High Power CD Player / Receiver with
Changer Control
Power Supply 12V DC (11V-16V), Sampling Frequency 32 times over sampling
test voltage 14.4V, negative DA Converter
Maximum Power Output 40Wx4ch, at 400Hz, Vol. MAX algorithm
Power Output 14W>^4{D!N45 324, at 4i2)
Tone Adjustment Range Bass; ±12 dB at 100Hz Light Source Semiconductor laser
Treble: ±12 dB at 10kHz Wavelength 780nm
Pre-Amp Output Voltage 2.0V (CD play; 1kHz 0 dB)
Output Impedance
Current Consumption
AM Radio
Frequency Range 531-1,602kHz
Usable Sensitivity
FM Stereo Radio
Frequency Range
Usable Sensitivity
Stereo Separation
6000 Signai/Noise Ratio 96 dB
Less than 2.2A (CD play)
28dB/pV (25pV, S/N 20 dB)
6dB/pV(S/N 30dB)
42dB at 1,000Hz
CD Player
MASH ■ Ibit 4-DAC system
Error Correction System Panasonic super decoding
Pick-Up Type
Frequency Response
Total Harmonic Distortion 0.01% (1,000Hz)
Wow and Flutter
Channel Separation 75 dB
Dimensions** (W^H^D) 7">'1-15/16’'’< 5-7/8
* Specifications and the design are subject to, modification wit
notice, due to improvements in technology.
** Dimensions and Weight shown are approximate.
Astigma 3-beam
20Hz-20,OOOHz,±1 dB
Below measurable limits
{178>«50x150 mm)
3lbs. 5 oz (1.5kg)
© 1999 Matsushita Communication Industrial Co.,
Ltd, All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and
distribution is a violation of law.

H Power and Sound Controls
Turn tt>e key in Ihe jgrtriion until the accessory indicator tights
Press [SOl)fiCEj(PWR) to switch on the power.
Press and hold [SOURCE] (PWR) again tor more than t second to
switch off the power.
When the power is switct>ed on for the first time, a derr>onstretion
appears on the display. To cancel this display, press [DISP]
When a CD is inserted with all the power connections performed,
the unit power will be automatically turned on, CP loading begins
and the CD la played
♦ Press (/V VOL] or [V VOL] to increase or decrease the volume
_______ ___________________
[A VOL] or [V VOL] for more tharr 0.6 seconds to
change the numeric level in sequence.
• Press [■)(MUTE)to mute ihe sound completely. When MLTTE
IS on, *MUTE' Indicator will light, and "MUTE” will blink on the
display, ,
Press [*](MUTE) again to oarwel.
Note: This unfi is equipped with an anii-volurhe-blast circuit which serves as an aiFiomatic volume level adjuster so that you will nof be deafei>ed by sudden ioud volume level
This eyetem operates a$ follows. When [SOURCE](PWR> is first pressed to switch the unrt on,
the volume level is low. After that, the volume level will gradually return lo me same level as the
one befora the power was turned off last time- The anti^volume-biast circuit will not work when
the voiume level is sal lower than poeitton 2D on the display.
j- Volume Level (01o 40)
Power and Sound Controls
Press 10 change to the balance mode.
Press tA VOL] Of [V VOL] to shift the sound volume to the left
or right SjMakers.
Press [SEL] to char>ga to the fader mode.
Press [A VOL] or L'v' VOL] io shift the sound volume 10 the front
or rear speakers
^ Selecting the Auxiliary Source
Press [SOURCE] io change to the AUX input mode.
Press (SOURCE] in the AUX rrKxte to resume the tuner mode
Allernatively. Insert a CD to change to the CD mode.
Display Controls
I Press and Hold
Press and hold {LEVEL](DIMMER) tor more than 2 seconds to
change the dimmer level from one ievel to another through the
cycle ol 3 levels as fQllows.
Dimmer 1 —» Dimmer 2 —» Dimmer 3
(Bhghi) (Medium) (Dark)
Level Meter Display Switching
While the power Is on, this indicates the strength of the radio or
CD sound source signals Press [LEVEL] to change the Level
meter setting from one Level meter to another through the cycle o*
6 kinds mode.
Balance Canter
Radio Basics
3«DSB (3-Dimensional Surround
and Super Bass)
3*DSB and Loudnaas Combination
Press [3*D] to change the combination of the 3*DSB and loudr>ess
as follows.
3*OSB Effect Lavat
• Press and bold [3^](EFFECT) for more than 3 seconds when
3*DSB Is on: the 3«DSB ettect level can be adjusted {except
durir>g radio mode using the Virtual Stereo Effect)
• Press [A VOL] or [V VOL] to select one ol the 10 volume lev
els (0 to 9)
I 3K>SBSyal*m
l( Is a new sour>d system combining 3-dimenslonal sound
from two front speakers with rear channel super bass when
i recelvirtg stereo broadcast 3*DSB also gives you a sound
I vrtth Virtual Stereo Effect from 4ch speakers when receiving
I AM monaural broadcast or FM broadcasf ir> the mor^aurai
mode. The 3*D5B empfoys Spatializer^ ICs of Desper
I Products, Inc
Audio Mode
Press [SEL] to char>ge the audio mode setting as follows.
Regular Mode VOLUME - . BASS TREBLE -
^ Bass and Treble
Press [SEL] to change to the bass (or trebtef mode
Press [A VOL] or (V' VOL] to Increase or decrease the bass (or
treble) level.
