Panasonic WV-NS950, WV-NS954, WV-NW964, WV-NW960, WV-NS950/G Setup Instructions

Before attempting to connect or operate this product,
please read these instructions carefully and save this manual for future use.
Network Camera
Setup Instructions
Model Nos. WV-NS950, WV-NS954
WV-NW960, WV-NW964
WV-NS950 WV-NS954
Preface ............................................................................................................................ 3
About these operating instructions .............................................................................. 3
Trademarks and registered trademarks ...................................................................... 3
Viewer software ........................................................................................................... 3
Display the setup menu and configure the settings of the camera using a PC ............... 4
How to display the setup menu ................................................................................... 4
How to operate the setup menu .................................................................................. 5
Configure the basic settings of the camera [Basic setup] ........................................... 8
Configure the settings relating to images and audio [Camera setup] ......................... 20
Configures the multi-screen settings [Multi-screen setup] .......................................... 37
Configure the alarm settings [Alarm setup] ................................................................. 38
Set the VMD areas [VMD area] ................................................................................... 43
Configure the settings relating to the authentication [Authentication setup] ............... 49
Configure the settings of the servers [Server setup] ................................................... 51
Configuring the network settings [Network setup] ....................................................... 53
Configure the settings relating to the schedules [Schedule setup] ............................. 61
Maintenance of the camera [Maintenance] ................................................................. 62
Viewing Help ...................................................................................................................65
Displaying the Help screen ......................................................................................... 65
About the displayed system log ....................................................................................... 66
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................... 68
Directory structure of drive B............................................................................................ 75
Setting example of the router ........................................................................................... 76
About these operating instructions
There are 3 sets of operating instructions for the WV-NS950/NS954, WV-NW960/NW964 as follows.
• Installation Guide
• Operating instructions
• Setup Instructions
• WV-NS950/NS954 Network camera (for indoor use) (hereinafter WV-NS950 series)
• WV-NW960/NW964 Network camera (for outdoor use) (hereinafter WV-NW960 series) These Setup Instructions contain descriptions of how to operate this product* using a PC via a network and of how to configure the settings.
* The screens used in these Setup Instructions show the case of WV-NS954. Refer to the installation guide for descriptions of how to install this product and of how to connect to a network. Adobe®Reader is required to read PDF. When the Adobe®Reader is not installed on the PC, download the latest Adobe®Reader from the Adobe web site and install it.
Trademarks and registered trademarks
• Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Internet Explorer, ActiveX and DirectX are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
• Adobe and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
• SD logo is a trademark.
• Mini SD is a trademark.
• Other names of companies and product contained in these operating instructions may be trademarks or regis­tered trademarks of their respective owners.
Viewer software
• Images will not be displayed when the viewer software "Network camera View3" is not installed on the PC. This software can be installed directly from the camera or by double clicking "nwcv3setup.exe" on the CD-ROM pro­vided, and then following the on-screen instructions.
• The default setting of "Automatic installation of Viewer software" is "ON". Follow the instructions on page 74 when the message is displayed on the information bar of the browser.
• When the "Live" page is displayed for the first time, the install wizard of the ActiveX control required to display images from the camera will be displayed. Follow the instructions of the wizard.
• When the install wizard is displayed again even after completing the installation of the ActiveX, restart the PC.
• The viewer software used on each PC should be licensed individually. The number of installations of the viewer software from the camera can be checked on the [Upgrade] tab of the "Maintenance" page (page 63). Refer to your dealer for the software licensing.
Display the setup menu and configure the settings of the camera using a PC
The settings of the camera can be configured on the setup menu. The setup menu is only operable by users whose access level is "1. Administrator".
How to display the setup menu
Step 1
Display the "Live" page. (Operating instructions)
Step 2
Click the [Setup] button on the "Live" page. The window with the user name and password entry
fields will be displayed.
Step 3
Click the [OK] button after entering the user name and the password.
The setup menu will be displayed.
Refer to the next page for further information about this menu.
Step 1
Click the desired button in the frame on the left of the window to display the respective setup menu. When there are tabs at the top of the setup page dis­played in the frame on the right of the window, click the desired tab to display and configure the setting items relating to the name of the tab.
Step 2
Complete each setting item displayed in the frame on the right of the window.
Step 3
After completing each setting item, click the [SET] but­ton to apply them.
When there are two or more [SET] buttons on the page, click the respective button to the edited setting item. <Example>
When completing the setting items in field A, click the [SET] button below field A (A-1). The edited set­ting items in field A will not be applied unless the [SET] button below field A (A-1) is clicked. In the same manner as above, click the [SET] button below field B (B-1) when completing the setting items in field B.
