Panasonic Systems Business Group
Projector Small Business Unit
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., LTD 2-15 Matsuba-Cho, Kadomashi-Shi, Osaka, 571-8503, JAPAN
Panasonic AVC Company
E-Mail : kakimoto.yasu@jp.panasonc.com
Installation manual
WLAN Unit, model:
Electric Industrial Co., Ltd as shown on the next page.
With installation of
are to be considered:
TXANP07VKA1 is designated its own FCC ID Number; therefore, the FCC ID Number of TXANP07VKA1
should be appeared on the label on the exterior of LCD projector of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd
unless it is visible. Such label on the exterior should include a statement, “Contains FCC ID: Contains FCC
ACJTXANP07VKA1” or similar description.
TXANP07VKA1 is in compliance with the requirements of sub-sections 15.203, 15.205, 15.207, and 15.247 of
FCC Rules Part 15.
3. User Manual of LCD projector, in which
statements with regard to co-location of any other transmitter/antenna and RF Exposure as shown below:
TXANP07VKA1 (FCC ID: ACJTXANP07VKA1) is installed in the LCD projector of Matsushita
TXANP07VKA1 in LCD projector of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd, the following remarks
TXANP07VKA1 is to be installed in accordance with their requirements.
TXANP07VKA1 is installed, will include the required warning
Engineering Department
(TEL)+81-6-6905-4369 (FAX)+81-6-6905-4376
TXANP07VKA1 is in compliance with the requirements of the sub-section 2.1091. When TXANP07VKA1is installed in
the LCD projector of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd, installers must ensure that the public is not exposed to
radio frequency energy levels in excess of FCC guidelines in accordance with FCC Rules Part 15.

Panasonic Systems Business Group
Projector Small Business Unit
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., LTD 2-15 Matsuba-Cho, Kadomashi-Shi, Osaka, 571-8503, JAPAN
Panasonic AVC Company
E-Mail : kakimoto.yasu@jp.panasonc.com
Engineering Department
(TEL)+81-6-6905-4369 (FAX)+81-6-6905-4376
LCD Projector Body
Wireless LAN
Wireless LAN
Model No.
This antenna port
will not be used.