Panasonic FP Web-Server2, FP Web-Server Hardware And Configuration Manual

FP Web-Server
Hardware / Configurator

Before beginning

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This manual and everything described in it are copyrighted. You may not copy this manual, in whole or part, without written consent of Panasonic Electric Works Europe AG (PEWEU).
PEWEU pursues a policy of continuous improvement of the design and performance of its products. Therefore we reserve the right to change the manual/product without notice. In no event will PEWEU be liable for direct, special, incidental, or consequential damage resulting from any defect in the product or its documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
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Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in serious or moderate injury.
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Warnings used in this manual

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2 FP Web-Server V2.810 EN

Table of contents

Table of contents
Getting started .......................................................................................................................... 8 1.
1.1 BEFORE YOU START ........................................................................................................................ 8
1.2 Product numbers and versions ............................................................................................................ 9
1.3 System requirements........................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Advantages and functions of the FP Web-Server ............................................................................. 10
1.5 FP Web-Server block diagram .......................................................................................................... 14
1.6 System sample network .................................................................................................................... 14
Hardware description ............................................................................................................. 15 2.
2.1 The FP Web-Server unit .................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 15
2.1.2 Hardware version .................................................................................................................. 16
2.1.3 FP Web-Server unit package ................................................................................................ 17
2.1.4 Parts and functions................................................................................................................ 18
2.1.5 Technical data ....................................................................................................................... 19
2.1.6 Installation ............................................................................................................................. 20
2.1.7 Important notes ..................................................................................................................... 21
2.1.8 Mechanical installation .......................................................................................................... 23
2.1.9 Connecting the power supply ................................................................................................ 27
2.2 FP Web expansion unit ..................................................................................................................... 28
2.2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 28
2.2.2 FP Web expansion unit package .......................................................................................... 28
2.2.3 Parts and functions................................................................................................................ 29
2.2.4 Technical data ....................................................................................................................... 29
2.2.5 Targeted peripheral list of the USB host port ........................................................................ 30
2.2.6 Important notes ..................................................................................................................... 30
2.2.7 Mechanical installation .......................................................................................................... 31
First steps ............................................................................................................................... 32 3.
3.1 Getting started ................................................................................................................................... 32
3.2 The Ethernet network ........................................................................................................................ 32
3.3 Connection of the FP Web-Server .................................................................................................... 32
3.4 Installation of the Configurator program ............................................................................................ 33
3.5 Determination of the IP configuration ................................................................................................ 33
3.6 Generate a new Configurator project ................................................................................................ 34
3.7 Transfer a Configurator project to the FP Web-Server ..................................................................... 36
3.8 Test the FP Web-Server with an Internet browser ............................................................................ 37
3.9 Further information ............................................................................................................................ 38
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Table of contents
Configurator Software ............................................................................................................ 39
4.1 General information on the FP Web-Server Configurator ................................................................. 39
4.2 Control buttons for administering the "Configurator Project" ............................................................. 41
4.3 Control buttons for the remote FP Web-Server unit .......................................................................... 41
4.3.1 Compare ................................................................................................................................ 42
4.4 System icon menu ............................................................................................................................. 43
Base configuration ................................................................................................................. 44 5.
5.1 Main settings ("Config") ..................................................................................................................... 44
5.1.1 Ethernet IP address ............................................................................................................... 45
E-mail setup ............................................................................................................................ 47 6.
6.1 E-mail functions of the FP Web-Server ............................................................................................. 47
6.1.1 E-mail function used for communication tests....................................................................... 48
6.1.2 E-mail server for LAN or Internet .......................................................................................... 49
