Paradox DGP-ACM12 Installation Instructions Manual

Access Control Module V4.1
Installation Instructions
Printed in Canada 09/2007 ACM12-EI01
The Access Control Module (DGP-ACM12) is designed to be used with the Digiplex EVO System control panels. Each DGP-ACM12 allows you to connect a reader, a REX device, a door contact and a locking device to control the access to one door. If desired, door contacts can also be assigned to zones in the control panel to link the doors to the alarm system. This will allow you to use the same door for the access control system and the alarm system.
What’s New 4.1
• The backlight intensity defaults in sections [025] and [026] are now 003
What’s New 4.0
• Allows access with Card and Pin and Card or PIN when used with a DGP-R915 or CR-R885-BL
• Allows arming with PIN or Card and PIN when used with a DGP-R915
• Transformer Sharing: Use one transformer to power multiple modules with transformer sharing. Respect the maximum power output of the transformer. See Figure 1 for more information.
Technical Specifications
The module is connected to the control panel’s combus as shown in Figure 1. Please refer to the control panel’s Programming Guide for the maximum installation distance. Devices connected to the PGM output must be connected as shown in Figure 2. Refer to Figure 5 for connection drawings for the REX device, reader, locking device and door contact.
The door contact follows the control panel’s EOL definition. When EOL is enabled and the door contact is not used, place a 1k
across the
CT and AUX- input terminals. If EOL is disabled, use a
jumper. If the REX device is not used, place a jumper across the
AUX- terminals.
AC Power
Use a 16.5Vac (50/60 Hz) transformer with a minimum 20VA. as shown in Figure 1. Do not use any switch-controlled outlets to power the transformer.
Backup Battery
To power the module’s door lock relay during a power failure, connect a 12Vdc 4Ah rechargeable acid/lead or gell cell backup battery as shown in Figure 1. Connect the battery after applying AC power.
Inverting the polarity when installing the battery will blow the battery fuse.
Connecting the External Negative Trigger
The DGP-ACM12 comes with an external negative trigger. You can use a PGM from the control panel or another module to release the access control door lock. The external negative trigger can also be triggered using a push-button. When the push button is pressed, the door will unlock. The PGM or push-button must ground the negative trigger. Connect the push-button as shown in Figure 2.
LED Display
AC (Green): On when receiving AC power. BATT (Green):On when charging and during battery tests. AUX (Yellow): On when auxiliary output is active. ERROR (Red):Indicates a problem with the module. RX (Green): Flashes when receiving information from the panel. TX (Green): Flashes when transmitting information to the panel.
Connection Diagrams
Figure 1: Connecting the power and combus
Figure 2: Additional Connection Information
Figure 3: Connecting a 4-Wire Reader (DGP-R910 / DGP-R915)
Figure 4: Connecting a 7-Wire Routing Cable
Figure 5: Connecting Access Control Devices
Figure 6: Connecting for Firmware Upgrade (CONV4USB)
AC Power: 16Vac, 20/40VA, 50 - 60Hz Aux. Power: 12Vdc, typical 600mA, 1A max. Battery: 12Vdc, 4Ah minimum
No. of Outputs:
2; one 50mA PGM output, one form C relay rated at 5A/
28Vdc, N.O./N.C. No. of Zones: 2 (Door Contact & REX device) No. of Inputs: 2 (Negative Trigger & Tamper inputs)
Control Panel Compatibility:
Any DGP-848 control panel with access control
Any DGP-NE96 control panel
Any EVO control panel
Table 1: Special Display
Error RX TX Condition ON OFF OFF
Combus is shorted / No clock / No data
Wrong data / Invalid Combus address (Too many modules)
Future Use
Combus lines reversed (YEL and GRN)
Flash ---- ----
Combus power is too low
Rechargeable Battery: 12V 4Ah min
Disconnect the battery before replacing the fuse.
Digiplex/ Digiplex EVO series control
AUX switch:
Press to toggle the AUX output.
To metallic enclosure
Ground clamp
Cold water pipe
AWG #14 single conductor solid
copper wire
Connect to another
module compatible with
transformer sharing
Transformer Sharing
Transformer Sharing: Use one transformer to power multiple modules with transformer sharing.
