Panasonic WV-ASM200W, WV-ASE203W, WV-ASE204W, WV-ASE202W, WV-ASE201W User Manual

Setup Instructions
PC Software Package
Model No. WV-ASM200
Extension Software
Model No. WV-ASE201, WV-ASE202
WV-ASE203, WV-ASE204
Before attempting to connect or operate this product,
please read these instructions carefully and save this manual for future use.
The model number is abbreviated in some descriptions in this manual.
Preface .......................................................................3
Software configuration ........................................... 3
System configuration .............................................3
System specifications ............................................ 4
Compatible devices ................................................ 5
About the setup software .......................................6
Standard accessories ............................................. 7
About the user manuals ......................................... 8
System requirements ............................................. 8
Recommended camera settings when monitoring
MPEG-4 or H.264 images .................................... 10
Trademarks and registered trademarks ............... 10
Abbreviations .......................................................10
Document convention .......................................... 11
Operation flow .......................................................... 13
Installation/uninstallation ..........................................14
Installation ............................................................ 14
Uninstallation ........................................................ 15
Start/exit the setup software .................................... 16
Setup window ........................................................... 18
Settings relating to the system ................................. 19
Select the operating language, date format,
time format, etc. [Basic setup] ............................. 19
Set the maximum refresh interval
[Performance] .......................................................22
Settings relating to the device management ............ 23
Register a recorder [Basic setup] .........................23
Edit the registered recorder information
[Basic setup] ......................................................... 31
Delete the registered recorder [Basic setup] ........31
Register an encoder [Basic setup] ....................... 32
Edit the registered encoder information
[Basic setup] ......................................................... 37
Delete the registered encoder [Basic setup] ........ 38
Register a camera [Basic setup] ..........................39
Edit the registered camera information
[Basic setup] ......................................................... 46
Delete the registered camera [Basic setup] ......... 47
Register a decoder [Basic setup] ......................... 48
Edit the registered decoder information
[Basic setup] ......................................................... 51
Delete the registered decoder [Basic setup] ........52
Settings relating to the user management ............... 53
User authentication, auto login user, password's
validation period setting [Basic setup] ................. 53
Settings relating to the administrator
[Administrator setup] ............................................ 54
Apply the user level for each user
[User level setup] ..................................................55
Functions that can be restricted ..........................56
Manage the registered users [User setup] ........... 57
Settings relating to the cameras...............................62
Register a group [Group] ...................................... 62
Register a sequence [Sequence] ......................... 65
Settings relating to the window ................................ 69
Use the live window [Live window] ......................69
Use the map window [Map window] .................... 70
Settings relating to the face search .......................... 74
Add a face search server .....................................74
Correct the face search server .............................77
Delete the face search server ............................... 78
Configure the behavior setting of the
face search server ................................................79
Settings relating to the event action ......................... 80
Settings for the event action upon an alarm
occurrence [Alarm] ............................................... 80
Settings for the event action upon an error
occurrence [Error] ................................................. 82
Settings relating to the communication....................83
Network settings [Basic setup] ............................ 83
Settings relating to the alarm notification from the device using Panasonic alarm protocol
[Panasonic Alarm] ................................................ 84
Settings relating to the controller ............................. 85
Camera number setting [Camera number] ........... 85
Group number setting [Group number] ................88
Sequence number setting [Sequence number] .... 91
Settings relating to the maintenance ........................ 94
Display the version of this software
[Version information] ............................................. 94
Display/save the application log
[Application log] .................................................... 94
Display/save the recorder log [Recorder log] ..... 101
Delete the operation log automatically
[Auto delete] ....................................................... 104
Save/load/initialize the setup data or logs
[Save/Load] ........................................................ 105
Settings relating to the license registration ............ 109
Register the license ............................................ 109
Exceptional settings of Windows Firewall .............. 111
Settings of System Controller
(WV-CU950 series) ................................................. 113
MODE Switch Setting ......................................... 113
CONTROLLER NO. Switch Setting .................... 113
Network Setting .................................................. 113
Troubleshooting ...................................................... 115
Displayed messages and solutions ........................ 116
When starting the setup software ...................... 116
When the [OK] button on the login window is
clicked ................................................................ 116
When the [Set] button is clicked ........................116
When the [Delete...] button is clicked ................. 117
When the [Start...] button on the setup page of
"Device mng." is clicked ....................................118
When the live image source is selected on the
"Camera setup" .................................................. 119
When the [OK] button on setup page of
"Camera" is clicked ............................................ 119
When dragging and dropping the icon onto the
map display area ................................................ 119
When the [Download] button on the
"Recorder log" window is clicked ...................... 120
When the [Save] button on the
"Save As" window is clicked .............................. 120
When an error occurred ..................................... 120
When determined the entered number on the
setting pages of "Controller" .............................. 121


PC in which the
software is installed
System controller
Network disk recorder
Network disk recorder
Digital disk recorder
Network Video Encoder
Network camera
Network camera
Network camera
Network Video Encoder
Digital Disk Recorder WJ-HD616
The PC Software Package WV-ASM200 (hereinafter this software) is designed for integrated management of multiple Panasonic network disk recorders and digital disk recorders (hereinafter recorders), network interface unit (hereinafter encoders) and network cameras (hereinafter cameras) connected to a network such as a LAN or the Internet, and runs on the Microsoft® Windows® operating system. Refer to the "Compatible devices" section ( page 5) for the devices compatible with this software.
By using this software on a personal computer (hereinafter PC) via a network, it is possible to display live images of the cameras, to play images stored on the recorder, and to download image files to the hard disk drive of the PC.

Software configuration

This software consists of the following 3 applications: Setup software: The settings required to run the operation software can be configured and managed
with this software.
Operation software: Displaying live images, playback, downloading, searching for images stored on the
recorder, and controlling of the camera is available using this software.
Service software: Reception of Panasonic alarm protocol and auto deletion of the operation log will be
carried out by this software.
This is the resident application (in the system tray). Once the PC is turned on, the
service software runs in the background of the PC.