6.1.3 How to find out the address of the e-mail server ................................................................... 50
6.2 E-mail tab input fields ........................................................................................................................ 51
6.3 E-mail via SSL ................................................................................................................................... 51
FTP client and SD memory card control setup .................................................................... 52 7.
7.1 FTP client function of the FP Web-Server ......................................................................................... 52
7.2 Operation modes for FTP client and SD card storage ...................................................................... 53
7.3 FTP client / SD memory card settings ............................................................................................... 56
7.3.1 Enable FTP client and SD memory card control ................................................................... 56
OpenVPN client ...................................................................................................................... 58 8.
8.1 OpenVPN client function of the FP Web-Server ............................................................................... 58
8.2 OpenVPN client settings .................................................................................................................... 59
8.2.1 Enable OpenVPN client ......................................................................................................... 59
Data logger setup ................................................................................................................... 61 9.
9.1 Data logger function .......................................................................................................................... 61
9.2 Log file and CSV file structure (default) ............................................................................................. 63
9.3 Log file and CSV file structure (individual format) ............................................................................. 65
9.4 Data logger tab input fields ................................................................................................................ 66
9.5 Configure log files .............................................................................................................................. 67
9.5.1 Log file details ....................................................................................................................... 67
9.6 Logging device setup ......................................................................................................................... 68
FPWEB Script ......................................................................................................................... 69 10.
10.1 FPWEB Script settings ...................................................................................................................... 69
10.1.1 Enable FPWEB Script ........................................................................................................... 69
4 FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
Table of contents
10.1.2 Start PPP connection ............................................................................................................ 70
10.1.3 Start FTP transmission .......................................................................................................... 70
10.1.4 Start e-mail transmission ....................................................................................................... 71
10.2 FPWEB Script function of the FP Web-Server .................................................................................. 73
HTTP client .............................................................................................................................. 75 11.
11.1 HTTP client ........................................................................................................................................ 75
11.2 Cloud client ........................................................................................................................................ 76
11.3 HTTP client setup .............................................................................................................................. 78
11.3.1 Use Dynamic Server IP/Name .............................................................................................. 78
11.4 HTTP Client SSL Connection ............................................................................................................ 79
HTTP server functions/web pages ......................................................................................... 81 12.
12.1 Details on the FP Web-Server's web page functions ........................................................................ 81
12.1.1 Testing the FP Web-Server functions ................................................................................... 81
12.1.2 Internet browser settings ....................................................................................................... 82
12.1.3 Generalities on PLC data fields in HTML pages ................................................................... 83
12.1.4 HTTP address, CGI function PLC and calling parameter ..................................................... 84
12.1.5 Configurator settings concerning the HTTP server ............................................................... 85
12.1.6 Editing HTML pages .............................................................................................................. 86
12.1.7 Compiling and transferring HTML pages .............................................................................. 88
12.1.8 Data fields for displaying PLC data on HTML pages ............................................................ 88 Examples to display PLC data in an HTML page ................................................. 91 Comments ............................................................................................................ 94
12.1.9 Using variable names instead of absolute PLC addresses .................................................. 96
12.1.10 Access protection for individual HTML pages .......................................................... 99
12.1.11 Inputs for controlling PLC internal flags on HTML pages ....................................... 101
12.1.12 Defining input fields for PLC data on HTML pages ................................................ 101 Examples on PLC data entries via HTML page ................................................. 104 Notes on strings.................................................................................................. 106 Comments on defining input fields for PLC data on HTML ................................ 107 Extended Http POST functions .......................................................................... 107
12.1.13 Example on formatting display and input fields ...................................................... 109
12.1.14 Automatic page reload upon submitting PLC data ................................................. 112
12.1.15 Notes on XML files with PLC data .......................................................................... 114
12.1.16 ASCII character codes for strings ........................................................................... 115
12.2 Configurator HTTP administration and functions ............................................................................ 116
