Integrated Twin-Lens 3D Camera Recorder
AVCCAM 3-Year Warranty Repair Program*
* AG-3DA1 users qualify for a 3-year warranty on repairs.
Visit the website for details: <www.panasonic.biz/sav/pass_e>
Another Step Closer
to Natural Human Vision
The Integrated Twin-Lens 3D Camera Recorder
Accelerates 3D Video Production
Real-life 3D images are expected to find widespread application in fields ranging from movies and TV broadcasts
to industrial and educational uses. In response to the rapidly growing needs for 3D image production,
Panasonic now offers a revolutionary solution: AG-3DA1 the integrated twin-lens FULL HD 3D camera recorder.
The AG-3DA1 features a camera section with two integrated lens systems that are configured to resemble the
human eyes, and a recorder section that records left-channel and right-channel full-HD images using the high-
quality PH mode of the file-based AVCHD format. With the same approximate weight and size of a 2D camera
recorder, the AG-3DA1 is easy to handle. It's also quick to operate, as it doesn't require any adjustment
of the left and right lens alignment such as vertical gap, size difference, rotation and luminance difference.
The AG-3DA1 frees the user from the kind of complex, cumbersome procedures of a conventional rig-type 3D
camera system. Data files recorded onto a memory card are readily processed using a nonlinear editing system.
With its excellent mobility , flexibility and low cost operation, the AG-3DA1 opens the door to 3D image production.
3D Production
Right Lens 3MOS
Image Sensor
Image Sensor
Memory Card
HD SDI (Right)
Left Lens
Synchronized Lens Control
Convergence Angle Control
Left and Right Synchronized Processing
Associating Left and
Right Signals
HD SDI (Left)
Schematic of the AG-3DA1:
The left-channel and right-channel optical sections, image sensors, signal processing circuits and recording section are
precisely synchronized. The AG-3DA1 outputs left-eye and right-eye full-HD image signals as simultaneous HD-SDI video and
also records to the SD/SDHC memory cards in the AVCHD format.
The high-precision HD twin-lens system allows easy acquisition
of natural-looking 3D images.
The Integrated Structure Revolutionizes Mobility for Nimble Camera Work
Conventional rig-type 3D camera systems are large and heavy because they mount two existing cameras
onto a robust frame. They also require a separate recording system and power supply unit, which makes
the cable connection complex and restricts the location and the type of camera work. As a result, the
scenes that can be acquired with a rig-type 3D camera system are limited. The compact body of the
AG-3DA1 integrated twin-lens FULL HD 3D camera recorder weighs only 2.4 kg (5.3lb). It offers the
same portability and mobility as a conventional 2D camera recorder for flexible image acquisition.
The AG-3DA1 enhances camera work for all kinds of 3D image production.
The Twin-Lens System Sets You Free
From Complex Camera Adjustments for 3D Images
To achieve natural-looking 3D images, you need to pay close attention to the following key points
for left- and right-eye images: (1) Vertical deviation, (2) Angle deviation, (3) Difference in
brightness and color, (4) Rotation error, (5) Correct adjustment of the convergence,
(6) Appropriate image composition. With a conventional rig-type 3D camera system using two
separate cameras, these adjustments have to be made precisely for each and every scene.
The two integrated optical systems of the AG-3DA1 eliminate the need for manual
adjustments of (1) through (4), because they're performed entirely inside the camera
recorder.* The optical systems are assembled with high precision, and the lenses, image
sensors and signal processing circuits for the left and right systems are accurately
synchronized (see the diagram on the previous page). The AG-3DA1 lets you concentrate
only on the convergence adjustment and image composition.
*Fine adjustments of the vertical position, focus and iris are also possible.
Conventional Rig-Type 3D Camera Systems
Video Recorder
Integrated Twin-Lens 3D Camera Recorder