≥ This Marine Case is designed f or a Panasonic Digital Camera.
You can enjoy taking pictures underwater at depths up to 40 m/130 feet.
≥ In the case of water leakage due to insufficient care, P anasonic is in no
way liable for damage to any products (digital camera, batteries, card etc.)
inside this Case , photography costs or any other expenses.
≥ Panasonic also off ers no comp ensation fo r accidents resulting in injury or
damage to property.
≥ Read the operatin g inst ructions for your digital cam era.
≥ Before attaching the digital camera, submerge the case in water for
about 3 minutes or more to check that there is no water leakage.
∫ About handling this Case
≥ Use un de r the follow i ng con ditions.
• Water depth: Up to 40 m/130 feet
• Ambient temperature: 0 °C
≥ Do not use the Case in w ate r ov er 40 ° C/1 04° F. The heat ma y da ma ge the Cas e or
cause water le akage.
≥ The Case is made of impact res istant polycarbonate however be careful when you
are using it. It can be easily scratched when taking pictures in rocky places etc. and
can be damaged by the impact if dropped etc. When travelling, pack the Case
carefully to prevent any direct impact if it is dropped etc. and do not leave the digital
camera in the Case. Only attach the digital camera to the case if you are
transporting it a short distance such as from the airport to the di ving spot. (You
cannot reuse the material the Case was packed in at the time of purchase to
transport it.)
≥ When boarding a plane, the change in atmospheric pressure ma y cause the inside
of the Case to expand causing damage to the Case. Remove the O-ring before
boarding a plane.
≥ Do not leave the digital camera in the Case for a long period of time in a car, a
ship, exposed to direct sunlight etc. The Case is an airtight device so the
temperature inside the Case will become very high and the digital camera may
stop operating properly. Do not let the temperature inside the Case become
too high.
40 °C/32 °F
104 °F
Before Use (continued)
∫ Using the Case in high or low temperatures
≥ If you open or close the Case where it is humid or hot and then move to a place that
is cold or dive underwater, condensation may appear inside the Case, the glass
surface may become cloudy and the digital camera may be damaged.
≥ If you suddenly mov e the Ca se from a cold place or cold water to a warm place, the
glass surface may become cloudy. Wait until the Case becomes close to the air
temperature before taking pictures.
∫ About preparation
≥ Do not open o r c los e t h e Cas e wh er e i t ma y be spla sh ed b y wat e r or s an d may
get in it. We recommend opening or closing the Case indoors.
≥ Replace the battery, card etc. and attach the digital camera indoors where there is
little mois tu re.
≥ If you must open or close the Case at the diving spot to replace the battery or
the card, be sure to follow the steps below.
• Select a place wher e th e C as e w i ll no t be sp la sh ed by water and sand will not get
in it.
• Blow off any drops of water in the gap between the rear case and the front case
and on the buck le. Th orough ly wip e off a ny rem ainin g dro ps of wat er w ith a d ry
• Thoroughly wipe off any drops of water on your body or hair.
• Be par ticul arly c arefu l abou t any water c oming from the sl eeves of yo ur the rmal
• Do not touch the digital camera if your hands are wet from sea water. Wet a towel
with fres h wate r and place it in a po lye ster bag befor eh an d. Use this to wel to w ip e
off any drops of water or sand on your hands or body.
≥ This Case does not absorb shock. If you place a heavy object on the Case or cause
shock to it, the digital camera may be damaged. Be careful when you are using the
When you first open the package, check that the Case and all the
accessories are inc luded and that there has been no damage t o the
Case or any of the accessories during distrib ution or
transportation. If you find something unusual, consult your dealer
before using the Case.
Do not use any accessories except those specified below.
Grease (for O-ring )
Weight (2) , Weights attachm e nt screw
Silica Gel (Desiccant)
(1 g /5 pieces)
Hand Strap
≥ Y ou can remove this diffuser when not using it
Align with the mark on the back of the
case and attach.
Handling and Care
≥ Do not place the Case where it may fall.
• If the Case falls on your head or f oot, it will injure you and cause the Ca se to
≥ Never alter the Case.
• If water leaks into the digital camer a becaus e the Cas e was alt ered, th e digital
camer a may be damaged beyo nd repair.
• If you continue to use the digital camera after water has leaked into it, this may
cause a fire.
