Panasonic Cx-dp88u User Manual [en, es, fr]

Changeur de CD à 8 disques
Cambiador de CD de 8 discos
Operating Instructions
Manuel d’utilisation
Manual de instrucciones
Avant ruHisation da cet appareil, lire attenevemerit las insmjct«ns du manual
at garder caka-ci pota tai usage uMnaur.
Areas da operar asta aparalo, lea todas astas nsSucoonas y guarde asta manual para
podado conaUiar en al futuro
Panasonic welcomes you to our ever growing family of electronic product owners. We know that this product wilt bring you many hours of enjoyment. Our reputation is built on precise electronic and mechanical engineer^ ing, manufactured with carefully selected components and assembled by people who take pride in their work. Once you discover the quality, reliability, and value we have built into this product, you too will be proud to be a member of our family.

□ Before Use

You must use a separately purchased and connected optional control unit (CQ-FX620U, CQ-DF800U etc.) to operate this CD changer.

□ Use This Product Safely

When Driving
Keep the volume level low enough to be aware of road and traffic conditions.

When Car Washing

Do not expose the product, including the speakers and CDs, to water or excessive moisture. This could cause electrical shorts, fire, or other damage,

When Parked

Parking in direct sunlight can produce very high temperatures inside your vehicle. Give the interior a chance to
cool down before switching the unit on.

Use the Proper Power Supply

This product is designed to operate of a 12 volt, negative ground battery system (the normal system in a North American car.)

Protect the Compact Disc Mechanism

Avoid insertion of any foreign matters to the slot of the compact disc. Failure to observe this may cause malfunction due to precise mechanism of this unit.

Use Authorized Servicenters

Do not attempt to disassemble or adjust this precision product. Please refer to the Servicenter list included with this product for service assistance.
Find the model number and serial number on either the back or bottom of the unit. Please record them in the space below and retain this booklet as a permanent record of your purchase to aid in identification in case of theft.
Before Use, Use This Product Safely
□ Laser Products ..............................................................................8
□ Location of Controls .....................................................................9
□ Preparations
How to insert a disc and how to remove a disc
□ How to Use the CD Changer Unit and Disc Magazine
How to load, and remove a CD Magazine
□ Troubleshooting
Helpful hints, troubleshooting guide, where to get service help
□ System Diagram .............................................
Basic and another example of system configuration
□ Installation Guide ........................................................................15
Precautions, V-H Screw setting, horizontal and vertical installation, electrical connection
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o o o o o
□ Special Notes..............................................................................
Notes on compact discs, caution on new discs, in case of malfunction
□ Accessories ...............................................................................
□ Specifications ..............................................................................20
.. 19
Panasonic est heureuse de vous compter parmi tes utilisateurs de ses appareils électroniques. Nous pouvons vous assurer que cet appareil vous procurera de longues heures d’agrément. Notre réputation est fondée sur une ingénierie électronique et mécanique de haute précision laquelle préside à la fabrication d’appareils ne comportant que des composants de choix assemblés par un personnel soucieux de la bonne réputation acquise par la qualité de son travail. Après avoir découvert la qualité, la valeur et la fiabilité de cet appareil, vous aussi serez fier d'être un client Panasonic. l

□ Préparatifs

L’utilisation d’une unité de commande (modèle CQ-FX620U, CQ-DF800U etc.) vendue séparément est nécessaire au fonctionnement de cet appareil.

□ Précautions de sécurité

Au volant
Régler le volume à un niveau qui ne risque pas de masquer les bruits ambiants.

Lavage de la voiture

Afin de prévenir tout risque de court-circuit ou d’incendie, ne pas exposer l’équipement, y compris les haut­parieurs et les disques, à l’eau ni à une humidité excessive.

Voiture stationnée

L’habitacle d'une voiture immobile exposée au soleil toutes vitres fermées devient rapidement très chaud. Laisser rafraîchir l'intérieur du véhicule avant d’utiliser l’appareil.

Source d’alimentation

Cet appareil est conçu pour fonctionner sur le système d’alimentation de 12 V c.c. (système standard sur les voitures de construction nord-américaine).

