Parker Hannifin Filter-Driers User Manual

climate control
electromechanical filtration fluid & gas handling hydraulics pneumatics process control sealing & shielding
Catalog A-1, January 2020
Failure or improper selection or improper use of the products described herein or related items can cause death, personal injury and property damage.
This document and other information from Parker Hannin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.
The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the nal selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors.
To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specications provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specications are suitable and sufcient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems.
The items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker Hannin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by the provisions stated in the detailed “Offer of Sale” elsewhere in this document or available at
Catalog A-1, January 2020 supersedes Catalog A-1, February 2019 and all prior publications.
Catalog A-1, Filter-Driers / Page 1
Table of Contents
Liquid Line Filter-Driers
Introduction to Filter-Driers......................................................2
Copper Service Filter-Driers .....................................................3
Gold Label™ Liquid Line Filter-Drier (LLD Series) ...................................5
Sahara Series™ Liquid Line Filter-Driers (SS Series) ................................8
Gold Label™ Bi-Flow Filter-Driers (BF Series) ......................................9
Sahara Series™ Bi-Flow Filter-Driers (SSBF Series)................................10
Suction Line Filter-Driers
Gold Label™ Suction Line Filter-Driers (SLD Series) ................................11
Replaceable Core Shells, Cores and Element
Replaceable Core Filter-Drier Shells .............................................13
Replacement Filter Element and Cores ...........................................15
Recovery and Reclaim Filters and Pre-Filters
PF Series ....................................................................17
SPD Series ...................................................................17
OEM Components
Loose-Fill Copper Filter-Driers..................................................18
Loose-Fill Spring-Loaded Copper Filter-Driers ....................................19
Hydrocarbon Optimized Filter-Driers .............................................22
Terms of Sale With Warranty Limitations ............................................23
Page 2 / Catalog A-1, Filter-Driers
Introduction to Filter-Driers
The function of a lter-drier in a refriger­ation system is to remove contaminants that are harmful. If these contaminants remain at elevated levels, they will jeopardize the longevity of the system. Contaminants that are frequently found include moisture, acid, copper oxides, metal chips, wax-like compounds and others.
Selecting a lter-drier for a particular application requires various technical factors to be considered. These factors include the type of system, connecting line size, water capacity, ow capacity (size of system), ltration capability, acid capacity, material of construction (steel vs. copper), and design pressures. Evaluation of each factor is necessary to ensure proper and economical lter­drier design.
Parker has developed lter-drier recom­mendations based on current technical data, as well as many years of actual eld experience. Products are tested for ow and water capacity using the American Society of Heating, Refrig­eration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 63.1 and are rated for use based on the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute’s guideline AHRI-710. Data obtained from this testing is shown in the capaci­ties tables for liquid line lter-driers and can be used for comparison purposes. However, other factors must be consid­ered for various types of equipment.
Moisture Removal
The ability to remove moisture from a refrigerant system is a primary function of the lter-drier. Moisture can come from many sources such as trapped air from improper evacuation, system leaks, and motor windings, to name a few. Another source is due to improper handling of polyolester (POE) and poly­vinyl ether (PVE) lubricants, which are hygroscopic; that is, they readily absorb moisture. POEs and PVEs can pick up more moisture from their surround­ings and hold it much tighter than the mineral oils which have been used for
many years. This moisture can cause freeze-ups and corrosion of metallic components. Moisture in the system can hydrolyze the POE lubricant, forming organic acids. These acids, if they exist in signicant quantity, will react with materials within the system and can ad­versely affect component operation. To prevent the formation of these acids, the moisture must be minimized. This is ac­complished by the use of a lter-drier that utilizes molecular sieve and acti­vated alumina.
Molecular sieves are crystalline sodium alumino-silicates (synthetic zeolites) having cubic crystals which selectively adsorb molecules based on molecular size and polarity. The crystal structure is honeycombed with regularly spaced cavities or pores. Each of these cavi­ties or pores are uniform in size. This permits molecules, such as water, to be adsorbed, while allowing other larger molecules, such as the refrigerant, lubri­cant and acids to pass by. The surface of the desiccant is charged positively with cations, which act as a magnet and will therefore adsorb polarized molecules, such as water, and hold them tightly on the structure.
Acid Removal
Refrigerants by themselves are very stable, even when heated to a high tem­perature. However, certain conditions do occur which can result in the forma­tion of acids. The reaction of refriger­ants with water may cause hydrolysis and the formation of hydrochloric and hydrouoric acids. These acids are usu­ally present as a gas in the system and are highly corrosive. In ordinary usage this reaction is negligible, but in a very wet system operating at abnormally high temperature, some hydrolysis may occur.