≥ Do not use the Case while scuba diving without proper trai ning.
• You should only operate the Case while scuba diving if you have been properly
trained and certified for this sport.
≥ Never place the Case, grease, silica gel or O-ring within the reach of
• If any part of an infant’s body is caught in the Case, it may cause an injury.
• Infants may accidentally swallow the grease, silica gel or O-ring.
• Consult a doctor immediately if you think an infant may have swallowed the
grease, silica gel or O- ring.
≥ Do not hang the strap around your neck underwater.
• It may become wound around your neck causing suffocation or other serious
≥ Thoroughly wash off any grease on your hands.
• Do not allow the grease on your hands to come into contact with your mouth or
≥ If water leaks into the case, stop using it immediately.
• This may cause an electric shock, burning or a fire.
• Consult your dealer.
≥ If anything abnormal occ urs whil e using the Case under wate r , please
follow all necessary procedures and gui delines for decompressing
when you ascend.
• If you ascend too quickly, you may get caisson disease.
≥ If smoke or abnormal heat, smells or sounds come from the Case,
stop using it immediately.
• These may cause an electric shock, burning or fire.
• Remove the digital camera from the Case and then immediately remove the
batter y from the dig ita l came ra.
• Consult your dealer.
≥ Be careful when opening the Case after water leakage.
• The leaked water may blow out or the rear case may flip.
≥ Do not leave the Case where the temperatu re is high.
• The temper atu r e in si de th e Case becom es very high particula r l y whe n it is
exposed to direct sunlight on a beach, a ship etc. or when it is left in an airtight car
in the summer. The heat may damage the Case or its inner pa rts.
• If a digital camera is attached to the Case, it may also be damaged.
• If you use the attac hed digital camera when the temperature inside the Case is
very high, it may cause leakage, short-circuiting or insulation failure resulting in
fire or malfunction.
≥ Do not handle the digital camera or the battery with wet hands.
• This may cause an electric shock or ma lfunction.
∫ When taking pictures with the flash
≥ When taking pictures with t he flash, the corners of the picture may be vignetted or
the picture may not be lit evenly.
≥ When taking pictures with the flash, the available flash range is less unde rwater
than on land.
1. Zoom Lever
2. Strap Eyel et
(for attac hing the supplied hand
strap and diffuser)
3. [E. Z OO M ] button
4. Shutter Button
5. Camera ON/OFF Switch
6. Mode dial
7. Mounting shoe for INON
Inc., external strobe
8. Front Case
9. Diffuser (supplied)
10. Front Glass
11. [REC]/[PLAYBACK] selector
12. Button operation section
(Read the operat ing
instructions of the digital
camera for details about
each button operation.
13. Rear Case
14. Buckle
15. Lock Release Lever
¢1 This is a mounting shoe dedicated for an external strobe manufactured by
Please refer to INON Inc. regarding compatible strobe.
¢2 Depending on the digital camera being used, the
button indications on the marine c ase may be slightly different. Follow the button indications on the digital camera for use.
What is the O-ring?
≥ The O-ring is a waterproofing packing used for underwater cameras, watches and
diving equipment.
≥ The O-ring keeps the Case waterproof by sealing the gap between the rear case
and the front case.
∫ How the O-r ing keeps the Case waterp roof
Rear Case
Digital Camera
Front Case
The gum comes into contact with the sides of the Case making the
Case waterproof and stopping water from entering from th e gap.
When water pressu re acts on the O-ring, the surface of the O-ring
expands and the Case is sealed more tightly.
The O-ring prevents water leakage by coming into uniform
contact with the sides of the Case. Theref ore, good car e of the
O-ring is very important. Incorrect care of the O-ring may
cause water leakage.
Preparation -Setting the O-ring-
Be sure to set the O-ring before attaching a digital camera.
Thoroughly wash and dry your hands befor e handling the O-ring. Place
the O-ring where there is no sand or dust.
Loosen the O-ring with your fingers to remove it.
≥ Loosen part of the O-ri ng with the tips of two fingers and then lift the loosened
part. Be careful not to scratch the O-ring with your fingernails.
≥ Do not use a pointed object to remove the O-ring. This may scratch the O-ring.
Check the O-ring.