System configuration

†1: When the system is configured as "System A" in the illustration above, live images from the cameras con-
nected to the recorder can directly be monitored with this software, not through the recorder.
To monitor live images directly from the cameras with this software, the following are necessary.
Register cameras in the recorder.• The recorder should be used with a single port.•
†2: The system controller is optional.
Do not use cross cables to connect the PC and each device.• When connecting multiple system controllers, operation of this software is not guaranteed.•

System specifications

•Recorderregistration: Upto100recorders
•Encoderregistration: Upto64encoders
•Cameraregistration: Upto256cameras
•Decoderregistration: Upto10decoders(ThelicensefortheWV-ASE204isrequired.)
•Userregistration: Upto32users
•Userlevels: 5levels
•Groupregistration: Upto400groups
•Sequenceregistration: Upto10sequences(Upto64stepscanberegisteredforasequence)
•Mapregistration: Upto100maps(Upto64camerascanbeassignedonamap,upto20
registered maps can be used.) (The file size shall be less than 10 MB. Available file type is JPEG and BMP.)
•Numberofthealarmlogsthatcanbestored: Upto30000logs(Upto1000logscanbedisplayed)
•Numberofthedeviceerrorlogsthatcanbestored: Upto1000logs(Upto1000logscanbedisplayed)
•Numberofthenetworkerrorlogsthatcanbestored: Upto1000logs(Upto1000logscanbedisplayed)
•Numberofthesystemlogsthatcanbestored: Upto1000logs(Upto1000logscanbedisplayed)
•Numberoftheoperationlogsthatcanbestored: Upto100000logs(Upto1000logscanbedisplayed)
•Numberofsearchresultsthatcanbedisplayed: Upto1000logs search results (Up to 200 results for
VMD search)
Number of PCs that can concurrently access a single recorder differs depending on choosing whether or • not to use "Live window" and the model of the recorder in use.
Recorder Use of "Live window"
Yes No ND300 4 6 ND200 2 4 HD300 ND400 8 16 HD600 4 8 NV200 1 1 ASR500
When exceeding the maximum number of concurrent access due to an increase in the number of accesses • using web browsers or FTP accesses, connection to the recorder may be interrupted and a black screen may be displayed. By adding the license for the Extension Software WV-ASE203 (option), it will become possible to expand the • maximum numbers of registered recorders, encoders and cameras to 100, 64 and 256 respectively. Up to 4 licenses for the WV-ASE203 can be added.
†4 †4
†1: When displaying images on a 16-screen or
9-screen, only a single PC can access.
†2: When displaying images on a 16-screen, 2 PCs
can access.
†3: Under the following conditions, connection to the
recorder may be interrupted and a black screen may be displayed.
Event recording and sequence are being oper-• ated. The total live rate for each HD300 exceeds • 15 ips. ( Page 22)
†4: Note that it varies depending on the system con-
figuration in use.

Compatible devices

The following devices are compatible with this software.
Some functions may not work depending on the firmware version of the compatible device. • Refer to the Panasonic support website ( for further information.
Refer to the operating instructions of the recorder in use for the cameras that can be connected to the • recorder in use.
Compatible recorders
Model Appears in this document as Version Compression
ND300 series ND300 5.20 or later MPEG-4
M-JPEG H.264
ND200 series ND200 3.30 or later MPEG-4
H.264 HD300 series HD300 3.44 or later Model-specific ND400 series ND400 2.20 or later MPEG-4
H.264 HD600 series HD600 2.06 or later H.264 NV200 series NV200 1.04 or later MPEG-4
H.264 ASR500 series ASR500 5.9.1901.48362
or later
Compatible encoder
Model Appears in this document as Version Compression
WJ-NT304 NT304 1.32 or later MPEG-4
M-JPEG WJ-NT314 NT314 1.32 or later MPEG-4
M-JPEG WJ-GXE500 GXE500 1.30 or later H.264
M-JPEG WJ-GXE100 GXE100 1.72 or later H.264
Compatible cameras
Refer to the Readme.txt on the provided CD-ROM.
Compatible decoder (The license for the WV-ASE204 is required.)
Model Appears in this document as Version Compression
WJ-GXD400 GXD400 2.20 or later H.264

About the setup software

An administrator or the registered user who is allowed to display the current settings can log in to the setup software. Only an administrator can configure the settings. Even when logging in to the PC as an administrator, it is impossible to launch both the setup software and the operation software simultaneously. When launching one of them, make sure that the other one is not launched. The following setup items can be configured using the setup software.
To use the following functions, it is necessary to add the license for the Extension Software WV-ASE201 • (option).
Live window• Map window• Control using the System Controller WV-CU950•
Refer to Settings relating to the license registration ( page 109) for further information about how to add
the license for the Extension Software. To control the GXD400, it is necessary to register the license for the Extension Software WV-ASE204 • (option) additionally. To use the following functions, it is necessary to add the license for the Extension Software WV-ASE• 231 (option).
Face search monitor•
Contains settings required for basic operation of this software. Refer to the "Settings relating to the system" section ( page 19) for further information.
Device mng.
Contains settings required to display live images or play recorded images, such as information of the recorders, the encoders and the cameras. Refer to the "Settings relating to the device management" section ( page 23) for further information.
User mng.
Each user should be defined as an administrator or a normal user in this software. Information of each user can be managed on this page. Refer to the "Settings relating to the user management" section ( page 53) for further information.
Contains settings relating to the camera group and the sequence display function. Refer to the "Settings relating to the cameras" section ( page 62) for further information.
Contains settings relating to the live window and the map window. Refer to the "Settings relating to the window" section ( page 69) for further information.
Contains settings relating to the event action such as displaying of the alarm notification window, sounding the buzzer, the alarm camera direct window function, displaying of the error notification window together with sounding the buzzer, etc. Refer to the "Settings relating to the event action" section ( page 80) for further information.
Contains the settings relating to the communication and the alarm notification using the Panasonic alarm proto­col. Refer to the "Settings relating to the communication" section ( page 83) for further information.
Configures the camera number, group number, sequence number, all of which are used when controlling through the system controller. Refer to "Settings relating to the controller" ( page 85) for further information.
Displaying of the version of this software and management of the logs/the setup data are available. Refer to the "Settings relating to the maintenance" section ( page 94) for further information.
Registration of license
Registers the license to use this software and to add extensive options. Refer to the "Settings relating to the license registration" section ( page 109) for further information.

Standard accessories

CD-ROM .......................................................... 1 pc.
Installation guide ............................................. 1 pc.
Activation Key Card ......................................... 1 pc.
The provided CD-ROM contains the installer of this software, the operating instructions (PDF), the setup • instructions (PDF) and the Readme.txt. Prior to installation, read the Readme.txt. This software will not work if the license is not registered. After installing the software on the PC in use, reg-• ister the license.

About the user manuals

There are two PDF manuals (the operating instructions and the setup instructions) and the installation guide (leaflet). This PDF manual contains descriptions of how to install this software and of how to configure the required set­tings to operate this software for an administrator. The network settings will be different depending on the settings of the LAN or the Internet service provider. Refer to the network administrator for further information about the network settings. Refer to WV-ASM200 Operating Instructions (PDF) for further information about how to operate each function of this software.
"WV-ASE201" shown in the instructions and illustrations used in this manual indicates the WV-ASE201, WV-ASE201W. "WV-ASE202" shown in the instructions and illustrations used in this manual indicates the WV-ASE202, WV-ASE202W. "WV-ASE203" shown in the instructions and illustrations used in this manual indicates the WV-ASE203, WV-ASE203W. "WV-ASE204" shown in the instructions and illustrations used in this manual indicates the WV-ASE204, WV-ASE204W.
The descriptions in the following pages are based on the assumption that Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional runs on a PC. Operation windows may not be the same as those appearing on the pages when a different OS is used or dif­ferent settings are applied. When using other OS, refer to the operating instructions of the respective OS.