Another signicant source of acid­ity in refrigeration systems is organic acid formed from lubricant breakdown. As previously discussed, this can be the by-product of the hydrolyzed lu­bricant. However, organic acids can
result from an oxidation reaction of the lubricant (from air left in the system) or if the thermal stability of the lubricant is exceeded for a period of time from an improper operating system.
Activated alumina is the desiccant of choice if added acid capacity is desired in the lter-drier. Many of the copper spun lter-driers referenced in this cat­alog are made with a 100% molecular sieve formulation and are not equipped with activated alumina. This is often all that is required for the type of system where they are used, since they mini­mize the potential of hydrolysis reac­tions of the lubricant and/or refrigerant. Copper lter-driers are designed with a molecular sieve to achieve the maxi­mum water capacity because they are typically smaller than the steel counter­part and need this capacity. However, copper spun lter-driers are available with molecular sieve/activated alumina formulations if desired.
For steel shell lter-driers, catalog prod­ucts often utilize a molecular sieve/ac­tivated alumina formulation appropriate with current system chemistries. These products come standard with this desic­cant blend because these products often nd numerous applications in service where the type and amount of con­taminants are unknown. For these ap­plications, lter-driers with a blend of molecular sieve and activated alumina is advantageous.
Scale, solder particles, metallic nes and all types of foreign substances must be removed to protect the compressor, solenoid valves, expansion valves, cap­illary tubes and other close tolerance parts of a refrigeration system.
The solution to system ltration is the use of a lter-drier. The lter-drier can be constructed in two different formats to perform this function. The lter-drier can be a spring load desiccant design that utilizes multiple layers of a brous media that captures the circulating
Introduction to Filter-Driers
Catalog A-1, Filter-Driers / Page 3
particulate. The alternate design (always used in large systems) is a molded core made with a specic desiccant formu­lation. The desiccants are sized and bonded in such a way that the useable shape provides the ltration. The large particles are caught on the surface of the core and the smaller solids are captured as the refrigerant channels through the desiccant core.
Steel vs. Copper
The major differences in using steel vs. copper lter-driers are the system sizes and applications. Copper lter-driers are normally used in 5 ton and smaller, less
complex applications, including systems with less pressure uctuations and lower vibration tendencies. Some smaller sys­tems do not require high ltration capa­bilities; however, some of the smaller systems using the new refrigerants will require better ltration. In order to meet these requirements, a molded core construction and lter-driers with addi­tional brous media and screen should be considered. Also, copper is typically the most economical option for smaller systems. Because copper driers are used for smaller applications, the refriger­ant charge required will generally be smaller than in the steel lter-drier.
Copper Service Filter-Driers
Parker’s copper service lter-driers adsorb moisture and provide ltration to systems in the eld. The features of the copper service lter-driers are provided below.
Working psi: 700
Working psi: 500
Information regarding operating pres­sure is required to adequately size the wall thickness of the lter-drier to attain the ultimate burst pressure, for both cop­per and steel. In accordance with Under­writers Laboratories (UL), the burst pressure is rated as ve times the design working pressure of the system, or three times the design working pressure of the system when evaluated using the fatigue stress test outlined in UL 207. Typically, for copper lter-driers, the design work­ing pressure can be correlated to tube diameter and wall thickness to meet specic UL specications.
 Air conditioning, heat pump, and small
refrigeration systems
Features and Benefits
 Made in the USA
 Worldwide OEM acceptance and usage
 All copper construction for corrosion
resistance and simplified brazing
 100% molecular sieve
 Compatible with commercially available
refrigerants and lubricants
 UL Recognized SMGT2/SMGT8-SA1756
Working psi: 700
Working psi: 500
Working psi: 750
Working psi: 750
Working psi: 750
1638F (Formerly CO73S)
Working psi: 750
Note: For models 319F and 1638F, the “F” represents UL fatigue qualification, not flare fittings.
Page 4 / Catalog A-1, Filter-Driers
Copper Service Filter-Driers
Model No.