≥ Check that there is no dirt, sand, hair, dust, salt crystals, lint or grease on the
O-ring. If you find any of these, remove them with a soft, dry cloth.
3Salt crystals3Lint
≥ There may be dirt on the O-ring that you cannot see. Check if there is any dirt by
rubbing your finger over the O-ring.
≥ Be careful not to leave any fibers from the dry cloth on the O-ring when w iping it.
≥ Check that the O-ring is not ripped, twisted, squashed, frayed or scratched and
that there is no sand sticking to it. Replace the O-ring in these cases.
Inspect the O-rin g groove.
≥ Grai ns of san d or ha r de ne d sa lt crysta ls may get in t o the O-ring groove.
Remove them carefully with an air spray or a cotton swab. If you use a cotton
swab, be careful not to leave any fibers from it in the O-ring groove.
Preparation -Setting the O-ring- (continued)
Inspect the opposite side of the O-ring in the same way.
Apply the grease (supplied).
≥ Apply a rice-grain size of grease (supplied) evenly to the O-ring with the tip of
your finger.
≥ Dirt or dust will stick to the O- ring if you apply too much grease.
Use only the specifie d grease. If you use other types o f grease, the
surface of the O-ring may be da maged causing wat er leakage.
≥ Do not apply t he gr ea se with paper or a cl ot h. Th e f ib ers f rom t he pape r or cloth
may stick to the O-ring.
Fit the O-ring evenl y int o the O-r ing groove.
Check the following:
≥ There is no dirt sticking to the O-ring.
≥ The O-ring has no t come out.
≥ The O-ring is n ot twist ed.
≥ The O-ring is not stretched too much.
Inspect the O-ring one last time.
Check the following one more time:
≥ There is no dirt sticking to the O-ring.
≥ The O-ring has no t come out.
≥ The O-ring is n ot twist ed.
≥ There are no scratches or squash ed parts on the O -ring.
Thoroughly wipe any grease off your hands with a dry cloth and then
wash your hands with water.
Close the buckle.
≥ Check that no foreign materials are sticking to the outer surface of the O-ring or
the buckle on the front case and then close the Case.
≥ To keep the Case complet ely airtight, do not scratch the surface of the O-ring that
comes in to contact with the sides of th e Case.
≥ Never us e a n O-r in g tha t ha s be en sc r atc hed or d amage d b y di rt etc . Th is wil l c au se
water leakage.
≥ Each time you use the Case, r emov e the O-ring and check that there is no dirt,
sand, hair or other for eign materials in the O-ring groo ve and then apply a thin coat
of grease (supplied). If you apply too much grease, dirt and the dust may stick to the
O-ring causing water leakage.
≥ Be sure to bring a spare O-ring in case the O-ring that you ar e using becomes
damage d or scrat ched.
Preparation -Checking the Case is Waterproof-
After setting the O-ri ng, check that no water leaks into the Case by
submerging it in a water tank, bath tub etc. for more than about
3 minutes before attaching a digital camera.
≥ Do not use the Case in w ate r ove r 40 °C/104 °F. The heat ma y da ma ge the Case or
cause water le akage.
Carry out the same test after attaching the digital camera to the Case. (P15)
≥ If bubbles rise from the Case when it is submerged in water or there is water inside
the Case when you take it out the water, there is water leakage. In these cases,
consult your dealer.
≥ If water leaks into the Case while you are us ing it and the digital ca mera is
submerged in water, remove the bat tery immedi ately. Hydrogen gas can cause
burnin g or expl os io n if the r e is a fire nearby.
≥ If you dive quickly while holding the Case or throw the Case from a ship into the sea,
some water leakage may occur because of high pressure. This is not a malfunction
of the Case. Always dive slowly into the water.
≥ The Case is designed to be used at a depth of up to 40m/130feet. If you dive
deeper than 40m/130 feet, part of the Case may be damaged beyond repair.
≥ When closing the Case, be careful that no foreign mater ials g et caught between the
O-ring and the O-ring groove. Even one strand of ha ir or one grain of sand can
cause water le akage.
Preparation -Attaching the Digital Camera-
Check that the ON/OFF Switch on the camera and the case is set to
[OFF], and [REC]/[PLAYBACK] selector switch is set to [
≥ Remove the strap fr o m the dig ita l came ra.
