key. From IDLE, press Options (the 0
key) repeatedly until you see the desired
option listed below. Then press ENTER.
See pages 19 - 26 for details.
[SPD] Speed Alter the Fast, Medium, or Slow speeds of a
Cone-Fire program. (Pg 19)
[OFST] Cone Offset AdjustCone-Firetomatchthebend
ing of the witness cone. (Pg 20)
[COOL] Slow Cooling Turn on controlled cooling in
Cone-Fire. This can dramatically affect glazes. (Pg 21)
[FAN] Vent Fan Select when the vent fan will operate in
Cone-Fire. (This is an optional kiln upgrade.) (Page 21)
[DIAG] Amperage Test Find out why your kiln is slowing
down. Kiln must be equipped with an amp sensor. (Pg 21)
[TC] Thermocouple Type Select Type K, N, S or R thermo
couple. Use caution! Selecting the wrong type can over or
underfire your kiln. (Pg 21)
[F/C] Select °F or °C temperature display. (Pg 22)
[TCOS] Thermocouple Offset If your controller is firing too
hot or cold, adjust the thermocouple setting. (Pg 22)
[AOP1] [AOP2] AOP Outlet Select vent fan or alarm if
your kiln has an auxiliary output. This is a special-order kiln
feature. (Pg 22)
[RATE] Rate Calculation Type Your controller is set for
degrees-per-hour rate by default. You can change the rate
to temperature-reached-in-elapsed-time. (Pg 23)
[CENT] Electric Rate Enter rate shown on electric bill so
your controller can estimate the firing cost. (Pg 23)
[KW] TheCosttoFireKilnEnter your kiln’s wattage. (Pg
[TEDE] Temperature Deviation Set temperature sensitivity
for FTH, FTC & LTdE errors. (Pg 24)
[HTDE] High Temperature Error Code Change the high
temperature shutoff setting. (Pg. 24)
[SFTY] Maximum temperature rating of your kiln. (P 25)
[LIM] Set Max. Temp. Set your own maximum tempera
[ELEC] Electronics Temp. Check the circuit board tem
perature for overheating. Useful in the summer. (Pg 25)
[LOCK] Program Lock Make a program tamper-proof.
Lock individual Ramp-Hold programs. (Pg 25)
[CFG] Configuration Code For technicians. (Pg 26)
[SOFT] Software # (Pg 26)
[TEST] Element Test (Pg 26)
[RST] Reset Removes the thermocouple offset and returns
the board to factory defaults. (Pg 26)
[DIFF] Difference Multi-zone kilns: Shows the difference in
temperature between top and bottom zones. (Pg 26)
[T123] Zone Temperatures Multi-zone kilns: Shows the
temperature of each zone. (Pg 26)
Thank you for purchasing
the Sentry 3.0 temperature
controller. As you read the
manual, pull up a chair and
sit in front of your kiln so
you can try out the keys.
The controller display
messages are limited to
four characters. If at any time you are con
fused by thesemessages, turn toAppendix
A: Display Messages on pages 30 - 31.
The back cover is a shorthand guide to
programming, to be used after you have
read the programming instructions on
pages 10 and 14.
Do not worry if you hear a clicking noise
during operation. Mechanical relays click
as they turn the heating elements on and
off. This is normal.
The warranty on your Sentry controller
does not coverdamage from overfiring,regardless of the circumstances. It is the operator’s responsibility to make sure the
kiln turns off at the end of the firing.
Instructions for multiple-zone kilns are
included in this manual. If you are not sure
whether your kiln is multiple-zone, look
into the firing chamber. If you see two or
three thermocouple tips, your kiln is mul
tiple-zone. If you see only one thermocou
ple, skip multiple-zone instructions.
New Features With the Sentry 3.0, we
are introducing the amperage test (DIAG
option, page 21). The controller now has
35 programs in Ramp-Hold, with 20 seg
ments each. Lock individual programs
with Program Lock (page 25). Adjust the
maximum temperature of your kiln (page
25), and use a rate of tempera
ture-reached-in-elapsed time if you pre
Keep the kiln lid or door closed when the kiln is not in use.3
Safety Rules
The warranty on your Sentry controller does not cover
damage from overfiring, regardless of the circumstances.It
is the operator’s responsibility to make sure the kiln turns
off at the end of the firing.
Follow these safety rules in addition to the ones in your
kiln manual:
When the kiln is not in use, disconnect the
power and keep the lid or door closed. (For
larger kilns with heavy cordsets, we recommend
a power disconnect box near the kiln.)
Large studio kilns should have a power disconnect box for the
kiln. Place the box in the kiln room.