Mécanisme du lecteur audionumérique

Ne pas insérer d’objet dans le logement du disque. Autrement, le mécanisme ultra-précis du lecteur pourrait être irrémédiablement endommagé.


Ne pas tenter de démonter, ni de régler cet appareil de précision. Confier toute réparation à un centre de ser vice agréé figurant dans 1a liste fournie avec l’appareil.
Il est recommandé de noter, dans l’espace prévu ci-dessous, les numéros de modèle et de série inscrits soit à l’arrière soit sous le fond de l'appareil, et de conserver ce manuel comme mémorandum de l’achat afin de permettre l’identification de l’appareil en cas de vol.
Numéro de modèle; Date de l’achat:


Numéro de série
Table des matières
Préparatifs, précautions de sécurité.................................
□ Emplacement des commandes
□ Préparatifs............................................................................
Insertion et retrait des disques
□ Utilisation du lecteur/changeur et du magasin de disques ..
Chargement et retrait des magasins de disques
□ En cas de difficulté..............................................................
Conseils pratiques, guide de dépannage, service après-vente
□ Schéma synoptique.............................................................
Configuration de base et autres exemples
□ Installation
Précautions à prendre, réglage de la vis V-H, installation à l’horizontale et à la verticale, raccordements
.. Page 4
□ Généralités....................................................................................31
Remarques sur les disques audionumériqes,précautions à prendre avec des disques neufs, en cas de problème de fonctionnement
□ Accessoires .................................................................................32
□ Spécifications ..............................................................................32
Panasonic le da la bienvenida a la familia constantemente en aumento de poseedores de productos electrónicos. Nos esiorzamos en proporcionarle las ventajas de la ingeniería mecánica y electrónica de pre cisión, de una fabricación con componentes cuidadosamente seleccionados, y de un montaje realizado por
personas orgullosas de la reputación que su trabajo ha cimentado para nuestra empresa. Estamos seguros
de que este producto le proporcionará muchas horas de distracción y, una vez comprobada la calidad, el valor y la fiabilidad incoiporados, usted también se sentirá orgulloso de pertenecer a nuestra familia.

□ Antes de la utilización

Deberá utilizar una unidad de control opcional conectada, de venta por separado (CQ‘FX620U, CQ-DFSOOU,
etc.) para operar este cambiador de discos CO.

□ Use este equipo de manera segura

Cuando esté conduciendo
Mantenga el nivel del volumen suficiente bajo para poder darse cuenta de las condiciones de tráfico de la ca rretera.

Cuando esté lavando el automóvil

No exponga el equipo, incluso los altavoces y los discos compactos, al agua ni a la humedad excesiva. Eso podría causar cortocircuitos, incendio u otros daños.

Cuando haya estacionado

El estacionar bajo la luz solar directa produce temperaturas muy altas dentro de su vehículo. Asegúrese de
enfriar el interior del vehículo antes de encender la unidad.
Use la fuente de alimentación apropiada
Este equipo está diseñado para funcionar con un sistema de 12 voltios, de polaridad negativa puesta a tierra {el sistema normal en los automóviles norteamericanos).

Proteja el mecanismo del disco compacto

Evite insertar cualquier material extraño en la ranura del disco compacto. De otra manera, eso puede causar el mal funcionamiento debido al preciso mecanismo de esta unidad.

Use ios centros de servicio autorizados

No intente desmontar ni ajustar este equipo de precisión. Para solicitar ayuda relativa a los servicios de man tenimiento, refiérase a ia lista de los centros de servicio.
Busque el número del modelo y el número de serie ya sea en la parte trasera o en el fondo de la unidad. Sírvase anotar dichos números en el espacio siguiente, y mantenga este manual como una anotación perma nente de su compra para ayudar en la identificación en el caso de robo.