How to operate the setup menu
Menu buttons Setup page
About the setup menu window
q [Live] button
Click this button to display the "Live" page.
w [Basic setup] button
Click this button to display the "Basic setup" page. The basic settings such as time and date and cam­era title, and the settings relating to the NTP server and the SD memory card can be configured on the "Basic setup" page. Refer to page 8 for further infor­mation.
e [Camera setup] button
Click this button to display the "Camera setup" page. The settings relating to JPEG/MPEG-4 images and camera operation can be configured on the "Camera setup" page. Refer to page 20 for further informa­tion.
r [Multi-screen setup] button
Click this button to display the "Multi-screen setup" page. The cameras to be used for the multi-screen display can be registered on the "Multi-screen setup" page. Refer to page 37 for further information.
t [Alarm setup] button
Click this button to display the "Alarm setup" page. The settings relating to alarm occurrences such as settings for the alarm action at an alarm occurrence, the alarm occurrence notification, and the VMD area settings can be configured on the "Alarm setup" page. Refer to page 38 for further information.
y [Authentication setup] button
Click this button to display the "Authentication setup" page. The settings relating to the authentication such as users and PCs restrictions for accessing the camera can be configured on the "Authentication setup" page. Refer to page 49 for further informa­tion.
u [Server setup] button
Click this button to display the "Server setup" page. The settings relating to the mail server and the FTP server to which the camera accesses can be config­ured on the "Server setup" page. Refer to page 51 for further information.
!3 Setup page
!2 Status display
q [Live] button
w [Basic setup] button
e [Camera setup] button
r [Multi-screen setup] button
t [Alarm setup] button
y [Authentication setup]
u [Server setup] button
i [Network setup] button
o [Schedule setup] button
!0 [Maintenance] button
!1 [Help] button
i [Network setup] button
Click this button to display the "Network setup" page. The network settings and the settings relating to DDNS (Dynamic DNS), SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) and the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) periodic transmission function can be con­figured on the "Network setup" page. Refer to page 53 for further information.
o [Schedule setup] button
The "Schedule" page will be displayed. On the "Schedule" page, it is possible to designate time zones to allow to receive alarm input or to allow to activate the video motion detection (VMD) func­tion. Refer to page 61 for further information.
!0 [Maintenance] button
Click this button to display the "Maintenance" page. System log check, firmware upgrade and initializa­tion of the setup menu can be carried out on the "Maintenance" page. Refer to page 62 for further information.
!1 [Help] button
Click this button to display the "Help" page.
!2 Status display area
The title of the camera whose settings are currently being configured will be displayed.
!3 Setup page
Pages of each setup menu will be displayed. There are tabs for some setup menus. When the under­lined item is clicked, the corresponding help page will be displayed.
Configure the basic settings of the camera [Basic setup]
The basic settings such as time and date and camera name, and the settings relating to the NTP server and the SD memory card can be configured on the "Basic setup" page. The "Basic setup" page has 4 tabs; the [Basic] tab, the [NTP] tab, the [SD memory card] tab and the [LOG] tab.
Configure the basic settings [Basic]
Click the [Basic] tab on the "Basic setup" page. (pages 4 and 5: How to display/operate the setup menu) The settings such as the camera name, time and date, etc. can be configured on this page.
[Camera title]
Enter the title of the camera. Click the [SET] button after entering the title of the camera. The entered title will be displayed in the status display area. Number of characters for the camera title: 0 - 20
Default: WV-NS954 (The model number in use will be
[Time & date setup]
Enter the current time and date. When "12-hours" is selected for "Time display", "AM" or "PM" can be select­ed. Available range: 01/01/2007 0:00:00 –
12/31/2035 23:59:59
[Time display]
Select the time display format from "12-hours", "24­hours" and "OFF". Enter the current hour reflecting this setting when entering the current time and date for "Time & date setup". To hide time and date, select "OFF".
Default: 24-hours
[Date/time display format]
Select a date/time display format. When "07/04/01 13:10:00" is set for "Time & date setup" after selecting "24-hours" for "Time display", time and date will be respectively displayed as follows.
DD/MM/YYYY: 01/04/2007 13:10:00 MM/DD/YYYY: 04/01/2007 13:10:00 DD/Mmm/YYYY: 01/Apr/2007 13:10:00 YYYY/MM/DD: 2007/04/01 13:10:00 Mmm/DD/YYYY: Apr/01/2007 13:10:00 Default: DD/MM/YYYY
[Daylight saving (Summertime)]
Select "ON" or "OFF" to determine whether or not to apply daylight saving time. Select "ON" or "OFF" to determine whether or not to apply daylight saving time. ON: Applies summer time. An asterisk (*) will be dis-
played on the left side of the displayed time and date.
OFF: Does not apply summer time. Default: OFF
[Link/Access LED]
Select "ON" or "OFF" to determine whether or not to light the link LED, the access LED, the SD memory card error LED and the power LED. Select "ON" to check the operational status by lighting the LEDs. Select "OFF" to turn off the LEDs at all times.
Default: ON
Link LED: This LED will light when communication with the connected device is available. [Orange]
Access LED: This LED will light when accessing a network. [Yellow]
SD memory card error LED: This LED will light when the SD memory card is unavailable to save images. [Red]
Power LED: This LED will light when the power is on. [Green]
[OSD Position]
Select a position where time and date, camera title, pre­set ID, panning/tilting angle, zoom ratio are to be dis­played on the "Live" page. Upper left: The above information will be displayed at
the upper left corner of the main area on the "Live" page.