Do not leave the kiln unattended, especially
near the expected shut-off time. Do not leave a
kiln turned on at your studio while you are at
home sleeping.
Wear green #3 firing safety glasses when look
ing into the peephole of a hot kiln.
Do not touch hot sides of kiln. Keep unsuper
vised children away.
Install your kiln at least 12 - 18 inches from any
wall or combustible surface. (See manufac
turer’s recommendation for your model.)
Do not open lid or door until kiln has cooled and
all switches are off.
Fire only in a well-ventilated, covered and pro
tected area away from flammable materials.
Keep cordset away from hot sides of kiln.
heating elements with anything. Disconnect
kiln before servicing.
Do not operate if the controller itself is hotter
than 158°F / 70°C. (See instructions on page 25
for checking circuit board temperature.) Never
allow the firing room temperature to exceed
110°F / 43°C. (Measure room temperature
three feet from the kiln.)
Stop a firing by pressing the STOP button, not
by disconnecting the power. In certain condi
tions, the controller will interpreta power inter
ruption as a power failure and turn the kiln back
on when you reconnect the power.
Place the kiln on the stand recommended by the
manufacturer. When a kiln is safety tested, the
lab fires the kiln on the stand designed for the
kiln. Cinder blocksor brickscan inhibit the flow
of air under the kiln. They can also change the
kiln’s heating characteristics.
Place the kiln on a non-combustible surface.
Keep the kiln lid or door closed when the kiln is
not in use. This keeps dust out of the kiln. Also,
should someone turn on the kiln while you are
away, the closed lid will keep the heat safely inside the firing chamber.
Never place anything on the kiln lid, even when
the kiln is idle. If people become accustomed to
placing papers and other objects on the kiln,
they may forget and do that while the kiln is firing.
Remove all tripping hazards from around the
kiln. Keep the kiln’s supplycord out of traffic areas.
Avoid extension cords.
Never fire tempered glass inside a kiln. It could
Greenware, which is unfired clay, must be bone
dry before firing. Moist greenware can explode
inside the kiln, damaging the ware and the kiln.
Place a piece of greenware against the inside of
your wrist. If it feels cool, it is too wet to fire.
Store kiln shelves in a dry area. Moist shelves
can explode inside a kiln.
If you smell burning plastic, turn the kiln off.
Examine the wall outlet and supply cord for
signs of burning.
Never place extra insulation around the kiln in
an attempt to conserve energy. The extra insu
lation can cause the wiring and the steel case to
Cone-Fire / Ramp-HoldDo not leave your kiln unattended during operation.
Chapter 1
Basic Pointers
In This Chapter you will learn to . . .
Choose between Cone-Fire and Ramp-Hold
Use the controller in freezing or hot weather
Understand the display window layout
Easily repeat the last firing
Make a quick visual check of your thermocouple
Avoid overfiring your kiln
Two Ways to Fire Your Controller
The Sentry fires in two modes:
Cone-Fire, based on pyrometric cones (page 10).
Quickly program a ceramic firing by selecting a cone
number and firing speed.
Ramp-Hold is for those who want to design their own
firing schedules. Program custom firing rates and target
temperatures (page 14).
Ceramic kilns come with both Cone-Fire and
Ramp-Hold. Heat treating, glass fusing, and enameling
kilns come with Ramp-Hold only.
1 From [IDLE] display, press 1. If [CONE] appears,
you have Cone-Fire mode. If the 1 key does not respond, you have Ramp-Hold mode only.
2 Press STOP to bring thecontroller back to [IDLE] .
If you have Ramp-Hold only, skip pages 10 - 13.
Hot and Cold Weather; Storage Sheds
It is okay to store the Sentry at sub-zero temperatures.
But before operating, raise the room temperature to at
least 32°F / 0°C.
The Sentry will register sub-zero °F / °C temperatures.
However, 32°F / 0°C is the lowest recommended operating
Pointer: Raise the room temperature with a space
heater before firingthe kiln.Place thespace heater
within a couple of feetof thecontrol panel and let it
run for an hour or so. Or even hang a shop light
Hot weather pointer: Blow a gentle stream of air through the control
panel of thekiln to reducethe temperature of thecontroller circuit board.
near the kiln to raise the temperature above
The circuit board is rated for 176°F / 80°C maximum op
erating temperature. However, the maximum recom
mended temperature is 158°F / 70°C, measured at the con
troller inside thekiln switchbox. Tolower the temperature,
open windows and blow air across the kiln’s switch box with
a fan. Place several fans in the room during hot weather.
(See page 25 to check circuit board temperature.)