12.2.1 PLC access rights ............................................................................................................... 118 Configuration via HTML ...................................................................................... 118 MEWTOCOL communication via HTTP server .................................................. 119
12.3 Https server ..................................................................................................................................... 120
12.4 Improve performance of HTTP visualizations with PLC data .......................................................... 120
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Table of contents
Ethernet and serial (RS232C, RS485, USB) ports .............................................................. 123
13.1 General information on the Ethernet and serial ports ..................................................................... 123
13.1.1 Server .................................................................................................................................. 123
13.1.2 Client ................................................................................................................................... 125
13.1.3 FP Web-Server and PLC timeouts ...................................................................................... 127
Dial-in setup for PPP server ................................................................................................ 130 14.
14.1 Dial-in networking setup for computer/FP Web-Server ................................................................... 130
14.1.1 TCP/IP network installation of a Windows client ................................................................. 131
14.1.2 Modem and dial-up networking installation of a Windows client ......................................... 131
14.1.3 Setup of the modem connected to the FP Web-Server for PPP-communication ............... 138
14.1.4 FP Web-Server PPP gateway functions ............................................................................. 139
14.1.5 FPWIN Pro setup to use the remote dialup network ........................................................... 141
14.1.6 PPP communication via null modem cable ......................................................................... 142
14.2 Dial-in inputs and parameters for PPP server ................................................................................. 145
Dial-out setup for PPP client ............................................................................................... 146 15.
15.1 The Internet dial-out function ........................................................................................................... 146
15.1.1 Internet e-mail settings ........................................................................................................ 146
15.1.2 Notes for advanced users ................................................................................................... 149
15.1.3 When using a cellular phone (GSM) modem ...................................................................... 152
15.1.4 GPRS Internet connections ................................................................................................. 152
15.2 Internet dial-out settings .................................................................................................................. 154
NTP server for PLC clock synchronization ........................................................................ 155 16.
16.1 (S)NTP servers ................................................................................................................................ 155
Modbus functions ................................................................................................................ 157 17.
17.1 Overview over Modbus-TCP functions of the FP Web-Server ........................................................ 157
17.2 Modbus-TCP server of the FP Web-Server in general.................................................................... 158
17.3 Modbus-TCP client of the FP Web-Servers in general ................................................................... 160
17.4 Appendix for Modbus functions ....................................................................................................... 162
IEC 60870 functions of the FP Web-Server ......................................................................... 163 18.
18.1 IEC 60870 general functions ........................................................................................................... 163
18.1.1 Details of the IEC 60870 configuration: modem and multipoint settings............................. 164
18.2 Parameters for IEC 60870 ............................................................................................................... 167
18.3 IEC 60870 library for control FPWIN Pro ........................................................................................ 167
SNMP functions .................................................................................................................... 169 19.
19.1 Overview of SNMP on the FP Web-Server ..................................................................................... 169
19.2 Parameters for SNMP ..................................................................................................................... 171
6 FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
Table of contents
19.2.1 SNMP Version ..................................................................................................................... 171
Additional information .......................................................................................................... 173 20.
20.1 Contents of the CD and auxiliary programs .................................................................................... 173
20.2 Description of the HTML examples ................................................................................................. 173
20.3 PLC connection, cable drawings, modem ....................................................................................... 174
20.3.1 PLC connection ................................................................................................................... 174
20.3.2 Cable drawings and modem ............................................................................................... 175
20.3.3 DIP switches ........................................................................................................................ 176
20.3.4 LEDs .................................................................................................................................... 178
20.3.5 Clearing passwords ............................................................................................................. 178
20.4 IP and TCP/IP .................................................................................................................................. 179
20.5 Setup of an individual Ethernet LAN ............................................................................................... 181
20.6 Preinstalled passwords and safety instructions .............................................................................. 184
20.7 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................... 186
20.7.1 Network communication problems ...................................................................................... 186
20.7.2 Problems finding an FP Web-Server unit or unable to send configuration ......................... 188
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN 7