Lower left: The above information will be displayed at
the lower left corner of the main area on the "Live" page.
Upper right: The above information will be displayed at
the upper right corner of the main area on the "Live" page.
Lower right: The above information will be displayed at
the lower right corner of the main area on the "Live" page.
Default: Upper left
[Alarm status update mode]
Select an interval of the camera status notification from the following. When the status of the camera changes, the alarm occurrence indication button, the receiver button, the transmission button, the AUX button or the SD saving status indication button will be displayed to notify of the camera status. Polling (30 sec): Updates the status each 30 seconds
and provide notification of the camera status.
Real time: Provide notification of the camera status
when the status has changed.
Default: Real time
Depending on the network environment, notification may not be provided in real time.
[Alarm status port]
When selecting "real time" for "Alarm status update mode", designate a port number to which the status change notification is to be sent.
Available port number: 1 - 65535 Default: 31004
[Automatic installation of Viewer software]
Determine whether or not to install the viewer software from this camera. ON: Installs the viewer software from the camera auto-
OFF: The viewer software cannot be installed from the
Default: ON
• It is impossible to display images and to receive/ transmit audio between the camera and the PC when the viewer software "Network Camera View3" is not installed on the PC.
• The number of the viewer software installations can be checked on the [Upgrade] tab of the "Maintenance" page.
Configure the settings relating to the NTP server [NTP]
Click the [NTP] tab on the "Basic setup" page. (pages 4 and 5: How to display/operate the setup menu) The settings relating to the NTP server such as the NTP server address, port number, etc. can be configured on this page.
[Time adjustment]
Select the time adjustment method from the following. Time adjusted by the selected method will be used as the standard time of the camera. Manual setup: Time set on the [Basic] tab on the
"Basic setup" page will be used as the standard time of the camera.
Synchronization with NTP server: Time automatically
adjusted by synchronizing with the NTP server will be used as the standard time of the camera.
Default: Manual setup
[NTP server address]
Enter the IP address or the host name of the NTP serv­er.
Number of characters for the NTP server address:
1 - 128 characters
Default: None (blank)
When entering the host name for "NTP server address", it is necessary to configure the DNS set­tings on the [Network] tab of the "Network setup" page. (☞ page 54)
[NTP port]
Enter a port number to be used for the NTP server.
Available port number: 1 - 65535 Default: 123
[Synchronization interval]
Select an interval (1 - 24 hours: in 1 hour intervals) of synchronization with the NTP server.
Default: 1 hour
[Time zone]
Select a time zone corresponding to the location where the camera is in use. Default: (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin,
Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
SD memory card setup
[SD memory card]
Select "Use" or "Not use" to determine whether or not to use the SD memory card.
Default: Not use
• Before removing the SD memory card from the cam­era, it is necessary to select "Not use" first.
• After inserting the SD memory card, it is necessary to select "Use" to use the SD memory card.
• When playing or downloading images saved on the SD memory card, it is necessary to select "ON" for "Save logs" on the [LOG] tab (page 16) in advance.
• When the configured image refresh interval is high, timing or interval of notification or recording may become inexact and notification or recording may not carried out as configured when images are transmitted by multiple users. (page 41) If this happened, set the image refresh interval lower.
• There are limited times to overwrite on an SD mem­ory card. When frequently overwritten, it may be at the end of product life. It is recommended to replace the SD memory card.
[Notification of remaining]
When the "E-mail notification" function or the "Panasonic alarm protocol" function is used to provide notification of the remaining space of the SD memory
card, select a level to be notified at from the following. 50 %/20 %/10 %/5 %/2 %
Default: 50 %
Notification will be provided each time the remaining space of the SD memory card reached the values above. For example, notification will be provided each time the remaining space reaches 50%, 20%, 10%, 5% and 2% when "50%" is selected. Notification may not always be made at the very moment when the remaining space of the SD memory card has reached each value.
[Save trigger]
Select a trigger to save images on the SD memory card from the following. FTP error: Saves images when images have failed to
transmit to the FTP server by the FTP periodic trans­mission function.
Alarm input: Saves images at an alarm occurrence. Manual: Saves images manually. (Operating instruc-
Default: FTP error
• Select "FTP error" when images are to be transmit­ted to the FTP server at an alarm occurrence.
• When using the DHCP function (page 53), images will not be saved on the SD memory card until an IP address is assigned regardless of the "Save trigger" setting.
Determine whether or not to overwrite when the SD memory card becomes full. This setting is available only when "Manual" is selected for "Save trigger". ON: Overwrites when the SD memory card becomes
full. (The oldest image is the first to be overwritten.)
OFF: Stops saving images on the SD memory card
when the SD memory card becomes full.
Default: OFF
Configure the settings relating to the SD memory card [SD memory card]
Click the [SD memory card] tab on the "Basic setup" page. (pages 4 and 5: How to display/operate the setup menu) The settings relating to the SD memory card can be configured on this page. A mini SD card is used for NW960 series.