High humidity will not adversely affect the Sentry unless
water condenses on the circuit board. In this case, do not
fire the kiln until the moisture has evaporated from the
Try to avoid firing your kiln during thunderstorms. Keep the kiln discon
nected from the power when not in use.(Lake Grapevine, Texas. Photo by
Jared Davidson.)
Thunder Storms and Power Surges
Unplug the kiln when not in use, especially during thunder storms and in areas that have frequent power surges. If
the kiln is part way through a firing when a storm begins, it
may be okay to continue the firing. When the kiln shuts off,
disconnect the power.
CAUTION: When firing the kiln during a storm,
do not leave the kiln unattended.
How to Read the Display
Center Dot: Time
A center dot appears when
time is displayed. The dot sepa
rates hours from minutes (i.e. 1
hour, 30 minutes = 01.30). Dur
ing temperature display, the dot
Three-Light Display
The Sentry turns on the heat
ing elements through relays.
Power outputlights appear in the
right side of the display when the
Sentry sends a signal to turn on the relays. This lets you
know when the elements turn on.
Single-Zone Kiln When theSentry turns onthe relays,
the lights will appear. The number of lights that appear
depend on the number of relays in your kiln.
Multiple-Zone Kiln The top light indicates power to
the top section of the kiln, the middle light power to the
middle section, and the bottom light power to the bot
Keep the kiln lid or door closed when the kiln is not in use.5
tom section. (Two-zone kilns: The middle light does not
turn on.)
Note: Though poweroutput lightsare on,mechan
ical problems canprevent the elements themselves
from turning on.
Single Right-Hand Dot: °C
When temperature is dis
played in °C, a dot appears in the
lower right. In°F display,it disap
pears. You can choose between
Fahrenheit and Celsius display.
SeetheF/Coption, page 22.
IDLE Display: Kiln is Ready to Begin
The controller displays [IDLE]
when you first apply power to the
kiln. Operation begins from
[IDLE]. You can’t fire the kiln
[IDLE] appears. It means the kiln is ready to be pro
grammed or to begin firing.
If you press STOP during a firing, [ABRT] will appear.
To get back to
If the display shows an error message such as [FAIL] in
stead of
(See pages 27 - 29 for error messages.)
[CPLT] (firing completed) appears at theend of a firing.
To make
[IDLE], press any key.
[IDLE], Press any key to make [IDLE] appear.
[IDLE] appear, press any key.
CPLT Message: Firing Completed
When the firing has successfully completed, the Sentry
will beep for 60 seconds and shut off the elements. Then
four messages will cycle one after the other:
1 [CPLT] (complete)
2 Firing time in hours and minutes
3 The temperature reached during the last segment
that you programmed
4 The current kiln temperature
Note: After the kiln fires to completion, discon
nect the power. It is okay to turn off the power to
the controller while the kiln cools to room
Note: If the temperature alarm sounded (see page
9) before the kiln fired to completion, you will see
[ALAR] instead of [CPLT].PressENTER.
[CPLT] will appear.
LID Display
This indicates that your kiln is equipped with a lid or
door safety switch,and thelid or door is open. Thiswill turn
off the elements.
If your kiln does not have a safety switch, or the kiln is
closed, please see page 28.
Repeat Firings
To repeat the last firing, pressENTER from [IDLE].The
kiln will begin firing. This works in both Cone-Fire and
Ramp-Hold. But first,make sure you arerepeating the cor
rect firing by using Program Review (see page 8). For re
peat firings thatyou don’twant toinadvertently change,see
Program Lock, page 25. Program Lock is especially useful
in classroom settings.
Thermocouple Inspection
The small rod protruding into the firing chamber is the
temperature sensor, or thermocouple.
CAUTION: Bumping the thermocouple canpush
it out of the firing chamber. This could cause an
overfire! The controller does not contain an alarm
to detect this type of failure. Bumping the thermo
couple could also cause inaccurate readings.
Thermocouples come in different widths. The wider the
thermocouple, the farther it should extend into the firing
chamber. A ¼” - ½” diameter
thermocouple should extend
into the kiln about ¾” - 1”. (Do
not be concernedif yourthermo
couple extends into the firing
chamber even farther.)
Note: Keep shelves, posts
and ware 1” - 1 ½” away
from the thermocouple.
Keep an extra thermocouple on hand, especially if
you fire hotter than 2000°F /
If you are using a separate portable controller, you will
need to install the thermocouple on the kiln. See the sepa
rate TnF 2 installation instructions.
Pointer: Keep shelves,
posts and ware 1” -1 ½”away
from the thermocouple.
Preventing an Overfire
Even though a digital controller turns off the kiln auto
matically, you should monitor the kiln during firing. This is
to prevent a possible overfire.
