ACR Series products are used to control electrical and mechanical
components of motion control systems. You should test your motion system
for safety under all potential conditions. Failure to do so can result in damage
to equipment and/or serious injury to personnel.
ACR series products and the information in this guide are the proprietary property of Parker Hannifin
Corporation or its licensers, and may not be copied, disclosed, or used for any purpose not expressly
authorized by the owner thereof.
Since Parker Hannifin constantly strives to improve all of its products, we reserve the right to change this
guide, and software and hardware mentioned therein, at any time without notice.
In no event will the provider of the equipment be liable for any incidental, consequential, or special
damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any
way connected with the use of the equipment or this guide.
Step 17a) Configure the Overrides ....................................................................................................... 28
Step 18. Starting ACR-MOTIONMAX for the First Time.................................................................. 29
Running ACR-MOTIONMAX for the First Time................................................................................ 29
Appendix A. ACR-MOTIONMAX Parameters............................................................. 30
ACR-MOTIONMAX Installation Guide
Chapter 1Introduction and System Overview
ACR-MOTIONMAX interfaces to the Parker-Acroloop Motion Card with 32bit Signal Banks provided on
the Motion Card. The Control system communicates with AcroBasic through the Matrix of 5 signal Banks
as shown in the following Chart. The Key bank of signals is the “Control Signals” (Bits 128 to 255) these
Signals are the Main interface between ACR-MOTIONMAX and the users AcroBasic programs.
The Strategy of the ACR-MOTIONMAX Software System is, “ACR-MOTIONMAX is a Core System
that’s designed to stay the same…you simply edit the AcroBasic programs and ACR-MOTIONMAX’s
Parameters to accommodate your particular application.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Control System Bit Signal Banks
Table 1:
Signal Bank NameAcroloop Bit Address’sDescription
ControlSignals128 to 255Bit Addresses Reserved by ACR-MOTIONMAX
MCode Bits1920 to 2047MCodes … M00 to M127 Respectively
Master flags512 to 544Servo Motion State Flags
Inputs0 to 31 …256 to 287[Default … Ext. I/O Bank 1]
Outputs32 to 63 … 288 to 319[Default … Ext. I/O Bank 1]
M S & T Code Sequencing
ACR-MOTIONMAX Executes M S or T Codes by setting an M/S or T Code bit (1920-2047… M00-
M127) and an associated M/S or T Strobe Signal Bit. These bits are picked up by a looping P
and serviced.
rogram 1
All M S and T Codes Sent by ACR-MOTIONMAX are accompanied with a following M S or T
Strobe Signal.
The AcroBasic Program1 Intercepts M, S, T Codes and acts on them if its Strobe Signal is =1.
When the AcroBasic MS or T Code Function completes it must! set the associated Done Bit signaling
ACR-MOTIONMAX to continue.
Strobe & Done Signals Table:
Signal NameAddressFunction
M Done147Set by AcroBasic when the M-Code is Completed
S Done148Set by AcroBasic when the S-Code is Completed
T Done149Set by AcroBasic when the T-Code is Completed
M Strobe150Set By ACR-MOTIONMAX along with MCode Bit Pointer of subroutine
to Execute
S Strobe151Set by ACR-MOTIONMAX along with the new Dac value in
T Strobe152Set by ACR-MOTIONMAX along with the new Tool code in
Jogging Functions
ACR-MOTIONMAX Handles all Jogging internally and uses parameters in the Parameters.Cfg file for
Normal and Fast Jog speed settings as shown below.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Installation Guide
Homing & HandWheel
ACR-MOTIONMAX accomplishes two special machine functions Homing / HandWheel Step Mode
Functions by calling Subroutines in Prog0.8k Directly at assigned addresses, as shown in Diagram. 1.1
The user simply edits the AcroBasic code of the subroutines to accommodate their application. These
Functions are provided to facilitate the many types of homing a user may require. ACR-MOTIONMAX
simply calls the subroutines at dedicated address of prog0 to execute.
System Overview Diagram
ACR-MOTIONMAX Installation Guide
Control Signals
Bank 1
Bits 128 - 255
"User" AcroBasic Program Template Layout
(40) Setup Gearing
End of Prog
Bank 2
Bits 1920 to 2047
M Codes
Bits 512 to 544
Master Flags
Progam 1Program 0
Bit 143
= 1 ?
Bank 3
Bits 0 to 31
Inputs Bank0
Bits 256 to 287
Inputs Bank 1
Line 5Line 4
( Line 6 )
Bank 4
Bit 145
=1 ?