The overwrite setting will be as follows according to the "Save trigger" setting.
FTP error: Will not be overwritten Alarm input: Will be overwritten Manual: Can be determined by selecting "ON" or
"OFF" for "Overwrite"
[File name]
Enter the file name used for the image to be saved on the SD memory card. The file name will be as follow. File name: ["Entered file name" + "Time and date
(year/month/day/hour/minute/second)"] + "Serial number"
Number of characters that can be entered for the file
name: 1 - 8 characters
When "FTP error" is selected for "Save trigger", the file name entered for "File name" on the [FTP] tab of the "Network setup" page will be used for the file name of the image saved on the SD memory card.
[Frame rate]
• Frame per second
When an alarm is sounded or manual saving is per­formed, select an image save interval from the follow­ing. Select an image save interval from the following.
0.1 fps/0.2 fps/0.33 fps/0.5 fps/1 fps
Default: 1 fps
• Number of images
Select a number of alarm images to be saved on the SD memory card from the following. 10 pics/20 pics/ 30 pics/50 pics/100 pics/200 pics/ 300 pics/500 pics/1000 pics/2000 pics/3000 pics/ 5000 pics
Default: 100 pics
"Frame rate" can be configured only when "Alarm input" is selected for "Save trigger".
[Image capture size]
Select "QVGA" or "VGA" for the size of the images to be saved on the SD memory card.
Default: VGA
• When "FTP error" is selected for "Save trigger", images will be saved with the image capture size selected on the [FTP] tab of the "Network setup" page.
• When "Alarm input" is selected for "Save trigger", images will be saved with the image capture size selected on the [Alarm] tab of the "Alarm setup" page.
SD memory card information
[SD memory card]
Available size and the total size of the SD memory card will be displayed. Depending on the status of the SD memory card, the size indications will differ as follows.
Indication Description
--------KB/--------KB No SD memory card is inserted. Failed to obtain available size due to error, etc.
********KB/********KB The SD card memory is unfor-
matted, or locked, etc.
When "OFF" is selected for "Overwrite" (page 11) and the available size of the SD memory card has reached "0 KB", images will not be saved on the SD memory card. When the notification function is on, a notification mail will be sent to the registered addresses when the SD memory card becomes full. (pages 47 and 48)
To format the SD memory card, click the [Execute] but­ton.
• Before formatting the SD memory card, it is neces­sary to select "Use" for "SD memory card" on the [SD memory card] tab of the "Basic setup" page (page 11) and "OFF" for "FTP periodic transmis­sion" on the [FTP] tab of the "Network setup" page (page 58).
• Only format the SD memory card by clicking the [Execute] button on the setup menu. Otherwise, the following functions using the SD memory card may not work properly with this camera.
• Save/obtain images that failed to transmit to the FTP server using the FTP periodic transmission function
• Save/obtain alarm images
• Save/obtain images saved manually
• Save/obtain the alarm logs, the manual logs, the FTP error logs and the system logs
• Save/obtain images recorded using the SD memory recording function of Panasonic's net­work disk recorder.
• Play/download images on the SD memory card
• It is impossible to access the SD memory card dur­ing the process of formatting.
• All data saved on the SD memory card will be delet­ed when the SD memory card is formatted.
• Do not turn off the power of the camera during the process of formatting.
• After formatting the SD memory card, the available size may be smaller than the total size since the default directory is automatically created in the SD memory card.
• Compatible SD memory card is as follows. (A mini SD card is used for NW960 series.) SD memory card manufactured by Panasonic (64 MB, 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB)
• Use the SD memory card without changing the default condition, or use it after formatting in confor­mity with the SD specification.
Copy images saved on the SD memory card onto the PC [SD memory card images]
Click the [SD memory card] tab on the "Basic setup" page. (pages 4 and 5: How to display/operate the setup menu) The following are descriptions of how to copy images saved on the SD memory card onto the PC. It is necessary in advance to select "Allow" for "FTP access" on the [Network] tab of the "Network setup" page (page 54).
• It is impossible to copy images saved on the SD memory card when another user is simultaneously obtaining images from the SD memory card.
• Depending on the settings of a proxy server or a firewall, images may not be obtained via a network. In this case, refer to the network administrator.
Step 1
Click the [Execute] button of "Access images". The user authentication window will be displayed.
Step 2
Click the [OK] button after entering the user name and the password. The folder in which images are to be saved will be
Step 3
Copy the desired images or the folder onto the PC. It is impossible to display the image to be saved on this window. Display the image after saving it on the PC.
When logging in the camera to obtain images, drive B will be displayed first. Images are saved in different directories according to "Save trigger" ("Save trigger" - "Basic setup"-"SD memory card".). Move to the directory corresponding to the desired images and obtain them. Refer to page 75 for further information about the directory structure.
