Panasonic CMS Operating Manual

Operations Manual
Version 3.1
Table of contents
Using the CMS..................................................................................................................... 3
Login ............................................................................................................................... 3
Search ............................................................................................................................. 3
Wildcard Search............................................................................................................... 3
Simple Search ................................................................................................................. 4
Advanced Search..............................................................................................................5
The CMS Player ...................................................................................................................5
Playback Controls............................................................................................................. 5
GPS/Radar/GPIO Triggers ...................................................................................................5
Snapshots ......................................................................................................................6
Audio Channel................................................................................................................. 6
Bookmarks ..................................................................................................................... 6
File Operations ................................................................................................................... 6
Verify Video Integrity ........................................................................................................6
Burn to a DVD .................................................................................................................7
Export File.....................................................................................................................7
Convert to Standard Media Format.........................................................................................7
Delete File.....................................................................................................................8
Managing the CMS....................................................................................................................8
Users and Groups.................................................................................................................8
Users ...........................................................................................................................8
Synchronize LDAP........................................................................................................... 11
File Security..................................................................................................................... 12
The Security Matrix......................................................................................................... 12
Folders and Cabinets .......................................................................................................... 12
Folders ....................................................................................................................... 12
Cabinets...................................................................................................................... 12
Associations ................................................................................................................. 14
Locations..................................................................................................................... 15
Tags .............................................................................................................................. 15
Import Media Files ............................................................................................................. 17
Import Video and Audio.................................................................................................... 17
Import Still Images ......................................................................................................... 17
Update Service ................................................................................................................. 18
System Settings................................................................................................................. 18
Parser Settings .............................................................................................................. 18
Password..................................................................................................................... 18
Storage Schedule ........................................................................................................... 18
CMS Client (Export Standalone Player) .................................................................................. 19
Home Folders................................................................................................................ 19
File Import................................................................................................................... 19
Ancept Media Server ....................................................................................................... 19
Reports .......................................................................................................................... 20
Searching reports ........................................................................................................... 20
Results ....................................................................................................................... 20
Disclaimer ................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix A: The Security Matrix ............................................................................................. 21
Appendix B: DVD Compatibility .............................................................................................. 22
Appendix C: Video Retention Policy ......................................................................................... 23
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This manual covers the operations of the CMS system features after the installation has been completed. Refer to the CMS Installation Manual to install the system before operation.
Using the CMS
Logging in to the CMS client allows connection to a server where the database and video are stored. Servers are accessed through the database drop-down menu.
1. To login to the CMS, go to Start> Insight Video Net> Insight Video Net Client or click on the desktop shortcut.
2. Select the database and domain from the menu, leaving “Local” selected if the server and client are on the same system.
3. Enter a Username and Password and click “Login.”
NOTE: The status of the login will be displayed in the Status section. Unsuccessful attempts will display including why the attempt failed.
There are three types of searches within the CMS:
Wildcard Search allows the user to type free form text in the Search Phrase field and pull up all files that pertain to that phrase.
Simple Search focuses on a single time frame search query.
Advanced Search allows search of multiple fields of metadata to help narrow down the search.
NOTE: Results from the search display in the Media Files area as lines of text. To access a file, double-click on it or right-click and press “Play.”
Wildcard Search
To perform a Wildcard Search, perform the following:
1. From the left hand navigation, select Wildcard Search.
2. In the Search Phrase field, enter the desired search criteria.
3. Press “Search.”
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Simple Search
To conduct a Simple Search, perform the following:
1. From the left hand navigation, select Simple Search.
2. Select a search category. Below are search categories that can be used for the search:
Time Frame allows the user to search based on a broad time frame.
User allows the user to search by the username associated with the video file. A drop-down list of all the
system users is available for quick searches.
Cabinet, Folder, File Title, File Description allows users to search for video files that are saved in these locations. Available folders or cabinets can be accessed by selecting the browse button.
Bookmark allows users to search based on bookmark tags that were placed in the field or within the CMS client.