Getting started

Chapter 1


Please read the following notes on HTML. It will make working with the FP Web-Server easier for you:
Make sure that you have worked through the First Steps (see p. 32) before you try out the HTML functions of the FP Web-Server.
In order to use HTML you do not have to be able to tag or program HTML. Various software is at your disposal:
Getting started
Word, Frontpage (delivered with MS Office) can serve as editors
for creating HTML files.
The created HTML file will be saved on the FP Web-Server with the help
of the Configurator.
A browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) is used to display the .htm file.
These software tools provide the logical markup (i.e. text parts are automatically adjusted to any screen format without using a lot of memory) and easy linking that define HTML.
Please refer to the respective software company for questions on software not provided by Panasonic mentioned in this manual (or on the software you chose to work with HTML).
There are two ways to create HTML files:
Simple: You use editors that translate data into HTML automatically.
When using these editors, you need no special knowledge about HTML.
Advanced: You create HTML files directly. You need to have knowledge
about HTML.
For the FP Web-Server you need to have basic knowledge on how to use HTML.
8 FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
In case you lack knowledge about HTML, Panasonic provides you with a
Product name
Part number
FP Web-Server (Hardware)
FP-WEB (Japan: AFP0610)
FP-WEB2 (Japan: AFP0611)
FP Web Expansion (Hardware)
FP Web Expansion Unit
Configurator Software
FP Web Configurator Tool Ver.2.810
FPWEBTOOL2 (Japan: AFPS30520-D)
FP Web Configurator Tool Ver.2.810 Upgrade
FPWEBTOOLR2 (Japan: AFPS35520-D)
Software for creating HTML visualization for FP-WEB2
FP Web Designer
brief introduction in the section First HTML Page Including PLC Data. In addition, we have inserted examples on HTML (see "Description of the HTML examples" on p. 173) on the CD (supplied with the FP Web-Server). You can install and modify them easily without knowledge of HTML.

1.2 Product numbers and versions

Getting started
You can retrieve information on the following components by clicking on the system icon (see p. 42) in the upper, left-hand corner and selecting "About Configurator...":
Control FP Web Configurator Tool Serial number Name of owner and organization
The hardware version (see p. 16) is printed on the type plate of the FP Web-Server.

1.3 System requirements

The FP Web Configurator Tool has the following system requirements:
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN 9
Windows® 7, Windows® 8.x or Windows® 10 Hard disk with at least 27MB free disk space Color or monochrome monitor
Getting started
Standard Internet browser (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla
Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Opera) to display HTML pages
The user needs administrator rights on his computer to perform the
following actions:
Install or update the FP Web Configurator Tool Define a default editor.