2 GB
1 GB 512 MB 256 MB 128 MB
64 MB
Size of SD memory card
Size of SD memory card
Approx. 32 000 pics Approx. 16 000 pics
Approx. 8 000 pics Approx. 4 000 pics Approx. 2 000 pics Approx. 1 000 pics
Approx. 36 000 pics Approx. 18 000 pics
Approx. 9 000 pics Approx. 4 500 pics Approx. 2 250 pics Approx. 1 125 pics
Approx. 38 000 pics Approx. 19 000 pics
Approx. 9 500 pics Approx. 4 750 pics Approx. 2 375 pics Approx. 1 187 pics
Approx. 40 000 pics Approx. 20 000 pics Approx. 10 000 pics
Approx. 5 000 pics Approx. 2 500 pics Approx. 1 250 pics
Approx. 42 000 pics Approx. 21 000 pics Approx. 10 500 pics
Approx. 5 250 pics Approx. 2 625 pics Approx. 1 312 pics
5 (Normal) 6 7 8 9 (Low)
Image quality
Size of SD memory card
Size of SD memory card
5 (Normal) 6 7 8 9 (Low)
Image quality
Refer to the following for the possible numbers of images whose image capture size is QVGA.
Image capture size: QVGA
2 GB
1 GB 512 MB 256 MB 128 MB
64 MB
Approx. 22 000 pics Approx. 11 000 pics
Approx. 5 500 pics Approx. 2 750 pics Approx. 1 375 pics
Approx. 687 pics
Approx. 26 000 pics Approx. 13 000 pics
Approx. 6 500 pics Approx. 3 250 pics Approx. 1 625 pics
Approx. 812 pics
Approx. 28 000 pics Approx. 14 000 pics
Approx. 7 000 pics Approx. 3 500 pics Approx. 1 750 pics
Approx. 875 pics
Approx. 30 000 pics Approx. 15 000 pics
Approx. 7 500 pics Approx. 3 750 pics Approx. 1 875 pics
Approx. 937 pics
Approx. 32 000 pics Approx. 16 000 pics
Approx. 8 000 pics Approx. 4 000 pics Approx. 2 000 pics Approx. 1 000 pics
2 GB
1 GB 512 MB 256 MB 128 MB
64 MB
Approx. 24 000 pics Approx. 12 000 pics
Approx. 6 000 pics Approx. 3 000 pics Approx. 1 500 pics
Approx. 750 pics
Approx. 26 000 pics Approx. 13 000 pics
Approx. 6 500 pics Approx. 3 250 pics Approx. 1 625 pics
Approx. 812 pics
Approx. 27 000 pics Approx. 13 500 pics
Approx. 6 750 pics Approx. 3 375 pics Approx. 1 687 pics
Approx. 843 pics
Approx. 28 000 pics Approx. 14 000 pics
Approx. 7 000 pics Approx. 3 500 pics Approx. 1 750 pics
Approx. 875 pics
Approx. 30 000 pics Approx. 15 000 pics
Approx. 7 500 pics Approx. 3 750 pics Approx. 1 875 pics
Approx. 937 pics
0 (Super fine) 1 (Fine) 2 3 4
Image quality
0 (Super fine) 1 (Fine) 2 3 4
Image quality
2 GB
1 GB 512 MB 256 MB 128 MB
64 MB
Approx. 10 000 pics
Approx. 5 000 pics Approx. 2 500 pics Approx. 1 250 pics
Approx. 625 pics Approx. 312 pics
Approx. 14 000 pics
Approx. 7 000 pics Approx. 3 500 pics Approx. 1 750 pics
Approx. 875 pics Approx. 437 pics
Approx. 16 000 pics
Approx. 8 000 pics Approx. 4 000 pics Approx. 2 000 pics Approx. 1 000 pics
Approx. 500 pics
Approx. 18 000 pics
Approx. 9 000 pics Approx. 4 500 pics Approx. 2 250 pics Approx. 1 125 pics
Approx. 562 pics
Approx. 20 000 pics Approx. 10 000 pics
Approx. 5 000 pics Approx. 2 500 pics Approx. 1 250 pics
Approx. 625 pics
Possible number of images that can be saved on the SD memory card (as indications)
The numbers on the following table are just indications. They are not actual numbers of images that can be saved on the SD memory card. Numbers will differ according to photographic subject to the SD memory card.
Image capture size: VGA
Configure the settings relating to the logs [LOG]
Click the [LOG] tab on the "Basic setup" page.(pages 4 and 5: How to display/operate the setup menu)
[Save logs]
Select "ON" or "OFF" to determine whether to save the alarm logs.
ON: Saves the alarm logs OFF: Does not save the alarm logs Default: ON
[Name of the destination directory for downloaded images]
Enter the name of the destination directory to which images associated with the logs are to be downloaded. For example, enter "C:\alarm" to designate the folder "alarm" under drive C. Enter 3 to 128 characters.
Enter alphanumeric characters except the following:
\ : / _
Select "ON" or "OFF" and designate the destination folder in the same manner as for "Alarm".
FTP error
Select "ON" or "OFF" and designate the destination folder in the same manner as for "Alarm".