And / Or
To PGM output
External Negative Trigger
External Tamper
Switch (N.C.)
Connected up to 300m (1000ft) away.
If the DGP-ACM12 loses communication with the reader, it will show up as a Module Fail to Com. trouble.
Reader ACM-12 1: RED to (+) 2: BLK to (-) 3: GRN to (D0) 4: YEL to (D1)
Only connect one reader per DGP-ACM12
DGP-R910 (not shown) is connected the same way
If you use a routing cable, use a shielded routing cable. Do not connect the routing cable’s shield to the reader’s shield. Only connect the routing cable’s shield at the DGP­ACM12.
Reader ACM-12 1: Red to (+) 2: Black to ( -) 3: Green to (D0) 4: White to (D1) 5: Brown to (Beep) 6; Orange to (RED) 7: Yellow to (GREEN)
Only connect one reader per DGP-ACM12
CR-R885-BL (not shown) is connected the same way
Connected up to 152m (500ft) away.
When connecting the diode to the door lock, be sure to connect the cathode of the diode to the positive (+) voltage and the anode to the negative (-) voltage.
* = Follows control panel’s EOL definition. ** = If the door contact is not used, install a jumper or a
1k9 resistor across the
AUX- and CT terminals
depending on the control panel’s EOL definition. *** = If the Request for Exit (REX) device is not used,
place a jumper across the
AUX- and REX terminals.
*** REX device must be connected to
REX terminal
** Door contact
must be
connected to
No EOL required on REX
U = Default setting
Only Event Groups 000 to 055, 062 and 063 can be used to program the module’s PGM.
For complete warranty information on this product please refer to the Limited Warranty Statement found on the website Your use of the Paradox product signifies your acceptance of all warranty terms and conditions.
We strongly advise that you review and take into consideration the “Limitatio ns of Alarm Systems” document available on our website at © 2003-2007 Paradox Security Systems Ltd. All rights reserved. Specifications may change without prior notice. One or more of t h e following US patents may apply: 7046142, 6215399, 6111256, 6104319, 5920259,
5886632, 5721542, 5287111, 5119069, 5077549 and RE39406 and other pending patents may apply. Canadian and international patents may also apply. Digiplex EVO is a trademark or registered trademark of Paradox Se curity Systems Ltd. or its affiliates in Canada, the United States and/or other countries.
Technical Support
For technical support in Canada or the U.S., call 1-800-791-1919, Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST. For technical support outside Canada and the U.S., call 00-1-450-491-7444, Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST. Please feel free to visit our website at
SECTION [001]: Partition Assignment SECTION [002]: General Options 1
Option OFF ON Option OFF ON
[1] Partition 1 N Disabled
U Enabled
Tamper Input
U Disabled
N Enabled
[2] Partition 2 N Disabled
U Enabled
Battery Charging Current
U 350mA
N 850mA
[3] Partition 3 N Disabled
U Enabled
[3] Reader’s red LED to follow partition’s
N Disabled
U Enabled
[4] Partition 4 N Disabled
U Enabled
[4] Reader’s beeping to follow partition’s
status when option [3] is ON
N Disabled
U Enabled
[5] Partition 5 N Disabled
U Enabled
Card activates door unlocked schedule
N Disabled
U Enabled
[6] Partition 6 N Disabled
U Enabled
[6] Door will relock
U Imme-
N When
[7] Partition 7 N Disabled
U Enabled
[7] Reader’s green LED for Access
N Disabled
U Enabled
Partition 8
N Disabled
U Enabled
Unlock on Request for Exit (REX)
N Disabled
U Enabled
SECTION [003]: General Options 2 SECTION [004]: PGM Options
Option OFF ON Option OFF ON
[1] Door Left Open Alarm
U Disabled
N Enabled [1] PGM Deactivation After
Deactiva­tion Event
PGM Timer
[2] Door Left Open Pre-alarm N Disabled
U Enabled
[2] PGM Normal State
U N.O.
N N.C.