System requirements

It is recommended to install this software on a PC that meets the following system requirements. OS†1: Microsoft® Windows® 8 Pro (32-bit) Microsoft® Windows® 8 Pro (64-bit) Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional SP1 (32-bit) Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional SP1 (64-bit) Microsoft® Windows Vista® Business SP2 (32-bit) Microsoft® Windows Vista® Business SP2 (64-bit)†2 OS language: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian, Chinese (Simplified
Chinese) Computer: IBM PC/AT Compatible CPU: Intel® CoreTM i5-2400, 2500 Intel® CoreTM i7-860 or faster When adding the license for WV-ASE202 and displaying images on a
64-screen: Intel CoreTM i7-2600 Memory: 3 GB or more When using more than one live window: 4 GB Graphics accelerator: VRAM 512 MB or more (256 MB minimum), compatible with
DirectX® 9.0c CD-ROM drive: Necessary to install this software Required hard disk space: Approx. 3 GB Monitor: 1280x800 pixels or more (1920x1080 pixels recommended), 24-bit True
color or better (Full color recommended) Network interface: 100/1000 Mbps Network interface card must be installed Web browser: Windows® Internet Explorer® 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
†2 †2 †3
†2 †7 †2 †3 †7
†2 †7
†3 †7
†1: This software is designed based on the default style or the font size of Microsoft® Windows Vista®,
Microsoft® Windows® 7 and Microsoft® Windows® 8.
When the display style or the font size of Microsoft® Windows® 7 or Microsoft® Windows Vista® is changed
from the default, it may be possible that the layout of this software collapses.
†2: When using Microsoft® Windows Vista®, Microsoft® Windows® 7 or Microsoft® Windows® 8, refer to
"Readme.txt" for further information about the system requirements, precautions, etc. †3: Operates in WOW64 (32-bit mode). †4: It is required that Microsoft® SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP4 (when using Windows Vista / Windows
7) or Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Express (when using Windows 8) is installed on the
PC to use this software. It is necessary to prepare other disk space exclusively as storage for database and files downloaded from
the recorder in addition to the required disk space for installation of this software. †5: The network settings on the PC must meet those of the network environment where the PC is connected. Operations of this software on a PC with two network interface cards or more will not be covered by the
warranty. †6: Supported versions of the web browser and restrictions will vary depending on the connected devices.
Refer to the operating instructions of the devices for further information. †7: The "Windows classic" style is not available as a theme used for the desktop customization. Select
"Windows Vista" on Windows Vista and "Windows 7 Basic" on Windows 7 respectively.
This software must be installed by the administrator. Otherwise, any problems will not be covered by the •
This software uses Microsoft•
7) or Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Express (when using Windows 8) as the database.
Operation of this software on remote desktop is not guaranteed.•
While running this software, do not log out of the PC nor shut down the PC. Otherwise, operation of this •
software may become unstable.
Do not use other applications, especially heavy load types, while this software is running. Otherwise, the •
CPU overload and the shortage of resources will cause malfunction and insufficient performance.
When no sound card is installed, the buzzer will not sound at an alarm/error occurrence. The audio trans-•
mission/reception function is also unavailable.
Use of 2-byte characters for a user name causes installation failure. Create a user name with 1-byte alpha-•
numeric characters and perform installation.
This software is not compatible with Windows XP mode for Microsoft•
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP4 (when using Windows Vista / Windows
Windows® 7.

Recommended camera settings when monitoring MPEG-4 or H.264 images

Set the "Max bit rate (per 1 client)" setting of the camera as below according to the PC in use. When the set values for "Max bit rate (per 1 client)" is larger than the value below, this software may not work correctly. In this case, terminate this software forcibly, and then set an appropriate bit rate.
When monitoring MPEG-4 images (VGA)
CPU Recommended bit rate
CoreTM i5-2400 2048 kbps (30 fps)
* "Normal" shall be selected for the image quality of the camera.
When monitoring H.264 images (VGA)
CPU Recommended bit rate
CoreTM i5-2400 1536 kbps (30 fps)
When adding the license for WV-ASE202 and displaying images on a 64-screen (QVGA)
CPU Recommended bit rate
CoreTM i7-2600 1024 kbps (30 fps)

Trademarks and registered trademarks

Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Internet Explorer and DirectX are either registered trademarks or trade-•
marks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Intel, Pentium and Intel Core are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United •
States and other countries.
Adobe, Adobe logos, and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems •
Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
All other trademarks identified herein are the property of their respective owners.•


These are descriptions of the basic terms used in these operating instructions. Microsoft® Windows Vista® Business SP2 (32-bit) and Microsoft® Windows Vista® Business SP2 (64-bit) are described as Windows Vista. Microsoft described as Windows 7. Microsoft® Windows® 8 Pro (32-bit) and Microsoft® Windows® 8 Pro (64-bit) are described as Windows 8.
Windows® 7 Professional SP1 (32-bit) and Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional SP1 (64-bit) are