Push 2 up with your finger while sliding 1 to open the buckle.
Attac h th e d igital camera to the Case.
≥ Be careful not to catch the shading ring 1.
Inser t the si li c a g e l (s up p lie d ).
≥ Always use new silica ge l.
Silica gel
Preparation -Attaching the Digital Camera- (continued)
≥ When inserting the silica gel, bend it as shown in the illustration below
and then insert it as far as possible. If you close the Case with the silica
gel not fully inserted, the silica gel will get caught in the O-ring causing
water leakage.
≥ If the air temperature is high and the water temperature is low, condensation
may appear inside the Case. T o prevent condensation, make sure that the silica
gel (supplied) does not come into contact with the digital camera lens. To
prevent the Case fro m becoming fogged up, insert the si lica gel about
1 to 2 hours before using the Case.
4 Close the buckle.
Check that the buckle is clos ed fir m ly.
Do not insert the strap etc. in the buckle
5 After you have attached the digital camera, check one more time that no
water leaks into the Case.
∫ Not es
Check one more time that the O-ring is fitted evenly into the O-ring groove.
≥ Avoid opening or closing the Case where there is a lot of sand or dust and in humid
or wet places.
≥ If there is a sudden change in temperature, condensation may appear inside the
≥ If sunscreen or sun oil sticks to the Case, wash it off immediately with lukewarm
water to prevent reduced waterproo fness or discoloration.
∫ A t ta ch i n g th e w ei g h ts
About using the weights
Attach the weights to adjust to the preferred buoyancy when using the marine c ase.
Use them as necessa ry.
Refer to the follow in g ab ou t buoyanc y un de rwa te r.
1 If you use the digi tal camera and th e marine case only:
They will float slowly in fresh water or seawater. (Plus buoyancy)
2 If you use the digital camera, the marine case and 1 weight:
They will float even more slowly in fresh water or seawater than
(Plus buoyancy)
3 If you use the digital camera, the marine case and 2 weights:
They will sin k sl owly in fr es h wa ter or se awa te r. (Minus buoyanc y )
How to atta c h the w ei g h ts
If you use 1 weight, align the protruding part of
the weight with the tr ipo d rec e pta c le on the
marine case and then use the supplied screw
to attach it. If you use 2 weights, align the
projecting part of the second weight with the
indented part of the first weight so that the
weights do not overlap and t hen attach them
to the tripod receptacle.
∫ Not e
To prevent rusting, detach the weights after use, wipe off any salt and then store
Taking Pictures
∫ Before taking pictures underwater
Check the foll owing before diving.
Is there sufficient remaining battery power?
≥ Is there sufficient memory in the card?
≥ Is the O-ring fitted evenly into the O-ring groove?
≥ Have you chec ked that no water leaks into the Case?
≥ Is the buckle closed firmly?
∫ Taking pictures
1 Turn the camera on.
Press 1 to release the lock
and then set to [ON].
Press 2 to lock.
2 Display the scene mode menu and then set [UNDERWATER].
Read the operating instructions of the digital c amera f or details.
3 Aim the AF area on the LCD monitor at the subjec t y ou want to f ocus
4 Press 2 (/AF-L ) to focus .
•Press 2 (/AF-L) again to cancel.
5 Press the shutter button fully to take the pi cture.
∫ Not es
Before attaching the camer a to the Case, we recom m end se tti ng the clock aga in .
(Read the operating instructions of the digital camera for details.)
≥ If there are any particles floating in front of the camera, it may focus on them instead
of the subject.
≥ If there are drops of water or dirt sticking to the front glass, you may not be able to
focus properly. Be sure to wipe the front glass before taking pictures.
Tips for Taking Pictures in the Water
When the image is too bluish i n the water
1 Press 3 () several times until [] appears.
2 Press 2(AF-L)/1 ()
to adjust the whi te balance.
3 Press [MENU /SET] to fi n ish.
≥ You can also press the shutter button halfwa y to finish.
Select the best picture
Set the flash to [].
Using the auto bracket func tion (For models with an auto bracket function)
≥ Each time the shutter button is pressed, 3 pictures with different exposures are
automatically recorded. You can select the desired picture from the 3 pictures.
Use Burst mode
≥ When taking pictur es of a fast-mov ing subject (a fish etc.), you can select your
favourite picture after taking the pictures using burst mode.