1.4 Advantages and functions of the FP Web-Server

The multifunctional FP Web-Server unit allows you to access FP Series PLCs via Ethernet networks (Intranet and Internet) for data exchange.
Access can be carried out by a computer and a standard browser, such as MS Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari or Opera, by specifying the target unit's IP address, which can be changed. The HTML page can be generated with standard tools, such as Frontpage, Dreamviewer or MS Word (not supplied with the Configurator). Panasonic offers the FP Web Designer (Product Number: AFPS36510) for easily designing HTML pages without any knowledge of programming languages for HTML, PHP, Java or Javascript.
FP Web-Server advantages:
Use standard browser, save Scada software Use existing Intranet, save wiring Representation of PLC data in HTML pages Value input and change of values in the PLC (set value, outputs,
internal flags) via HTML pages.
Password protection for access E-mail send function (alternatively via Internet dialup), e.g. for the
alarm function (optionally with PLC data attachments)
Remote programming: remote access via modem (via Dial-up
Data transfer: process control system, PLC programming, telemetry,
remote maintenance, monitored state function
Interfacing RS232C serial data via Ethernet, i.e. two FP Web-Servers
are used to send RS232C data via Ethernet
10 FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
Getting started
Modem gateway functions to other PLCs equipped with an FP
FP Web-Server functions:
The FP Web-Server works as an interface between a LAN or a WAN network (Internet/ Intranet) and all PLCs of the FP series. The following main features are supported:
RS232C/ Ethernet interface: (see p. 123)
RS232C to Ethernet redirection/ conversion Programming and visualization tools access via Ethernet Optional: password protection and IP lock security Optional: second, full transparent port
Web-Server: (see p. 81)
PLC data presented as HTML pages Access via standard Internet browser HTML entry field for PLC data exchange Optional: password protection Optional: PLC data display using Java applets PLC data delivery as XML files
E-mail: (see p. 47)
PLC can send out an e-mail PLC defined or pre-stored e-mail text
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN 11
Getting started
E-mail sending via LAN or Internet dialup Optionally with PLC data attachments
Modem/ Ethernet gateway: (see "Dial-in networking setup for computer/FP Web-Server" on p.
FP Web-Server can be dialed-up via modem for local or network access One remote gateway for multiple FP Web-Servers provided in a local
Ethernet network
Remote password handling
IEC60870 protocol (optional): (see p. 163)
IEC60870-5-101 standard telecontrol communication protocol via serial
IEC60870-5-104 standard telecontrol communication protocol via
Optionally with modem support
Network Time Server: (see p. 155)
PLC real-time clock can be synchronized via NTP server
Modbus RTU/TCP functions: (see p. 157)
Modbus RTU master/slave functionality Modbus-TCP client/server functionality Modbus RTU/TCP gateway MEWTOCOL/Modbus gateway
SNMPv1 agent: (see p. 169)
The SNMP agent (see p. 169) feature allows any SNMP management
system to exchange data with FP Web-Server devices via the Ethernet using SNMP version 1 protocol.
FTP client: (see p. 52)
The FP Web-Server unit can be configured as an FTP client (see p. 52)
for sending user-defined, current PLC data or logged data to a remote FTP server.
12 FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
Getting started
Data logger: (see p. 61)
The FP Web-Server unit can log PLC data (see p. 61) and store it on the
optional SD memory card or send it via FTP (see p. 52).
Secure data transmission and authentication: (see p. 58)
The FP Web-Server unit can communicate via OpenVPN (see p. 58) to
get an encrypted and secure data transmission and authentication.
The FP Web-Server comes in an FP0 housing and has the following interfaces: (see "Hardware description" on p. 15)
RS232C interface which can be connected to the PLC (MEWTOCOL
Ethernet 10/100BaseT interface for network connections using the TCP/
IP protocol
2nd RS232C interface for an optional modem or for full transparent
Ethernet/ RS232C communication
The optional FP Web Expansion unit has the following functions:
USB 1.1 host port RS485 port Digital output SD memory card slot
Configurator software (see p. 39)
A Windows program is supplied to make the configuration and the setup of the FP Web-Server easy. This configuration program is called "Control FP Web Configurator Tool". It helps the user to quickly set up and change the following items, e.g.:
Automatic integration of PLC data into HTML pages Preparation of pre-stored mail addresses and texts TCP/ IP address and parameter configuration (DHCP is also possible) Password and security setup
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN 13
Getting started

1.5 FP Web-Server block diagram

1.6 System sample network

Any combinations of the LAN and the dial-up functions are possible, e.g. an Ethernet network connecting several FP Web-Servers with one FP Web-Server set up as a gateway for the dial-up connections.
14 FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
Chapter 2
Please read the safety instructions in important notes (see p. 21) and also the section on mechanical installation (see p. 23) carefully.

2.1 The FP Web-Server unit

2.1.1 Introduction

Hardware description

Hardware description
The FP Web-Server allows you to connect the Panasonic FP Series PLCs to an Ethernet Network (LAN).
The FP Web-Server works as an Interface between a LAN or a WAN network (Internet/ Intranet) and all PLCs of the FP Series.
The following main features are supported:
RS232C/ Ethernet Interface (remote programming monitoring and
Web-Server (http/https server supplies HTML pages with PLC data (see
E-mail (SMTP protocol) Modem/Ethernet gateway (PPP Server function) Modbus-TCP/RTU functions NTP time synchronization Optional: IEC60870 SNMPv1 agent FTP client, FTP server Data logger (requires FP Web expansion unit)
A Windows program is supplied to make the configuration of the FP Web-Server easy (see comments).
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN 15
Hardware description
Ethernet interface
Application memory
8MB Flash
0.5MB Flash
CPU speed
24 bits at 25MHz
16 bits at 20MHz
See above for a more detailed overview (see p. 8) of the FP Web-Server functions. There you can also find a block diagram, a list of features and a brief description.
A data sheet can be found below which also lists the supported standards and protocols.
A standard HTML editor (not supplied with the FP Web-Server
Configurator Tool) is needed to design HTML Web pages. HTML pages can easily be created with the FP Web Designer (product number: AFPS36510) without knowledge of HTML or any other programming language.
A standard Internet browser, e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla
Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Opera, is recommended for displaying the HTML pages.

