Panasonic PT-LB60NTEA User Manual

Miera Pertable WIralesm XGtA LCD Prajcctore
Miera Portebl« XC»A LC P Prajeeters
Fast Wireless
Transmission Projector
* Fast data transfer
* WIreless'pC inchtlon/scund streaming“
■ Abundant wireless functions. Including secondary
display tr'ansmlssion and 16^window indei style
* Simple, user-friendly settings
Daylight View 2 technology
* Looks max, 50% brighter**
■ Vivid colours in a bright room
• Auto operation with ambient light sensor {alS)
High power and portability
> Bright 5,300/2.500 lumens'*
- Ultra-lightweight; 2.5 kg/2,5 kg {5.5 lbs/5.7 lbs)'*
• Slim and compact design: 75-mm thickness"
Quick Operation
' 2-seoond speed start
• Auto search
• Real-time keystone correction
• Operation assistance
- Direct power off
Tlisre aiE no Câbles to connect, so projecibr setup is quick and easy, and you bava lull layoul neoblllly. №ire№ss Manager ME 0.0 sollwa/e (proyidedi increas es irsAsmlssion speed by Ine times compareti to our previous mooel". You get last, smoom, siress-lree Iransmlsslpn even witti targe video files'*- can copy Wireless Manager fir a memory card and take it Mitti you on a trip. This lets you enjoy wireless IranS' mission even at presentation »les vdtere the computer doesn't have Ihe sottware"
wireless ftompler (Secondary OlEptayj Funoiion TMs allows uansmlsslpn of conient olher than what's displayed on your PC. for enampla. you can display №*i docuntenis СП your PC screen whPe projecting sllrte fnorn your Microsoft* PowerPoint* presenlaliDn**. Ht)u get a host trf other convealent wireless transmission tunchons Im, sut^ as erea-speclliod liansralsslon and a multl-llve mode for simultaneous display of up to 16 Pts.
Payllfiht view 2
A built-in sensor meaeures the amDIent Hghl, and
lh« halftone cotours artd brightness level are adjust ed accordingly in real time. Viewing brightness is Increased up lo 154%**.
- TtKT Peiniijiit ytew Practss
^ НШм WD« hedí* М feiknl UI Шл РГ4Ш11ПЫ ШЛЛ UWnEt
*3 CoRptoiOP BtOi lïv^M VkB 2 Atl, Bkif hi lt-4«Efetcrwi Md w*er nvttlnr
Ч m rtAMWV, Ш ГЧ Wilt ГТЧЦ4)Пи 4*4 fT-LtUfJ.
1 2Л Uf^S Щяшш» tt-UHÏA Ifri rt-UBÏÎA. M Н'*>7 ta 14ч Им FT-LBBOinËA 1*4
*i un P'4 4i in I jiiji wm ЬФМ
f rt-iBjrmu
Ч Trinutimo* Hfl ÉA iJtfiMi ttiHi HwuaèAAù* нА b nfjptta ital tal ta búttam MiktaA Alid.
Ч ПТШ RVtan Иврци Iri 3^4, Tw мл utr Dh pn^trttr icmi a-« ip*ntaT nuvM ta ta
iH* ttfktaf ri Ш luL [ТЧ^сШт PT-LB»tnEA, luw 1Л[
unpb h^Éít¥4 ifi^r ^
tab -нАф. llûüftM- ftMfWflt* fMi ta Mt ta ''БМн AMiiiTtaf Wml**
AfllHMl LSpIt
tt ' 54Ш4Г ||U>
DaylltM VI** СГПвП
Hur viHr
HDwef 94miiv Howv c«nstiin|id(in
их panel
Рме1 eil«
DlaplaT melliDd ТюПБрагвШ 1X0 panel 2. №1S^| Drtre mitlHd Active matriv PUdS 7aü,432 n ,DZ4 X 7&S) Jt 2.