Document convention

These are descriptions of the basic terms used in these operating instructions.
Indicates a person responsible for management and operation of this software.
Indicates a person who operates this software. Each user should be defined as an administrator or a regis­tered user in this software. Only a user who is regis­tered as an administrator can configure and maintain this software.
Indicates Panasonic network disk recorders or digital disk recorders. Refer to the "Compatible devices" section ( page 5) for the devices compatible with this software.
Indicates Panasonic network interface unit. Refer to the "Compatible devices" section ( page 5) for the devices compatible with this software.
Fixed camera
Indicates cameras without the panning and tilting functions.
PTZ camera
Indicates cameras featuring the panning, tilting and zooming functions.
Fisheye camera
Indicates Panasonic Fisheye network cameras.
Live image
Indicates live images from the camera.
Group display
Images from cameras can be registered as a group and displayed by groups.
Images of each registered group can be displayed sequentially in the order determined in advance. The sequence function of this software is available only for live image display.
Indicates the zoom function available when displaying live or recorded images. While the zoom function of the camera enlarges images using the zoom lens of the camera, the EL-zoom function enlarges images by processing images on this software. Clicking a point in the EL-zoomed image moves the displayed EL-zoomed image by positioning the clicked point as the center point.
Camera operation
Indicates the operations of the camera connected, such as panning/tilting, zooming, focusing, starting the preset function (move to the preset position), starting the selected auto mode function, brightness adjustment, preset registration and AUX control.
Network playback
Recorded images on the recorder can be played via a network.
Manual recording
Indicates recording that is performed by clicking the [REC START] button and the [REC STOP] button.
Indicates Panasonic network video decoders. Refer to the "Compatible devices" section ( page 5) for the devices compatible with this software.
Direct image reception
Indicates that image reception directly from a camera registered in the network disk recorder, not through the recorder.
Indicates file (recorded image on the recorder) trans­fer from the recorder to a PC using the FTP function.
Image file
Indicates downloaded recorded image from the recorder.
File playback
Indicates playback of image files using the viewer software.
Notification function using the Panasonic alarm protocol
Indicates the function that uses alarm/event notifica­tion transmitted from the device using Panasonic alarm protocol.
Application log
Indicates logs filed each time when this software obtains information about an alarm or a device error occurrence from the recorder, or when an operation of this software is made, etc. The application logs are filed as distinct logs; alarm log, device error log, network error log, system log and operation log.
Recorder log
Indicates logs filed each time when a recorder error or a network error occurred in the recorder. The recorder logs are generated in the recorder. The recorder logs are filed as distinct logs; error log, access log, event log and network log.
Indicates a video codec that compresses video fields from the camera into independent JPEG images sequentially. Network load will be reduced comparing with the method that obtains JPEG images independently from the camera. However, the transmission rate will fluctuate depending on the state of the camera. Some cameras phrase this video codec as just "JPEG".
REC event
Indicates the reason (an event or an operation) why the recording started. The recording event will be described as follows. Manual, schedule, emergency, site alarm, terminal alarm, command alarm, VMD, video loss, SD memory backup
SD memory recording (SD memory data)
Indicates the function featured in some Panasonic's cameras that transfers images saved on the SD mem­ory card on the camera to the recorder. Recorded images transferred to the recorder are described as "SD memory data" in these operating instructions. The recording time of SD memory data will be dis­played based on the clock of the camera.
Setup software
Indicates the application used to configure the set­tings required to run the operation software.
Operation software
Indicates the application used for displaying live images of the recorders, encoders and cameras, playback, downloading, searching for images stored on the recorder, and controlling the camera.
Operation window
Indicates the window used to operate all functions except for configurations of this software.
Live window
Indicates the window used only for the group or sequence display of live images.
Map window
Indicates the window that displays a map with the registered camera icons. It is possible to display live images from the desired camera by clicking the respective camera icon on the map.
SD memory download
Indicates the function featured in some Panasonic's cameras that transfers H.264 video files (mp4 files) saved on the SD memory card equipped with the camera to a PC using the FTP function.
Smooth & fast playback mode
Indicates the mode that can play back all the frames without skipping when playing back Step 2 and Step 3.
Registration is surely required before using this soft­ware. Refer to the provided "Activation Key Card" to obtain and register the "Registration Key". The obtained "Registration Key" can be used only on the PC in which the software is installed.
Demo edition
It is possible to use all the functions of the designated software for 90 days by registering the license for the demo edition.
Face search monitor
This window is used to perform operation relating to the face search. The real time alarm display, face/ alarm search and age/gender report will be executed on this window.

Operation flow

To run the operation software, do the following in advance.
Installation of this software
Startup the setup software
Obtainment of license
("Registration Key") ( Activation Key Card)
Registration of the license
("Registration Key")
Settings relating to the system
( page 19)
Settings relating to the device
management ( page 23)
Settings relating to the user management
( page 53)
z Install this software. Refer to the "Installation" sec-
tion (page 14) for further information.
x Start the setup software. Refer to the "Start/exit
the setup software" section ( page 16) for further information.
c Obtain the "Registration Key" by following the
instructions on the provided Activation Key Card.
v Register the "Registration Key" of this software.
Refer to steps 2 - 5 of the "Start/exit the setup software" section ( page 16) for further informa­tion.
Be sure to perform the registration procedure on • the PC in use. To use the demo edition (available for 90 days), it is required to register the "Registration Key" of the demo edition. Refer to the Readme.txt on the provided CD-ROM for fur­ther information.
Settings relating to the cameras
( page 62)
Settings relating to the window
( page 69)
Settings relating to the face search
( page 74)
Settings relating to the event action
( page 80)
Settings relating to the communication
(☞ page 83)
Settings relating to the controller
(☞ page 85)
Settings relating to the maintenance
(☞ page 94)
Settings relating to the license registration
(☞ page 109)
Setup software ended.
Exceptional settings for the firewall
b Configure the settings required to run this soft-
When a message window is displayed by clicking • the button on the window, refer to the "Displayed messages and solutions" section ( page 116) and follow the instructions.
n If necessary, register the "Registration Key" for
the Extension Software WV-ASE201 (option).
m Exit from the setup software. Refer to the "Start/exit the setup software" sec-
tion ( page 16) for further information.
, When using the download function or the
Panasonic alarm protocol function (alarm notifica­tion, event notification), configure the exceptional settings of Windows Firewall. Refer to the "Exceptional settings of Windows Firewall" sec­tion ( page 111) for further information.
Close the setup software and start operation
using the operation software.
Start operation



Before installing this software, make sure that no other Panasonic disk recorder management software such •
as WV-AS65, WV-ASM10 or WV-ASM100/ASM100L is installed on the PC.
When the other Panasonic disk recorder management software and this software are on the same PC, oper-
ations of this software will not be covered by the warranty.
When reinstallation is necessary, uninstall the existing software before starting the reinstallation. An over-•
write installation may cause unstable operations. When this software is uninstalled, the setup data of this
software will be deleted. When the setup data is necessary, save the setup data before uninstalling this soft-
Step 1
Insert the provided CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on the PC.
Step 2
Double-click "SQLServerSetup.exe" in the folder "1 SQLServer". The installer of "Microsoft "Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Express" (when using Windows 8) will be launched. Install the software by following the instructions displayed on the monitor.
Step 3
Double-click "setup.exe" in the folder "2 Disk Recorder Management Software". The installer of "Disk Recorder Management Software" will be launched. Install the software by following the instructions displayed on the monitor. When installed with the ALL option, the executable files, etc. will be copied on a newly created folder "C:\Program Files\Panasonic\ASM200".
Step 4
Configure the exceptional settings of Windows Firewall. Refer to the "Exceptional settings of Windows Firewall" section ( page 109) for further information.
Step 5
Reboot the PC. When completing steps 1 - 5, reboot the PC to complete the installation.
Before starting operation using the operation software, configure the settings required to operate the opera-•
tion software, such as user registration, device registration, using the setup software.
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP4" (when using Windows Vista / Windows 7) or


When this software is uninstalled, the setup data of this software will be deleted. When the setup data is •
necessary, save the setup data before uninstalling this software. Refer to the "Save the setup data as a
backup" section ( page 105) for how to save the setup data.
The data downloaded from the recorder will not be deleted even when this software is uninstalled.•
SQL Server® 2012 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Express (when using Windows 8) will not be deleted even when this
software is uninstalled.
When it is necessary to uninstall them after uninstalling this software, uninstall them in the following order. If
a message window is displayed to ask you to exit other applications when uninstalling the software, click
the [Cancel] button to cancel the uninstallation. Uninstall the software again after stopping the respective
services. Refer to the manuals of the operating system in use for how to stop the services.
Step 1
Open "Programs and Features" in "Control Panel".
Step 2
Select "WV-ASM200" from the presently installed programs and click the [Uninstall] button. The uninstall program will be launched and the wizard will be displayed.
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP4 (when using Windows Vista / Windows 7) or Microsoft®
Step 3
Uninstall the software by following the instructions displayed on the monitor.

