Paradyne 7974, 7975, 7976, Hotwire 7974-A2, Hotwire 7975-A2 Installation Instructions Manual

Hotwire® TDM SDSL Standalone Termination Units Models 7974-A2, 7975-A2, and 7976-A2
Installat i on Inst r uct ions
Document Number 7900-A2-GN11-20 December 2001
Complete documentation for this product is availab le at
Library → Technical Manuals → Hotwire DSL Systems.
Select the following doc um ent:
Hotwire TDM SDSL Standalone Termination Units, Models 7974-A2, 7975-A2, 7976-A2, Users Guide
To order a paper copy of a Paradyne document:
Within the U.S.A., call 1-800-PARADYNE (1-800-727-2396)
Outside th e U.S.A., call 1-727-530-8623
Be sure to register your warranty at
Pack ag e C hec kli st
Verify that your package contains:
Hotwire® TDM SDSL Standalone Termination Unit
24 VDC power transformer with separate power cable
– or –
6-conductor direct connection DC power cable
. Select
8-position-modular-to-8-position-modular network cable
DB9-to-8-position modular terminal cable
Notify your sales representative if anything is missi ng.
Installation Overview
Installation and configur ation of the Hotwire 797 x Standalone Termination Unit consists of:
Connecting power to the unit.
Connecting to the network.
Connecting to a DTE.
Connecting a system terminal.
Provid ing initial unit id entity information or changing e xisting identity information.
Configuring your unit using the Configuration Edit menus.
Before you install the uni t, read the See the Users Guide for additional inf ormati on about:
Configuration Options
Messages and Troubleshooting
Technical Specif ications
Connectors , Cables, and Pin Assignments
Important Safety Instructions
on page 35.
Connecting Power to the Unit
If your package includes a power transformer:
1. Plug the power cable into an AC outlet havi ng a nom inal voltage rating between
100–240 VAC.
2. Connect the power cable to the transformer.
3. Connect the output cable of the tr ansformer to the connector marked PO WER on
the rear panel.
If your package includes a direct-connecti on DC pow er cable:
Connect t he unit to an external +24 o r –48 VDC SEL V (Saf ety Ext ra Low Voltage) power source as described in the following section.
Connecting the Unit to an Optional Exter nal +24 or –48 VDC Power
Using the DC power cable, the unit is capable of operating on a +24 VDC or –48 VDC SELV power supply.
To use the DC power cable for +24 VDC:
1. Connect the green wire to a suitable ground.
2. Connect the orange wire to the +24 VDC source.
3. Connect the white wi re t o the re turn.
4. Cut the black, red, and blue wires off at the outer insulation.
5. Plug the power connector into the unit.
To use the DC power cable for –48 VDC:
1. Connect the green wire to a suitable ground.
2. Connect the orange wire to the –48 VDC source.
3. Connect the b lack wire to the return.
4. Cut the red, white, and bl ue wires off at the outer insulation.
5. Plug the power connector into the unit.
Power Cable Pinouts
Pin Number Wire Color Signal
1Black–48 VDC Return 2Red–48 VDC Return 3 Green Ground 4 White +24 VDC Return 5 Orange –48 VDC
+24 VDC
6 Blue No Connection
Connecting to the Network
To connect your unit to the network:
Connect one end of the supplied 8-position-modular-to- 8-position-modular network cable into the rear panel DSL jack .
Connect the other end to your DSL network interface.
Do performance of the unit. Use only Cat 5 twisted-pair network cab le.
use a flat VF network cable as this may severely degrade the
Connecting to a DTE
Model DTE Connection
7974 The DSX-1 interface is an RJ48C, 8-position, unkeyed modul ar connector.
An RJ48C-to-DB15 T1 network inter face adapter cable is availab le from Paradyne.
7975 The synchrono us int erf ac e is a 25-pi n EIA-5 30-A interface. Depending on the
cable used, the interface can be adapted to an X.21, RS-449, or V.35 interface.
7976 The G.703 interf ac e is either two BNC conne ctors (Transmit and Recei ve ) fo r
a 75-ohm unbalanced interface or an RJ48C, 8-position, unkeyed modular connector f or a 120-ohm balanced i nterface .
Connectors, Cables, and Pin Assignments
See the connectors and cables.
in the Users Guide for specificat ions of
The fol lowing table contains a description of the LEDs on the Hotwire 797x Standalone Termination Unit’s front panel .