1 Remain nearby while the kiln is firing. Check the
kiln occasionally.
2 Set the temperature
alarm (page 8) to re
mind yourself to check
the kiln. If you are too
alarm, you mighttry us
ing a baby monitor.
3 After the kiln fires to
completion, disconnect
the power. It is okay to
turn off the power to
the controller while the kilncools to room temper
Pointer: Set a wristwatch alarm,
cell phone, or even an alarm clock
to remind you to check on your
6 Cone-Fire / Ramp-HoldDo not leave your kiln unattended during operation.
Chapter 2
The 12 Keys
In This Chapter you will learn to . . .
Check for mistakes before firing a program
Edit a program during a firing
Delay a firing to suit your schedule
Know which segment is firing at any time
Set an audible temperature alarm
Find out the electrical cost of a firing
Correcting Entries
If you enter the wrong temperature, cone, time, etc.,
while programming, enter 0000. Then enter the correct
numbers before pressing ENTER. See also the Stop/Back
Key, page 10.
Note: During programming mode on the previous
Sentry 2.0 controllers, the display went back to
[IDLE] if you paused for one minute. On your new
Sentry 3.0, the display will no longer time out dur
ing programming. You must advance or go back to
exit programming.
The 1 Key / Cone-Fire
Cone-Fire mode fires yourkiln to a pyrometriccone. See
Chapter 3, page10, for details. To find out if your Sentryincludes Cone-Fire:
1 From [IDLE] display, press 1. If [CONE] appears,
you have Cone-Fire mode. If the 1 key does not respond, you have Ramp-Hold mode only.
2 Press STOP to bring thecontroller back to [IDLE] .
The 2 Key / Add Time
This key adds five minutes to a Hold. It is designed for
ceramists who watch witness cones and for glass artists who
watch the glass near the fusing temperature.
1 During a firing, press 2. [HD ] plus the segment
number, and hold time, will appear. If that segment
has no hold time,
2 Press 2 again.The time shownwill increase by5 min
3 To return to the temperature display, press any key
(except 2) or wait 10 seconds.
Note: Add Time willadd 5 minutes toa hold evenif
no hold had been programmed before. After hold
time appears in thedisplay, 5 minuteswill be added
with each press of the key.
[00.00] will appear.
after each firing. Therefore, it must be programmed again
for eachfiring. The maximum delay is 99 hoursand 59 min
1 First, enter the Cone-Fire or Ramp-Hold program
you are going to fire.
2 From [IDLE] press 3. Enter delay time (i.e., 5 ½
hours = 05.30). Press ENTER.
3 To begin Delay, press ENTER once from [IDLE].A
Delay count-down timer will appear.
Note: Press START during delay to end the delay
and begin the firing. (You could also press STOP
to end the delay and then START to begin the
CAUTION: For safety, do notleave the kiln alone
during a delay or a firing. We cannot guarantee
your kiln against overfiring even though the con
troller is automatic. The operator assumes full re
sponsibility for shutting the kiln off at the proper
The 4 Key / Ramp-Hold / Edit
Ramp-Hold fires the kiln to the temperature you spec
ify, whereas Cone-Fire fires to a pyrometric cone. Press 4
[IDLE] to program a Ramp-Hold firing or to select a
stored Ramp-Hold program. See “Ramp-Hold,” page 14.
Editing the Current Segment
During Ramp-Hold Firing
Note: This feature works only in Ramp-Hold, not
in Cone-Fire.
The 3 Key / Delay Fire
This delays the start of the firing by the amount of time
entered. Use it to fit a firing into your schedule or to take
advantage of lower electric rates at night. Delay zeroes out
Keep the kiln lid or door closed when the kiln is not in use.7
While the kiln is firing in Ramp-Hold, you can change
the target temperature, ramprate, andhold timeof thecur
rent segment. (You can edit only the segment that is firing.
To edit other segments, wait until the firing has progressed
to those segments.)
If the current segment has already started its hold time,
you can edit only the hold time.
1 During firing, press 4.
2 The display will show the rate of the current seg
ment. Use the number keys to change the rate.
Then press ENTER.
3 The display willshow the targettemperature ofthe
current segment. Use the number keys to change
the temperature. Then press ENTER.
4 The displaywill thenshow thehold timeof the cur
rent segment (or
[00.00] if there is no hold time).
Change the time, if needed, and press ENTER.
The kiln will resume firing.
The 5 Key / Present Status
Press 5 during a firing to display the current segment
that is firing. (See page 14 for the definition of segments,
rate, and hold.) The messages that can appear in Present
[RA] , the segment number, and the actual rate: The
Sentry is in the ramp part of a segment.