Bank 5
Bits 32 to 63
Outputs Bank 0
Bits 288 to 319
Outputs Bank 1
( 30000 )
Do Control Initialazation
MotionMax Internal
Operator Interface
GCode File Editor
G Code Processor
Graphics Engine
ACR-MC Core Dll
Tool/Work Offsets
MDI Functions
(50) X1 Gearing
(60) X10 Gearing
(70) X100 Gearing
(100) X Homing
(200) Y Homing
(300) Z Homing
(400) 4 Homing
(1500) Move Z to
Tool Change Pos.
(1600) Spindle Orient
Program 1 Calls these
2 Functions
fot ToolChanges
ACR-MOTIONMAX to AcroBasic System Start up
MStrobe = 1
STrobe = 0
(Line 7)
SStrobe = 1
(Line 8)
TStrobe = 1
(Line 9)
( 10000 )
General Handler
(11 to 150 )
EStopReset PBF-Hold PB
( 8000-8999 )
( 9000 to 9999 )
(1000 to 7999 )
Do MCode
S Code
Done ?
T Code
Done ?
M Code
Set S Done
Set T
Error Msg. System
( 40500 )
Set M Done
Clear All M
Control Ready Bit (143) … This bit will Be Set =1 when ACR-MOTIONMAX initializes and is up
and running. This signal tells the AcroBasic program to start Looping as shown in figure 1.2.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Installation Guide
Control Initialized bit (145)… Tells ACR-MOTIONMAX that the machine is initialized (Drives
Ready) and ready to Run. Insert your Drive Ready and any other initialization code in this function
(30000) to inform ACR-MOTIONMAX that initialization is complete and the machine is ready to run.
Program1 is the Main AcroBasic Program, all MS & T Codes are sent from ACR-MOTIONMAX and
processed in Program1 as shown.
ACR-MOTIONMAX AcroBasic Project Template Files
When ACR-MOTIONMAX is installed it will install an AcroBasic Template Project so the end user can
insert AcroBasic code into ACR-MOTIONMAX’s Predefined Structure of programs and subroutines to
form a repeatable control system. This Project is located in…
“C:\Program files\Parker\ACR-MOTIONMAX\AcroBasicFiles”
…and contains 5 files. Copy these files to your Acroview Default Project Folder.
AcroBasic Template Files list:
Prog0.8k:Sets Axis and Variable Definitions and Axis Homing and Spindle Orient Subroutines.
Prog1.8k:Contains the M S T Code Processing Code, and all other General Machine Functions.
PLC0.8k:Contains a Sample Lube System Code Ladder Program.
Sys.8kDefines System Memory Allocations on the Acroloop Card
Gains.8kDefines All initial Axis Gains.
Note: The Gains are overwritten when ACR-MOTIONMAX loads as ACR-MOTIONMAX uses the Gain
Defined in the Parameters.Cfg file so be sure to duplicate them in the Parameters.Cfg file.
Setting the Sys.8k file for Programs & Variable Memory Allocation
ACR-MOTIONMAX must be configured with enough memory in the SYS. 8k file, for the type of card
PCI buss type cards use DPCB (Dual Port Cache Buffer), ISA buss type cards use FIFO(First in First Out)
Edit the 2 parameters of the SYS.8k file depending on the type of card your using (PCI is Default).
If using PCI CardIf using ISA Type Card
Clear DPCBClear FIFO
Dim DPCB (4096)Dim FIFO (4096)
Sys.8k File listing for PCI Type Controller
REM-----Clear out old allocations----SYS
REM-----Allocate system memory----DIM PROG0 (35000)
DIM PROG1 (35000)
DIM PROG2 (5000)
DIM PLC0 (5000)
DIM P (24)
DIM DEF (300): REM Allocate Bit Variable Space for 300 Variables
CLEAR DPCB: REM Clear PCI Buss Type Cache Buffer
DIM DPCB (4096): Rem Allocate for PCI Type Cache Buffer
Defining Bit Variables in AcroBasic
ACR-MOTIONMAX Installation Guide
The Dim DEF (300) parameter in the
progo.8k to allow all bits to called with a Variable Name. No Punctuation is allowed in the variable name
and must be proceeded with #Define statement as shown. See Prog0.8k header.
Example & Format:
REM Input Bit Definitions
#DEFINE INPFeedHoldButton BIT1
should not be changed and is used in the AcroBasic file
M Code Sequence Examples:
ACR-MOTIONMAX MCodes (Bits 1920 to 2047) = M00 to M127
ACR-MOTIONMAX uses these bits to tell the AcroBasic Program which MCode Subroutine to Call.
Do not use any of these bits in your AcroBasic Programs they are reserved for ACR-MOTIONMAX
MCodes are triggered by Setting a MCode Bit (Bits 1920 to 2047) and an M Strobe Bit (150) signal bit.