Label Color LED is . . .*
POWER Green On
Off Slow Cyclin g
TEST Yellow On
Off Slow Cyclin g
DSL Green On
Off Slow Cyclin g Fast C ycling
Indicating . . .
Normal operation. No power to the unit. Unit is in minimum mode and a download is
required. Device failure, or self-test has failed.
Self-test pass ed. Loopback test or 511 test pattern in progress.
No tests in progress. Self-test in progress.
DSL link is up. The DSL link is down. DSL training in progress. An OOF condition.
DSX-1 DTE G.703
* Slow Cycling: LED tu rns off and on in equal duration once per second.
Fast Cycling: LED turns off and on in equal duration 5 times per second. Pulsing: LED turns off momentari ly once per second.
Green On
Slow Cyclin g
Fast C ycling
DTE port is operational.
DSX-1: No signal on DTE port. Sync DTE: Conf igur ed contr ol l eads (DTR/R TS)
are not asserted.
G.703: No signal on DTE port. DSX-1: Yellow Alarm Indication received.
Sync DTE: Not applicable. G.703: Remote Alarm Indication receiv ed.
DSX-1: OOF, LOF, EER, or AIS condition. Sync DTE: Not applicable. G.703: OOF, LOF, EER, or AIS condition.
Connecting to a System Terminal
An optional system maintenance terminal may be attached to your Hotwire 797x Standalon e Termination Unit through the modular jack on the rear panel . The system maintenance terminal allows you to vi ew the status of the unit and chan ge configuration options . The terminal must be a VT100-compatible terminal or a PC running terminal emulati on software.
To connect your unit to a system terminal:
1. Connect the 9-pin end of the supplied terminal cab le into a COM port on your PC.
2. Plug the other end in to the modular jack on the rear panel.
3. Set the communication parameters on your PC or terminal to:
9600 baud 8 bit char acters no parity 1 stop bit no flow control
Press E n te r fr o m your te r m inal or P C to act iva te th e Ma in M en u for the at ta c h ed un i t. The system runs di agnost ics and st atu s check s. Aft er a f e w moment s, th e Main Men u or Logon screen appears on your terminal .
main Hotwire Model 797x
Status Test Configuration Control
----------------------------------------------------------------------------­Ctrl-a to access these functions E
Asynchronous Terminal Interface Menu
The following illustration shows the menu paths to the different terminal screens.
Status Test
System and
Test Status
7974: DSX-1 Statistics 7975: (Not Applicable) 7976: G.703 Statistics
7974: (Not Applicable) 7975: Sync Data Port Tests 7976: (Not Applicable)
7974: Network and DSX-1 Tests 7975: Network Tests 7976: Network and G.703 Tests
Configuration Control
Current Configuration
7974: DSX-1 7975: Sync Port 7976: G.703
System Options
General SNMP
Entering Identity Information
After acce ssing your unit f or the first time, use the Change Identit y screen to determine SNMP administrative system informati on that will be displ ayed on the Identity screen of the Status branch. To access the Identi ty screen, f oll ow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu Control Change Identity
Selecting a C onfigur ation Method
You can make configuration changes either throu gh a VT100-compatibl e terminal and the unit’s Configuration menus or by manually changing switches on the board. The unit is shipped with the switchpacks disabled to allow settings to be made through the Configuration menus. See the Users Guide fo r detailed inf ormation about the configu ration options and switch setti ngs.
Configuring the U nit Using the Configuration Menus
Use the Configuration menu to select, display, or change configuration option settings.
The Hotwir e 797x Standalone Termination Un it is shipped configured as an NTU. If using this unit as an NTU, the confi guration options may not need to be altered.
The unit has two sets of configuration option settings:
The Current Configuration: The units active set of configurat ion options.
The Defaul t Factory Configuration: A read- only configu ration area containing the factory default configuration options.
Displaying Configuration Opti ons
To display configuration options, you must fi rst load a configuration into the edit area. To load a conf igur ation o ption s et int o the conf igur atio n edit ar ea, follow this menu sel ecti on sequence:
Main Menu Configuration (Load Configuration F rom)
Make a selection by placing the cursor at your choice and pressing Enter.
If you select . . . Then . . .
Current Configuration
Default Factory Configuration
Configuration Loader
The selected configuration opti on set is loaded and the Configurati on Edit/Display menu screen appear s.
The selected configuration opti on set is loaded and the Configurati on Edit/Display menu screen appear s.
The Configurati on Loader screen is displayed al lowing you to upload or download configurations from a TFTP server.