[HD] and segment number: The Sentry is in the hold
part of a segment.
[PRHT] Cone-Fire Pre-Heat (see page 12).
[COOL] Cone-Fire Slow Cooling (see page 13).
Uses for Present Status:
You are firing a program that contains several heating
and cooling segments. Without Present Status, it would
be easy to lose track of which segment is firing.
In Cone-Fire, you may think the kiln has fired too long
when it is actually only in a slow cooling.
Note: Present Status shows the actual firing rate of
the current segment instead of only the rate you
programmed. This is very useful in knowing how
fast your kiln can actually fire.
The 6 Key / Program Review
Pointer: Use Program Review before every firing!
It takes only seconds.
When you press ENTER to begin firing, the controller
will fire the program that is in active memory. Program Re
view shows the values for that program. The program in ac
tive memory is—
The program that you fired last, or
The program that you entered or selected since the last
Start Program Review from
pressing 6.
[IDLE], or while firing, by
Note: In Program Review, Cone-Fire speed is dis
played as the RA part of each segment. Cone-Fire
Review shows the segments and ramp rates listed
in the charts on pages 32 - 33.
The 7 Key / Temperature Alarm
If you need to know when your kiln reaches a particular
temperature, set the alarm. The controller will beep and
[ALAR] will flashwhen thekiln reachesthe alarmtempera-
ture that you enter. Use the alarm to alert you to—
Lower the lid from the venting position and insert the
peephole plugs.
Check the witness cone near shut-off time.
Check the glass before the expected fusing or slumping
temperature. You can see the glass through a kiln win
You can enter only one alarm temperature at a time.
However, after the alarm beeps, you can set the alarm for
another temperature, as many times asyou want, duringthe
firing. Enteringan alarm temperature automatically erases
the previous alarm temperature.
Note: The alarm temperature that you set during a
firing must be higher than the current display tem
perature. The alarm is designed only for higher
temperatures and not for cooling temperatures.
After the alarmbeeps, thealarm temperaturewill stayin
memory for future firings until you replace it with a new
Monitoring the Alarm from a Distance
Place an inexpensive baby monitor near the kiln. From
another location in your building, you will be able to hear
the temperature alarm beeping and even the relaysclicking
if your kiln has mechanical relays.
8 Cone-Fire / Ramp-HoldDo not leave your kiln unattended during operation.
Setting the Alarm From IDLE
1 From [IDLE], press 7. [ALAR] will appear alternat
ing with the last alarm temperature entered.
2 Enter new alarm temperature. Press ENTER.
[IDLE] will appear. (To disable the alarm, set the
alarm temperature to 0.)
Setting the Alarm During Firing
1 The alarm beeps while thekiln is firing. [ALAR]will
appear, alternating with the temperture. Press 7.
Note: By pressing the 8 key duringa firing, you can
Pointer: If you wonder how much Slow Cooling
adds to the cost of a firing, press the 8 key before
Slow Cooling begins, and press it again after the
kiln has fired to completion.
The 9 Key / Look Up Cone Numbers &
Skip a Segment
2 Enter the new temperature. (To disable the alarm,
set the alarm temperature to 0.)
3 Press ENTER. [ALAR] will disappear, and the kiln
will continue firing.
If you touch 7, enter a new temperature, and forget to
press ENTER, the controller will continue firing without
resetting the alarm.
the kiln temperature.
Question The alarm on my Sentry sounds a min
ute into each firing. Why is the alarm going off?
Answer The alarm was set to a temperature below
the current temperature. To deactivate the alarm
for your next firing, set it to 0.
[ALAR] will continue alternating with
The 8 Key / Estimating the Firing Cost
Cone Table
Look up a cone temperature with the 9 key. (See the
next page for information on cones.)
1 From [IDLE] , press 9. [CONE] will appear, then
the cone, if any, currently programmed in
2 Enter a pyrometric cone number. Press ENTER.
The display will show the temperature forthat cone.
If you enter a non-existentcone number, the display
will repeat the last cone number thatyou looked up.
Note: Do not be concerned if the actual cone
shut-off temperature does not match the Cone Table. The temperature of a cone varies with firing
speed. The cone temperatures in Cone Table are
for self-supporting cones fired at a rate of 108°F /
60°C per hour during the last hour of firing.
Skip a Segment
Skip Segment works only during a firing. It jumps from
the current segment to the next one.
To skip a segment, press 9.
ing with the number of the next segment. Press ENTER.
If you change your mind and don’t want to skip that seg
ment, wait 10 seconds without pressing any key. You will
exit the Skip option, and the firingwill continue in the same
segment as before.
