection), lift the rear deflector panel and insert the cap by fixing it with the spring as shown in the figure.
(for the models where it is included only)
Always operate with the deflector or grasscatcher in the correct position. Always stop the engine before removing the grasscatcher or adjusting the height of cut. Never place your hands or feet underneath the deck or into the grass discharge chute while
the engine is running.
Before mowing, remove all foreign objects from the lawn which may be thrown by the machine. While mowing, stay alert for any foreign objects which may have been missed.
Never lift the rear of the mower while starting the engine or during normal operation. Never place your hands or f eet underneath the deck or into the rear discharge chute while the engine is running.
ENGINE ADJUSTMENTS (Fig.KI) Refer to the engine manufacturer’s maintenance ma­nual.
CAUTION:- 0.6l Oil must be added to the engine before use
STAR TING THE ENGINE (Fig.K Once the machine has been set up properly, start the engine as follows:
a) Engines with choke system: when the engine is cold, position the accelerator lever
III - pos.13) on START
b)Operate the engine stop lever (14) to prepare the
engine for start, keep lever pressed against handle while starting and using the machine (it operates the engine brake).
c) Engines with primer system: Press the fuel-enrichment pump (23) located on the
carburettor 3 or 4 times position the accelerator lever (13) on MAX.
For further information and explanations, read carefully the user instruction manual of the engine.
d) Start engine. MANUAL STARTING: (While holding the engine stop
lever (14)).
Hold the engine start-grip (11) and pull the starter rope
gently until you feel the resistance caused by compres­sion. Return the starter rope slowly then pull the handle firmly towards you to its full extent.
ELECTRICAL STARTING: (While holding the engine
stop lever (14)).
Inser t the plug (G) in the socket (H) on the engine.
Tur n the ignition key (17) or push the button (25) ,only for the models with this equipment
CAUTION: The blade starts turning as soon
as the engine is started.
Keep the engine stop lever (14) depressed during machine operation. When the lever is released, the engine stops.
When leaving the machine for any period of time always remove the push button (25). Remove the push button by turning until the key and keyway line up, and then pull out. Fit in reverse order
MOWING (Fig.K T o cut the g rass , push the lawn mo wer man ually or insert the automatic advance gear. Before proceeding with the coupling of the automatic feed, choose the speed by means of the change lever (20) (f or the models where it is included only).
Change the speed with the clutch disengaged. There are 3 speed settings. 1°~ 0,6 m/s 2°~ 0,9 m/s 3°~ 1,2m/s How to insert automatic advance: Lift up the clutch handle (18) and keep it pressed in position.
CAUTION: Engage the gear only when the
engine is running.
How to disengage advance: Release the clutch han­dle.
- The Automatic throttle increases the engine speed to maximum when you engage the self drive.
- This is to ensure you have maximum engine speed when you mow but a lower speed and quieter when not mowing. It also provides a soft start to the self drive mode.
- In order to mow in the push mode but at maximum en­gine speed - then you can fit the override lev er which is supplied with the product.
You should only fit this lever if you wish to override the
throttle system and have maximum engine speed when
in the push mode and the drive mode.
- Fit the lever to the side of the handle as shown so that when the lever is pushed forward the throttle cable is tightened and the throttle is at maximum.
VERSION WITH BLADE BRAKE (Fig.K With engine running, pull the handle (14) towards the bar and keep depressed. Push the blade engagement lever (19) forward to make the blade rotate.
WARNING! When the handle (14) is released
the blade stops while the motor continues running.
T o cut the g rass , push the lawn mo wer man ually or insert the automatic advance gear. Before proceeding with the coupling of the automatic feed, choose the speed by means of the change lever (20) (f or the models where it is included only). Change the speed with the clutch disengaged. There are 3 speed settings. 1°~ 0,6 m/s 2°~ 0,9 m/s 3°~ 1,2m/s How to insert automatic advance: Lift up the clutch handle (18) and keep it pressed in position.
CAUTION: Engage the gear only when the
engine is running.
How to disengage advance: Release the clutch han­dle.