Hud conllfliifliieii Stniie
Lhu UaniHl zoom iUt-1:1.2), jnanpot Lamp 229 w UHM^» laiop
ClMlIun Full EOlDUr [16,777.216 С011НГЗ)
Scanning IrpqiHnej
RGB TFOPe 4S6i (3251): 5v 13.75 №: h 66 Hj
6-¥16евЛ)И» HTSC. MTSC4.43. «L-M. PAL6C;
Hrojeciion die 33-300 inO№/B36-'7,620 mm Thipw (BaLwe
Opdcel am dilH
T00-2<: 'i K. SD/Eö Hz
3iD0 W t*pp<vir 2 W In sUndCir
jnode wIHi Ffn
4:3 aspect гвб4. ltitCP> 1бл£ М№/
О.ег 120.32 mm) dUgwisi
^^.Г mm) diagonal
tatal i>l 2.259.296 pixels
iticuO* F 1.7-1.2. i 24.Ü-2aX nun
3.200 Ajmens
2.5DD hinime 9im 406:1" Ihili orvlull oH]
6gnzontei: 15-91 hHz, VediCül: 56-35 Hi
3761 №251): 0< 13.63 ^ 56 H7 466p 15251»: 6< Э1.5 6№: ^ 60 №
576p lG25p): и 31.25 IiHt: h 56 Hj 726g 1750p): 3. *5 kKi; 1v 66 Hl 16361111231}: IH 33.73 klli:
h 66 Hl
1660L111Z50: |4 23.125 k№:
^36Hí 3t 15.75 kHz: Iv 60 Hi
PAL. SECAM. PAL-H: In 15X3 hHi:
hSa Hl du gen ally
t.i m-io.e m 1ЭГ-Э5Т) l.Z m-12.D m I3'ir-39'41
6:1 lliied) 9:1 lllxed)
Heystm OHRCllHi ninge Оп-рсюеп menp
BuiH'ln spUkeiC Ter nH lull
RGB elgiial
ТРкРз signal
PC 2 IH/P6 1 VT p-spt) HD 15-pin ■ t (irgHitidutput
RGB elgnal
VPiPn signd
5-1ЛРЕ11) IN AlXlD m
PC 1 JUIOIÜ IH PC 2 junmc IN Mion 01Я
Pnwcf cpnl IpngVi
Cebbut nulerial
OlmansRHts IW X H X D)
operaiing етагарпиш
Тепчдаашге 0'-4O‘C (J2*-iW’F} HumJrPiy 20%-80% (ng cpndensabcnl
i30* 17 longnjages: English, FipnCh. Qerman. Spaiiistt. Hailax. Kdimaii. Rtiutin, Ghii)«». Jopatieee. Swcdisti. Нопндшп. oanisii. FiHlugiise. FiHlgli, liimganen, Czech, end llial Fiontiiieof coilmgAHoh (menu aeledioii) 4 I 3 ctn X 1 (ovafi.
1.0 W imoMuran eutput potver
D-»P HD l5-pifi 4 1 R. 6. B: 0.7 V|i-p, 75 [4ini$. Sjnc □rt green: 1.010>-p. 75 Cbms HD/5XNC. V6: ГП. l|Hsilixe/nega6xe polarlly c«n|ullble) T: 1.0 VO-p (liKladug sync slgiiall, 75 phma: Pt. P*; 07 V)p-p. 75 chms
Selectable uelng nn-sciaen menu) n. G. 0: 0.7 vp-p. 73 iHitns. SfllC «I green: 1.0 iltp'p. 75 ntims HDiSTNC. VD; HL ipoamye/negalive potgriiy cemiuiible) V: 1.0 l/p-p (Include^ sync sl^l}. 75 ehmS; Pt. 1^: 6.7 Vy>-|>. 75 etimt HU pin X 1,1.0 vip'iL 75 Ohms Mini HN 4-pln t: 1.0 VIP-P. C: 0.266 Vp-a, 73 pnms RCAlL. R)X l,0.5Vhn3 (Idr ViDEiOiS-VlllEC) М3 IL Hl X 1. O.s vrme М3 IL № 4 1. 0.5 VriPS М3 lu 9l X 1. 0-2.0 VTms (V affable) Müll DiN S-pln 4 1 [H5-2320 2 m 16"П
MnuUeti material lABS/PCj
327 X 75 X 233 mm (12-27/32'4 2-1 Sn 67x9-3/320
2.0 kg (3.7 1й.|
2.3 kg [3.3 ibs.i
t 1.
Hemeie Comm wm
Rgwef Hipplir 5 V DC ibatuxi beltery x 1| DpcraPpn lange' Арргрк. 7 m (23 tepl) when cpetPl-
DinunafiKis (W и H 4 0)
WelghI 74 g 12.6 PZ3.| including fapHefiesi
siandan) Hoduiauon
lEE£Ü02.i1g Öilbcgcciel IndnidiCT dlpsicn midti-
TransntisskM sytlDirt
Tiansirtlsslbn Speed
IEEE 602.11b 11 Mbps. 3.5 МЬ|И. 2 Mbps. I Mbps JESE 602.11g
Operabm lange' FnxpHtrtty range Ctiannels
»lAiplied Accpspfles
> Ppwef cxHd
’ Weelpss remde central
■ Batteries für remdte tnelrr»
‘ Lens cwer
> Carrying lug
• Wrreid» Manager ME 3.0 (CD-RDMf’
Dplkinel AccsSsorlES
ET'LABBO Heplacemant lamp unll ЁТ-РКВЭ0 Ceding mowit bracket fT-ЯмЭОО Fuii-nmciibo mweiese ranuie cemroi ET-AOSfR Serial adwHex (DiN S-pln/D-aub 9-рн1)
-1 hX пша
Ч fmWw Pt-ÜaKtlß-^V\-iA}^tß,mtt
ed fmm dbecily ln Itnnl ni the nlg­nal recepler
32 X 123 4 21 1ШП 12-1/16Г 4 4-2T7ir* 1Э716Г}
Dmeci sentience spread saedrum
las-ss) syeiem plex {оегмд eysiein
CCK 111/3.5 Mbps). DÜP9K 12
Ubpa), D6P6A (1 МЫИ]
64-aAW 154/46 Mbps). 16-OiAM 136/24 Mhpsl. OPSK <10/12 Mbps).