[SKIP] will appear alternat-
Your Sentry can give you the electrical cost of a firing.
Photo by Nick Casberg.
The Sentry controller can figure the electrical cost of a
firing. Set up the controller as follows:
[CENT] option, enter the cost of a kilowatt-hour
In the
of electricity. See page 23.
[KW] option, enter the wattage for your kiln. See
In the
page 23.
After the kiln fires to completion,
Press the 8 key;
of electricity to fire the last load will appear. To return to
temperature display, press ENTER.
Note: If you enter the kiln wattage in the
tion but you do not enter cost per kilowatt-hour in
[CENT] option, the controller will display kilo
watt-hours instead of firing cost.
[IDLE] will appear. Pressagain; the cost
Keep the kiln lid or door closed when the kiln is not in use.9
[CPLT] will flash.
[KW] op
Skip More Than One Segment
1 Press 9. [SKIP] will appear alternating with the
number of the next segment.
2 Press the 1(or 3)key. Keeppressing the1 (or 3)key
to scroll through the available segments. When you
see the segment you want to skip to, press ENTER.
The temperature display will return, and the kiln
will fire in your chosen segment.
Note: As you scroll through the available seg
ments, one of the options is
you don’t want to skip to a different segment after
all, press ENTER when
Skip Segment in Cone-Fire
See the segments in the Cone-Fire firing schedules on
pages 32 - 33. Reasons to skip a segment in Cone-Fire:
To skip out of Pre-Heat and begin the cone firing. You
might do this if the ware is dry and ready to fire before
[CANC] (Cancel). If
[CANC] appears.
Pre-Heat has ended. (You can tell by placing a small
mirror near an open peephole.)
To skip out of Cone-Fire Hold. Slow Cooling will begin.
(If the firing does not include Slow Cooling, Skip Seg
ment will not end a Hold. PressSTOP to endthe firing.)
Skip Segment in Ramp-Hold
In Ramp-Hold, the firing will skip to the next segment
from either a ramp or hold of the current segment. (See
pages 14 - 18 for details on ramps, holds, and segments.)
Note: Skip Segment does not skip from a ramp to a
hold. It skips to the new ramp.
Skip Segment Examples
For additional examples, see pages 17 - 18.
In Cone-Fire you are firing to an 05 witness cone for the
first time. You select cone 04 with a 40 minute hold and
a slow cooling. You can see the witness cone through a
peephole. After 20 minutes in hold, the 05 witness cone
bends to maturity. Use Skip Segment to end the hold
and begin Slow Cooling.
Pointer: Once you know how much hold time will
bend the witness cone, program that much hold for
the next firing.
Skipping to a Cooling Segment: You have programmed 2167°F for a cone 5 glaze firing, followed by a
segment for slow cooling. Watching the witness cone
through the peephole, you notice that cone 5 is bending
at 2150°F. Use Skip Segment to end the firing segment
and begin the one for slow cooling.
Chapter 3
In this chapter you will learn to . . .
See witness cones at high temperatures
Program a Cone-Fire program in minutes
Pre-heat the ware so it doesn’t explode
Bend a cone by adding extra hold time
Cool slowly (called down fire) to alter glazes
Cone-Fire mode is based on pyrometric
cones. It is not designed for heat treating,
glass fusing and enameling. For these
firings, see “Ramp-Hold,” pages 14 - 18.
Use Ramp-Hold to fire ceramic pieces
that require a custom firing schedule,
such as some types of stoneware sculp
ture or crystalline glaze.
Before using Cone-Fire mode, read all of
this chapter. Have your controller in
front of you so you can try out the keys as
cones, please see your kiln manual.
Pyrometric Witness Cones
Pointer: Make a note of the temperature at which
the cone bent. Program that temperature for the
next firing. Adds comments like thisto a firing log.
The ENTER/Start Key
Press ENTER after each step in programming a firing.
From [IDLE] press ENTER once to begin firing.
Press ENTER to access an Option. See pages 19 - 26.
0 / The Options Key
See Chapter 6, page 19.
The Stop/Back Key
You can stop a firing at any time by pressing STOP.If
you inadvertently enter Ramp-Hold or Options, you do not
have to go through all the prompts to get back out. Press
STOP to go to
The STOP/BACK key works in Cone-Fire and
Ramp-Hold. It will take you back one step with each key
Question A cone 5 firing was 7°F below the target
listed in your manual, and a cone 6 firing was 22°F
below the target. Is thistypical and okay? Is thedig
ital controller on my kiln operating normally even
though it did not achieve the controller tempera
tures that were programmed at cone 5 and 6?