When "Without time and date" is selected for "File name" on the [FTP] tab on the "Network setup" page (page 58), FTP error log and associated images will not be saved. To save them, select "With time and date".
How the logs and images are saved depending on the settings for "Alarm"
[LOG] tab
Alarm: Save logs
Alarm input
Not use
Other than "Alarm input"
[SD memory card] tab
SD memory card
Not use
Save trigger
Alarm input
Other than "Alarm input"
Logs: Up to 5 000 logs will be kept. When more than 5 000
logs are filed, the older logs will be overwritten by the newer logs. In this case, the oldest log is the first to be overwrit­ten.
Images: Images associated with the logs will be saved. When
available capacity of the SD memory card ran out, the older images will be overwritten by the newer images. Even when available capacity of the SD memory card is enough, the older images will be overwritten by the newer images when more than 5 000 logs are filed since associated images are to be deleted when the logs are deleted.
Logs: Up to 1 000 logs will be kept. When more than 1 000
logs are filed, the older logs will be overwritten by the newer logs. In this case, the oldest log is the first to be overwrit­ten. When the power of the camera is turned off, logs will be deleted.
Images: Images will not be saved. Note: To display images on the SD memory card, it is neces-
sary to copy them onto the PC first. (page 14)
Logs: Logs will not be saved.
Images: Images will be saved.
Logs: Logs will not be saved.
Images: Images will not be saved.
Logs: Logs will not be saved.
Images: Images will not be saved.
Logs: Up to 5 000 logs will be kept. When more than 5 000
logs are filed, the older logs will be overwritten by the newer logs. In this case, the oldest log is the first to be overwrit­ten.
Images: Images will not be saved.
Logs and associated images
How the logs and images are saved depending on the settings for "Manual"
Logs and associated images
[LOG] tab
Save logs
Not use
Other than "Manual"
Logs: Logs will not be saved.
Images: Images will not be saved.
[SD memory card] tab
SD memory
Other than "Manual"
Save trigger Overwrite
Logs: Up to 5 000 logs will be kept. When more than 5 000
logs are filed, the older logs will be overwritten by the newer logs. In this case, the oldest log is the first to be overwrit­ten.
Images: Images associated with the logs will be saved. When
available capacity of the SD memory card ran out, the older images will be overwritten by the newer images. Even when available capacity of the SD memory card is enough, the older images will be overwritten by the newer images when more than 5 000 logs are filed since associated images are to be deleted when the logs are deleted.
Logs: Logs will not be saved.
Images: Images will not be saved.
Logs: Logs will not be saved.
Images: Images will not be saved.
Logs: Logs will not be saved.
Images: Images will be saved. When available capacity of the
SD memory card ran out, the older images will be overwritten by the newer images. In this case, the oldest image is the first to be over­written.
Note: To display images on the SD memory card, it is neces-
sary to copy them onto the PC first. (page 14)
Logs: Logs will not be saved.
Images: Images will be saved. When available capacity of the
SD memory card ran out, saving of images will become impossible.
Note: To display images on the SD memory card, it is neces-
sary to copy them onto the PC first. (page 14)
Logs: Up to 5 000 logs will be kept. When more than 5 000
logs are filed, no log will be filed newly anymore. Even when available capacity of the SD memory card ran out and it is not enough to save images, logs will be kept on being filed until it reaches 5 000 logs.
Images: Images associated with the logs will be saved. When
available capacity of the SD memory card ran out, saving of images will become impossible. Even when available capacity of the SD memory card is enough, images associated with logs will be kept on being saved until number of filed logs reaches 5 000.
Not use
Other than "FTP error"
FTP error
Not use
Other than "FTP error"
Logs: Logs will not be saved.
Images: Images will not be saved.
Logs: Logs will not be saved.
Images: Images will be saved. When available capacity of the
SD memory card ran out, saving of images will become impossible.
Note: To display images on the SD memory card, it is neces-
sary to copy them onto the PC first. (page 14)
Logs: Logs will not be saved.
Images: Images will not be saved.
Logs: Logs will not be saved.
Images: Images will not be saved.
Logs: Logs will not be saved.
Images: Images will not be saved.
OFF Not use
Logs: Logs will not be saved.
Images: Images will not be saved.
How the logs and images are saved depending on the settings for "FTP error"
[LOG] tab
FTP error:
Save logs
[SD memory card] tab
SD memory card
Save trigger
FTP error
Logs: Up to 5 000 logs will be kept. When more than 5 000
logs are filed, no log will be filed newly anymore. Even when available capacity of the SD memory card ran out and it is not enough to save images, logs will be kept on being filed until it reaches 5 000 logs.
Images: Images will be saved. When available capacity of the
SD memory card ran out, saving of images will become impossible. Even when available capacity of the SD memory card is enough, images associated with logs will be kept on being saved until number of filed logs reaches 5 000.
