Parsun T25BM JET, T30BM JET Owner's Manual

Before Operating Outboards
Read this manual carefully. Learn the difference in handling characteristics between a jet drive outboard motor and a propeller driven outboard motor. If you have any questions, contact your dealer. Unlike propeller driven outboard motor, steering at the low speeds, the jet drive outboard motor tends to lose steering control as less water is drawn in and expelled. I nc re ase speed s lightly to regain steering. The jet drive is highly maneuverable at higher speeds, more so, than propeller driven out board motors. Us e c aution when turning to prevent spin - outs. The impeller will continue to rotate while the engine is in neutral. Although the approximate balancing of forward and reverse thrust will minimize outboard motor movement, the outboard motor may tend to move slowly forward or backward. This is normal for a direct - drive jet driven outboard motor. The operator should be awar e of this and use caution whene v er t he engine is running.
Table of contents
1. Mai n com ponent s and Gen er al i nfor matio n .................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Main components ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Specification .................................................................................................................................................. 2
2. Oper at ion ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 How the Jet Drive operates .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Steering the boat ........................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Mooring the Boat .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Cleaning the Impeller.................................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Lubricating the Driveshaft Bearing............................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Operating In Freezing Temperatures ........................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Pre-Starting Check List ............................................................................................................................... 10
2.8 Operating In Salt Water or Polluted Water .................................................................................................11
2.9 Operating In Shallow Water ........................................................................................................................11
3. Mai nt enance .................................................................................................................................................. 12
3. 1 Impel ler Rem ov al and Ins tal l a ti on............................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Worn/Dull Impeller ...................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Steering Pull Adjustment ............................................................................................................................ 15
3.4 Impeller Clearance Adjustment .................................................................................................................. 16
3.5 Replaceable Jet Drive Shear Ke y .............................................................................................................. 17
3.6 Shift Cable Adjustment ............................................................................................................................... 18
3.7 Corrosion Control Anode ............................................................................................................................ 21
3.8 Lubricating the Driveshaft Bearing............................................................................................................. 22
4. Engine installation ......................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1 Transom height of the boat ........................................................................................................................ 24
4.2 Locate center line of the outboard ............................................................................................................. 24
4.3 Determining the Mounting Height of the Outboard ................................................................................... 25
4.4 Water Testing .............................................................................................................................................. 27
5. Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................ 29
1. Main component s and General information
1.1 Main components
1.Top cowling 8.Clamp bracket 15. Engine stop bu tton
2.Top cowling lock handle
9. Tilt & trim rod
16.Clam bolt
3.Gear shift link lever 10.Water inlet 17.Water pump adapter
4.Shift cam plate 11.Starters handle 18.Intake seat
5.Reverse gate 12.Air choke handle 19.Fuel tank
6.Anode 13.Throttle grip
7.Steering handle
14.Gear shift handle
1.2 Specification
Main technical data:
Type of engine
Two cylinders,2-stroke
Spark plug
Recommended fuel
Unleaded regular gasoline
Bore X stroke
Mixing ratio
Overall length
Fuel tank cap acity
Overall width
Recommended engine oil
2-stroke engin e oi l
Over all height
Recommended transom height
Trim stages 4 Weight 63Kg Gear r eduction rat i on 11
Main performance:
Items Data Items Data
Maximum output
18.4Kw/5000rpm(25HP) Tightening
torque for
Spark plug 18.0Nm
22 Kw/5500rpm(30HP) Full throttle operating range 4500~5500rpm Idl i ng speed (in neutral) 1100±50rpm
2. Operation
2.1 How the Jet Drive operates
A jet driven outboard mot or has substantial ly diff erent handling char acteristics comp ared to a propell er driven outboard motor. It is recommended that the operator adjusts to these characteristics by experimenting in open w ater at b ot h hig h a nd l ow sp e eds. The d riv esh aft dr iv en im p eller dr aws w at er up thro ug h the water i nt ake and then redirect s it at a hi g h pressure through th e water o ut let n oz zl e to cr eate forw ard thr ust. To obt ain r ever se , th e rev ers e ga te m ove s ov er th e o utl et n ozzl e to d ir ect t he w ater in th e opposit e di r ection.
