Typographi cal Convent i ons .......................................................................................................................... 4
About This Guide ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Terms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... 6
About Parallels Business Automation - Standard 8
Parallels Business Automation - Standard Deployment ............................................................................... 9
Parallels Business Automation - Standard Distribution .............................................................................. 16
Preparing for Installation ............................................................................................................................ 16
Disk Partitioning .............................................................................................................................. 16
Security and Network S ettings ........................................................................................................ 17
Services/Daemons to be Enabled..................................................................................................... 18
Time Synchr onization...................................................................................................................... 18
Installing Parallels Business A utomation - Standard .................................................................................. 19
Start Working 27
Browsers Compatible with Pa rallels Business Automation - Standard ...................................................... 27
Connecting to Parallels Busine ss Automation - Standard Browser-Based Tools ....................................... 27
Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the documentation conventions
used in it.
The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.
Formatting convention Type of Information Example
Special Bold
buttons, or items in a list.
and subsect ions.
placeholder, which is t
replaced with a real name or
files, directories, and do main
Go to the System tab.
Read the Basic Administration
The system supports the so
called wildcard character
licenses directory.
Preface 5
On-screen computer output in
other programming
# ls –al /files
Preformatted Bold
What you type, contrasted
screen computer
# cd /root/rpms/php
ames of keys on the
Key combinations for which
the user must press and hold
your command-line sessions;
source code in XML, C++, or
with onoutput.
total 14470
down one ke y and the n press
If you have found a mistake in this guide, or if you have suggestions or ideas on how to improve
this guide, please send your feedback using the online form at
http://www.parallels.com/en/support/usersdoc/. Please include in your report the guide's title,
chapter and section titles, and the fragment of text in which you have found an error.
About This Guide
This Guide includes useful information from installation preparation (system requirements and
compatibility issues) and step-by-step installation procedure, to the most general
recommendations on working with Parallels Business Automation - Standard.
Preface 6
T erms and Abbreviations
Apache Web Server - A public-domain open source web server (often referred to as simply
Browser - GUI-based hypertext client application, such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and
Chrome, used to access hypertext documents and other services located on innumerable remote
servers throughout the WWW and Internet.
Container, CT - Parallels Virtuozzo Container that behaves just like a standalone physical
FQDN - Fully Qualified Domain Name. A fully qualified domain name consists of a hostname
and domain name, including top-level domain. For example, www.yourcompany.com is a fully
qualified domain name. www is the hostname, yourcompany is the second-level domain, and
.com is the top level domain. A FQDN always starts with a host name and continues all the way
up to the top-level domain name, so www.affiliate.yourcompany.com is also a FQDN.
GUI - graphical user interface. User environment that uses pictorial as well as textual
representations of the input and output of applications and the hierarchical or other data
structure in which information is stored. Conventions such as buttons, icons, and windows are
typical, and many actions are performed using a pointing device (such as a mouse).
Hardware Node - A sever that runs Parallels Virtuozzo Containers, Parallels Plesk Control
Panel, or Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder, registered in Parallels Business Automation - Standard
database, managed from Parallels Business Automation - Standard and used to provide services
for customers. Servers that are not used for such services provisioning, but registered in
Parallels Business Automation - Standard are also called Hardware Nodes, or just 'nodes'.
HN - Hardware Node.
Host - Computer system on a network. Similar to node, except that host usually implies a
computer system, whereas node generally applies to any networked system, including access
servers and routers.
Hostname - name given to a host (for example, to a Server). Example:
HSP - Hosting Service Provider.
IP address - 32-bit address assigned to hosts using TCP/IP. Each address consists of a network
number, an optional subnetwork number, and a host number. The network and subnetwork
numbers together are used for routing, while the host number is used to address an individual
host within the network or subnetwork. A subnet mask is used to extract network and
subnetwork information from the IP address.
Management Node - a server that runs Parallels Business Automation - Standard.
Node - The same as Hardware Node.
Preface 7
Password - A secret series of characters that enables a user to access a file, computer, or
program. On multi-user systems, each user must enter his or her password before the computer
will respond to commands. The password helps ensure that unauthorized users do not access the
PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor, an open source, server-side, HTML embedded scripting
language used to create dynamic Web pages.
Public-key encryption - A cryptographic system that uses two keys -- a public key known to
everyone and a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message.
Script - A list of commands that can be executed without user interaction.
SSL - Short for Secure Sockets Layer, a protocol transmitting private documents via Internet.
SSL works by using a public key to encrypt data being transferred over the SSL connection.
Subscription - Hosting services provided for a certain period at a certain price.
Trial Period - A period of time you can use some services or goods for free, i.e., try them.
Trial Subscription - A subscription with trial period when you can use a Hosting Plan for free,
i.e., try it.
Upload -Copy data from a local computer to a remote computer. The opposite of download.
URL - Short for Uniform Resource Locator, a way of specifying the location of publicly
available information on the Internet in the form. The first part of the address indicates what
protocol to use, and the second part specifies the IP address or the domain name where the
resource is located. For example, the URL below points to a file at the domain
Container - Virtuozzo Container powered by Parallels Virtuozzo Containers technology.
Web Server - A computer that delivers (serves up) Web pages.
About Parallels Business Automation Standard
Parallels Business Automation - Standard is an end-to-end sol ution for h os t i n g s e r vi c e provi d ers
(HSPs) and Internet Data Centers covering full life-cycle of HSP/IDC operations. Based on the
patent-pending Virtuozzo™ virtualization, resource management and clustering technologies,
Parallels Business Automation - Standard allows HSPs to drastically decrease the cost of
operating hosting business while increasing revenues, developing new reseller channels, and
improving utilization of hardware and personnel resources.