Tags allow users to search based on tags.
Area/Source allows users to select a single area and source to conduct a search. A drop-down list of all
the area/source’s available for quick searches.
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Advanced Search
To conduct an Advanced Search, perform the following:
1. From the left hand navigation, select Advanced Search.
2. Fill out the fields that you would like to use
for the search:
Origin (Area/source, Camera, Username)
Video (Cabinet, Folder, Title, File Description)
Time frame
Bookmark (Event type, Description)
3. Press “Search.”
4. Located media files will be shown below. Double-click on the line of text to launch the file.
The CMS Player
The CMS Player is the interface that the user interacts with. Once the desired media file has been located, double-click to view the file or right click and select “Play.”
Playback Controls
Standard playback controls are available to Play, Stop, Pause, Fast Forward, Rewind and Slow video files. The user can also advance the file by dragging the tracker bar underneath the video screen.
NOTE: Metadata can be enabled or disabled by clicking the “Hide Meta” button.
GPS/Radar/GPIO Triggers
The CMS can support between 8 and 12 General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) triggers, depending on the recording application being used. The fields are populated by the metadata obtained from the video source.
GPS will display longitude, latitude, and speed of the source that captured the video at the time of
Radar displays the speed of the source and the source’s target at the time of capture.
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GPIO will display the trigger information as triggers are fired during capture. When triggers are fired,
the corresponding GPIO box illuminates in red, allowing the user to see what triggered the event.
To take a snapshot from a previously recorded video, perform the following:
1. Click on the camera icon button.
2. Navigate to the desired location to store the snapshot.
3. Choose the desired format from the Save as type drop-down menu.
4. Click “Save.”
Audio Channel
The user can swap between different audio channels that were utilized during the recording of the selected video. To select an audio channel, click on CH1 or CH2.
Bookmarks can be added to previously recorded video.
To add a bookmark to previously recorded video, perform the following:
1. Go to Playback Controls, and click “Add Bookmark.”
NOTE: A pop-up button will appear. There are two tabs, Current Bookmark and All Bookmarks. Current Bookmark shows information entered during the bookmark creation. All Bookmarks lists all the bookmarks for the current video file.
2. Double-click the desired bookmark to launch the video.
File Operations
NOTE: Features are only accessible to users who have been assigned rights and privileges to use them. It is highly recommended that these operations are closely considered before assigning rights and privileges.
Verify File Integrity
This process verifies that selected files have not been tampered with.
1. Assigned users have the ability to verify the video file’s integrity.
2. To verify, select the file to verify and go to File Operations> Verify File Integrity.
3. The file will go through an integrity check and a File Progress bar appears.
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4. Status from the check will be displayed in the box below.
Burn to a DVD
To create a playable version of the media file in a standardized DVD player, perform the following:
1. Insert a DVD into the tray of the media device.
2. Select the file to burn.
3. Right click on the file. Go to File Operations and select Burn to DVD.
4. The DVD will automatically search for available writeable media. Select the DVD burner to use for recording from the menu.
5. The CMS will automatically burn the selected video file to the blank DVD on the selected media drive. Once complete, the tray will eject automatically.
NOTE: G64 files are not available for the Burn to a DVD option.
Export File
1. Select the file to export.
2. Right click on the file. Go to File Operations and select Export File.
3. Navigate to the desired location to store the file.
4. Click “OK. ”
Note: Following are differences between export formats:
DVD for mat: Can only be used on a DVD device and generates a .VOB extension; goes to DVD device with no metadata, GPS or bookmarks.
Data format: Can only be used on a computer and a stand-along video player is required (i.e. Microsoft Media Player) to play. Can be exported as XM or AV file format. If this format is put into a DVD player, a message will display that indicates nothing is found.
Convert to Standard Media Format
CMS stores video in a secure file format. On occasion, other more standard formats may be needed. To convert files, perform the following:
1. Select the file to convert.
2. Right click on the file. Go to File Operations and select Convert to Standard Media Format.
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