Start/exit the setup software

Registration of the license is required before using •
this software. This software will not work if the
license is not registered.
Register the license for the software after confirm-•
ing that the network adapter of the PC is enabled.
Step 1
Select "Setup Software" from "start" menu ("start" ­"All Programs" - "Panasonic" - "WV-ASM200" ­"Setup Software") or double-click the "Setup Software" icon on the desktop to launch the setup software.
Step 3
Enter the "Registration Key" obtained from the Key Management System.
The "Registration Key" can be used only on a PC • that displays "MPR ID" (used to obtain the key) on its screen. It cannot be used on other PCs.
The explanation window for registration will be displayed.
Step 2
After reading the message on the explanation win­dow, click the [Proceed to the registration screen.] button.
Step 4
Click the [Registration] button.
The confirmation window for registration will be displayed.
It is impossible to register the "Registration Key" • of the extension software (option). Be sure to perform the registration procedure on • the PC in use.
Step 5
Step 7
Click the [OK] button.
Step 6
Enter the registered user name and password.
Only an administrator is registered when operat- ing the software just after the installation. Enter "ADMIN" for "User name" and "12345" for "Pass­word" respectively.
Click the [OK] button.
The setup window will be displayed.
Step 8
Click the [×] button at the top right of the setup win­dow to exit the setup software.
The setup software will be closed.
To enhance the security, change the password for •
an administrator before running the software.
It is recommended to change the password for •
the administrator periodically. Refer to the
"Settings relating to the administrator
[Administrator setup]" section ( page 54) for fur-
ther information.

Setup window

When the setup software starts, the setup window will be displayed.
Title bar
Menu buttons
Setup page
Detailed setup page (sub window)
Title bar
The title of the setup software will be displayed.
Menu buttons
When the menu button is clicked, the respective setup page will be displayed.
Setup page
The setup page respective to the clicked menu but­ton will be displayed. When multiple tabs are displayed in the setup page, click the desired tab to display the respective tab page.
Detailed setup page (sub window)
When the button on the setup page that leads to the detailed settings is clicked, the detailed setup page will be displayed in the newly opened window (sub window).
To save and apply the edited settings on the • setup page, it is necessary to click the [Set] but­ton. When the [Set] button is not clicked, the edited settings will not be saved and applied. To save and apply the edited settings on the • detailed setup page, it is necessary to click the [Set] button. When the sub window is closed with­out clicking the [Set] button, the edited settings will not be saved and applied. When the edited setting is invalid, the setup item • for which the invalid setting is entered/selected will be displayed in red. When there is any setup item displayed in red, correct the invalid setting. Some setup items will be displayed after purchas-• ing the Extension Software WV-ASE201, WV-ASE202, WV-ASE231 and adding the license.

Settings relating to the system

Operating language, date format, time format, maximum number of areas when displaying on a multi-screen, audio, automatic full screen of the operation window and maximum refresh interval can be configured.

Select the operating language, date format, time format, etc. [Basic setup]

Click the [System] button, and then click the [Basic setup] tab to display the "Basic setup" page.
The language setting will not be applied even •
when the [Set] button is clicked.
To apply the edited language setting, restart this
Date format
Select a date format to be displayed from the follow­ing. Example: Apr/01/2011 YYYY/MM/DD: 2011/04/01 MM/DD/YYYY: 04/01/2011 Mmm/DD/YYYY: Apr/01/2011 DD/MM/YYYY: 01/04/2011 DD/Mmm/YYYY: 01/Apr/2011 Default: Mmm/DD/YYYY (DD/MM/YYYY when the
software in use is European specification)
The date format will be applied to the following to •
display time and date.
Status bar • Information display area •
Alarm notification message window • Event notification message window • (Each) Log list •
Refer to WV-ASM200 Operating Instructions (PDF)
for further information about them.
Time format
Select a time format to be displayed from the follow­ing. Example: 3 o'clock in the afternoon 12 h: 3:00:00 PM 24 h: 3:00:00 Default: 12h (24h when the software in use is
European specification)
The time format will be applied to the following to • display time and date.
Status bar • Information display area • Alarm notification message window • Error notification window • (Each) Log list •
Refer to WV-ASM200 Operating Instructions (PDF)
for further information about them.
Operation window (multi-screen) with the
maximum number of areas
Select a multi-screen pattern of the operation window from the following. 1-screen/4-screen/9-screen/16-screen Default: 16-screen
After the license for the Extension Software
WV-ASE202 is added, select a setting value from the following.
Live window (multi-screen) with the
maximum number of areas (Available after the license for the WV-ASE201 is added)
Select a multi-screen pattern of the live window from the following.
--/1-screen/4-screen/9-screen/16-screen Default: 4-screen
When not using the live window, select "--".•
Live window1 (multi-screen) with the
maximum number of areas (Available after the licenses for the WV-ASE201 and WV-ASE202 are added)
Select a maximum number of areas (multi-screen pat­tern) of Live window 1 from the following.
--/ 1-screen/ 4-screen/ 9-screen/ 16-screen/ 25-screen/ 36-screen/ 49-screen/ 64-screen Default: 4-screen
Live window2 (Available after the licenses
for the WV-ASE201 and WV-ASE202 are added)
Select a maximum number of areas (multi-screen pat­tern) of Live window 2 from the following.
--/ 1-screen/ 4-screen/ 9-screen/ 16-screen/ 25-screen/ 36-screen/ 49-screen/ 64-screen Default: --
Live window4 (Available after the licenses for the WV-ASE201 and WV-ASE202 are added)
Select a maximum number of areas (multi-screen pat­tern) of Live window 4 from the following.
--/ 1-screen/ 4-screen/ 9-screen/ 16-screen/
25-screen/ 36-screen/ 49-screen/ 64-screen Default: --
Determine whether to use or not use the audio recep­tion/transmission function. ON: Use the audio reception/transmission function. OFF: Not use the audio reception/transmission func-
Default: OFF
When receiving images from ASR500, audio • reception/transmission function will not be used even though "ON" is selected.
Full screen display when opening the operation window
Select whether or not to automatically provide full screen display of the operation window immediately after logging in. This item is enabled when a group is set as a default screen. ON: Full screen display enabled OFF: Full screen display disabled Default: OFF
Image display area
Select how to display the image area. Aspect ratio: The aspect ratio of images will be main­tained. Scaling: The displayed images will be enlarged/
reduced in the whole of the image area.
Same size display: The images will be displayed with
the original size without enlargement/reduction.
Default: Aspect ratio
Live window3 (Available after the licenses for the WV-ASE201 and WV-ASE202 are added)
Select a maximum number of areas (multi-screen pat­tern) of Live window 3 from the following.
--/ 1-screen/ 4-screen/ 9-screen/ 16-screen/
25-screen/ 36-screen/ 49-screen/ 64-screen Default: --
When receiving images from ASR500, • "Aspect ratio" will automatically be applied to display Images in the image display area even if selecting "Scaling" or "Same size display".
High-speed playback smooth mode (ND400)
Select whether or not to use the high-speed playback smooth mode. ON: Use OFF: Not use Default: OFF
Smooth display (buffering)
Select whether or not to use the buffer for images. ON: Images will temporarily be stored in the PC for
smooth display.
OFF: Images will not be stored in the PC and be dis-
played in real time.
Default: OFF
The setting will be validated only when using the • operation window in 1-/4-/9-/16-screen. When "ON" is selected, image display delay may • occur.
[Set] button
The edited settings will be saved and applied.