≥ For more information, read the operating instructions of the digital camera.
After Use
After you have finished taking pictures, follow the steps below.
Submerge the Case in fresh water for about 30 minutes or more
without removing the digital camera to remo ve any salt crystals etc.
Press all the operatio n buttons etc. on the Case to wash away any
seawater. If the salt crystals are not removed from the buttons etc., they
will harden and the buttons will become unoperable.
Do not w ash the C as e wi th fast -r un ni ng o r p res su ri zed wate r etc . as it m a y
cause water leakage.
Wipe the wat er w ith a dry c loth that has no salt crystals sticking to it
and then dry the Case completely.
≥ Do not dry the Case by exposing it to direct sunlight. This may
damage the Case or may has ten deteriorati on of the O-ring.
Open the rear of the case to remove the digital camera.
Remove the O-ring from the Case and check that there is no rubbish
etc. in the O-ring groove.
Check that there are no scratches etc. on the O-ring while you are
applying the grease.
Be careful when remo ving the digital camera fr om the Case so that it
does not get wet.
≥ Remove the camera with clean h ands. (Wash your hands with fresh water and then
thoroughly dry them.)
≥ Thoroughl y dry an y mo is tur e on y our b od y or hair. (Be particularl y ca ref ul ab ou t any
water coming from the sleeves of your thermal suit.)
≥ When the weather or the sea is particularly bad, select a place where the dig ital
camera will not get wet e.g. indoors or where there is a roof overhead.
Cleaning and Storing
Wash the outside of the Case with water.
≥ Wash the outside of the Case until it is clean. (P20)
≥ Be sure to close the Case and then wash the outside only with water.
≥ Wipe off any dirt inside the Case with a wet, soft cloth.
≥ Do not wash the Case with high-pressure water as it may cause water leakage.
Remove the digital camera before washing the Case with water.
≥ Do not leave the digita l camera inside the Case when storing it.
≥ Store the Case in a cool, well-ventilated place.
Caution for Use
Handling of the O-ring
Do not use al c ohol, thinn e r or a chemical clean i ng age nt for clea ni n g th e O -
ring. Thus will cause damage to, or deterioration of, the O-ring.
If you will not be using the Case for a long period of time, remove the O-ring
from the O-ring groove, apply a thin coat of grease (supplied), place it in a
clean polyester bag and then store it in a cool, dark place to prevent the
surface from being damaged. When yo u use the O-ring again, thoroughly
check that it is not scratched or split.
Caution for Use (continued)
≥ Use only the specified grease. If you use other types of grease, the surface of
the O-ring may be damaged causing water leakage.
≥ The O-ring comes into contact with the sides of the C ase making the Cas e
waterproof. Do not knoc k, insert foreign materials (dirt, sa nd, hair etc.) or scratch
the O-ring or sides of the Case.
≥ Use the tips of your fingers to remove the O-ring. Do not use a pointed object as it
may scratch th e O -ring.
≥ After removing the O-ring from the rear case, wipe off any dirt, sand, hair or oth er
foreign materials on it. Also wipe the O- ring groove and the inner sides of the front
case which come into contact with the O-ring.
≥ Never us e a n O-r in g tha t ha s be en sc r atc hed or d amage d b y di rt etc . Th is wil l c au se
water leakage. Replace it with a new O-ring.
≥ After replacin g an O-ring, not using the Case for a long period of time, ope ning the
Case to attach a digital camera or to replace the battery etc., thoroughly check that
the O-ring is not scratched or spli t. Then, close the C ase and c heck that no water
leaks i nto i t b y su bmer gi ng it in a w at er t an k, ba th tu b e tc. f o r abo ut 3 min ut e s. ( P14 )
≥ O-rings are consumable products. Although the lifespan of O-rings will depend on
how well they are maintained, how often they are used and their storage conditions,
we recommend replacing them every year even if you cannot see any scratches.
∫ About maintenance
≥ Do not use the chemicals shown below for cleaning, rustproofing, defogging
or repair. Using them directly or indirectly (with a chemical spray etc.) on the
Case may cause it to crack under high pressure.
Prohibited chemicalsCautions
Volatile organic solvents/
Chemi cal cleans ers
Anticlouding agents
≥ If grease sticks to the digital camera, wipe it off with a soft, dry cloth.