MMS-80 058070-01 10g
MMS-100 058198-01 10g 3/4” directional 500 34.5 0.75 19 7.24 184 1/4 3/16 1/4 3/16
MMS-200 032134-01 20g
712 032092-01 10g 3/4” directional 500 34.5 0.75 19 7.31 186 1/4 3/16 — .089 - .092 cap. tube 319F 032144-01 30g 1-3/16” directional 619 032142-01 10g 3/4” w/access valve 0.75 19 7.98 203 1/4 3/16 — .089 - .092 cap. tube 620 032133-02 20g 1” w/access valve 1.00 25 8.54 217 5/16 1/4 — .127 - .130 cap. tube 621 032143-01 20g 1” w/double inlet 1.00 25 7.87 200 5/16 1/4 — .127 - .130 cap. tube 1638F
(Formerly CO73S)
Part No.
032145-00 28g 1-5/8” directional 1.63 41 4.38 111 3/8 3/8
3/4” Non-directional
(Not for Bi-Flow applications)
1” directional with 3 step
down fitting sizes
psi bar Inches mm Inches mm
700 48.3 0.75 19 7.24 184 1/4 3/16 1/4 3/16
700 48.3 1.00 25 10.07 256
750 51.7
1.19 30 8.63 219 5/16 1/4 — .127 - .130 cap. tube
Tube Size
1/4 3/16 1/4 3/16
5/16 1/4 5/16 1/4
3/8 5/16 3/8 5/16
Tube Size
Model No.
MMS-80 058070-01 1/3 1.17 1/4 0.91 1/2 1.76 1/2 1.80 MMS-100 058198-01 1/3 1.17 1/4 0.91 1/2 1.76 1/2 1.80 MMS-200 032134-01 3/4 2.64 1/2 2.05 1 3.52 1 3.60 712 032092-01 1/3 1.17 1/4 0.91 1/2 1.76 1/2 1.80 319F 032144-01 1 3.52 3/4 2.73 2 7.03 2 7.20 619 032142-01 1/3 1.17 1/4 0.91 1/2 1.76 1/2 1.80 620 032133-02 1 3.52 3/4 2.73 2 7.03 2 7.20 621 032143-01 1 3.52 3/4 2.73 2 7.03 2 7.20 1638F
(Formerly CO73S)
Part No.
032145-00 4 14.1 3 10.94 4 14.1 4 14.41
R-134a R-404A, R-502, R-507 R-22 R-410A
Tons kW Tons kW Tons kW Tons kW
Recommended Tonnages / kW
Water Capacity In Drops (Grams*) at AHRI-710 Conditions
Model No.
MMS-80 058070-01 33 30 29 27 32 31 32 30 33 30 MMS-100 058198-01 33 30 29 27 32 31 32 30 33 30 MMS-200 032134-01 66 61 59 54 65 62 65 60 66 61 712 032092-01 33 30 29 27 32 31 32 30 33 30 319F 032144-01 99 91 89 82 97 93 97 90 99 91 619 032142-01 33 30 29 27 32 31 32 30 33 30 620 032133-02 66 61 59 54 65 62 65 60 66 61 621 032143-01 66 61 59 54 65 62 65 60 66 61 1638F
(Formerly CO73S)
Part No.
032145-00 92 85 83 76 91 86 91 84 92 85
R-12 R-22 R-134a R-401A, R-401B R-402A, R-402B
Water Capacity in Drops
Model No.
MMS-80 058070-01 32 30 26 23 19 17 30 28 MMS-100 058198-01 32 30 26 23 19 17 30 28 MMS-200 032134-01 65 61 52 47 39 34 60 57 712 032092-01 32 30 26 23 19 17 30 28 319F 032144-01 98 91 78 70 59 52 91 85 619 032142-01 32 30 26 23 19 17 30 28 620 032133-02 65 61 52 47 39 34 60 57 621 032143-01 65 61 52 47 39 34 60 57 1638F
(Formerly CO73S)
* 20 Drops = 1 Gram = 1 cc
Part No.
032145-00 91 85 73 66 55 48 85 80
R-404A, R-507 R-407C R-410A R-502
75°F (24°C) 125°F (52°C) 75°F (24°C) 125°F (52°C) 75°F (24°C) 125°F (52°C) 75°F (24°C) 125°F (52°C)
Water Capacity in Drops
Catalog A-1, Filter-Driers / Page 5
Gold Label™ Series Liquid Line Filter-Driers
LLD Series
Features and Benefits
 Made in the USA
 Unsurpassed moisture capacity and
maximum filtration capability for today’s systems
 Compatible with all commercially avail-
able refrigerants including R-410A
 Compatible with mineral oil, alkybenzene
and POE lubricants
 Solid molecular sieve core
 Solid copper ODF solder fittings and
nickel plated steel SAE fittings
 Powder paint exterior coating surpasses
500 hour ASTM salt spray test to resist corrosion
 Maximum Rated Pressure of 650 psig
(44.8 bar).