Set the maximum refresh interval [Performance]

Click the [System] button, and then click the [Performance] tab to display the "Performance" page. Enter a number of images to be refreshed per second.
Change the value for "JPEG/VGA (Live/Playback)" according to your PC environment. • Intel® CoreTM i5: 240 ips Intel® CoreTM i7: 300 ips (For reference) Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo 2.66 GHz: 160 ips When the resolution is QXGA (2048x1536), SXVGA• maximum refresh interval will be x1/10, x1/4, x2/3 or x4 of the set value.
†1: When "Partial" is selected for the scan mode of NP100x, the resolution will be 960x720.
When displaying on a multi-screen, the set value divided by the number of areas will be the maximum • refresh interval per area of a multi-screen.
When "60 ips" is set for the maximum refresh interval, the maximum refresh interval per area when display-
ing on a 4-screen will be 15 ips. When displaying images directly from the cameras, the camera whose refresh interval (set for "Refresh inter-• val (JPEG)" on the "Camera setup" window ( page 28)) is the smallest value among the cameras in use for displaying on a multi-screen will be applied as the maximum refresh interval per area. The actual refresh interval may become slower than the set refresh interval depending on the network envi-• ronment, the settings of the camera and the set maximum refresh interval on the "Performance" page. The maximum refresh interval of MPEG-4 or H.264 images cannot be controlled with this software. Refer to • the "Recommended camera settings when monitoring MPEG-4 or H.264 images" section ( page 8) for fur­ther information. When a program of the recorder changed the recording rate, images sometimes may not be refreshed • exactly at the set refresh interval. Select the value of 15 ips or less for the live rate for an HD300 (ASM200xHD300 (Live))•
(1280x960), SVGA (800x600), QVGA (320x240), the
JPEG/VGA (Live/Playback)
Enter a number among the following for the maximum refresh interval for the whole system when displaying JPEG images of VGA size (640x480) from the HD300. 1 ips - 300 ips Default: 100 ips
When receiving images from ASR500, images will • be displayed at the image refresh rate of the cam­era or the recorder.
HD300 (Live)
Enter a number among the following for the maximum refresh interval for the whole system when displaying live images from the HD300. 1 ips - 15 ips Default: 5 ips
[Set] button
The configured settings will be saved.

Settings relating to the device management

Devices can be registered and information of the registered devices can be edited or deleted. Refer to the "System specifications" section ( page 4) for number of the devices that can be registered.

Register a recorder [Basic setup]