2.1.2 Hardware version

The unit hardware model and version is printed on the type plate. Two different hardware models are available:
Model 1: "FP Web-Server" unit (FP-WEB)
The hardware version 1.2 (available since 2003) is identical to hardware version 1.1 except that the pin assignment of the 9-pin RS232C connector was optimized and the UL approval sign is printed on the unit label.
Hardware version 1.3 (available since the beginning of 2006) is identical to hardware version 1.2 but with the Panasonic logo and RoHS conformity.
Model 2: "FP Web-Server2" unit (FP-WEB2)
16 FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
Version 1.0 of this new hardware model has been available since December
The following table presents a brief comparison of the two models.
Hardware version 1.01 has improved PLL circuitry on the CPU for a better start-up behavior.
Hardware version 1.1 contains an additional right-side expansion connector to support the FP Web expansion unit .
The FP Web Configurator Tool (Ver.2.3 and higher) can configure all available hardware types and versions.

2.1.3 FP Web-Server unit package

The FP Web-Server unit package of Panasonic contains:
Hardware description
one FP Web-Server unit a 24V DC power cable a leaflet providing installation instructions Phoenix 3-pin screw terminal
The FP Web-Server network will be configured via the Control FP Web
Configurator Tool.
The Control FP Web Configurator Tool can be purchased separately. For creating HTML pages a standard HTML editor (not supplied with the
Configurator) is required.
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN 17
Hardware description
Ethernet (RJ45) (Ethernet 10-Base-T / 100-Base-Tx) use Standard Ethernet CAT.5
RS232C (without handshake) Screw terminal. Connects to the PLC.
2nd RS232C (SUB-D 9 male)
Compatible to IBM PC serial port. Use standard serial computer cables.
Connects to modem (PPP), or
Transparent communication with 2
PLC, computer, panel, etc.
24V DC, use Panasonic power cable
brown = +24V DC blue = GND
green = framing ground
Connector for FP Web expansion unit 16-pin expansion connector

2.1.4 Parts and functions

Below are two illustrations of the FP Web-Server's parts and their functions:
18 FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
LEDs (see p. 177).
The expansion connector is for the FP Web expansion unit only.
FP0 expansion units are not supported and may damage the FP-WEB2
Only FP-WEB2 units with hardware version greater than 1.1 are
equipped with the connector for the FP Web expansion unit.
Description: Type 1
Type 2
Product number FP Web-Server
PN Hardware: FP-WEB
PN Hardware: FP-WEB2
PN Configurator: FPWEBTOOL2
PLC connection
PLC COM: RS232C via 3-pin screw terminal port Plug: Phoenix product: MC1,5/3-ST-3,5 Order Number: 18 40 37 9
Modem / 2nd RS232C
Modem COM: RS232C via 9-pin SUB-D port, with RTS,
CTS Plug: 9-pin SUB-D female
Power supply
24V DC Molex 35 plug on the bottom side of the unit
Ethernet connection
Ethernet-COM: 10BASE-T via RJ45 female connector
10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX autoneg via RJ45 female connector
LEDs (see p. 177)
Power, Ethernet, PLC data exchange
Power, Ethernet, Ethernet data, PLC data
Protocols and standards
TCP/IP, UDP/IP, DHCP, FTP, TELNET, http, https, SMTP, ESMTP-Auth, POP3, PPP, IEC60870, NTP, Modbus, DynDNS, SNMPv1
Flash memory
For further information, refer to Available Memory
Calculation in the online help.
Operating voltage
24V DC (10.8 – 26.4V DC supplied by class 2 circuit only)
Current consumption
Approx. 75mA at 24V DC
Approx. 65mA at 24V DC
Degree of protection
Ambient temperature
0°C to +55°C
Storage temperature
-20°C to +70°C
Max. 30% to 85% (non-condensing)
Vibration resistance
10Hz to 55Hz, 1 cycle per minute with a double amplitude of 0.75mm; 10 minutes every X-, Y-, and Z-axis
Shock resistance
Min. 10g; 4 times every X-, Y-, and Z-axis
Height 90mm, Width 25mm, Depth 64mm