Answer This is normalfor Cone-Fire operation. If
the kiln fires slower than the normal rate, it will
shut off at a lower temperature. If the kiln fires
faster than a normal rate, it will shut off at a higher
temperature, sometimes by only a few degrees.
The Sentry controller
shuts off automatically with
out cones. Nevertheless, ev
ery ceramic firing should in
cone (also called the shelf
cone). The witness cone is
placed inside the kiln. The
witness coneis the most accu
rate measurement of heat
work in a ceramic firing.
Use self-supporting witness
cones on the shelf. They stand
upright without cone holders.
10 Cone-Fire / Ramp-HoldDo not leave your kiln unattended during operation.
If you fire the same size load and type of ware regularly,
the witness cones let you compare one firing to the next and
alert you when something is wrong. For example, if the wit
ness cone bends farther and farther with each consecutive
firing, this may indicate thermocouple temperature drift.
Note: If the bending of the witness cone does not
match the Cone-Fire shut-off, you may want to ad
just Cone Offset or Thermocouple Offset. See
pages 20 - 21. If the witness cones bend inconsis
tently from one firing toanother, see “SentryTrou
bleshooter,” a separate publication.
How to Position Cones on
the Shelf
Position the witness cones
so that you can see them
through a peephole during
firing. If the kiln takes longer
than usual to fire, you may
wonder if something hasgone
wrong and the kiln is over-fir
ing. But by seeing the cones,
you will know howthe firing is
actually progressing.
If you follow these guidelines, you should be ableto see the coneseven at cone 10:
Silhouette the lower part of the
cone against an element. Keep
the cone 8” - 12” away from the
1 Place thecones 8” - 12”away from a peephole. Posi-
tioning them closer makes them difficult to see.
2 Have enough space around the cones to keep them
from touching a piece of ware when they bend.
3 Position cones so that when viewed from the peep-
hole, they are silhouetted by a glowing heating element on the opposite kiln wall. (Keep cones at least
2” from an element.)
4 The element that silhouettes the cones should be
level with the lower part of the cone. If the element
is in line with the upper part of the cone, you won’t
be able to see the cone when it bends.
5 If you use the three cone system, always have the
higher temperature cone on the same side in every
firing. Otherwise you can lose track of which cone is
6 Wear green #3 kiln firing safety glasses when view
ing the cones through the peephole.
See your dealer if in doubt about which cone number to
use with each clay and glaze.
Firing Schedules
Cone-Fire uses three firing schedules:
Low fire cones 022 - 011
Medium fire cones 010 - 01
High fire cones1-10
Cone-Fire Programming
Use these instructions for your first firings. Later
you mayprefer “Cone-Fire ShorthandProgramming,”
page 40.
As the Sentry prompts for cone, speed, pre-heat,
hold, and slow cooling,values enteredfor thelast firing
will appear. To use these values again, press ENTER.
To fire without Delay or Alarm: Follow steps 1
through 7 below. Then from
use Delay or Alarm, see also pages8-9.
[IDLE] press START.To
1 Apply power to the kiln. [8888] then [IDLE]
will appear. (Press ENTER if [IDLE] does not
2 Press 1. [CONE] will appear. Enter cone num
ber. (If the 1 key does not respond, your con
troller has Ramp-Hold only.)
3 Press ENTER. [SPD] will appear. Enter speed:
FAST (1), MEDIUM (2), SLOW (3). (Me
dium speed will display as
4 Press ENTER. [PRHT] will appear. To use
Pre-Heat (p. 12), entertime. Otherwise enter 0.
5 Press ENTER. [HOLD] will appear (pg 13). To
soak the ware at the end of firing, enter a hold
time. Otherwise enter 0.
6 Press ENTER. [COOL] will appear (after you
have turned it on in Options, pg 13). To use
Slow Cooling, enter cooling rate as degrees per
hour. (180°F/82°C is the maximum coolingrate.
Set 0 to turn Slow Cooling off.)
7 Press ENTER. [IDLE] will appear.
8 To set Alarm: Press 7. [ALAR] will appear.
Enter alarm temperature. (Press 0 to turn
alarm off.) Then press ENTER.
9 To set Delay: Press 3. [DELA] will appear.
Enter delay time. Press ENTER. (Delay zeroes
out after each firing.)
10 To start the firing, press ENTER once.
[STRT] will appear, then temperature. If Delay
was programmed,
time remaining until start. To stop the program
during firing, press STOP.
When program fires to completion,
pear and the controller will beep. Press ENTER.
[IDLE] will appear. To shut off the alarm when it
sounds during a firing, press ENTER.