A-Water intake B-Water outlet nozzle C-Reverse gate
When the jet drive is in neutral, the impeller continues to rotate. However, the reverse gate is positioned so that some o f the f or w ar d thrus t i s d i v erted to cr ea te rev er s e t hr us t. Thi s ap proximate b al a nc ing of for ward and r evers e t hr us t wil l m i nim i z e any boa t m ovem ent . B ecause t h e i m p el l er i s al w a y s r otating and c reati ng thrust when the engine is running, the boat may te nd to m ove sl ow ly forw ar d or bac k ward. Thi s is normal for a direct-drive jet dri ve n boa t. Th e oper ato r sho u ld be aware of th is and use cau t ion when ev e r the engi ne is running.
Avoid inj ur y res ulti ng from c ontac ti ng th e r otati ng im pel ler or hav i ng h air, c lot hing , or loos e obj ects drawn into the water intake and wrapping around the impeller shaft. Stay away from the water intake and never insert an object into the water intake or water outlet nozzle when the engine is running. The j et d riv e is al w ays d raw ing wa ter i nto t h e hou sing wh en the e ngi ne i s run ning . D o not op er ate the j et dr ive w ith the g rate rem oved from the w ater intak e. Ke ep hands, feet , hair, loos e clo thing , life jackets, etc ., away fr om the wa ter intake. Nev er insert an object i nto the water int ake or water o utlet nozzle when the engine is running. In an em ergency, putting the jet outboard into reverse an d appl ying rever se throttle can rapidly slow dow n th e bo at and red uc e s top pi ng d is tanc e. H ow ever, s uc h a m an euv er m a y ca us e occ upa nts i n the boat to be thrown forward or possibly out of the boat.
2.2 Steering the boat
The j et dr iv e i s d ependent on w a t er jet t hr ust for ste er i ng th e b oat. If t he water jet thr u st should ever s t op (wat er bloc kag e, engi ne st ops, etc .), t he boat w ill s low t o a stop . How ever, whi le sl owing ther e will be a reduced ability to steer the boat.
Steering the vessel in a tight turn can result in loss of boat control. In some cases, the boat can spin out or roll ov er, causing serious injury or dea th. Avoid steering beyond the capab ilities of the vessel, especially at high speeds. A loss or r educ tion i n wat er jet t hrus t will dir ectly affe ct bo at dir ectio nal co ntrol, and may res ult in pr op er ty damag e , perso n al i nj ury, or de at h. Bo at d i r ectional contr ol can also be substantially red uced or lost altog ether by a s udde n los s of pow er s uch as run ning out of gas, quickl y back in g off t he thr ottle, turni ng off the ig niti on sw itch , activ ati ng th e l anyar d s top sw itc h, or p lug gi ng t h e wat er inta ke to t he je t pum p . U s e cauti o n when m aneuv er i ng at high speeds in areas wher e d eb r i s ( weeds, logs, gr avel, e tc . ) could be picked up into the jet drive. The ability to take evasive action is dependent on sufficient water jet thrust to control the boat. W hile s teeri ng th e bo at at eng in e spe ed s ab ove id le, t he b oa t wi ll resp ond q uickl y; b ut , due to the relat i v ely fla t-bottom hul l s and lack of a g e ar c ase in the water, the boat w i l l tend to sk id on t ur ns. Tur ns must be started early and use sufficient power to maintain steering control.
2.3 Mooring the Boat
Be sure to tilt the jet drive out of the water when the boat is pulled onto a beach or tied to a dock in shallow water. Failure to do this may cause the water intake housing to fill with sand or debris and could prevent the outboard from cranking over for starting.
A rotating impeller could cause injury if contact is made with hands, clothing, or tools. To avoid injury, keep hands and clothing away from the inlet or outlet of the jet drive, regardless of whether the boat is in the water. Secure tools and loose items to avoid being struck by projectiles as a result of contact with the rotating impeller, and to prevent damage to the impeller. A larg e am ount of deb ris b eing drawn int o the water inta ke m ay res ult i n a loss of p ower. Int ake sucti on hol di ng d eb ri s ag ai nst the gr at e w ill res ult i n r est ric ted wa ter fl ow. S hutt i ng t he e ngi ne of f m a y allow the debris to fall off the intake grate allowing full power to be restored. If debris does not fall off the intake grate, the engine must be shut off and debris physically removed from the grate.
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