Step 1
Click the [Device mng.] button.
The "Basic setup" page of "Device mng." will be displayed.
Step 2
Click the [Recorder] tab.
The "Registered device" window of the recorder will be displayed.
Step 3
Click the [Add...] button.
The "Device registration" window will be dis- played.
The following are descriptions about each item dis­played on the "Basic setup" page.
Registered device
Titles, model numbers and addresses of the regis­tered recorders will be displayed in list form.
Number of device
Number of the registered recorders will be displayed.
[Add...] button
The "Device registration" window will be displayed.
[Edit...] button
The "Device registration" window of the recorder selected from the list will be displayed.
[Delete...] button
The recorder selected from the list will be deleted.
The [Add...] button will become unavailable when • reached the maximum number of encoder regis­tration.
The following are descriptions about each item dis­played on the "Device registration" window.
Enter the IP address of the recorder. Enter up to 255 alphanumeric characters for the address.
HTTP port number
Enter a number from 1 to 65535 for the HTTP port number. Default: 80
The default HTTP port number set for ASR500 is • "22609". When using without changing the default, change to "22609" from "80".
Use a proxy server
Determine whether to use a proxy server to connect the recorder or not. ON: Use a proxy server OFF: Not use a proxy server Default: OFF
When displaying images directly from cameras, • live images will be received without using a proxy server.
The proxy server address can be set on the [Basic • setup] tab of the "Comm" page ( page 83).
Administrator name
Enter the administrator name registered in the recorder. Enter 4 - 14 alphanumeric characters for the administrator name. Default: ADMIN
It is impossible to use the following administrator • names: administrator, guest, operator, users, nogroup, shutdown, shadow, hdusers. After downloading the device information, when • the device is recognized as the HD300, it becomes impossible to enter this item.
Enter the administrator password registered in the recorder. The entered password will be displayed as "*". Enter 4 - 8 alphanumeric characters for the pass­word. Default: 12345
The default password set for ASR500 is • "admin256". When using without changing the default, change to "admin256" from "12345".
Device title
Enter the recorder title. Enter up to 16 characters. The following characters are unavailable for the recorder title. !$ % ' < = > @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
FTP port number
Enter a number from 1 to 65535 for the FTP port number. Default: 21
It is necessary to make the selected port number • available when "Windows Firewall" Windows Vista or Windows 7 is on. Refer to the "Exceptional settings of Windows Firewall" section ( page 111) for how to make the selected port number available. When using ASR500, it is impossible to specify • the FTP port number.
Internet mode (over HTTP)
Select this item when receiving MPEG-4 or H.264 images via the Internet. It is possible to transmit MPEG-4 or H.264 images while maintaining the same setting of the broadband router as that when trans­mitting JPEG images. ON: Receive MPEG-4 or H.264 images with audio
using the HTTP port.
OFF: Receive MPEG-4 or H.264 images with audio
using the UDP port.
Default: OFF
It is possible to select this item when the record-• ing in use is the ND400 (Version 2.40 or later), the HD600 (Version 2.04 or later) or the NV200 (Version 1.04 or later). When "ON" is selected for "Internet mode (over • HTTP)", all the current image sources will be changed to the recorder.
[Start...] button
Device information will be downloaded based on the settings of "Address", "HTTP port number" and "Use a proxy server".
The model number contained in the downloaded recorder information will be displayed. "Unknown" will be displayed when recorder information is not downloaded yet.
When using ASR500, MPEG-4 or H.264 images • with audio will be received using the UDP port.
Time zone
Select the time zone of the place where the recorder is installed. Time zone can be selected only when the device in use is ASR500. Default: Time zone set for the PC.
[Setup...] button
The "Camera setup" window will be displayed. The [Setup...] button will be unavailable until recorder information is downloaded.
Make sure that the settings on the "NW Camera • Setup" page of the setup menu of the recorder are completed before downloading the recorder information. When the recorder is not configured correctly, downloading of the recorder information may be impossible. When the settings of the setup menu of the • recorder are edited, download the recorder infor­mation again.
[Set] button
The edited settings will be saved and applied.
Step 4
Complete the settings of "Address", "HTTP port num­ber", "Use a proxy server", "Administrator name" and "Password".
Step 6
Click the [OK] button.
The downloading status window will be displayed. To cancel downloading the recorder information, click the [Cancel] button on the displayed down­loading status window.
Step 5
Click the [Start...] button.
Step 7
The message window will be displayed when down­load process ended.
<When download of the device information is successfully completed>
The confirmation window will be displayed.
Click the [OK] button.1.
The confirmation window will close.
Go to step 8.2.
<When download of the device information failed>
The error message window will be displayed.
Confirm the content of the message indicated in 1. the window.
Check if the entered device information is correct. • When the information has been edited correctly, the connected device or the version of the con­nected device may not be compatible with this software. Refer to the "Compatible devices" sec­tion ( page 5) for further information. Refer to the "When the [Start...] button on the • setup page of "Device mng." is clicked” section ( page 118) for further information about the dis­played messages and solutions.
Click the [OK] button.2.
The error window will close.
Step 9
Click the [Setup...] button.
The "Camera setup" window will be displayed.
<The camera setup window of network disk recorder>
When the device registration will be displayed 3. again, confirm the settings.
Then, download the device information again.4.
Step 8
Complete the setting of "Device title" and "FTP port number".
<The camera setup window of the HD300>
<The camera setup window of the HD600>
The following are descriptions about each item dis­played on the "Camera setup" window.
[Camera CH] tabs
Click the tab to change the setup page.
When using ASR500 and even 64 or more camera • channels are registered in ASR 500 as in the example below, only 64 camera channels of them can be registered in this software. Make sure that the number of the camera channels to be regis­tered are 64 or less.
Example) Register a single GXE500 and 63 cam-
eras to use the total of 67 channels.
The displayed tab varies with recorders.• When the recorder in use is the HD300 or the • HD600, this tab will not be displayed. When the recorder in use is the NV200, the tabs • for up to 32 channels will be displayed, but it is impossible to edit the unused or invalid channels.
The camera channel numbers will be displayed.
The camera titles contained in the downloaded recorder information will be displayed. The displayed titles can be edited. Enter up to 24 characters for the title. The following characters are unavailable for the camera title. !$ % ' < = > @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
If these unavailable characters are used for the • camera title on the HD600 or NV200, they will be replaced with spaces.
The model numbers of the cameras contained in the downloaded recorder information will be displayed. "--" will be displayed for the camera channel for which no camera is set.
If the camera has been registered on the NV200, • "WV-" or "WJ-" of the model number will be abbreviated .
Indicates the type and the corresponding icon of the camera obtained from the recorder. There are 16 types: Dome camera 1, Dome camera 2, Dome camera 3, Dome camera 4, Dome camera 5, Dome camera 6, Dome camera 7, Dome camera 8, Dome camera 9, Dome camera10, Stationary camera 1, Stationary camera 2, Stationary camera 3, Stationary camera 4, Fisheye camera 1, Fisheye cam­era 2. Default: Differs depending on the model number of
the camera when the recorder in use is NV200. When the recorder in use is the ND400, the type will be "Dome camera 1", "Stationary camera 1", "Fisheye camera 1" or "Fisheye camera 2".
When another network disk recorder is used,
"Dome camera 1" or "Stationary camera 1" will be indicated. When the recorder in use is the HD300 or the HD600, "Dome camera 1" will be indicated.
The camera icon registered in the map will not • change even when the camera type is changed.
Live image source
Select whether to display live images directly from the cameras or through the recorder by selecting "Camera" or "Recorder". Recorder: It is possible to view live images through
the recorder.
Camera: It is possible to view live images directly
from the camera. It is necessary to register the cameras on the recorder even if "Camera" is selected. Refer to the operating instructions of the recorder in use for how to register the cameras.
Default: When the camera in use is compatible with