[3] Door Left Open Alarm N Silent
U Audible
[3] PGM Base Time
U 1 second
N 1 minute
[4] Door Left Open Alarm follows
U Alarm
N Beep
[4] & [5] Special [4] [5]
[5] Door Forced Open Alarm
U Disabled
N Enabled N Card Only
N PIN Only N Card and PIN
U Card or PIN
[6] Door Forced Alarm N Silent
U Audible
[7] Door Forced Alarm follows
U Alarm
N Beep
[8] Reader Access Feedback NVisual
U Visual &
[6] Reader Locate Feedback
U Visual
N Visual &
[7] Unlock Door on Fire Alarm
U Disabled
N Enabled
[8] AC and Battery Supervision
U Enabled
N Disabled
Section Data Description Default
__/__/__ (000 to 255 x 1 minute; 000 = Instant) AC failure report delay 030
__/__/__ (001 to 255 seconds) Door Unlocked Period 005
__/__/__ (001 to 255 seconds added to section [006]) Door Unlocked Period extension 015
__/__/__ (001 to 255 seconds) Door Left Open Interval 060
__/__/__ (001 to 255 seconds)
Time to start pre-alarm before alarm is triggered
Door Left Open Pre-Alarm Timer 015
__/__/__ (001 to 255 seconds) Beep timer for Door Left Open Alarm 005
__/__/__ (001 to 255 seconds) Beep timer for Door Forced Open alarm 005
__/__/__ (000 to 255; refer to option [3] in section [004]) PGM timer 005
Door unlock schedule
Start Time End Time S M T W T F S H
Schedule A:
___ ___ : ___ ___ ___ ___ : ___ ___ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Schedule B:
___ ___ : ___ ___ ___ ___ : ___ ___ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Event Group Feature Group Start # End #
Section Section Section Section
PGM Activation [014] __/__/__ [015] __/__/__ [016] __/__/__ [017] __/__/__
PGM Deactivation [018] __/__/__ [019] __/__/__ [020] __/__/__ [021] __/__/__
SECTION [022]: Safe Mode Options SECTION [031] PGM Options 2
Option OFF ON Option OFF ON
[1] Safe Mode N Disabled
U Enabled
[1] Flexible PGM Deactivation Option
Timer only
N Timer / Deactivation event
[2] Safe Mode Access N Disabled
U Enabled
[2] Reload Timer on Activation Event
U Don’t
N Reload Timer
[3] Reader Safe Mode Feedback
U Visual
N Visual & audible
[3] to [8] Future Use N N/A N N/A
[4] Unlock Door in Safe Mode
U Disabled
N Enabled
[5] Access Cards in Safe Mode
U Safe
Cards only
N Any Cards
[6] to [8] Future Use N N/A N N/A
Section Data Description Default
[023] __/__/__ (001 to 024 hours; 000 = Disabled) Safe Mode Door Unlocked Period 000 [024] __/__/__ (001 to 255 seconds; 000 = Follow REX) REX Unlocked Period 000 [025] __/__/__ (000 to 003) Red LED Brightness 003 [026] __/__/__ (000 to 003) Green LED Brightness 003 [027] __/__/__ (000 to 003) Buzzer Frequency 001 [028] __/__/__ (000 to 255 minutes; 000 = instant) AC Restore Report Delay 005 [029] __/__/__ (000 to 255 minutes) Stay Lock Delay 000 [030] Test PGM: Activates the PGM for 8 seconds to verify if the PGM is functioning properly. [032] __/__/__ (000 = steady, 001 to 254 = pulsed (increments of 8ms), 255 = pulsed fire) PGM Output type 000 [040] Access Card Serial Number Display: View an access card’s serial number displayed on any LCD or Grafica keypad on the combus.
When the DGP-ACM12 is in access card display mode, the door connected to the module cannot be accessed.
Assign Safe Mode Access Card 1 (Present Card 3 Times)
Assign Safe Mode Access Card 2 (Present Card 3 Times)
Assign Safe Mode Access Card 3 (Present Card 3 Times)
Assign Safe Mode Access Card 4 (Present Card 3 Times)
Delete All Safe Mode Access Cards
Delete Safe Mode Access Card 1
Delete Safe Mode Access Card 2
Delete Safe Mode Access Card 3
Delete Safe Mode Access Card 4