≥ When wiping the inside of the Case, only use a soft, dry cloth. Wipe the inside of the
front glass with a soft, dry cloth before and after use to keep the glass clear.
Do not clean the Case with volati le organic solvents
such as alcohol, gasoline or thinner or with chemical
clean ser s. Cl ean i t w ith fr es h wa ter or luk e w a rm wa ter.
Do not use anti-corrosi ves as the metal parts of the
Case are made from stainless steel or brass. Clean it
with fresh water.
Do not use commerc ially available anti clouding
agents. Be sure to use the silica gel indicated in these
operating instr u ct ion s.
Do not use adhesives for repair. If the C ase need s to
be repaired, co nsult y our dealer .
∫ About storage and inspection after use
≥ Always take the digital camera out of the Case.
≥ Make sure that no dirt or dust is stuck to the O-ring.
≥ Thoroughl y dry the Ca se at ro om tem per at ure and then st ore it in a coo l, da rk pl ac e.
≥ We recommend that the Case b e inspected about 3 years after purchase. This
inspection in volves dismantling and cleaning the C ase, inspecting all the parts and
repairing them if necessary and checking the waterproofness of the Case using the
same hydrostatic test equipment that was used to check the waterproofness before
purchase. The c ustomer i s responsible for all transportation costs.
≥ Do not dismantle any parts or use any accessories not specified in these operating
instructions and do not al ter the Case. If the Case does not wo rk properly, consult
≥ Ce boîtier marin est conçu pour un appareil photo numérique Panasonic.
Vous pou vez prendre des photos sous l’eau à une profondeur allant jusqu’à
40 m/13 0 pieds.
≥ Dans le cas d’une infiltration d’eau provoquée par un manque de précautions,
Panasoni c n’est resp o ns abl e en aucune man iè r e de s do m ma g e s su bi s par les
produi ts (ap p ar e il ph ot o num érique, batt eries, carte, etc.) pré s ents à l’intérieur du
boîtier, du coût des photographies ou de toute s autres dépenses.
≥ Panasonic n’offre aucune compensation pour les accidents provoquant des
blessures ou des dommages.
≥ Veuillez lire le manuel d’utilisation de l’appare il photo numérique.
≥ Avant d’installer l’appareil photo numérique, immergez le boîtier dans l’eau
pendant environ 3 minutes ou plus pour vérifier son étanchéité.
∫ Manipulation du boîtier
≥ Utilisez
≥ N’utilisez pas le boîtier dans une eau de plus de 40 °C/104 °F. La chaleur peut
≥ Le boîtier est f ait de polycarbonate rési stant au choc; toutefois faites attention en
≥ Lorsque vous embarquez dans un avion, le changement de pression
≥ Ne laissez pas l’appareil photo numérique dans le boîtier pendant un long
dans les conditions s uivantes:
• Profondeur de l’eau: jusqu’à 40 m/130 pieds
• Température ambiante: 0 °C à 40 °C/32 °F à 104 °F
l’endommager et causer des infiltrations d’eau.
l’utilisant. Il peut être facilement éraflé si vous prenez des photos dans des endroits
rocheux, etc. et peut êtr e endommagé par le choc s’il venait à tomber, et c. Pour
voyager en voiture, bateau, train ou avion, emballez soigneusement le boîtier afin
d’évit er les chocs en cas de chute, etc. et ne laissez pas l’apparei l photo dans le
boîtier. Installez l’appareil photo numérique dans le boîtier uniquement si vous le
transportez sur une courte dist ance comme de l’aéroport vers le point de plongée.
(Vous ne pouvez pas réut iliser le matériau av ec lequel le boîtier a été emballé au
moment de l’achat en vue du transport.)
atmosphérique peut causer une au gmentation de la pression à l’intérieur d u boîtier
qui risque de l’endommager. Retirez le joint torique avant d’embarquer dans un
moment dans une voiture, ou un bateau exposés directement aux rayons du
soleil, etc. Le boîtier est un appareil hermétique donc sa température
intérieure peut devenir très élevée et l’appareil photo numérique peut arrêter
de fonctionner correctement. Ne laissez pas la température intérieure du
boîtier devenir trop élevée.