Antes de la utilización, Use este equipo de manera segura Página 6
□ Situación de los controles..................................................................
□ Preparativos.........................................................................................
Cómo se ponen y se sacan los discos compactos
□ Como emplear el cambiador de discos CD y el cartucho portadiscos ....
Cómo poner y sacar un cartucho de discos CD
□ Localización de avería........................................................................
Consejos útiles, guía para la solución de problemas, dónde obtener el servicio técnico
o o o o o
□ Diagrama del sistema.........................................................
Configuración básica y otro ejemplo de configuración del sistema
□ Guía de instalación
Precauciones, ajuste del tornillo V-H, instalación horizontal y vertical, conexión eléctrica
□ Notas especiales.................................................................
Notas sobre los discos compactos, precauciones sobre los discos nuevos, cuando haya cualquier condición anormal
□ Accesorios
□ Especificaciones
□ Laser Products (The standard described on this page is for U.S.A. only.)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ Caution: This product utilizes a laser. Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Laser products;
Wave Length 780 nm Laser Power No hazardous radiation is emitted with safety protection.
Do not take apart this unit or attempt to make any changes yourself.
This unit is a very intricate device that uses a laser pickup to retrieve information from the surface of com pact discs. The laser is carefully shielded so that its rays remain inside the cabinet. Therefore, never try to disassemble the player or alter any of its parts since you may be exposed to laser rays and dangerous voltages.

• Label indications and their iocations

' Identification label
Identification Label
Model No. № De Module
Manulactured by Dalian Matsushita
Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.
Dalian China Made in China
Serial No. N° De Sirie
___ _
Location of Controls

□ CD Changer Unit


□ Disc Magazine

Magazine inserting direction arrow
Note: Do not use 3” (8 cm) compact dises.

How to load and remove compact discs

• Be sure to use the magazine supplied with the unit as an accessory, or the optional magazine CA-
• Never use protect film or stabilizer, commercially available as a CD accessory, for the unit because it
• Do not use irregularly-shaped (heart-shaped, octagon, etc.) CD. Failure to observe this may cause mal
MP801D. Any other magazines can not be used. may cause trouble. function.

□ To Load a Compact Disc

d) Place the CD magazine with the disc mark lacing
upward, and pull out trays one after another from the
magazine to the stopper position.
(D Place a compact disc on the tray.
CD Push the tray straightforward into the magazine until
it clicks in position.
Note: Be careful not to insert more than one disc on a single tray to protect the unit from any unexpected trou­bies.

□ To Remove a Compact Disc

Pull out trays from the magazine to the stopper position, and take a compact disc from each of them by hand. Be careful not to allow the disc to drop to the ground while taking it out.
Note: Carefully handle the magazine since discs may be disengaged and come out, if the magazine is placed with its disc-inserting port facing downward.
Magazine with the labeled side
How to Use the CD Changer Unit and Disc Magazine

To operate the unit, refer to the operating instructions for your system.

□ To Load a CD Magazine

(T) Slide the door to the left until it is fully open with a click.
) Check the unit for its top and magazine inserting direction,
and carefully push the magazine into it until you hear a click.
(D Close the slide door fully until you hear a click.
Caution; Be sure to keep the CD unit door closed to pre vent dirt and dust from getting into the unit and causing possible malfunctions.

□ To Remove a CD Magazine

Turn the key in the ignition until the accessory indicator lights. Switch the power on of your receiver.
® Open the slide door.
@ Press the eject button (A).
The magazine will eject automatically.
(3)Pu1l the magazine straight in the arrow direction until it
comes off the unit.
For a description of the functions, refer to the operating instructions for the CD/Gas­sette Receiver.

□ Helpful Hints

• The CD changer operates in a temperature range from 14“F {-10“C) to tSt^F (SS^C).
• Improper installation or driving on rough roads may cause the CD changer to skip while playing. This wilt not damage the disc or the unit.
• Please read your Limited Warranty Card.

□ Maintenance

Your product is designed and manufactured to ensure a minimum of maintenance. Use a soft cloth for routine exterior cleaning. Never use benzine, thinner, or other solvent.

□ When Something Doesn’t Work

Check the charts on next page for possible causes and solutions to any problem you might be experiencing. Some simple checks or minor adjustments may eliminate the problem.

□ Product Servicing

If you are in doubt about the check point, or if the remedies indicated on the chart don’t solve the problem, refer to the enclosed directory of authorized Panasonic Servicenter.

□ Replacing the Fuse

Use fuses of the same specified rating (3 amps ). Using different substitutes or fuses with higher ratings, or
connecting the unit directly without a fuse, could cause fire or damage to the CD changer unit.
If the replacement fuse fails, contact your nearest Panasonic Servicenter for service.