 UL Listed under SMGT/SMGT7-SA1756
Leaf-spring holds core firmly in place and provides shockproof assembly for rugged handling
Solid molecular sieve core delivers outstanding filtration capability while providing exceptional water and acid capacity
Robust molded core eliminates the possibility of desiccant breakdown
Polyester pad seals core to shell wall to prevent refrigerant bypassing core, provides added filtration
Corrosion resistant epoxy coating
Solid copper fittings
Compatible with HCFC, HFC and the new HFO/R32 blend refrigerants
Water Capacity In Drops (Grams*) at AHRI-710 Conditions
Model Series
LLD-030 71 66 78 74 78 73 55 49 42 37 LLD-050 177 160 196 185 194 182 127 115 87 78 LLD-080 250 230 277 262 273 257 180 162 124 111 LLD-160 358 325 395 375 389 367 258 232 178 159 LLD-300+ 755 698 826 786 822 773 579 521 446 397 LLD-410+ 1053 973 1151 1096 1145 1078 806 726 622 554 LLD-600+ 1607 1485 1757 1673 1748 1645 1231 1109 949 846
* 20 Drops = 1 Gram = 1 cc +
Molded solid core
75°F (24°C) 125°F (52°C) 75°F (24°C) 125°F (52°C) 75°F (24°C) 125°F (52°C) 75°F (24°C) 125°F (52°C) 75°F (24°C) 125°F (52°C)
(60 ppm)
(50 ppm)
R-404A, R-507
(50 ppm)
(50 ppm)
(50 ppm)
Refrigerant Holding Capacity – Ounces (kg) of Refrigerant @ 100°F (38°C)
Model Series
LLD-030 1.9 0.05 1.7 0.05 1.8 0.05 1.5 0.04 1.5 0.04 1.5 0.04 1.8 0.05 LLD-050 3.3 0.09 3.0 0.09 3.0 0.09 2.6 0.07 2.8 0.08 2.6 0.07 2.9 0.08 LLD-080 6.1 0.17 5.5 0.16 5.6 0.16 4.8 0.14 5.3 0.15 4.8 0.14 5.4 0.15 LLD-160 9.1 0.26 8.2 0.23 8.4 0.24 7.1 0.20 7.8 0.22 7.2 0.20 8.0 0.23 LLD-300 26.7 0.76 24.2 0.69 24.5 0.69 20.7 0.59 20.8 0.59 21.1 0.60 24.4 0.69 LLD-410 37.3 1.06 33.8 0.96 34.2 0.97 29.0 0.82 29.0 0.82 29.4 0.83 34.1 0.97 LLD-600 71.3 2.02 64.5 1.83 65.3 1.85 55.3 1.57 56.5 1.60 56.2 1.59 65.2 1.85
R-12 R-22 R-134a R-404A, R-507 R-407C R-410A R-502
Ounces kg Ounces kg Ounces kg Ounces kg Ounces kg Ounces kg Ounces kg
Page 6 / Catalog A-1, Filter-Driers
Gold Label™ Series Liquid Line Filter-Driers
Type LLD
Flow Capacity – Tons of Refrigeration at 1 psid (0.07 bar)
032 450270-001 1/4 SAE Flare 4.24 108 1.78 45
032MF 450272-001 1/4 male x female flare 3.93 100 1.78 45 052 450274-001 1/4 SAE Flare 4.72 120 2.45 62 052S 450275-001 1/4 ODF Solder 4.26 108 2.45 62 053 450276-001 3/8 SAE Flare 5.16 131 2.45 62 4.1 14.4 3.8 13.3 2.7 9.5 3.8 13.3 4.0 14.0 053S 450277-001 3/8 ODF Solder 4.40 112 2.45 62 4.7 16.5 4.3 15.1 3.1 10.9 4.3 15.1 4.5 15.8 082 450278-001 1/4 SAE Flare 5.62 143 2.69 68 082S 450279-001 1/4 ODF Solder 5.16 131 2.69 68 083 450280-001 3/8 SAE Flare 6.06 154 2.69 68 4.5 15.8 4.2 14.7 3.0 10.5 4.2 14.7 4.4 15.4 083S 450283-001 3/8 ODF Solder 5.30 135 2.69 68 5.2 18.3 4.7 