Panasonic MICROCOMPUTER MN103S, PanX MN103S927, PanX MN103S92A, PanX MN103SF92G Application Note

LSI Application Notes Excerption
Request for your special attention and precautions in using the technical information and
semiconductors described in this book
laws and regulations of the exporting country, especially, those with regard to security export control, must be observed.
(2) The technical information described in this book is intended only to show the main characteristics and application circuit
examples of the products, and no license is granted under any intellectual property right or other right owned by our company or any other company. Therefore, no responsibility is assumed by our company as to the infringement upon any such right owned by any other company which may arise as a result of the use of technical information described in this book.
(3) The products described in this book are intended to be used for standard applications or general electronic equipment
(such as office equipment, communications equipment, measuring instrum e nts and household appliances). Consult our sales staff in advance for information on the following applications: x Special applications (such as for airplanes, aerospace, automobiles, traffic control equipment, combustion equipment, life support systems and safety devices) in which exceptional quality and reliability are required, or if the failure or malfunction of the products may directly jeopardize life or harm the human body. x Any applications other than the standard applications intended.
(4) The products and product specifications described in this book are subject to change without notice for modification and/
or improvement. At the final stage of your desi gn, purcha sing, or u se of the pro ducts, the refore, as k for the mos t up-to­date Product Standards in advance to make sure that the latest specifications satisfy your requirements.
(5) When designing your equipment, comply with the range of absolute maximum rating and the guaranteed operating condi-
tions (operating power supply voltage and operating environment etc.). Especially, please be careful not to exceed the range of absolute maximum rating on the transient state, such as power-on, power-off and mode-switching. Otherwise, we will not be liable for any defect which may arise later in your equipment. Even when the products are used within the guaranteed values, take into the consideration of incidence of break down and failure mode, possible to occur to semiconductor products. Measures on the systems such as redundant design, arresting the spread of fire or preventing glitch are recommended in order to prevent physical injury, fire, social dam­ages, for example, by using the products.
(6) Comply with the instructions for use in order to prevent breakdown and characteristics change due to external factors
(ESD, EOS, thermal stress and mechanical stress) at the time of handling, mounting or at customer's process. When using products for which damp-proof packing is required, satisfy the conditions, such as shelf life and the elapsed time since first opening the packages.
(7) This book may be not reprinted or reproduced whether wholly or partially, without the prior written permission of Mat-
sushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
PanaXSeries is a trademark of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. The other corporation names, logotype and product names written in this book are trademarks or registered trademarks of their corresponding corporations.
About This Manual1
Configuration of This Manual
This LSI application note consists of the following sections.
Overview: This section presents a brief description of this LSI's overview and features as information
useful for selecting and using a microcomputer.
Introduction: This section describes a sample program that implements this LSI's basic functions.
Microcomputer Basics: This section provides a brief description of the settings and sample programs for
peripheral LSI functions that are not addressed in the Introduction section.
Appendix: The appendix provides circuit diagrams of evaluation boards that can be used to verify the
proper operation of the sample programs described in this manual.
This document's format
This manual mainly consists of titles, text, sample programs, precautions, and reference information.
The page layout and definition of these elements are shown below.
Please note that the consumption current values provided in this application note are reference values. Microcomputer power consumption varies largely depending on the nature of the application (program) as well as the peripheral circuits connected to I/O pins.
For obtaining actual power consumption, please mount the finished device on a product and measure the power consumption. And then mark it on the face plate and calculate a battery drive time.
Dual oscillation circuit provides low voltage and low power consumption operation, and high­speed processing.
By selecting between the two oscillation modes according to the current state, power consumption in standby state can be reduced to as low as 1/330th of that in regular operation, and data processing can be performed at high speed of up to 4 MHz.
Even at the moment when the oscillation circuit switches modes, all data is preserved, and input and output are kept stable.
Te xt
Sample program
Section title
The header indicates the chapter number and title.
The footer indicates the section title.
Subsection title
This is the smallest block used to convey information in this document.
Reference information
2-72 Creating executable EX files
Creating executable EX files
c:\panax\cc103\bin\cc103 -c -fenable-asm -103 -O
-Ic:\panax\cc103\include -g int.c c:\panax\cc103\bin\cc103 -c -fenable-asm -103 -O
-Ic:\panax\cc103\include -g init.c c:\panax\cc103\bin\cc103 -c -fenable-asm -103 -O
-Ic:\panax\cc103\include -g sample.c c:\panax\cc103\bin\as103 -g c:\panax\cc103\bin\ld103 -g -m -103 -o PWM_output.x -T@DATA=00000000
-l c:\panax\cc103\lib\cc103.l
About This Manual
About This Manual2
Format used for sample program explanations
The sample programs included in the Introduction, Microcomputer Basics are explained in the following order of
headings. Unnecessary headings may be omitted depending on their sample program.
Hardware allocation list
Register description
Example program
The following oscillation frequencies this documentís sample programs use: fosc = 10 MHz, fx = 32.768 kHz.
More information
Program CDs and evaluation boards for use with the programs described in this document are available.
Contact your Panasonic sales representative or access the following URL.
Evaluation boards are sold through Panasonic sales offices.
About This Manual3
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 2 Introduction
Chapter 3 Microcomputer Basics 1
Chapter 4 Microcomputer Basics 2
Chapter 5 Appendix
1 2
3 4 5
+ 14 hidden pages