Parrot SPECCHIO User Manual [no]

Technical specification.....................
General information..........................
p.04 p.09 p.19 p.27 p.35 p.37
- Installing the frame
- 相框的安装
- Using the frame with a memory card
- 相框和记忆卡的使用
- Using the frame via USB
- 通过USB使用相框
- Using the frame with a USB flash drive / digital camera
- 相框和U盘/数码相机的使用
- Sending pictures from a phone via Bluetooth
- 手机蓝牙发送图片
- Using the frame with an NFC phone
- 相框和NFC(近场通信)手机的使用
Installing the frame
Refer to the diagram p.4.
1. Screw the metal rod into the back of the frame. > If you rotate the frame, the picture displayed turns to match the new position of the frame.
2. Connect the power cable connector to the transformer and plug it into an electrical socket. > The frame automatically switches on.
3. Select your country.
Scrolling through the menus
You can scroll through the menus using the buttons on the back of the frame.
This button allows you to access the main menu and to confirm a selection. It also allows you to enter the context menu on each picture.
Using the Parrot frame by Szekely for the 1st time..........
Installing the frame............................................................
Scrolling through the menus..............................................
Using the virtual keypad.....................................................
Using the Wi-Fi
function ..................................................
Connecting the frame to a Wi-Fi network..............................
Accessing the web interface.............................................
Receiving pictures by email...............................................
Display photo albums on line.............................................
Display pictures stored on a computer..............................
Transfer photos to the Parrot frame by Szekely via Wi-Fi...
Using the Bluetooth
Pairing the frame with your phone.....................................
Sending pictures from a Phone or PDA via Bluetooth......
Using the frame with an NFC phone..................................
Sending pictures from a PC via Bluetooth........................
Using the Parrot frame by Szekely via USB......................
Using the
frame with a computer.......................................
Using the frame with a USB flash drive
/ digital camera.................................................................
Using the frame with a memory card................................
Using the video mode.........................................................
Sending a video to the
Watching a video..............................................................
Managing the pictures........................................................
Copying / moving pictures................................................
Deleting pictures...............................................................
Arranging pictures.............................................................
Preparing a slideshow.......................................................
Using the Parrot frame by Szekely for the 1st time
09 09 09 10
10 10 11 11 12 12 12
13 13 13 13 14
14 14
15 15 15
15 15 16 16 17
Depending on the frame’s orientation, these buttons allow you to select a picture or navigate through the context menus.
In slideshow mode, you can also use the navigation buttons to access the context menu.
Depending on the frame’s orientation, the left or down buttons also allow you to exit the menus.
You can also navigate through the menus of the frame and browse through your pictures using your PC. To do so, select the
icon on the web interface. Refer to the Accessing the web interface section for more information.
Using the virtual keypad
• The virtual keypad is
displayed when you have to enter the WEP or WPA code to esta- blish a connection with your Wi-Fi network. The virtual keyboard is also displayed if you want to modify the
Bluetooth name of the frame or if you want to associate it to a new E-mail address.
• Select a key using the navigation buttons then conrm by
pressing the central button.
Using the Wi-Fi function
Connecting the frame to a Wi-Fi network
1. Go to the main menu and select Settings > Wi-Fi >
> The connection window appears.
You can also use the web interface to change the name of the frame. Refer to the Accessing the web interface section for more information.
Key Functions
Save the text
Display capital letters, figures, punctuation marks and special characters
Delete a character
Go back to previous menu
Depending on the model of your modem or router, you might have to press the synchronisation button. Refer to your device’s documentation for more information.
2. Select Configure. > A Wi-Fi network search is launched.
3. Select your network from the provided list or select Others to configure your network manually.
4. Enter your WEP or WPA code using the virtual keyboard then select
. > You are now connected to your Wi-Fi network. > Once the connection has been established, a window appears containing all the information relating to the Wi-Fi connection.
• Once the connection has been established, you have the
possibility to activate / deactivate the connection. You can do that by selecting Settings > Wi-Fi > Connection >
Activate / Deactivate.
Accessing the web interface
In order to access the web interface, make sure that your PC is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the frame.
1. Read the IP address assigned to your frame. To do so, select Settings > Info.
2. Launch your web browser and enter the IP address in the address bar.
► Refer to the Connecting the frame to a Wi-Fi network section for more information.
Receiving pictures by email
We advise you to create a specific email address for your frame.
1. On the web interface, click on
2. In the Email account space, click on
associate an email address with frame.
3. Enter your connection identifiers in the corresponding fields.
Refer to your email service documentation for information on the server and the protocol.
> All the pictures that you receive on this email account from now on can be accessed via the frame, by selecting Route >
Directory > Email.