Avant utilisation (suite )
∫ Utilisation dans de hautes ou basses températures
Si vous ouvr ez ou fe rmez le boîtier da ns un end roit cha ud et hum ide et puis que v ous le
déplacez vers un endroit froid ou que vous plongez sous l’eau, de la condensation peut
appa raître à l’in térieur d u boîtier, la surfa c e du verre peut s ’e mbuer et l’ap pareil photo
peut être endommagé.
≥ Si vous déplacez soudainement le boîtier d’un endroit où la température de l’air ou
de l’e au est froide vers un endroit où la température est chaude, la sur face du verr e
peut s’embuer. Attendez jusqu’à ce que la température du boîtier se rapproche de la
tempé rat u re am biante avant d e pre ndre des photos.
∫ Préparatifs
≥ N’ouvrez pas et ne fermez pas le boîtier dans un endroit où il pourrait être
éclaboussé par de l’eau ou dans un endroit où le sable pourrait y pénétrer.
Nous vous conseillons d’ouvrir et de fermer le boîtier à l’intérieur.
Remplacez la batterie, la c a rte, etc. et in stallez l’a ppareil photo numérique à l’intérieur
dans un endroit peu humide .
≥ Si vous devez ouvrir ou fermer le boîtier au point de plongée pour remplacer
la batterie ou la carte, veillez à suivre les étapes suivantes.
• Choisiss ez un en droit où le boî tier ne sera pas éclab oussé par de l’e au et où le
sable ne pourra pas y pénétre r.
• Enlevez toutes les gouttes d’eau présentes entre le côté avant et le côté
boîtier et sur le loquet de verrouillage en soufflant. Enlevez complètement les
gouttes d’eau r estantes avec un chiffon sec.
• Essuyez complètement toutes les gouttes d’eau de votre corps ou vos cheveux.
• Soyez particulièrement attentif à l’eau qui a pénétré dans votre combinaison de
plongée par les manches.
• Ne touch ez pa s l’a ppar eil ph ot o num ériq ue si vos main s so nt mo uillé es d ’ea u de
mer. Mouill ez un e serv iett e avec de l’ eau dou ce et me ttez-l a à l’avanc e dan s un
sac en plastique. Utilisez cette serviette pour essuyer les gouttes d’eau et le sable
présents sur vos mains ou votre corps.
≥ Ce boîti er n’absorbe pas les chocs. Si vous placez un obje t lourd sur le boîtier ou si
vous le cognez, l’app areil photo peut être endommagé. Faites attention lorsque
vous utilisez le boîtier.
arriè re du
Lorsque vous ouvrez l’emballage pour la première fois, vérifiez
bien qu’il contient l e boîtier et tous les accessoi res et que ceux-ci
n’ont pas été endommagés lors du transport. Si vous constatez
quelque chose d’anormal, consultez votre revendeur a vant
d’utiliser le boîtier.
N’utilisez aucun autre accessoire que ceux indiqués ci-dessous.
Joint torique
Tube de graisse (pour
joint torique)
Poids (2) , Vis de fixation des poids
Gel de silice
(1 g/5 pièces)
≥ Vous pouvez retirer le diffuseur lorsque vous ne l’utilisez pas.
Alignez-le avec les repères à l’arrière
du boîtier et fixez-l e.
Manipu la tio n et en tr et ien
≥ Ne placez pas le boîtier dans un endroit où il pourrait tomber.
• Si le boîtier tombe sur votre tête ou votre pied, il vous blessera et pourra mal
≥ Ne mo di fi e z ja m a is le boît ie r.
• Si de l’eau s’introduit dans l’appareil photo numérique parce que le boîtier est
abîmé, l'appareil peut être endommagé de façon irrémédiable.
• Si vous continuez d’utiliser l’appareil photo après que l’eau s’y soit infiltrée, il peut
prendre feu.
≥ N’utilisez pas le boîtier en plongée sous-marine sans un
entraînement adéquat.
• Vous ne devez uti lis er ce b oît ie r lor s d’une pl on gé e sous- m arine qu e si v ous a v ez
été correctement entraîné et êtes qualifié pour ce sport.
≥ Ne placez jamais le boîtier, la graisse, le gel de silice ou le joint
torique à la portée des enfants.
• Si un enfan t se coince une partie du corps dans ce boîti er, cela peut provoquer
une blessure.