Configuration Edit/Display
The Configuration Edit/Dis play screen is displayed when the current or default configuration is loaded. To access the Configuration Edit/Display screen, follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu → Configuration Current Configuration
– or –
Main Menu → Configuration → Default Factory Configuration
main/config/edit Model: 797x
Network DSX-1 | SYNC Port | G.703 System Options Communication Port Management and Communication
----------------------------------------------------------------------------­Ctrl-a to access these functions, ESC for previous menu MainMenu Exit
Select . . . To Access the . . . To Configure th e . . .
Network Network Interface Options (Table 1) DSL network interface on
the unit.
DSX- 1 In te r fac e Op tio n s – Model 7974 (Table 2)
Synchronous Dat a Port Options – Model 7975 (Table 3)
G.703 Inter face Options – Model 7976 (Table 4)
DSX-1 interface (Model 7974)
Synchronous DTE interface (Model 7975)
G.703 interface (Model 7976)
System Options System Options (Table 5) General system options of
the unit.
Communication Port
Management and Communication
Communica ti on Port Options (Table 6)
Telnet Session Options (Table 7)
Communication Protocol Options
(Table 8) General SNMP Managem ent
Unit’s COM port options.
Management support of the unit through SNMP and Telnet.
Options (Table 9) SNMP NMS Security Options
(Table 10) SNMP Traps Options (Table 11)
Table 1. Network Interface Options (1 of 2)
Margin Threshol d Possible Settings: –5db, –4db, –3db, –2db, –1db, 0db, 1db, 2db, 3db, 4db, 5db,
6db, 7db, 8db, 9db, 10db
Default Sett ing: 0db Determines the level, expressed in decibels, at which a signal-to-noise margin alarm
condition is reported.
Excessive Error Rate Threshold
Possible Settings: 1E–4, 1E–5, 1E–6 , 1E–7, 1E–8, 1E–9 Default Sett ing: 1E–6
Determines the error rate at which an excessive error rate (EER) condition is recognized. The rate is the ratio of the number of CRC errors to the number of bits receiv ed in a certain period.
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable Default Sett ing: Disable
Determines whether the uni t aut om atically adjus ts t o the best line rate for conditions, or is fixed at the rate in the DSL Line Rate field.
DSL Line Rate
Possible Settings (depends on model) : 144, 272, 400, 528, 784, 1040, 1552, 2064 Default Sett ing (Model 7974): 1552
Default Sett ing (Model 7975, 7976): 2064 Determines the fix ed line rate of the LTU when AutoRate is di sabled.
Max DSL AutoRate
Possible Settings (depends on model) : 144, 272, 400, 528, 784, 1040, 1552, 2064 Default Sett ing (Model 7974): 1552
Default Sett ing (Model 7975, 7976): 2064 Determines the maximum rate to which the unit can AutoRate.
Table 1. Network Interface Options (2 of 2)
EIA-530 Pa yload Rate
Possible Settings (Model 7974) : 64, 128, 256, 384, 512, 768, 1024, 1536 Default Sett ing: [Highest multiple of 64 Kbps supported by the DSL Line Rate]
Possible Settings (Model 7976): 64, 128, 192, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640,
768, 960, 1024 , 1536, 1920, 1984, 2048
Default Sett ing: [Highest multiple of 64 Kbps supported by the DSL Line Rate] When the NTU has an EIA-530-A interface, the Payload Rate set on the LTU
determines the port speed of the synchronous port of the NTU. To achieve the payload rates listed above, th e Model 7975-A2 endpoint mus t be
operating wit h firmwar e V02.03. 2 or great er and the Model 7976-A2 endp oin t must be operating with firmware N02.03.2 or greater. In lower firmware versions (N.02.03.05 and below), the pa yl oad rat e is only select ab le at a DSL line ra te of 144 Kbps while al l other rates default to the maximum, dependi ng on the DSL line rate selected.
Transmit Attenuation
Possible Settings: 0dB – 15dB Default Sett ing: 0dB
Determines how much the unit ’s transmit power is reduced to accommodate a short line length.
Peer IP Address
Possible Settings: –, Clear Default Sett ing:
When configured as the LTU, specifies the peer IP addres s for the NTU, to provide remote management providing the remot e man agem ent link on the DSL loop.
Circ ui t Id e n ti fier
Possible Settings:
ASCII text field
, Clear
Default Sett ing: [blank] Uniquely identi fies the circuit num ber of the transmission vendor’s D S L li ne for
troubleshooting purposes.
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