Logs and associated images
Logs and associated images
[LOG] tab
Save logs
[SD memory card] tab
SD memory
Save trigger Overwrite
Configure the settings relating to images and audio [Camera setup]
The settings relating to JPEG/MPEG-4 images and camera operations such as the settings of image quality, preset positions, audio, etc. can be configured on this page. The "Camera setup" page has 4 tabs; the [JPEG/MPEG-4] tab, the [Cam Function] tab, the [Image/Position] tab and the [Audio] tab.
Configure the settings relating to JPEG/MPEG-4 images [JPEG/MPEG-4]
Click the [JPEG/MPEG-4] tab on the "Camera setup" page. (pages 4 and 5: How to display/operate the setup menu)
JPEG setup
Configure the settings such as "Refresh interval (JPEG)*", "Image capture size" and "Image quality" on this section. Refer to page 21 for further information about the settings relating to MPEG-4 images.
[Refresh interval (JPEG)*]
Select an interval to refresh the displayed JPEG image from the following.
0.1 fps/0.2 fps/0.33 fps/0.5 fps/1 fps/2 fps/3 fps/5 fps/ 6 fps */10 fps */15 fps */30 fps *
Default: 5 fps
When "ON" is selected for "MPEG-4 transmission", the refresh interval may be longer than the set value when any value with an asterisk (*) on the right is selected.
[Image capture size]
Select "QVGA" or "VGA" for the image capture size of JPEG images.
Default: VGA
[Image quality]
Select image quality of JPEG images from the following. 0 Super fine/1 Fine/2/3/4/5 Normal/6/7/8/9 Low Default: 5 Normal
MPEG-4 setup
Click the [JPEG/MPEG-4] tab on the "Camera setup" page. (pages 4 and 5: How to display/operate the setup menu) Configure the settings relating to MPEG-4 image such as "Max bit rate (per 1 client)", "Image capture size", "Image quality", etc. in this section. Refer to page 20 for further information about the settings relating to JPEG images. Refer to page 76 for how to configure settings to transmit MPEG-4 images via the Internet.
[MPEG-4 transmission]
Select "ON" or "OFF" to determine whether or not to transmit MPEG-4 images.
ON: Transmits MPEG-4 images. OFF: Does not transmit MPEG-4 images. Default: ON
When "ON" is selected for "MPEG-4" transmission, displaying of MPEG-4 images or JPEG images will be available. However, the refresh interval (JPEG) may be longer than the set value when displaying JPEG images.
[Max bit rate (per 1 client)*]
Select a MPEG-4 bit rate per a client from the following. (Constant bit rate) 64 kbps/128 kbps */256 kbps */ 512 kbps */1024 kbps */1536 kbps */2048 kbps */ 3072 kbps */4096 kbps */(frame rate priority) 4096 kbps */unlimited *
Default: 2048 kbps *
The MPEG-4 bit rate is synchronized with "Total bit rate" on the [Network] tab of "Network setup" page (page 54). For this reason, the bit rate may be lower than the value when any value with an asterisk (*) on the right is selected.
[Image capture size]
Select "QVGA" or "VGA" for the image capture size of MPEG-4 images.
Default: VGA
[Image quality]
Select the image quality of MPEG-4 images from the following. Fine/Normal/Low
Default: Normal
This item is disabled when "(frame rate prioritized) 4096 kbps *" or "unlimited *" is selected for a bit rate per a client.
[Refresh interval (MPEG-4)]
Select an interval (I-frame interval; 0.2 - 5 seconds) to refresh the displayed MPEG-4 images. If using under a network environment with frequent error occurrences, shorten the refresh interval for MPEG-4 to diminish image distortions. However, the refresh interval may be longer than the set value.
0.2 sec/0.33 sec/0.5 sec/1 sec/2 sec/3 sec/4 sec/5 sec
Default: 3 sec
[Transmission type]
Select a MPEG-4 transmission type from the following. Unicast port (AUTO): Up to 8 users can access a sin-
gle camera concurrently. "Unicast port1 (Image)" and "Unicast port2 (Audio)" will automatically be selected when transmitting images and audio from the camera.
When it is unnecessary to fix the port number for MPEG-4 image transmission such as when using in a particular LAN environment, it is recommended to select "Unicast port (AUTO)".
Unicast port (MANUAL): Up to 8 users can access a
single camera concurrently. It is necessary to select "Unicast port1 (Image)" and "Unicast port2 (Audio)" manually to transmit images and audio from the camera. It is possible to fix the port number of the router used for MPEG-4 image transmission via the Internet by setting "Unicast port (MANUAL)". (page 76) Refer to the operating instructions of the router in use.
Multicast: No concurrent access limitation for a cam-
era. Refer to Operating Instructions for further information about the maximum concurrent access number.
Default: Unicast port (AUTO)
[Unicast port1 (Image)]
Enter the unicast port number (used to transmit images from the camera). Available port number: 1024 - 50000 (Only even num-
bers are available.)
Default: 32004
[Unicast port2 (Audio)]
Enter the unicast port number (used to transmit audio from the camera). Available port number: 1024 - 50000 (Only even num-
bers are available.)