The Parallels Business Automation - Standard allows provisioning the wide range of hosting
Dedicated (physical server):
Virtuozzo Node - physical server with Parallels Virtuozzo Containers installed and
ability to create virtual private servers and sell them to customers. Virtuozzo dedicated
hosting can be provided for Resellers. Provider can manage a Hardware Node on the
system level plus fully automated billing is provided.
Node - physical server with an arbitrary software installed. In this case, a Provider can
bill the customer that have purchased the server and manage the dedicated subscription.
It is not possible to manage the server on the system level using the Provider Control
Center tools.
Plesk Node - physical server with Parallels Plesk Control Panel installed and ability to
provide the shared hosting.
Container (Virtuozzo Container):
Generic (with root access or without root access), Parallels Virtuozzo Container that
Plesk Shared (Plesk Domain) with ability to create website, upload filed and images,
manage database.
About Parallels Business Automation - Standard 9
Plesk Client with ability to manage Plesk Domains.
Domain Registration.
Miscellaneous (custom and non-hosting services).
One-time fee items (custom and non-hosting service without subscription).
More information about Parallels Business Automation - Standard and its many features is
available in the Parallels Business Automation - Standard Provider's Guide.
In This Chapter
Parallels Business Automation - Standard Deployment ....................................................... 9
Parallels Business Automation Standard Depl oyment
Parallels Business Automation - Standard's modular design consists of several subsystems:
Provider Control Center (HSP GUI). Browser-based tool for the Hosting Service
Provider. Includes the customizable online store and front-end website. Provider Control
Center allows managing all the Parallels Business Automation - Standard tools and
supervising Resellers' online stores. In addition a Provider can log in to any Reseller Control
Center or any of Provider's customers' Control Panels.
Reseller Control Center (Reseller GUI). Browser-based tool for the reseller. Provides
access to the functionality of Parallels Business Automation - Standard components
(directors and managers) available for the reseller plus customizable online store and frontend website.
Note: Each Control Center allows hosting services provisioning with access to the Parallels
Business Automation - Standard Control Panels.
Customer Control Panel. Browser-based tool for customers. Allows managing customer
account, pay orders and invoices, upgrade subscriptions, buy new hosting plans. For
Virtuozzo Container subscriptions, three additional tools are available. Each of these tools
can be installed in a Container as an application, and since these tools provide a kind of a
Control Panel superstructure, these applications are also called Control Panels. Each Panel
Application is intended for different users with different level of the system administration
knowledge, with different privileges (end-users receive the My Control Panel):
Workgroup Administrator Control Panel (WACP). The set of tools for small
company administrator or workgroup administrator (or workgroup users without the
dedicated administrator). It hides from the user the complexity of server administration
and allows users without deep system administration knowledge to perform simple tasks
like mail management and website deployment.
System Administrator Control Panel (SACP). The set of tools for the system
administrator that allows managing Container. Users should have the basic system
administration knowledge. SACP allows a customer to configure Container services and
users, configure mail, manage databases.
About Parallels Business Automation - Standard 10
My Control Panel (MyCP). Br owser-based end-user self-management tool that allows
managing user personal information, configuring e-mail autoresponders, configuring
mail forwarding to an external address, both uploading and managing files in user home
Note: It is possible to integrate the custom e-commerce solutions with Parallels Business
Automation - Standard using the API provided. For more details on customization, please refer
to the Parallels Business Automation - Standard SDK.
The following Account types exist within Parallels Business Automation - Standard system:
Provider Account (only one Account of such type can exist within your Parallels Business
Automation - Standard system). This Account is being registered during installation;
procedure. All persons associated with Provider Account are considered as Provider staff
members with particular access permissions to Parallels Business Automation - Standard
Provider Control Center. The number of Provider staff members that can concurrently log in
to the Provider Control Center is defined by the Parallels Business Automation - Standard
Reseller Account. Reseller Accounts are being registered using the Business Director -
Channel Manager. The number of Reseller Accounts is defined in the Parallels Business
Automation - Standard License. All persons associated with Reseller Account are
considered as Reseller staff members with particular access permissions to Parallels
Business Automation - Standard Reseller Control Center.
Customer Account. Customer Accounts are being registered using the Business Director -
Accounts Manager. Customer Accounts can be of two types: personal or business. All
persons associated with Customer Account have access (login and password) to Parallels
Business Automation - Standard Control Panels.
Licensing Issues
In respect to Parallels Business Automation - Standard, a License should be considered as a file
that contains specific data. This data defines the overall number of accounts (Reseller, and
Customer ones) a Provider can create and the set of applications installable inside Virtuozzo
Containers (Application templates).
License certificate is issued by Parallels. It can be installed via Parallels Business Automation Standard web-based interface. For Licenses management purposes (install, track usage, and
order new license), the special component – License Manager is provided within the Parallels
Business Automation - Standard under the Configuration Director.
If you are planning to sell Plesk domains in your HSPstore, please install the Plesk licenses on
each of Plesk nodes.
Please, refer to the Parallels Business Automation - Standard Provider's Guide for detailed
instructions on how to order and install License certificates.
Note: If you are installing Parallels Business Automation - Standard inside Virtuozzo
Container, you will need to install Parallels Virtuozzo Containers License on the node that hosts
this Container using the command line control tools.