Then the AcroBasic Program Prog1 will parse and call the appropriate MCode subroutine for execution and
return setting the MDone (Bit 147) Signal. ACR-MOTIONMAX will not execute another MCode or Gcode
if MDone = 0.See Prog1.8k line 6
M Code Sequence: M08 … Coolant On
[ACR-MOTIONMAX Sequence][AcroBasic Action]
1) Sets bit 1928M08 does nothing
2) Sets Bit 150M Strobe3) Parses the MCode bit and Calls Subroutine to be serviced
4) Returns with Mdone=1 and the Mstrobe=0 and Bit 1928=0
5) Continues
S Code Sequence: S2000
[ACR-MOTIONMAX Sequence][AcroBasic S Code Handler Action]
1) Writes Dac5 Val to P6480does nothing
2) Sets the Gear Range Bits
3) Sets the S Strobe Bit 1514) Processes gear change if required
5) Enables Axis if was running previously with new Dac Value
6) Waits for Spindle to get up to Speed
7) Returns with S Done=1 and the S Strobe=0
T Code Sequence: M6 T2
[ACR-MOTIONMAX Sequence][AcroBasic T Code Handler Action]
1) If new T Code is different Does nothing
From the Current tool then
Set 159 (ToolChangeRequest)
2)Set 1926 (M6 bit)
3) Set new Target into P6775
4) Set M Strobe ( Bit 150)
5) Set T Strobe (Bit 152)7) Service M6 Code if ToolChangeRequest = 1
8) Clear ToolChangeRequest and M/T Strobe =0
9) Return with M/T Done Bits = 0.
Chapter 2 Setting up Installing ACR-MOTIONMAX
Install ACR-MOTIONMAX with the Install Program. (Install_ACR-MOTIONMAX.exe)
ACR-MOTIONMAX Installation Guide
Print the following 2 Files for Reference after ACR-MOTIONMAX has been installed:
Reference Files
Print the following 2 files for reference:
“C:\Program Files\Parker\ACR-MOTIONMAX\Docs\Default Bit Definitions.xls.”
This file contains a Complete Bit Map of the ACR-MOTIONMAX System. This file is an Excel
spreadsheet for your reference and is your best resource to understanding how ACR-MOTIONMAX
communicates with the Parker-Acroloop Controller and AcroBasic.
“C:\Program Files\Parker\ACR-MOTIONMAX\Docs\Parameter_Definitionst.xls” in the ACRMOTIONMAX/Docs Sub Folder. This file describes the functions of all Parameters in the Parameters.Cfg
file that ACR-MOTIONMAX uses at runtime
Parameters.mdb Contains Machine Parameters (Used by ACR-MOTIONMAX Only)
Parameters.CfgContains Machine Parameters
I/O.CfgContains Control I/O Map
UserDefined.Err Contains User Defined Error Strings
ToolTables.Mdb Contains Tool Tables Database (Used by ACR-MOTIONMAX Only)
Tool.tblContains Current Runtime Tool & Offset Information
ViewPorts.Cfg Used By DLL to Define Zooming and Viewport Options at runtime.
MoveLog.txt Text file listing of all moves and Mcodes that ACR-MOTIONMAX executes.
User.txtText log file of all functions that the operator does.
ACR-MOTIONMAX_Install_Guide.pdfThis Manual
Programmers Reference Manual.pdfG-Code Reference Manual
ControlSignalsDef.docControl Signals Reference Manual
Default Bit Definitions.xlsThe ACR-MOTIONMAX I/O Map Reference
MasterVectorInstructions.txtServo Firmware upgrade instructions
Parameter_Definitionst.XLSListing of all ACR-MOTIONMAX User Parameters
ACR-MOTIONMAX System Setup Diagram
ACR-MOTIONMAX Installation Guide
Getting Started
Install AcroBasic SDK Software
Install MotionMax Software
Print Reference Manuals
Edit & Print Usert I/0 Map
Copy MotionMax AcroBasic Template Project to Acroview folder
Edit Acrobasic Program 0
Set Encoder Resolutions PPU
Set Encoder Multipliers MULT
Download to Servo Flash
Test & Phase Basic Servo Motion
Tune Servo Drives (Set Gains)
Configure Homing Functions
Configure I/0 Bit Variable Assignments
Save Setting to the Flash
Edit Acrobasic Program 1
Edit Initialzation Code
Edit MCode Functions M00 to M127
Edit S Code Function
Edit T Code Function
Edit Estop Function
Setup Error Msg System Strings
Test MCodes
Save Setting to the Flash
Edit MotiomMax Parameters.cfg
Configure #Encoder Resolutions
Configure #of Axis
Configure Gains
Configure Encoder Multipliers
Setup Speeds & Acceleration/
Setup Jog Speeds & Acceleration/
Configure ToolChanger
Configure Spindle Gear Ranges
Configure Inposition Bands
Configure Axis Backlash Values
Configure Axis Travel for Graphics
Configure Overrides
Start Using MotionMax
ACR-MOTIONMAX Installation Guide
Step 1. Install the Parker-Acroloop SDK (Software Development Kit)
Install the Parker-Acroloop SDK to your PC with the CD shipped with your Controller Card.