(Fig.KVI ÷
T o load the start up system for the first time and whenev er the device is disabled, proceed as follows: 1 - Insert the Touch-N-Mow key (21) (provided with the
machine) 2 - Rotate the key (21) to “RUN” position Press the pump (Primer) (23) 3 or 4 times. 1 - Act on the safety lever (14) and k eep it pressed against
the handgrip. 2 - Push the Touch-N-Mow start up lever forward (22). Start up the motor by holding the engine start grip (11) and pulling it effortlessly until reaching the resistance caused by compression, release the handle and pull vigorously . If necessary, repeat the operation if the motor does not start.
- Keep the safety lever (14) pressed during operation; if released, the motor will stop.
To cut the grass, manually push the machine or engage the automatic drive. To engage the automatic dr ive, act on the clutch handle (18) and keep it pressed against the handgrip.
Caution:engage only with operating motor. To disengage the automatic dr ive, release the clutch
handle (18). After the cut, first release the clutch handle (18) then the safety lever (14) and a noise caused by the reloading of the Touch-N-Mow system will be heard. After switching off, take the T ouch-N-Mo w key (21) to LOCK & REMOVE position to lock the system. Remove the key from upwards. After cutting the grass, always remo ve the key and store it in a safe place available to the authorized oper ators only.
Caution: Without the Touch-N-Mow key in R UN
position or with the key in LOCK & REMOVE position, the motor will not start!.
Start up with Touch-N-Mow
Make sure that no person or object is near the machine and all protection devices are installed and operating. Remain behind the handgrip in the position required for use.
- Insert the key (21) and rotate it to RUN position.
- Act on the safety lever (14) ) and k eep it pressed against the handgrip.
- Push the T ouch-N-Mo w start lever (22) forward and chec k the motor start up.
Caution: if the motor does not start, it means that the Touch-N-Mow start up system has been unloaded. If so, proceed to load it as described in the relevant section.
Important: Should the motor stop due to lack of gasoline, excessively high grass, or an y reason other than the nor ­mal stop procedures, the Touch-N-Mow start up system will not reload and it will be necessary to repeat the previously described operations in order to load the system.
Unloading the Touch-N-Mow system
Prior to any cleaning or transport operation, the start up system shall be unloaded. For this operation, proceed as follows:
- Disconnect the spark plug cable.
- Act on the safety lever (14) ) and k eep it pressed against the handgrip.
- Push the Touch-N-Mow lever (22) forward.
- The motor will run but it will not start as the spark plug cable is disconnected.
- Turn the Touch-N-Mow key (21) to LOCK & REMOVE position.
- Remove the key (21).
AUTOMATIC ADVANCEMENT (for self-propelled versions only)
Periodically check the automatic advance assem­bly and make sure to keep it clean. In particular, the pinion (24) and the gear (25) must be kept
perfectly clean.
To carry out this check, you must remove the wheel (26) by unscrewing the screw (27).
ADJUSTMENT OF CLUTCH CABLE (for self-propelled versions only)
Important: If, when you press the clutch lever, the automatic advance gear does not engage, the clutch cable should be adjusted by inserting the spring (P) in one of the subsequent holes in the plate (R) or in the hole “S” .
Caution! Switch off the motor and disconnect the spark plug before undertaking any mainte­nance work.
For a four stroke engine, chec k the oil le vel and change
the oil when dirty. For further explanation, see ENGINE INSTRUCTION BOOK.
Frequently check the mower and ensure that all grass
deposits are removed from beneath the deck.
Never clean the mow er by pouring water over it: this may
seriously damage the electric start system.
Take care, the exhaust muffler may be very hot. Frequently remove the wheel screws clean whith pe-
troleum and oil before replacing. Ball bearings must be greased before remounting.
Frequently check the blade for damage. The lawn mower must be checked by a SERVICE
To remove the blade (29) unscrew the screw (30).
Check the conditions of the blade-support (31), the
washer (32), the key (33) and the washer (34) and replace any parts which are damaged.
When reassembling, make sure that the k ey (33) is cor-
rectly seated in the shaft and that the cutting edges face in the direction of the engine rotation. The blade screw (30) must be torqued to 5,34 Kgm (52,4 Nm).
Before starting the motor for the first time, you
are advised to keep the battery on charge for 2 to 3 hours. If the battery proves to be low during starting, charge it for 24 hours. When starting, don’t keep trying to start for more than 5 seconds.
For correct battery maintenance (37), especially in prepa­ration for a long period of inactivity, and for recharging, it is not necessary to remove it from its casing, but to simply proceed as follows:
1) Remove contact (38).