BPSK 19/0 Ubpei
34 Mbps. 46 Mbps. 35 Mbps.
74 Mbps. 18 Mbps. i2 Mbps. 9 Mbps. 6 Mbps Appmx. 30 rP (Qü'3)
2.412 MIÜ-2.472 UHZ
1-13 cti
NDTEI 44 *IE « Ш I rnmn Vnf сйЫГв НЬттЫ 7М tan« riM|
\ПШ, fnuttlng 4 niHLff i|« № ВитшцЛ*. № t4 V \m ТЫ l«nptti 4 tan«
DmI 41 №i Id tt№ №r« № br*th d tB^ ta A№f4li vim vn\tt dtptaiing ол MmM tan« 4h¥- tcuiuti Hd uttot DMdutiL
4 Th» hrt^ibvn Bta isnp wH ртфвВг dfCfw« »fftti w.
TT* ItAP- UQ p4f4l pMilftaf ptah. WH р4ШПЧ Ьыт 4{М№ 41VSI 4Г» 4П*ПМ («н ТТН4
ptrtfe rtUf hnd U Ьа гЬЛЧ ihf duvtalbr pshrf \t Iha ittpibt ta utod tta tai H mtf в tax#*
« TT* rtptaHfwl cird4 cc 04 LCO p«4l. potanoffig italk tr4 pc4iUmg hw ipUlN ifBffh ta tW-
B«d i 0* vjtfKtaiJ lü СМ1Ш« Ш rd tat № MM hcun. U«rib, D*
Dl №e 1*0« h44I tß dMtftBHfJ d V* pinwta 'tmpiefTtlf Ьжп«* ал and Н (г '№■■ ta в|0*
|Kli414 едЖкшп uw tor 10 er рчп Шп
« kmtrhilittoni rrUy 'iHiu' Bl d>t 'ppitlfcii goMäUp dur b rigftal HCBiffTvKZ ri PC cmdBita.
Ti iiBÜlii hiddba, ü PC to44uM h *iMi» itoUrtdfttM ahH Utar
OS: läkretdiM tfaiiHtfl iDC4 fiBliiiliBiil. tolabwrf ilP hob
C№ PMUuttT« m 44 hiBlW. « 4tfM UrhOBllbta №Ч44Й44 t1 ^ ttt-
■ffnoqr: гм H0 r ГП4Г4
fjtthtri dU
CO-RQH №lku LU:
Wib b№rnm\
DBvcl X:
OO^rtHon E4 rm фиглгм № au OOmpvIdTf IM гтчс41^0 i\mt ООПШЧ
biüiWBp 4ГТР1 йцнлФч сл neto4 lod енФу. ттн рг4Ьн цц 04 «Aftd to «Ф4Л ееп-
т r4gta«tüf* ИММ ■ 4 Ib^mult Н НожММи ЕМ44: МейЫ Сь. Ш Ш. Jrtd AjA Нй not-
iBfta ta MimituniJ Йдвпв “Uirhiiri СофпЬш TflikAim в« ftiwahUi ив *iQb n^BmJ
OB№¥hfr cr cr Ovpntato И Вч \МЫ Stoto» mIi^ mm U mm
ънваьткт** dir рччег Ы m* ЪипшВ тикп. fntocton ич** чтЛмйл
E «ПШ1 « щгтвп1ми* 1ic«dflcirilan хщ luifH b ¥л№п« nibq
40 MC и non
lEQ №.11fai^ um^bbta wItolM LAN nthm ta 4^ltaiUl IEEE ldü.11 h/f LU Dir* mu« Ьв btlihd ml rumlnq rwrmvih'-k IIubim, umi
ei Ш-ПфЪ tairum lAta ш!4 Л41 Hiki» cwuwtikn h tb« pfbftdbf.
l4qlH4ri £(4hm 4.0 4Г IttiC, ftoE14tp4 СМПШиПкИН 4Г MltT
DlmlJtto tlb ВГ iibr HBl br mtalM.
