Partner CD-7220, PT 9000, PT 9000m, PT 9150 Install Manual

PT 9000/9000m PT 9150
CD-7220 Power & Setup
JP8 – Powers COM 1(A)
JP10 – Powers COM 4(D)
JP9 – Powers COM 3(C)
This is used for powering up stand alone Customer Displays that do not have the external power supply adapter.
Please note that a printer should not be hooked up with a COM Port that is powered up
CD-7220 Quick-Setup
1) Choose com port.
2) Baud Rate that is desired. CD-7220 has a default of 9600.
3) Select Parity. CD-7220 is set to N,8,1
4) Command Type that the pole display unit communicates with the software or Apps. UTC Standard is the standard for most Epson and other pole displays.
*Note that other software’s have different emulations and be advised to check software specifications as well.
5) If unit does not respond or power up you may Reset Display. This will write information back to the EEPROM and will load default values to the unit.
6) Click Reset Display if you need to rest EEPROM.
Please read CD-7220 manual for more information on RS-232 commands and setup.