Default: 33004
[Multicast address]
Enter the multicast IP address. Images and audio will be transmitted to the designated IP address.
Available IP address: - Default:
[Multicast port]
Enter the multicast port number (used to transmit images from the camera). Available port number: 1024 - 50000 (Only even num-
bers are available.)
Default: 37004
[Multicast TTL]
Enter the multicast TTL value.
Available value: 1 - 254 Default: 16
• Depending on the PC in use for monitoring, the mul­ticast port number may be already in use. In this case, it may be impossible to monitor images. Change the multicast port number.
• When transmitting an MPEG-4 image via a network, the transmitted image sometimes may not be dis­played. In this case, refer to the network administra­tor.
• When two or more network interface cards are installed on the PC in use, the network interface card(s) not used for receiving images should be invalidated when displaying images using the multi­cast port.
Configure the settings relating to the camera title and the camera operations [Cam Function]
Click the [Cam Function] tab on the "Camera setup" page. (pages 4 and 5: How to display/operate the setup menu) Configure the settings relating to camera title and the camera operations on this page.
[Camera title on screen]
Select "ON" or "OFF" to determine whether or not to dis­play the camera title on images.
Default: OFF
[Camera title on screen (0-9, A-Z)]
Enter the camera title to be displayed on images. Number of characters for the camera title: 0 - 16
Available characters: 0-9, A-Z and the following
marks. !"#$%&‘()*+,-./:; =?
Default: None (blank)
When "ON" is selected, the entered camera title will be displayed at the position selected for "OSD Position" on the [Basic] tab of the "Basic setup" page. (☞ page 9)
[Home position]
A preset position (page 30) can be set as the home position. When a preset position is set as the home position, "H" will be displayed next to the preset position number.
[Self return]
When the time set for "Self return" has passed after manual operations of the camera, the camera will auto­matically be in the selected mode. This function is also
useful to automatically set the camera in a specific mode when the power of the camera is turned on.
OFF: The camera will not be in any mode. Home position: When the set time has passed, the
camera will move to the home position automatical­ly.
Auto track: When the set time has passed, the camera
will move to the home position and will start the auto track function. The camera will repeat this action (moves to the home position and starts the auto track function) afterward.
Auto pan: When the set time has passed, the camera
will start the auto pan function.
Preset sequence: When the set time has passed, the
camera will start the sequence function.
Patrol 1: When the set time has passed, the camera
will start the patrol operation.
Default: OFF
The self return function works even when the setup menu is displayed.
[Self return time]
Select a waiting time (amount of time until the camera starts the selected operation after the end of the manual operations) from the following. 10 sec/20 sec/30 sec/1 min/ 2 min/3 min/5 min/10 min/ 20 min/30 min/60 min
Default: 1 min
[Image Hold]
Select "ON" or "OFF" to determine whether or not to hold the still image on the screen (that is displayed at the last moment before the camera started to move to a preset position) until the camera has moved to the pre­set position. ON: A still image will be held on the screen until the
camera has moved to the preset position.
OFF: Images from the camera will be displayed even
when the camera is moving to the preset position.
Default: OFF
Select whether or not to use the camera's stabilizer function. This function is effective, for example, when the camera is installed on a utility pole.
ON: Vibration is reduced. OFF: Vibration is not reduced. Default: OFF
• When "ON" is selected for this function, the view angle becomes narrower and the image capture size is reduced. When installing the camera with this function set to "ON", adjust the view angle. (Operating Instructions) The stabilizer may not be effective for the following subjects:
• Objects in low lighting
• Non-contrast objects (white walls etc)
• Fast moving periodic action, such as mechanical vibration
• Large-scale amplitude vibrations
Select "ON" or "OFF" to determine whether or not to use the electronic zoom. ON (Max X10): Images can be zoomed in on with the
optical zoom (1x - 30x) and the electronic zoom (30x - 300x).
OFF: Does not use the electronic zoom. Default: OFF
• When "ON" is selected, zooming will stop when the zoom factor has reached 30x.
• When the zoom factor is increased to 30x (EL-zoom) or more, the image resolution will be lower.
• When the zoom factor is 30x or more, the setting of the preset positions will become unavailable.
[Pan·Tilt degree/Zoom ratio display]
Select "ON" or "OFF" to determine whether or not to dis­play the current panning/tilting degree and the zoom factor on images when the camera is being operated manually. ON: Displays the current panning/tilting degree and the
zoom factor.
OFF: Does not display the current panning/tilting degree
and the zoom factor.
Default: ON
When "ON" is selected, the panning/tilting degree and the zoom factor will be displayed at the position selected for "OSD Position" on the [Basic] tab of the "Basic setup" page. (page 9)
[Tilt Angle]
Select the maximum degree for tilting from the following. (Level = 0°) 0°/–1°/–2°/–3°/–4°/–5°
When "–5°" is selected for "Tilt Angle", the upper half of images will be hidden in the WIDE mode. When "ON" is selected for "Gain" (page 23), some images become whitish due to the AGC effect.
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