Panasonic PT-DZ21KU Brochure

3-Chip DLP™ Projectors
PT-DZ21K Series
20,000 lm* of Brightness and
Rich Features from an
Extraordinarily Compact Body
17,000 lm for the PT-DW17K.
Splendid Images from a Compact Body
Incredible 20,000 lm*1 of Brightness Panasonic’s unique quad-lamp system, with its new high-power UHM lamps, has helped to make the body ex­tremely compact while providing an astound­ing 20,000 lm*
Dynamic Iris for a High 10,000:1*
Contrast Ratio
Panasonic’s Dynamic Iris uses a scene-linking aper­ture mechanism to achieve a remarkable 10,000:1*
contrast without lowering its high brightness. This helps to reproduce deeper, richer blacks, and provides images with more detailed textures.
Detail Clarity Processor 3 Gives Natural Clarity to Even the Finest Details
This unique Panasonic circuit optimizes the sharpness of each image, based on the super­high-, high-, medium-, and low-frequency com-
ponents of the extracted image information. The resulting images have more natural, lifelike expression.
System Daylight View 2 for Enhanced Color Perception
This unique Panasonic technology optimizes image quality to improve the color perception of the projected image in bright rooms. With a brightness of 20,000 lm*
, it provides highly comfortable viewing even in bright lighting, and allows viewers to concentrate easily on the images.
Waveform Monitor Function
When the output level of the source device fluc­tuates due to the performance of the device or its cable connections, the original black and white levels of the image content cannot be reproduced correctly. With the PT-DZ21K Series projector you can view the waveforms on the screen and adjust the settings either automati­cally or manually as you prefer.
DICOM Simulation Mode*
This imaging mode is similar to DICOM part 14, which is a medical imaging standard. It repro­duces X-ray images with remarkable clarity.
Active 3D Projection Capability
The series is compatible with both passive and active 3D projection systems. It com­bines with either a separate, external 100/120/144 Hz drive with IR emitter and active shutter glasses, or an active filter and passive glasses, for viewing 3D images.
Advanced Technologies for Excellent Image Quality
• 3D color management system • Full 10-bit image processing • Progressive cinema scan (3:2 pulldown) • Dynamic sharpness control
• Digital noise reduction • IP conversion
• AI scene control • 2:2 pulldown mode
• sRGB compatibility • Fine-adjustable color temperature
High Reliability and Low TCO with Easy Maintenance
Low TCO and an Environmentally Friendly Design
The PT-DZ21K Series projectors lower the total cost of ownership (
TCO) because they have a
lamp replacement cycle of up to 2,000 hours*
. Their environmentally friendly design also includes a low power consumption of 2,300 W.
Normal mode DICOM simulation mode
Lamp mode
Brightness (lumens)
cycle (h ours)
Quad 20,000 17,000 2,000
Tri ple 15,000 12,750 2,600
Dual 10,000 8,500 4,000
Single 5,000 4,250 8,000
Conventional sharpness control
Detail Clarity Processor 3
White Level Adjustment
Black Level Adjustment
Without System Daylight View 2 With System Daylight View 2
The PT-DW17K has 17,000 lm of brightness.
The usage environment affects the lamp replacement cycle.
Full on /off, with dynamic iris set to “3”.
T his produ ct is n ot a
medica l inst ru me nt . Do no t use it for ac tual me di cal diagno si s.
Four-Lamp System Enables Stable, Extended Operation
The four-lamp system allows the projector to keep working even if a lamp should fail. The Lamp Relay mode also operates the lamps alter- nately to enable 24/7 projection. Quad, Triple, Dual and Single Lamp modes can be used.
Easy Lamp Replacement
For easier maintenance, you can replace the lamp from the rear. This makes it easy to replace a lamp while the projector is still in the mounting bracket or dual stacked.
Liquid Cooling System Attains a High Level of Reliability
This new liquid cooling system directly cools the DLP chip to improve performance and enable operation up to 45 °C (113 °F).*
It allows quiet (49 dB) and versatile use while stabilizing perfor- mance. It also helps to make the body compact. And the system is hermetically sealed, so you don’t need to replenish the liquid.
Eco Filter that Needs No Maintenance for up to 12,000 Hours*
The Eco Filter has an electrostatic Micro Cut Filter that collects minute dust particles with an ion effect. It combines with the dust-resistant cabinet to enable long-term use even under harsh conditions. Its maintenance cycle of up to 12,000 hours reduces hassle, and the environ- mental design lets you wash the lter with water and reuse it.*
System and Installation Flexibil- ity with Diverse Functions
Flexible Installation
The wide adjustment range of the powered horizontal/vertical lens shift function can be easi- ly adjusted with the remote control. The unit can also be rotated 360° vertically*
, to accommodate various installation conditions. The lens-centered design contributes to easy installation.
Multi-Unit Brightness Control
This function automatically corrects the bright- ness uctuations that occur over time in the individual projectors of a multi-screen system. Up to eight projectors can be controlled by connect- ing to each other via a hub, and this can be increased to a maximum of 2,048 projectors by using “Multi Projector Monitoring & Control Soft- ware Ver. 2.7.”
Multi-Screen Support System Seamlessly Connects Multiple Screens
Edge Blending: The edges of adjacent screens can be blended and their luminance controlled.
Color Matching: This function corrects for slight variations in the color reproduction range of indi- vidual projectors. The PC software assures easy, accurate control.
Multi-Screen Processor: The PT-DZ21K Series can project large, multi-screen images without any additional equipment. Up to 100 units (10 ×
10) can be edge-blended at a time.
The Panasonic PT-DZ21K Series of flagship models feature
breathtakingly beautiful images and reliable operation.
A host of creative capabilities meet the
projection needs of highly critical professionals.
Without edge blending
With edge blending
Overlapping image edges
PT-DZ21K Series
Color matching
Edge blending
Reservoir tanks
Large radiator
Embe dded pumps
(A) (B)
Image from the projector 1
Image from the projector 2
Brightness fluctuations occur.
At the time when the projectors are installed (A)
Conventional Projector
After a certain time has passed (B)
(A´) (B´)
Images from the projector 1 and 2
Preset brightness
At the time when the projectors are installed (A´)
Multi-Unit Brightness Control ON
After a certain time has passed ( )
Projector 1 Projector 2
Projector 1 Projector 2
Projector 1 Projector 2
Projector 1 Projector 2
The operating temperature range is 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F) when the fan control is set to HIGH ALTITUDE MODE ( for al titu de s from 1,4 00 m to 2,7 00 m (4,59 3 ft to 8, 858 ft )
ab ove sea leve l ). Whe n the project or is u sed with th e E T-S FR510 Smoke C ut F ilte r, the opera ti ng temper at ur e rang e is 0 °C to 3 5 °C ( 32 °F to 95 °F ), and the proj ect or ca nn ot be u sed in places at high altitude.
The usage environment affects the filter maintenance cycle.*7 W he n washi ng wi th wate r, ple as e follo w the pro ce dure s liste d in th e ope ra ting in st ructi on s.
Al so, we rec om men d repl acin g the fil te r wit h a n ew on e aft er it has be en wa shed an d reu se d twi ce. If th e fil te r is not su ffi ci ent ly cl ean af ter wa sh in g, re pl ac e it with a new on e.
8 A special fixture must be attached to the lamp case when the projector is placed at an angle within ±30° (upward /downward) of the vertical.
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