16.5 3.4 11.9 4.7 16.5 5.0 17.6 DSG-083S+ 450294-001 3/8 ODF Solder 7.66 194 2.69 68 5.2 18.3 4.7 16.5 3.4 11.9 4.7 16.5 5.0 17.6 084 450284-001 1/2 SAE Flare 6.32 161 2.69 68 8.1 28.4 7.4 26.0 5.5 19.3 7.5 26.3 7.9 27.7 084S 450285-001 1/2 ODF Solder 5.42 138 2.69 68 8.7 30.5 7.9 27.7 5.9 20.7 8.0 28.1 8.5 29.8 163 450286-001 3/8 SAE Flare 6.72 171 3.03 77 4.5 15.8 4.2 14.7 3.0 10.5 4.2 14.7 4.4 15.4 163S 450288-001 3/8 ODF Solder 5.96 151 3.03 77 5.2 18.3 4.7 16.5 3.4 11.9 4.7 16.5 5.0 17.6 DSG-163S+ 450295-001 3/8 ODF Solder 8.30 211 3.03 77 5.2 18.3 4.7 16.5 3.4 11.9 4.7 16.5 5.0 17.6 164 450289-001 1/2 SAE Flare 6.98 177 3.03 77 10.1 35.5 9.3 32.6 6.8 23.9 9.3 32.6 9.8 34.4 164S 450291-001 1/2 ODF Solder 6.08 154 3.03 77 11.0 38.6 10.1 35.5 7.3 25.6 10.1 35.5 10.7 37.6 165 450292-001 5/8 SAE Flare 7.28 185 3.03 77 12.1 42.5 11.0 38.6 8.2 28.8 11.1 39.0 11.7 41.1 165S 450293-001 5/8 ODF Solder 6.32 161 3.03 77 13.8 48.4 12.6 44.2 9.2 32.3 12.7 44.6 13.4 47.0 303 450030-001 3/8 SAE Flare 9.69 246 3.00 76 5.44 19.2 4.89 17.1 3.49 12.2 5.19 18.2 5.29 18.5 303S 450031-001 3/8 ODF Solder 8.86 225 3.00 76 6.15 21.5 5.57 19.5 3.98 13.9 5.92 20.7 6.03 21.1 304 450032-001 1/2 SAE Flare 9.94 252 3.00 76 10.75 31.6 9.69 33.9 6.92 24.2 10.30 36.1 10.48 36.7 304S 305 450033-002 5/8 SAE Flare 10.19 259 3.00 76 14.71 51.4 13.29 46.5 9.49 33.2 14.13 49.5 14.38 50.3 305S 450043-001 5/8 ODF Solder 9.24 235 3.00 76 16.26 56.9 14.66 51.3 10.47 36.6 15.58 54.5 15.86 55.5 307S 450055-001 7/8 ODF Solder 9.30 236 3.00 76 20.15 70.5 18.18 63.6 12.98 45.4 19.32 67.6 19.67 68.8 415 450057-001 5/8 SAE Flare 10.38 264 3.50 311 14.71 51.4 13.29 46.5 9.49 33.2 14.13 49.5 14.38 50.3 415S 450047-001 5/8 ODF Solder 9.43 240 3.50 311 16.26 56.9 14.66 51.3 10.47 36.6 15.58 54.5 15.86 55.5 417S 450058-001 7/8 ODF Solder 9.49 241 3.50 311 23.12 80.9 20.84 72.9 14.88 52.1 22.15 77.5 22.54 78.9 607S 450118-001 7/8 ODF Solder 15.11 384 3.50 311 24.32 85.1 22.04 77.1 15.74 55.1 23.42 82.0 23.84 83.4 609S 450117-001 1-1/8 ODF Solder 15.99 406 3.50 311 26.80 93.8 24.27 84.9 17.33 60.7 25.79 90.3 26.26 91.9
DSG models include Integrated PSG Moisture Indicator Sight Glass.
450046-001 1/2 ODF Solder 9.00 229 3.00 76 12.44 43.5 11.23 39.3 8.02 28.1 11.94 41.8 12.15 42.5
Fitting Type
Overall Length
Inches mm Inches mm Tons kW Tons kW Tons kW Tons kW Tons kW
1.50 5.3 1.3 4.6 1.0 3.5 1.3 4.6 1.4 4.9032S 450273-001 1/4 ODF Solder 3.78 96 1.78 45
2.1 7.4 1.9 6.7 1.4 4.9 1.9 6.7 2.0 7.0
2.1 7.4 1.9 6.7 1.4 4.9 1.9 6.7 2.0 7.0
Flow Capacity – Tons (kW) @ 1 psid (0.07 bar)
R-22 R-134a R-404A, R-507 R-407C R-410A
ODF Solder SAE Flare
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