Note. If no operation is performed m the audio mode tor 5 seconds (or 2 seconds in the VOL
; mooe), the display win return Irom the audio mode (BA&rnE/BAL/FAD! to the regular operation
I mode.
Tuner Mode
Press [SOURCE] lo change the operation mode setting as follows
Tuner —» CD player CD changer control
rWrwn idivc s ■
Press [BAND] to change the band setting as follows.
*ST indicator lighis during reception of a stereo broadcast
Manual Tuning
Press [A TUNE] or [V TUNE) to tune iriahigharor tower trepuericy.
Seek Tuning
Press and hold [A TUNE] or [v TUNE] tor more than 0,5 sec
onds. then release it. Tuning will automatically slop when the signais pf the next broadcast stabon are received
er>a CD cfwrtoantcwin^ctMi

Radio Basics
MONO/LOCAL Selection
• At ths MONO saning, tha amount ol intetfaraoca tieanl wtwn
* At the LOCAL settirtg, tha station search stops automatically as
(pFM broadcast
Press ant) hoid [-¡{MONO/LOC) in the tuher mode for mote than 2
seconds to switch hetwean the MONO and LOCAL modes. Each
tims [•KMONO/LOCl is pressed, the display crtangssas taHows-
ID AM broedeaM
Press and hoid t’l(MONO/LOC) for mdre than 2 secdtids to
change the locat ri^e as follows.
Station Preset
FM1. FM2» FM3 and AM can save a msxiinum 6 siations each in
their preset station memories.
Manual Station Preset
0 Press CBAHO] to select a desired oand.
(D Use manual or seel< tuhing to find a station which is to l>e pre
® press and hold one of the preset buttons [1] to [6] lor more
I Hot*: You can change the mempry presetting by repeating
Tuning in a Preset Station
Maak aignala are received Irom an FM broadcaat station is signiticantiv decreased.
socn as strong signals are received.
set in the memory.
than 2 seconds until me display blinks.
I— Preset number
the above procedure.
Press the correspoodirg preset button [1] to [5] to tune in a preset
Auto Station Preset
Select the band, press and hold [BAND)(APM) Tor more than 2
seconds (Auto Preset Memory).
* The 6 strongest available staiior)s will be automatically saved in
the memory on preset buttons (IJ to W-
* Or>ce set, me preset stations are seguentialiy scanned for 5
seconds each.
* Press the corresponding preset button Tor the broadcast you
want to listen to.
Compact Disc Player Basics (continued)
Track Search
• Prdis and hoid TRACK] or TRACK] Idf mots than
0.5 ddcohds to advance or revered through a track.
• Reieaae [►► TRACK] or [■+* TRACK] to resume regular CO
Track Repeat
Press [REP] to repeat the current selection
Press (REP) again to caned.
1 Random Selection
Press and hold LREPl(RANOOM) Tor more than 2 seconds. All the
availabl* tracks wll be played In a гагккзт sequenoe.
Press and hold (REP](RANOOM) lor more than 2 seconds again
to cancel.
Track Scan
Press [BANDKSCANl. The display Winks, and tha first 10 secortds Dl each track on the CD are played In sequence.
Press {BANDKSCAN) again to cancel.
Direct Selection by Track Number
• Press a track number button from [1 ] to (#], The eotieapondlng
track starts playing.
• Press and hold a track number button from [7] to (12) ([1] to
[S]) lot more than 1 second. The cerresponding track starts
Compact Disc Player Basics
Loading a Disc
0 Press [OPEN] to open the Iront panel.
(t) Insert a disc with its label side facing up
Alter the disc is tnaerted, dose the iront panel manually.
• The mute is automatically turned on when a disc is 7Dserted and
the CD mode is selected.
« The mute is automattcaily turned off when the front panel is
Ejecting a Disc
0 Press [OPEN] 10 open the front panel.
Prose [A] to eject the dec, After the disc is removed, dose the
front panel manually. The previoua operation mode will resume.
Always remove the disc from the unit when the CD player is not
being used.
Note: You car> eject the disc by pressing [А]. even when
the power is off.
Starting CD Play
Press [SOURCE] to change to the CD play mode as follows, after
a disc has been inserted. Play will start automatically^
Turwr CD player CD changer control
f [Wri*n a dec 1« fWhan a CD crwr»9«r is corwwciMl
I------------------ AUX
Track Selection
• Press [^ TRACK] to advance to the next track.
• Press TRACK] to start play from the beginning of the
track now playing.
• Press [►► TRACK] or [ « TRACK] repeatedly to skip the
desired number ot tracks.
CD Changer Basics
The CO changer functions work for a product equipped with
the optional CD changer unit (sold separately)
Starting the CD Changer
Onoe the CD changer has been connected, press [SOURCE] to
change to the CD changer mode as follows. When a disc maga^
2ine is inserted, CD play starts automatically.
Tuner CD player -» CD changer control
1 (Wrwn ж sac tt I'rtaonM) (Wh«n a CD « oonnactM)
Direct Disc Selection
* Press a disc number button from [1] to (El. The corroBpor»ding
disc starts pleying.
• Press and hold a disc number button from [7] to [12] ([1] to №))
tor more than i second. TKe oorrespondif>g disc starts playing.
Track Selection
• Press TRACK] to advanc« to th* next track.
■ Press [kM TRACK] to start play from the beginning bf 1
treck now playing.
• Piesa TRACK] or I-MM TRACK] lepeetedty to skip
desired number ol tracks.