the direct image reception function, the default is "Camera". When the camera in use is not compatible with the direct image reception function, the default is "Recorder".
When "Camera" is selected, live images from the • camera can be displayed even when "OFF" is selected for "LIVE VIDEO" of the setup menu of the recorder. A message window may be displayed if "Camera" • is selected. Refer to the "When the live image source is selected on the "Camera setup" win­dow" section ( page 119) for further information about the displayed messages and solutions.
Select the image compression type of the camera. The image compression type can be selected only when using an MPEG-4 or H.264 camera and "Camera" is selected for "Live image source". M-JPEG: Live images will be displayed in the
M-JPEG format.
MPEG-4: Live images will be displayed in the
MPEG-4 format.
H.264: Live images will be displayed in the H.264 for-
Default: Indicates the setting configured on the
recorder. Refer to the operating instructions of the recorder in use for how to configure the compression type of the camera on the recorder.
Resolution (JPEG)
Select the resolution from the following. The resolution setting can be configured only when "Camera" is selected for "Live image source" and "M-JPEG" is selected for "Compression". Auto†1: Images whose resolution is VGA (640x480)
will automatically be fit into the area when display­ing on a 1-screen or a 4-screen. Images whose resolution is QVGA (320x240) will automatically be fit into the area when displaying on a 9-screen or a 16-screen.
QVGA: Images whose resolution is QVGA (320x240)
will automatically be fit into the area regardless of the screen pattern.
QVGA/ 320x180: Images whose resolution is QVGA
(320x240, 320x180 in the 16:9 mode) will auto­matically be fit into the area regardless of the screen pattern.
VGA: Images whose resolution is VGA (640x480) will
automatically be fit into the area regardless of the screen pattern.
VGA/ 640×360/ 800×600: Images whose resolution is
VGA (640×480, 640x360 in the 16:9 mode, 800x600 in the 4:3 (800x600) mode) will automati­cally be fit into the area regardless of the screen pattern.
800x600: Images whose resolution is 800x600 will
automatically be fit into the area regardless of the screen pattern.
1280×960†2: Images whose resolution is 1280x960
will automatically be fit into the area regardless of the screen pattern.
1280×960/ 1280×720: Images whose resolution is
1280x960 (1280×720 in the 16:9 mode) will auto­matically be fit into the area regardless of the screen pattern.
1920×1080†3: Images whose resolution is 1920x1080
will automatically be fit into the area regardless of the screen pattern.
will automatically be fit into the area regardless of the screen pattern.
Default: When "Camera" is selected for "Live image
source" and "M-JPEG" is selected for "Compression", "Auto" is the default. When the selected parameters for "Live image source" and "Compression" are other than "Camera" and "M-JPEG" respectively, "--" is the default.
†1: When the image capture mode of NP502 or
NW502 is 3 megapixels or more, images whose resolution is VGA will be displayed regardless of the screen pattern.
When the image capture mode of a Fisheye cam-
era is 3 megapixels or more, images whose reso­lution is 2048x1536 will be displayed regardless of the screen pattern.
†2: When "Partial" is selected for the scan mode of
NP100x, the resolution will be 960x720.
†3 When the image capture mode is not 2 megapix-
els (in the 16:9 mode), 3 megapixels (in the 16:9 mode), 2M Double Panorama (in the 16:9 mode) or 2M Panorama (in the 16:9 mode), the image will not be displayed in the resolution set for the cam­era or an error may occur.
†4 When the image capture mode is not 3 megapix-
els (in the 4:3 mode) or 3M Fisheye (in the 4:3 mode), the image will not be displayed in the reso­lution set for the camera or an error may occur.
: Images whose resolution is 2048x1536
Refresh interval (JPEG)
Determine the refresh interval of the camera (number of images to be refreshed per second). The refresh interval setting can be configured only when "Camera" is selected for "Live image source" and "M-JPEG" is selected for "Compression". Auto/0.1 ips/0.2 ips/0.3 ips/0.5 ips/1 ips/2 ips/3 ips/ 5 ips/10 ips/15 ips/All When "Auto" is selected, an appropriate refresh inter­val will be applied according to the value set for "JPEG/VGA (Live/Playback)" on the "Performance" page. When "All" is selected, the refresh interval will be "30 ips". Default: When "Camera" is selected for "Live image
source" and "M-JPEG" is selected for "Compression", "Auto" is the default. When the selected parameters for "Live image source" and "Compression" are other than "Camera" and "M-JPEG" respectively, "--" is the default.
"0.1 ips", "0.2 ips", "0.3 ips" and "0.5 ips" may be • unavailable depending on the model of the cam­era. The actual refresh interval may become slower • than the set refresh interval depending on the net­work environment, the settings of the camera and the set maximum refresh interval on the "Performance" page. Refer to the "Set the maximum refresh interval • [Performance]" section ( page 22) for how to set the maximum refresh interval.
Stream type (H.264/MPEG-4)
Select the stream type from the following. The stream type setting can be set only when "Camera" is selected for "Live image source" and "H.264" or "MPEG-4" is selected for "Compression". Auto: Apply H.264/MPEG-4(1) for the stream type
when displaying images on a 1-screen. Apply H.264/MPEG-4(2) for the stream type when dis­playing images on a 4-screen, 9-screen or 16-screen.
H.264/MPEG-4(1): Always apply H.264/MPEG-4(1) for
the stream type.
H.264/MPEG-4(2): Always apply H.264/MPEG-4(2) for
the stream type.
Default: H.264/MPEG-4(1)
Refer to the operating instructions of the camera • in use for how to configure the settings for the steam type of "H.264/MPEG-4(1)" and "H.264/ MPEG-4(2)". When selecting "AUTO", it is possible to eliminate • the network bandwidth and lower the CPU load of the PC by performing the settings of H.264/ MPEG-4 (1) for 1-screen display or by performing the settings of H.264/MPEG-4 (2) for multi-screen display.
Internet mode (over HTTP)
Select which of the HTTP or UDP port is used when receiving MPEG-4 or H.264 images with audio when "Camera" is selected for "Live image source". ON: Receive MPEG-4 or H.264 images with audio
using the HTTP port.
OFF: Receive MPEG-4 or H.264 images with audio
using the UDP port.
Default: "OFF" when "Camera" is selected for "Live
image source" and "- -" otherwise
It is impossible to use this mode when the cam-• eras in use are WV-NP244, WV-NP1000/NP1004, WV-NS202, WV-NS202A, WV-NF284, WV-NW484, WV-NS950/NS954, WV-NW960/ NW964, WV-NP304, WV-NF302. If "ON" is selected for "Internet mode (over • HTTP)", the following dialog box will be displayed when the [OK] button is clicked. When the Internet mode is used, select "ON" for "Internet mode (over HTTP)" on the cameras.
Auto track
Select whether to trace the route set in advance auto­matically when "Camera" is selected for "Live image source". ON: Trace the route automatically. OFF: Not trace the route automatically. Default: --
This mode is available only when the camera in • use is WV-SC386 or WV-SW396. When "ON" is selected for "Auto track", the "+" • mark will be displayed while panning/tilting is being controlled using the WV-CU950 and the lock-on function will work by pressing the top but­ton. Auto track is unavailable while panning/tilting is • being controlled.
The address of the camera contained in the down­loaded recorder information will be displayed.
When the Internet mode is used, images may not • be displayed correctly unless the address is changed to what can be accessed from the Internet.
Live video resolution(1-screen)
Select the resolution of live images on a 1-screen from the following. REC resolution: Live images are transmitted with the
resolution applied at the time of recording. QVGA: Live images are transmitted in the QVGA size. Default: REC resolution
Live video resolution(4-screen)
Select the resolution of live images on a 4-screen from the following. REC resolution: Live images are transmitted with the
resolution applied at the time of recording. QVGA: Live images are transmitted in the QVGA size. Default: QVGA
Refer to the operating instructions of the HD600 •
for further information about the settings of trans-
mission (such as the transmission rate and the
image quality) when "REC resolution" or "QVGA"
is selected.
Sometimes, live images may not be displayed •
even when the transmission rate of the recorder is
too low.
While live images are being displayed in
sequence, select "QVGA" for "Live video
resolution(1-screen)" and "Live video resolution(4-
[OK] button
The "Camera setup" window will be closed.
Step 10
Click the [OK] button after completing the settings.
The "Camera setup" window will close.
The edited settings will not be saved and applied •
even when the "Camera setup" window is closed
by clicking the [OK] button. To save and apply the
settings, click the [Set] button on the "Device reg-
istration" window after closing the "Camera
setup" window.
Step 11
Click the [Set] button on the "Device registration" window.
The "Device registration" window will close and
the settings will be saved and applied. The regis-
tered recorder will be displayed in the list of the
registered device.
+ 92 hidden pages