2.1.5 Technical data

Hardware description
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN 19
Hardware description
Description: Type 1
Type 2
Approx. 110g
Operating conditions
Free of corroding gases and excessive influence of dust
CE conformity
EMC Standard 89/336/EEC 1989EN 55022/Class B EN 55022/Class B; EN 61000-4-2/A1; EN 61000-4-3 EN 61000-4-4 +A1:2010; EN 61000-4-6
UL approval
UL number "2LD7" (file E232530)
Hardware version
Refer to hardware version (see p. 16)
Be sure to install the FP Web-Server unit in locations designed for
electrical equipment, e.g. in a closed metal cabinet such as a switch cabinet.
Make sure you are not electrostatically charged before you touch
the FP Web-Server or one of its units: the discharge of static electricity can damage parts and equipment.

2.1.6 Installation

Please install the FP Web-Server in the following order:
1. Mount the unit on the DIN rail on which the FP0R PLC is mounted
For detailed information, refer to mechanical installation (see p. 23).
2. Before connecting the power supply, please read the information on
power supply (see p. 27)
3. Connect the Ethernet (10/100BaseT) with a standard cable
4. Connect the PLC via RS232C/USB/RS485
Please read the information on wiring under PLC connection, cable drawings, modem (see p. 174) or the "FP Web-Server Installation Instructions Leaflet". Configuration: For the first configuration and how to get started with the Configurator, please refer to first steps (see p. 32).
20 FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
The USB port and the RS485 interface are only available with the FP Web Expansion Unit.

2.1.7 Important notes

Please also see the Installation Instruction leaflet "FP Web-Server2 Unit" supplied with your FP Web-Server for important notes, cables and installation.
Hardware description
This is a brief description on how to put an FP Web-Server into operation.
Please read the following notes carefully before installing your FP Web-Server.
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN 21
Hardware description
Avoid installing the unit in the following locations:
Ambient temperatures outside the range of 0°C to 55°C/32°F to 131°F Ambient humidity outside the range of 30% to 85% RH Sudden temperature changes causing condensation Inflammable or corrosive gases Excessive airborne dust or metal particles Fuel, paint thinner, alcohol or other organic solvents or strong alkaline
solutions such as ammonia or caustic soda
Excessive vibration or shock Direct sunlight Water in any form including spray or mist
Avoid noise interference from the following items:
Influence from power transmission lines, high voltage equipment, power
cables, power equipment, radio transmitters, or any other equipment that would generate high switching surges.
If noise occurs in the power supply line even after the above
countermeasures are taken, it is recommended to supply power through an insolated transformer, noise filter, or the like.
Measures regarding heat discharge:
Always install the unit orientated with the Ethernet port facing outward on
the top in order to prevent the generation of heat.
Do not install the unit above devices which generate heat, such as heaters,
transformers or large scale resistors.
Installation space:
Leave at least 50mm/1.97in. of space between the wiring ducts of the unit
and other devices to allow heat radiation and unit replacement.
Maintain a minimum of 100mm/3.937in. between devices to avoid adverse
affects from noise and heat when installing a device or panel door to the front of the FP Web-Server unit.
22 FP Web-Server V2.810 EN