You can also associate an email address directly from the frame. To do so, select Settings > Wi-Fi >
Email > Add an Email account.
Display photo albums on line
1. Create an account on a photo server and mark the identifier associated with the album that you wish to display on the frame or note down the URL for the RSS flow associated with this album.
2. On the web interface, click on
3. In the Registered feeds space, click on
associate an RSS flow with the frame.
4. Select your photo server, enter the identifier associated with the selected album then the password if necessary or enter the URL address of the RSS feed.
5. Click on Save.
> The images contained in the associated album can then be accessed on the frame by selecting Route >
Directory > RSS Flow.
You can also associate RSS feeds directly from the frame by selecting Adjustments > Wi-Fi > RSS >
Add new flow.
Display pictures stored on a computer
1. On your computer, activate sharing on the pictures directories you wish to display on the frame.
2. On the web interface, click on
3. Click on Add a share and select your computer. > The pictures contained in the shared directory are accessible from then on the frame.
Transfer photos to the frame via Wi-Fi
1. If you are using:
- a PC, click on Start > Network Favourites > Entire
network > Microsoft Windows Network
- a Mac, select Go > Network.
An RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed is a flow of free content coming from internet sites. Thanks to RSS feeds and photo management and sharing tools on line such as Flickr
or PicasaTM, photo albums published on the website can be displayed on your frame. Once the RSS feed is associated to your frame, the photos are automatically updated.
For more information, go to:
RSS Feed
You can also associate a computer directly from the frame. To do so, select Settings > Wi-Fi > PC
connection > Add a share.
2. Double-click on the Frames directory. > You will access the content of the frame.
You can also transfer your images on a peripheral connected to frame.
3. Transfer the pictures into the Internal Memory file.
Using the Bluetooth function
Pairing the frame with your phone
Depending on the model of your phone / computer, this phase might be optional. However, it will enable you to send your photos to the frame more quickly.
1. Ensure that Bluetooth is activated on the frame. To do so, press the central button and select Settings >
Bluetooth > Enabled.
2. Activate Bluetooth on your phone / computer then search for Bluetooth devices. Refer to the user guide of your device for more information.
3. Select «Szekely Frame» in the list of Bluetooth devices proposed by your phone / computer.
4. On your phone / computer, enter the code «0000». > Your two devices are now paired.
Sending pictures from a Phone or PDA via Bluetooth
1. Ensure that Bluetooth is activated on the frame. To do so, press the central button and select Settings >
Bluetooth > Enabled.
2. Activate Bluetooth on your phone / PDA.
3. On your phone/PDA, go to the Pictures menu. Select a picture and choose «Send via Bluetooth». Your device starts searching for Bluetooth peripherals.
4. Once the search has finished, select « Szekely Frame».
5. If your device prompts you to enter a code, type «0000». > The picture is then sent to the frame. > During transmission, the Bluetooth icon appears on the screen and the picture is displayed.
Several pictures can be sent at a time, though this feature will depend on your device.
Using the frame with an NFC phone
To send a picture to the frame from an NFC phone:
1. On your phone, select the picture you want to send.
2. Touch the frame with your phone:
- on the top left of the frame if it is in landscape mode
- on the top right of the frame if it is in portrait mode.
> A confirmation message is displayed on your phone.
3. Select Yes.
Sending pictures from a PC via Bluetooth (Windows, Linux)
1. Ensure that Bluetooth is activated on the frame. To do so, press the central button and select Settings >
Bluetooth > Enabled.
2. Activate the Bluetooth feature on your computer.
3. Right-click on the picture that you wish to send and choose «Send via Bluetooth». > Your PC will search for any nearby Bluetooth peripherals.
4. Select «Szekely Frame».
5. Type «0000» if your PC prompts you to enter a code. > During transmission, the Bluetooth icon appears on the screen and the picture is displayed.
It is also possible to send pictures from a Mac.
Using the Parrot frame by Szekely via USB
Refer to the diagrams p.05.
Using the frame with a computer
To send pictures from a computer via USB:
1. Connect the frame to your PC with the USB cable. > The computer detects a new device.
2. Copy your JPEG pictures to the frame as if you were using an USB flash drive.
3. Disconnect the cable from the frame.
• Once connected to your computer, your frame works as
a USB flash drive. It means that you can copy, move, rename and delete the pictures stored in the frame.
Using the frame with a USB flash drive / digital camera
1. Insert your USB flash drive in the USB port located at the back of the frame or connect your digital camera using the USB cable provided with your camera. Refer to your
To disconnect the frame from your computer, double click on the «Safely remove hardware» icon located at the bottom right of your task bar.
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