• Les enfants peuvent accidentellement avaler la graisse, le gel de silice ou le joint
• Consultez i mmédi at em en t v otr e médeci n si v ou s pe ns ez que v ot r e enf a nt a av a lé
de la graisse, du gel de silice ou le joint torique.
≥ N’enroulez pas la bandoulière autour de votre cou lorsque vous êtes
sous l’eau.
• Cela peut vous blesser le cou et causer une suffocation ou d’autres blessures
≥ Nettoyez toutes traces de graisse de vos mains.
• Ne mettez pas la graisse en contact avec vos yeux ou votre bouche.
≥ S’il y a des infiltrations d’ea u dans le boîtier, arrêtez immédi atement
de l’ut iliser.
• Ceci peut pr ovoq uer un choc électrique, une brûlure ou un incendie.
• Consultez votre revendeur.
≥ Si quelque chose d’anormal survient en utilisant le boît ier sous l’eau,
veuillez suivre to utes l es pr océdur es n écessa ires e t les consignes de
décompression lors de votre remontée.
• Si vous remontez trop rapidement, vous pouvez subir la ma ladie des caissons.
≥ Si de la fumée ou une chaleur , une odeur ou un bruit anormal
provient du boîtier, arrêtez de l’util iser immédiatement.
• Cela peut causer un choc électrique, une brûlure ou un incendie.
• Retirez l’appareil photo numérique du boîtier et puis retirez les batteries de
l’appareil photo.
• Consultez votre revendeur.
≥ Faites attention en ouvrant le boîtier après une infiltration d’eau.
• L’ea u qui s’es t infiltrée pe ut éclabousser ou bien l’arrière du boîtier peut se
≥ Ne laissez pas le boîtier dans un endroi t où la tempér ature est élevée.
• La température à l’intérieur du boîtier peut devenir très élevée surtout lorsqu’il est
exposé directement aux rayons du soleil sur une plage, en voyage, etc. ou
lorsqu’il es t laissé dans une voiture fermée en ple in été. La chaleur peut
endommager le boîtier ou ses él éments internes.
• Si un appareil photo numérique se trouve à l’intérieur du boîtier, celui-ci peut
également être endommagé.
• Si vous utilisez l’appareil photo numérique lorsque la tempér ature à l’intérieur du
boîtier est très élevée, cela peut causer des infiltrations, des courts-circuits ou
une pa nne d’is olation ayant pour résultat un feu ou un mauvais fonctionnement.
≥ Ne manipulez pas l’appareil photo numérique ou la batterie avec les
mains mouillées.
• Cela peut provo quer un choc électrique ou un mauvais fonctionnement.
∫ Prises de vues avec le flash
≥ Lorsque vous u tilisez le flash, les angles de l’image peuvent êtr e coupés ou l’image
peut ne pas apparaître illuminée de manière uniforme.
≥ En prenant des photos avec le fla sh, la porté e disponible de celui-ci es t plus faible
sous l’eau qu’en plein air.
1. Lev ier de zoom
2. Œillet d e la dragonne
(pour fixer la dragonne et le
diffuseur fournis)
3. Touche de zoom facile
4. Déclencheur
5. Interrup t eur de marche/arrêt
6. Molette de sélection du
7. Griff e porte-flash
stroboscopique externe de
INON Inct.
8. Couvercle avant
9. Diffuseur (fourni)
10. Vitre avant
11.Sélecteur [ENR. ]/[LECT.]
12.T ouches de fonctionnement
(Reportez-vous au m anuel
d’utilisation de l’appareil
photo num érique pou r plus
de détails s ur chaque touch e
de fonctionnem ent.
13. Couvercle arrière
14. Loquet de verrouillage
15. Levier de déverrouillage
¢1 Il s’agit d’une griffe porte- flash stroboscopique externe f abriqué par INON Inc.
Veuillez vous enqu érir auprè s de INON Inc . co nc ernant le flash
stroboscopique externe compatible.
http://www.inon.co.jp/INON_WORLD_body.html(en anglais seulement)
¢2 Les touches de fonctionnement du boîtier marin pe uvent différer légèr ement
de celles de l’appareil photo numérique utilisé. Lors de l’utilisation, consultez
les touches de fonctionnement de l’appareil photo numérique.
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