2.1.8 Mechanical installation

a) Adding to FP0:
1. Raise the expansion hooks on the top and bottom sides of the unit with
a screwdriver
Hardware description
2. You can align the pins and holes in the four corners of the control unit
and expansion unit, and insert the pins into the holes so that there is no gap between the units
However you need not necessarily connect the FP Web-Server in this way.
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN 23
Make sure that the FP Web-Server is the last unit attached. Otherwise the CPU cannot communicate with the expansion units.
Hardware description
3. Press down the expansion hooks raised in step 2 to secure the unit
b) Attachment to DIN Rails:
The FP Web-Server unit enables a one-touch attachment to DIN rails.
1. Fit the upper hook of the FP Web-Server onto the DIN rail
2. Without moving the upper hook, press on the lower hook to fit the FP
c) Removal from DIN Rail:
You can easily remove the FP Web-Server as described below.
1. Insert a slotted screwdriver into the DIN rail attachment lever
Web-Server into position
24 FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
2. Pull the attachment lever downwards
3. Lift up the FP Web-Server unit and remove it from the rail
d) Installation Using FP0 Slim Type Mounting Plate
Use M4 size pan-head screws for attachment of FP0 slim type mounting
plate (AFP0803) to mounting panel.
Hardware description
1. Fit the upper hook of the FP Web-Server onto the FP0 slim type
mounting plate
2. Without moving the upper hook, press on the lower hook to fit the FP
Web-Server into position
When using an expansion unit, tighten the screws after joining all of the
FP0 slim type mounting plates to be connected. Tighten the screws at
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN 25
each of the four corners.
Hardware description
Example: Two Expansion Units
e) Installation Using FP0 Flat Type Mounting Plate
Use M4 size pan-head screws to attach FP0 flat type mounting plate
(AFP0804) and install according to the dimensions shown below.
1. Raise the expansion hooks on the top and bottom of the unit
2. Install the FP Web-Server on the FP0 flat type mounting plate
3. Align the expansion hooks with the plate and press the hooks back
26 FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
Hardware description
An FP Web-Server with an attached FP0 flat type mounting plate can also be installed sideways on a DIN rail.
When connecting the power supply (class 2 circuit) make sure
the polarity (+/-) is correct.
The FP Web-Server unit and the PLC have to be supplied by THE
SAME power supply unit.
If power is supplied, the green POWER LED will be ON.
Framing Ground (FG) must be connected. Please read the Important Notes (see p. 21). Please also read the "FP Web-Server Leaflet" supplied with your
FP Web-Server.

2.1.9 Connecting the power supply

The FP Web-Server unit will turn ON as soon as the power supply has been connected.
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN 27
Hardware description
Please read the safety instructions in important notes (see p. 21) and also the section on mechanical installation (see p. 23) carefully.

2.2 FP Web expansion unit

2.2.1 Introduction

The FP Web expansion unit allows you to extend the interfacing possibilities of the Panasonic FP Web-Server unit.
The following main features are supported:
USB/ Ethernet interface (remote programming monitoring and
RS485/ Ethernet interface (remote programming monitoring and
High-speed digital output SD card slot
See the technical data sheet (see p. 29) for supported standards and protocols.

2.2.2 FP Web expansion unit package

The package for the FP Web expansion unit contains:
FP Web Expansion unit Leaflet providing installation instructions Phoenix 3-pin screw terminal Phoenix 2-pin screw terminal
The FP Web expansion unit only works when connected to an FP-WEB2
The FP-WEB2 unit is configured via the Control FP Web Configurator
The Control FP Web Configurator Tool can be purchased separately.
28 FP Web-Server V2.810 EN

2.2.3 Parts and functions

USB host port USB 1.1 host port for Panasonic products that are supported by the FP-WEB2.
RS485 Screw terminal.
High-speed digital output Optocoupler, phototransistor output.
SD card slot SD/SDHC memory card support
FP Web Expansion Unit
Product number: PN Hardware: FPWEBEXP
PN Configurator: FPWEBTOOL2
PLC connection
USB Port: USB 1.1 (refer to targeted peripheral list (see p. 30))
RS485 via 3-pin screw terminal port plug: Phoenix product: MC1.5/3-ST-3.5. Order number: 18 40 37 9
Digital output
High-speed digital optocoupler, phototransistor output (5 to 24V DC, 50mA max., rise time:6µs or less, fall time: 20µs or less)
SD/SDHC card slot
SD memory card supported (32M to 1GB) SDHC memory card supported (4GB to 32 GB)
Operating voltage
3.3V DC (internal power supply via 16-pin expansion connector from FP-WEB2)
Current consumption
Max. additional 20mA at 24V DC (depending on the SD card used)
Degree of protection
Ambient temperature
0°C to +55°C
Storage temperature
-20°C to +70°C
Max. 30% to 85% (non-condensing)
Hardware description

2.2.4 Technical data

FP Web-Server V2.810 EN 29
+ 165 hidden pages