[DELA] will appear, then
[CPLT] will ap
Keep the kiln lid or door closed when the kiln is not in use.11
The firing schedules programmed into Cone-Fire mode
are listed in Appendix B, pages 32 - 33. Should you ever
want to customize a Cone-Fire program, make the desired
changes to a firing schedule and program it in Ramp-Hold
(page 14).
During a cone firing, press 5 (Present Status) to see
which stage, or segment, of the firing the kiln has reached.
The number displayed will be a segment number from the
schedule listed in Appendix B that you are firing.
Note: Pre-Heat shows in Present Status as
[PRHT]. It is not given a separate segment
CAUTION: Cone numbers beginning with 0 are
lower in temperature than those without the 0.
When programing a Cone-Fire, be sure you know
the difference between an05 and 5. See“Tempera
ture Equivalents Chart for Orton Self-Supporting
Pyrometric Cones,” Appendix D, page 36.
Low Fire Cones 022 - 011
This range includes decals, over-decorations, lusters,
and golds. You can usually fire fast. Good venting is impor
tant because ofthe oils and other organics. Do notclose the
lid from the vented position untilall odor has disappeared.
Middle Fire Cones 010 - 01
Glazes fired on bisque ware (ware that has already been
fired) can be fired faster than greenware.
Pre-Heat [PRHT]
Moist greenware can explode during firing. This hap
pens when the moisture in the clay rapidly turns to steam
and cannot escape from the clay fast enough. The Sentry
Pre-Heat feature dries the ware at low temperature before
the moisture can turn to steam.
Pre-Heat is sometimes necessary when firing thick
greenware. It may also be necessary in humid weather,
which inhibits drying. If possible, however, avoid using
Pre-Heat to dry greenware. If the greenware feels damp or
cool when you touch it to your cheek, dry it longer outside
the kiln before firing. Use a dehumidifier in humid
weather. Drying greenware in the kilntends to rust the kiln.
Note: During Pre-Heat, vent the lid or use the op
tional Orton Vent Master. Otherwise the fire
bricks will absorb moisture, leading to rust behind
the steel case. Moisture in the firebricks can also
slow down the firing.
CAUTION: Venting the lid during Pre-Heat is so
important that some ceramists use the extended
vent position. If you do this, you must be near your
kiln at the end of Pre-Heat to lower the lid.
Pre-Heat raises the temperature 60°F/33°C per hour to
200°F/93°C. Then it holds at 200°F/93°C for the period of
time that you specify. Pre-Heat works in Cone-Fire only.
After Pre-Heat is finished, the kiln will automatically begin
firing to the cone you have selected.
High Fire Cones 1 -10
This is the firing range for porcelain and stoneware.
These bodies firenearly tovitrification andcan shrinkup to
16%. Water, carbon and sulfur burn out during the early
stages and must be vented. The amount of oxygen in the
kiln affects the color of the fired clay. The high fire sched
ules programmedinto Cone-Fire slow down during the last
216°F/120°C (two hours) to produce better density in the
Cone-Fire Features
Speed [SPD]
When you select Medium speed in a Cone-Fire pro
gram, the kiln uses the standard firing schedules listed on
pages 32 - 33. Whenyou select Fast (1), the standardsched
ules fire 20% faster. On Slow (3), they fire 20% slower.
You can alter the firing speed even more under Speed
(SPD) in Options. You can increase or decrease the firing
time of a standard schedule by up to 40%. For instance, if
you are on a tight deadline, you can reduce a 7 hour fast
cone firing to 5 ½ hours.
Note: The final segment heating rate will not
change. It will always be 108°F/60°C per hour. SPD
option affects only the earlier ramp segments.
Note: Above an altitude of 6,000 feet / 9,656
kilometers, water boils at a lower temperature.
This may cause moisture in the ware to turn to
steam even during Pre-Heat.
Mirror Test
This test will help you
determine how much
Pre-Heat to use.
Occasionally during
Pre-Heat, hold a mirror
near the top peephole.
(Be careful to avoid
burns.) The mirror must
be at room temperature,
so hold it near the peep
hole for only several sec
onds at a time.
If the mirror fogs,
moisture is still escaping
from the ware.When the
mirror no longer fogs, you can exit Pre-Heat and begin the
To interrupt Pre-Heat and begin firing to the cone in
Cone-Fire, press 9 (Skip Segment).
[RA 2], will appear. Press ENTER. Segment 1 of the
main firing will now begin.
Vent the kiln until moisture no longer
fogs a mirror.
[SKIP], alternating
12 Cone-Fire / Ramp-HoldDo not leave your kiln unattended during operation.
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