□ Error Display Messages

C i M
n n n n
u u u u
• Numbers before El, E2 are error disc numbers.
• Display messages differ among CD/Cassette Receivers with a CD changer controller.
Displays if more than 35 numbers are memorized. This only applies when the CD/Cassette Receiver has a memory func tion.
Displays when the compact disc is dirty or when it is inverted. Next com pact disc is automatically selected.
Displays when the compact disc has a scratch on it. Next compact disc is automatically selected.
Displays when the unit stops operating for some reason. Press the eject button of changer unit.
Displays when there is no disc in the disc magazine.

□ Troubleshooting Guide

Problem Possible Cause
No sound is heard when inserting a CD magazine containing a compact disc.
Music sounds skip due to vibration.
Sounds skip occasional ly.
The compact disc is not correctiy located.
The CD changer is subject ed to dewing.
Cords are not correctly con nected.
The CD magazine is not correctly inserted.
The power switch on the CD/Cassette Receiver is not turned ON.
The CD changer is not cor rectly mounted.
The mounting screws are tightened in the wrong directions.
The compact disc is defec tive.
The compact disc is dirty.
Place it on the tray with the labeled side (on which music numbers are printed) facing upward.
Leave it intact for a white until resuming the operation.
Check the power cord of the CD/Cassette Receiver, speaker cords, and other cords for correct connection.
Refer to "Preparations" for details.
Turn on the power switch on the CD/Cassette Receiver.
Securely fix the main body with a location almost free from vibration.
Set the mark “V” or “H" of the mounting screws to the correct mounting direction.
Try other discs. If other discs are correctly
reproduced, the first disc is to blame.
Clean the compact disc. Refer to the section of “Notes on Compact Discs."
The CD magazine is not ejected.
No sound is reproduced,
even if the CD Play but ton is pressed of the CD/Cassette Receiver.
Reset Switch
The CD magazine is defec tive.
The CD magazine is not correctly inserted.
Press the reset switch with a sturdy and pointed object when any operations do not function, if the unit does not become restored even after pressing the reset switch, contact your nearest Panasonic Servicenter for service.
Press the reset switch. Contact the shop from which you purchased it or your nearest Panasonic Serviceneter.
Attempt to insert the CD magazine correctly.
System Diagram
Various types of speakers are available from your dealer. Select the speakers that suit your CD Changer Unit.

□ Basic Example of System Configuration (Cassette Receiver)

Front Right Speaker Front Left Speaker
Rear Right Speaker Rear Left Speaker

□ Basic Example of System Configuration (CD Player Receiver)

Front Left Speaker Rear Right Speaker
Rear Left Speaker
• In addition to the above system diagrams, please consult your dealer.
• This unit cannot be connected to FM modulator (CY-RM600EUC).
Subwoofer Speaker
Installation Guide

□ Precautions

If possible, this product should be professionally installed. In case of difficulty, please consult with your nearest professional installer.
1. This Product operates only in a 12-volt DC negative ground system.
2. Before performing installation and wiring, remove the negative (-) terminal of the battecy. (See note below.)
Note: Do not disconnect the negative battery terminal in vehicles with trip or navigational computers. All electronic memory settings previously registered will be lost. Take extra care to avoid short circuiting when installing the unit.
3. Follow the wiring connections diagram carefully to avoid causing damage to the unit.
4. Insulate all exposed wires to prevent short circuiting.
5. Secure all loose wires after installing the unit.
6. First, connect the extension cord O (supplied) to the CD changer and then, connect RCA pin connectors and the extension cord 8p DIN connector to the CD/Cassette Receiver. Finally, connect the battery lead (yellow) to a constant power supply.
7. Please carefully read the operating and installation instructions of any equipment connected to this unit.
8. Press the reset switch with a sturdy and pointed object when any operations do not function. If the unit does not become restored even after pressing the reset switch, contact your nearest Panasonic Servicenter for service.

□ Supplied Hardware

Description Q’ty
Hex. Bolt with Double Washers (M4 x 8 mm) 4
Base Bracket
Hex. Nut (M5) 4
Mounting Bracket (L) 1
Mounting Bracket (R)
Double-Faced Adhesive Tape
Extension Cord
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