2) Store the battery in a fresh and dry place.
3) Recharge the battery before use at room temperature
for 24-36 hours.
4) Restore the contact (38) before use
Cleaning under the bodywork With machine at a standstill and off.
- Attach fitting (28) on the deck to the water supply tap. Turn on the tap.
- start up the motor (blade in rotation), allowing it to warm up for a few minutes.
- at the end of cleaning switch off the motor, turn off the tap, detach the tube from the deck connection.
After a garaging period of the machine, it is advisable
to lubricate the clutch point shown in fig. N the spring loading procedure.
To remove the blade (35) unscrew the two screws
Check the condition of the blade and replace any parts
that are damaged, re-assemble using two screws (36) which must be torqued to 5,34 Kgm (52,4Nm).
Those batteries marked with a “crossed out waste disposal bin” and bearing the chemical symbol Pb (battery containing lead) are not to be disposed in domestic waste bins.
The user is legally obliged to take the used batteries to special collection points or to return them to the retailer.
II to facilitate
If any part is found to be defective due to faulty man ufacture within the guarantee period, Electrolux Outdoor Products, through its Authorised Service Repairers will effect the repair or replacement to the customer free of charge providing: a) The fault is reported directly to the Authorised Re-
pairer. b) Proof of purchase is provided. c) The fault is not caused by misuse, neglect or faulty
adjustment by the user. d) The failure has not occurred through fair wear and
tear. e) The machine has not been serviced or repaired, taken
apart or tampered with by any person not authorised by
Electrolux Outdoor Products. f) The machine has not been used for hire. g) The machine is owned by the original purchaser. h) The machine has not been used commercially. This guarantee is additional to , and in no way diminishes
the customers statutory rights. Failures due to the following are not covered, therefore it is important that you read the instructions contained in this Operator’s Manual and understand how to operate and maintain your machine:
Failures not covered by guarantee
- Replacing worn or damaged blades
- Failures as a result of not reporting an initial fault.
- Failures as a result of sudden impact.
- Failures as a result of not using the product in accordance with the instructions and recommendations contained in this Operator’s Manual.
- Machines used for hire are not covered by this gua­rantee.
- The following items listed are considered as w earing par­ts and their life is dependent on regular maintenance and are, therefore not normally subject to a valid warranty claim: Blades, Electric Mains cable, Belt
Electrolux Outdoor Products does not accept liability
under the warranty for defects caused in whole or part, directly or indirectly by the fitting of replacement parts or additional parts that are not either manufactured or approved by Electrolux Outdoor Products, or by the machine having been modified in any way.
I, the undersigned Ing.Marcolini Gastone, of Electrolux Outdoor Products Italy Spa, Via Como 72, 23868 Valmadrera (LC). Certify that the Lawnmower:-
Category .................................................................Petrol Wheeled Rotary
Make .......................................................................Electrolux Outdoor Products
Conforms to the specifications of Directive 2000/14/EEC I, the undersigned Ing.Marcolini Gastone, of Electrolux Outdoor Products Italy Spa, Via Como 72, 23868 Valmadrera (LC) Certify that a sample of the above product has been tested using directive 81/1051/EEC as a guide. The maximum A-weighted sound pressure level recorded at operator position under free field semi anechoic chamber conditions was :­I, the undersigned Ing.Marcolini Gastone, of Electrolux Outdoor Products Italy Spa, Via Como 72, 23868 Valmadrera (LC) Certify that a sample of the above product has been tested using ISO 5349 as a guide. The maximum weighted root mean square value of vibration recorded at operator’s hand position was:-
Type of Cutting Device ............................................Rotary Blade
Identification of Series. ...........................................See Product Rating Label
Conformity Assesment Procedure ..........................ANNEX VI
Notified Body ..........................................................NEMKO Spa
Other Directives:- ....................................................98/37/EEC, 89/336/EEC
& applicable standards:- ......................................... EN836:1997, EN ISO14982:1998
Type ...............................................................................A
Version ............................................................. .............B
Width of cut ......... .........................................................C
Guaranteed sound power level ......................................D
Measured sound power level .........................................E
Sound pressure livel at the ear ......................................F
Vibration of the handle ...................................................G
Technical Manager
Electrolux Outdoor Product Italy spa
Via Como 72 - 23868 Valmadrera (LC)
12 10
5 6
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