Important! When installing the SDK be sure to select the Type of Controller you’re using.
Step 2. Install ACR-MOTIONMAX to your PC
Install ACR-MOTIONMAX with the Install Program. (
Do not attempt to run ACR-MOTIONMAX attached to your machine until you have
completed the following tests in AcroBasic!
Disconnect all ServoMotors from any leadscrews or mechanism in case of axis runaway for the initial
setup phase.
Test Emergency Stop Circuitry & OverTravels
Emergency Stop Must Stop all Axis’s & (Spindle/Laser if equipped)
OverTravels Must Stop all Axis’s & (Spindle/Laser if equipped)
Set And Confirmed Encoder Resolutions and Multipliers
Phased the Motors Directionally
Set Axis Gains and can control Motors at the AcroView Command Line.
Duplicate the Encoder PPU / Gains Setting to the Parameters.Cfg file for ACR-MOTIONMAX
When handling OverTravels, most drives have 3 enables to aid in stopping an axis, Drive Enable,
Forward Enable and Reverse Enable.
Never simply cut main power to the drive in case of Emergency Stop or OverTravel.
Most Drives use Regenitive braking that is disabled if you cut power to the Drives.
If you simply cut the Power to the Drives they will just coast to zero speed and may destroy an Axis.
Instead of stopping the Machine in a Controlled Manner using the drives Internal Braking Power.
The idea here is “If your Amp can’t stop your Axis in a Controlled Manner, The Amp is to Small to
Control your Axis at Full Speed Accurately”.
Always Wire the OverTravels & Estop System into the Drive Enables as shown
Emergency Stop
Fwd. Over Travel Switch
Rev. Over Travel Switch
Servo Drive
Fwd. Enable
Rev. Enable
Signal Comm.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Installation Guide
Step 3. Print Reference Files
Print the following 2 files for reference:
C:\Program Files\Parker\ACR-MOTIONMAX\Docs\Default Bit Definitions.xls.”
This file is a Complete I/O Bit Map of the ACR-MOTIONMAX System Signal Banks. This file is an
Excel spreadsheet for your reference and is your best resource to understanding how ACR-MOTIONMAX
communicates with the Parker-Acroloop Controller and AcroBasic.
folder to C:\Program files\Parker\Acroloop\Acroview\Projects\Default folder. If you already have
code in the AcroView default folder it will be overwritten so back it up in necessary.
Open AcroView and Edit Prog0
Don’t Download to Card when prompted by Acroview yet.
Edit Prog0 @ 6 and configure the Axis Encoder Resolutions and Multipliers
Set the PPU Values (Encoder Resolution) for your application… Units = XXXX Counts per 1” of
Example: PPU X4000 Y4000 Z4000
Mult X1 Y1 Z1
contained in the ACR-MOTIONMAX\AcroBasic sub
Step 5. Download Project to Controller Flash.
Download All AcroBasic Programs to the Servo Cards Flash and save it with (No Errors).
Note: to enable error checking … right click in the lower window and select “Logging”. Next
download the file to the card. AcroView writes a log file that resides in the AcroView folder.
Open this file with notepad or create a shortcut to it on your desktop, as you will probably look at
this file hundreds of time to check the program for errors.
When all Programs are Downloaded Error Free. Type the Following at the Command line.
Flash Save
Step 6. Test & Phase the Motor/Encoders
Phasing is correct when the Axis Readout Increments when moved in a positive direction on your machine.
Enable your Drives manually and type the following at the Command line:
While watching the Readouts on the Top Upper left of the AcroView Screen.
Repeat for All Attached Axes.
The X Axis Motor should move 1 inch positive, and in a direction you consider to be Forward on your
Machine. If it doesn’t the Motor is Out of Phase and the Mult Parameter/Encoder or DAC lines will need to
be changed.
To Change Motor Direction using Parameters:
Set the MULT Parameter to –1 for the AxisAxis0 MULT –1
Reverse the Dac Gain for the AxisDac0 Gain -3276.8
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